Chapter 42 Begins the Slaughter (part 2 of 5).

After coming to the other party’s gate, Robin directly used his super power to dismantle the palatial gate in front of him into parts and scatter them on the ground! This time the action, he didn’t want to use any secret way to sneak in, after all, first, he was not good at it, and secondly, he didn’t need it, the other party was just some monsters that were a little stronger than normal humans, plus he had items to restrain the other party, so this trip was not worth mentioning in Robin’s eyes!

The act of demolishing the other party’s gate immediately attracted the attention of all the other party, and the alarm sounded in the other party’s internal channel: “You guys go and take a look, there is a situation on the other side of the gate, it seems that an intruder has come in, if necessary, directly kill the other party!” ”

Hearing the order from their leader, the guards who were patrolling near the gate immediately approached the position of the gate, and they took out their pistols from their arms and loaded them! Feeling the murderous aura emanating from their bodies one by one, it was obvious that these people were also baptized by killing.

It’s just that when all the people came to the gate, what appeared in their eyes was just a teenager, and at this time, the other party walked towards them fearlessly! Although I don’t know how the other party came in, the necessary deterrent is still necessary: “Stand and listen to me, little ghost, this is not a place where you can come, hurry up and get me out, otherwise we will have the right to shoot!” ”

And while everyone was observing Robin, Robin was also observing them, looking at the burly and well-equipped guards in front of him, he couldn’t help but fill his heart with envy: “It’s really rich to do whatever you want, even a bunch of vampires, there are so many people working for them!” At the moment, he also secretly made up his mind in his heart, when his wave is completed, he will also get a manor like this when he turns back, and then place a bunch of bodyguards to work for himself… However, this year was canceled by Robin himself, just halfway through the year. “Forget it, if there are too many men in the family, your harem is not safe, or in the future, it is safer to get some artificial intelligence and some robots~”

For these ordinary guards, Robin walked forward directly without putting them in his eyes, in his perception, in the basement of the villa, there was a large pile of precious metals exuding a strong attraction towards him, that was his goal!

These bodyguards, when they saw the teenager in front of them, ignored their words, and immediately opened the safety device of the pistol and aimed at him! “Don’t go any further, this is the last warning, if you take one more step, we will shoot!”

Seeing that the other party threatened himself again, Robin stopped this time, but showed a mocking look: “If I were you, I would definitely not point the pistol at me, and I will give you three seconds to quickly leave my sight, otherwise, you will definitely regret it!” After saying this, Robin walked forward again!

These battle-hardened guards, after hearing Robin’s words, the first thought at the moment was very absurd, they never thought that someone in such a place, dared to threaten themselves, and the person who threatened them was still a child who did not grow hair, and immediately had a feeling of being insulted, and they all angrily pulled the trigger and poured out all the bullets in their hands! “Anyway, it’s just a child with a broken head, and if he dies, he will die!”

It’s just that the thing that subverted their three views happened in front of their eyes, after they shot out all the bullets, the kind of effect that was like a watermelon bursting in the impression did not appear, and those bullets that were originally shot out all stopped and rotated a meter away from each other, but there was no way to move forward a little! “It seems that you are not listening to my advice, so don’t blame me for being unkind!”

The scene in front of him has long been destroyed by all the guards, coupled with the cold words spoken by the other party at this moment, suddenly made all the guards full of horror in their hearts, all of them had bad thoughts, and they stretched their hands to their waists and took out the spare magazine, “What I see in front of me must be dazzling, it must be that the other party used some trick, I don’t believe it, if you shoot another cartridge, you can’t kill him!” ”

Just when everyone had such an idea, Robin’s movements also began, and I saw him wave his hand, and the bullets that were originally stopped in the air flew back at a faster speed than when they flew over! Poof, poof, wipe, those guards who were still in shock, all accepted the bullets they shot, one by one they were beaten to pieces, lying on the ground, just in an instant, this team of caretakers and nursing homes has all been destroyed!

Looking at the corpses in one place, Robin’s brows frowned: “It’s just some ordinary humans, these people are really, they deserve to die rampant for the tiger!” Ignoring them immediately, he continued to walk towards the location of the sensing place. Speaking of which, after experiencing such a brutal killing, 123’s heart did not make the slightest wave!

(End of this chapter).

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