Chapter 64: Mr. Fantastic’s Decision

Time flies, more than a year has passed in the blink of an eye, and finally on this day, Robin faces the most important day after he came to this world, that is, he graduated! Although this is not his first college graduation, it is his most formal, and such a high-level institution abroad is far more ceremonial at the graduation ceremony than in his previous life! It’s no longer like before, everyone stands in a few rows, and then throws their hats and takes a picture.

“Congratulations, smelly boy, I didn’t expect you to graduate so soon, what are you going to do next? Where do you want to work? Do you want me to find one for you?” Nick Fury’s dark face was also very pleased in his heart after seeing Robin and wearing a bachelor’s uniform, who could have imagined that the little baby he picked up on the street many years ago was so good, and he had graduated from a high-level school in the United States at the age of 14, just imagine where he was fighting at that time?

Robin was also 10 points touched by his adoptive father’s ability to attend his graduation ceremony in his busy schedule, after all, she hadn’t seen her for a long time, and now he should have become the director, so his whereabouts were very erratic, and he hardly went home.

After hearing his words, Robin shook his head and thought to himself, what you can help me find is nothing more than to join S.H.I.E.L.D., for the time being, I still don’t have such considerations, but these words will definitely not be directly said: “No need for the time being, I will continue to study and continue to study with Mr. Reed.” “After all, it is impossible for him to let go of the thigh of the Fantastic Four, and besides, he is only 14 years old, what can he do when he goes out?” No one dares to ask for child labor. Why not go on to graduate school, or Ph.D. or something?

For his son’s answer, Nick Fury did not force too much, indeed, this little guy was always excellent so that he ignored his age: “Okay, since you have made a choice, I won’t force you, just tell me if you need to, I’m going to be busy first, see you later.” After that, he turned away very dashingly, leaving Robin with a black trench coat’s back: “This guy is also too messy, I’m afraid that others won’t pay attention to him…”

As soon as Nick Fury left, Reid came over, “That’s your father just now, let’s go, let’s go back to the research room together, and there will be good news to share with you later.” After that, without waiting for Robin’s reaction, he directly pulled him and walked out, after all, after observing that result, he couldn’t control the excitement in his heart!

After arriving at the laboratory, Robin also saw Ben who was also full of surprise, although Robin had already guessed at the moment, he still pretended to be puzzled and asked, “What’s wrong two?” How do you be happy like this? Did any of you hit the jackpot? ”

The two shook their heads with a smile in response to Robin’s question, and Reid explained, “That’s right!” Remember the cosmic storm I told you about earlier? Is it the kind that can benefit mankind? ”

Although Reid never told himself about his plan to go to space, his research content Robin was still 10 points clear, so after hearing the other party’s inquiry, he nodded immediately, so Reed continued to explain, “Yes, every trip of that cosmic storm is very long, so if you want to study it, the opportunity is very small, but the most recent one is about to appear in the orbit of the earth!” If we can seize this opportunity, there will be a major breakthrough! ”

At that moment, after hearing the other party’s words, Robin also showed a surprised look, and said with a smile: “That’s really good, then what are you waiting for, let’s go quickly!” It’s just that he is happy not with the results of the experiment, but about to acquire new abilities!

However, as soon as he said this, the two big men in front of him showed a very frustrated expression, and after sighing, he said helplessly: “But NASA has recently rejected our application for the use of the space station, and our funds are already insufficient, and it seems to be very difficult to get over!” ”

Is it really a deficiency? I think it should be, not at all… Although he complained in his heart, he still had to encourage the other party to “Don’t be discouraged!” Is there no other way? As for why he didn’t directly fund this research himself? Wouldn’t you see Goddess Susan? It’s better not to change the plot.

After a moment of calm, Reid seemed to have made up his mind, and immediately said to Ben on the side, “So be it, go find that guy, although I don’t want to see him now, but now there is no way, only he has this part of the resources!” ”

And after hearing your words, Ben was also stunned at the moment, and asked with some uncertainty, “Have you really decided?” That’s just a guy who only garbage research! ”

(End of this chapter).

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