Me and countless me

Chapter 141 Dragon and Phoenix First Tribulation

Li Ke had no doubt at all how powerful these firearms were, but he was thinking about something now.

After all, those dragons and phoenixes can still smash their heads with the stones in their hands and pierce their scales with sharp spears. Although they can fly and breathe fire, their bodies are still just the bodies of animals.

That is whether the firearms he brought will affect the research of spells.

Because no matter how you look at it, the upper limit of the spells brought by Guangchengzi is higher.

Li Ke didn't know how long it would take to develop technology to this point, but Guangchengzi could do it by reciting a spell.

Seriously, it's magical.

He didn't want his muskets to deter his clan members from learning spells.

But Huangdi and Guangchengzi were not so entangled.

"Okay, I'm ready to cast the spell."

Guangchengzi nodded. After releasing this spell, many animals would be dizzy and even unable to find their own nests. But to Guangchengzi, there is no doubt that humans are more important.

"I'll come back later, and Xuanyuan, you should be very clear about the consequences of doing this, right?"

Li Ke looked at Xuanyuan and asked seriously.

Their preparations are not sufficient. Once they are seen by the senior leaders of the Dragon and Phoenix tribe, they will be severely attacked by the dragons and phoenixes. However, if these dragons and phoenixes are allowed to wreak havoc in their territory without taking any countermeasures...

From the gap, Li Ke took a deep breath as he looked at the dragons and phoenixes still spitting flames and fighting each other in the sky.

So for a long time, the human race and most other races in this world will not be able to survive normally in this world.

Only a place where dragons and phoenixes would never dare to approach casually can these dragons and phoenixes know how to be patient and what it means to leave here.

But what worries him is that they don't have a lot of ammunition.

Huang Di looked at him and slapped Li Ke's shoulder with his big hand.

"Now that the Shennong clan is weak and Yan cannot protect the human race and keep the dragon and phoenix clan away from our tribe, we can only rely on ourselves... Although many clan members will die this way, Nuwa promised me that she is willing to Keep the Wa tribe in our tribe, and even if I die, Ke, I believe you can lead the tribe."

Huang Di was very serious, but when he said this, he paused.

"And the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan are not as united as we are. Even if those things called bullets you brought back are used up, the humans who heard about our reputation and gathered here will be enough for us to build a place with stronger defenses. In this way, Dragon and Phoenix will not dare to invade at will. "

Li Ke choked up when he heard this, because many, many people would die in this way.

"People will die, Xuanyuan, many people."

But Xuanyuan just smiled.

"But only in this way can we gather more people, let more human beings join our tribe and become our family, and then we can hear your teachings and make our human race stronger, Ke. Your conduct As noble as a saint, as your leader, even if you are unwilling to become the leader, I must make the tribe move forward... Moreover, with you here, we can indeed occupy a better place."

Li Ke was stunned, then silent.

In this era, knowledge can be said to be frighteningly valuable.

As the second-in-command of the tribe, what he does every day during this period is nothing more than collecting various plants and teaching the people in the tribe what they can eat, what they cannot eat, and how to deal with them. Able to eat.

In addition, there is the production of tools and the production of a series of things.

But in this era, with all kinds of information about future generations in his mind, Shennong's medical technology and medical technology are not worthy of carrying his shoes.

He is not joking. In this era, doctors do not exist. They are basically witches. Shennong is a great witch, or an ancestral witch.

There are also witches in their tribe who are responsible for sacrifices, that is, dancing, divination and medicine. But after he awakened with a lot of knowledge about herbal medicine, the witches in their tribe were only responsible for dancing.

There are also territorial divisions between various tribes. Except for some special tribes, the leaders of each tribe cannot be invaded casually, otherwise there will be bloody battles between human tribes. Even all members of some defeated tribes will become slaves who can be killed and enslaved casually without anyone caring.

There are quite a few of them in the tribe now.

These are all caused by the lack of productivity in this era.

Li Ke has been continuously contributing his strength and knowledge to the tribe since he was a child. Before, without the talent and strength of the hard disk spirit, he had already made the most basic bending plow and figured out how to compost. Therefore, Huang Di, who inherited the position of leader, was always under great pressure.

In this era, even the leader can only eat more and have some privileges.

But most of the time, you have to be the first to fight, do the most work, and make the greatest contribution to the tribe.

So the pressure on Huangdi is really great, but Li Ke is also very helpless. This is Huangdi. As a Chinese citizen, he is okay if he doesn't know. But if he knows, he really can't drive him away. ah!

"As long as I am the deputy leader, Xuanyuan... and I have always felt that it is a waste of manpower for the new leader to succeed and have to catch up with the previous generation of leaders, and even let the children of the previous generation of leaders act as sun companions and then shoot them dead."

But Huang Di just shook his head.

"So what if the new leader's order conflicts with the old leader's order? It's not like you and I have never eaten Yanwei. That kind of two-headed snake can't control its body at all. Even if its body is very huge, it can't attack us at all. Cause any threat... The same is true for the tribe. If you are better than me, you should become the leader. If you are not willing, then I must make a more outstanding contribution than you."

Li Ke and Huang Di had discussed this issue many times, but every time Li Ke was unwilling to drive him away and become the new leader.

Huang Di was really helpless, while Li Ke shook his head.

"Let's get through the disaster caused by the dragon and phoenix first."

At this time, the lives of the two fighting dragons and phoenixes also came to an end. The dragon was the first to die, but when he died, his claws no longer touched the body of the colorful phoenix, but used his own His claws drew a stamp-like pattern on the ground.

Feng also shed tears of blood and released his claws, allowing his blood to form the pattern he wanted on the ground.

This is the dragon seal and phoenix seal script.

But only one person present knew him.

Li Ke and Huang Di looked at Guang Chengzi at the same time, and Guang Chengzi squinted his eyes for a while before opening his mouth to explain.

"They are all telling their resentment and resentment towards Zulong and Zufeng who forced them to fight."

Li Ke was silent for a while. He didn't expect that these dragons and phoenixes were forced to fight, so he asked.

"What do Zulong and Zufeng look like? Do you know?"

When he looked at the dragon seals and phoenix seals, he felt that they seemed familiar, especially some of the lines, which made him a little strange. Guangchengzi smiled and took out the charcoal pencil Li Ke made for him and started drawing on the wall.

"Of course I know. I also visited them with my ancestor, but their attitude was very bad... Just wait a moment."

Therefore, Li Ke, in the writing of Guang Chengzi——

Saw pictures of Tyrannosaurus Rex and Archaeopteryx.

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