Chapter 1 I came to the world of Marvel

In 2019, April 23, 12:00 noon, just after the first half of the busy day, Robin finally broke away from the trivial work, eating a cheap lunch while swiping a movie ticket in an app on his phone! While brushing, I have to shake my head, and sigh from time to time!

“It’s too expensive, my goodness!”

“I put up with the premiere being so expensive, why are the next few performances so expensive!”

“Why are there no tickets for several days in a row, how is it possible?” Is it so easy to sell? ”


It turns out that he is struggling with the problem of movie tickets, you know that in 12 hours, it will be the time for the release of the 4th part of the Avengers, as a loyal Marvel movie fan, almost all Marvel movies will be released in the cinema after they are released, he will watch them all without missing a lot, whether it is the realistic special effects shots, or the ups and downs of the plot are deeply attracted to him! Even if his work is busy, he will make time to take a look!

It’s just that as Marvel movies become more and more popular, its ticket prices are getting higher and higher, just like in the Guangdong city where Robin is located at this moment, the ticket price of any premiere has gone to three or five hundred yuan, and almost all of them have been sold out, and even in the next few days, there are no cheap movie tickets to buy! Although in addition to fans, there may also be some scalpers, but this also shows how popular Marvel movies are at this moment!

But it is precisely because of this that it has also brought great trouble to salaried parties like Robin. After all, as a part-time worker, the income is so much, and in such a city, the cost of living is also 10 points, and after the messy expenses of rent, water and electricity are deducted, there is not much left! However, the only thing that makes Robin feel fortunate is that he does not have a girlfriend, he can save a lot of expenses every month, and he has many brothers and sisters in his family, and as an old man, he does not need to give his parents any money. Therefore, the part that can be controlled by yourself is still relatively abundant! Of course, this does not mean that he can spend money indiscriminately, after all, the price of this movie ticket is completely enough for him to eat fast food for a week!

So, Robin, who was swiping movie tickets while eating lunch, suddenly felt pressured, on the one hand, the desire for the Marvel universe, and on the other hand, the compromise to the real world! Suddenly made him embarrassed at both ends, and his head was big.

“Forget it, if I can’t find it again, I won’t go to the premiere, and I’ll watch it after a while, when the ticket price is cheaper!” In the end, Robin still made concessions to the real world, after all, watching the movie later, it has no impact, it’s just to beware of the people around him spoiling him, but if the real world can’t survive, it’s really over!

“It seems that those headlines and other apps can no longer be opened during this time, otherwise there will be spoilers everywhere, and the circle of friends can no longer be watched!” In this media era, individuals can play self-media, so in order to rub the heat, they will post what they see and hear on the media platform, so the release of such a big hit IP as a Marvel World movie will definitely not escape their clutches. Robin can already foresee that in another 12 hours, the circle he can reach will definitely be overwhelming, all about Marvel!

But sometimes fate is really so interesting, just when Robin was ready to give up continuing to swipe movie tickets, in this APP, an advertising window suddenly popped up, of course, Robin is also strange about this, in the domestic APP, there is no advertising that is a strange thing, so I am ready to turn it off casually.

But just when his finger was about to point on the fork, he looked up carefully, “Do you want to experience the Marvel Cinematic World up close?” yes/no” turned out to be not Dragon Brother’s Blue Moon game, which is really surprising.

This is a simple can’t be more simple dried tofu advertisement, there is only one sentence on it, and there are only two options, yes or no! It’s easy to see all the information in it, “Big data is really powerful now, I was just searching for information on Marvel movie tickets, and I actually recommended ads to me, and I don’t know how much privacy I can keep!” ”

At the moment of seeing this ad, he couldn’t help but complain, but he didn’t turn off the ad directly, after all, he really urgently needed to find a Marvel cheap movie ticket, so he didn’t hesitate to like the above! No way, the ads in official apps like this, although very annoying, but there will definitely be no virus, at most it is just a spam information, and it can’t waste much traffic.

But this time the spam he expected did not appear, and after Robin pressed the yes option, his eyes suddenly went black, and then fell into a whirlwind, “It’s over!” How did I forget the setting of this infinite horror! I haven’t seen how Thanos didn’t have it! ”

(End of this chapter).

Tomorrow is the day of the release of Marvel’s Avengers! This is also my new book! I hope you will support more, the setting of this book is mainly based on the movie world, which may include the world view of American dramas, but most of them will rarely be involved, because I have seen less! I also hope that the gods can provide me with some advice, thank you for your continued support!

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