Me and countless me

Chapter 144 Subtle Magic

"Damn it..."

Li Ke couldn't help cursing in his heart. Although after he really came to this world, he knew that the mythological stories were not the same as those in some mythological collections, and the order was actually different.

However, when he really knew the news, he couldn't help but feel helpless and confused.


Just knowing one of this thing can make these dragons exert the power of natural disasters, the power of the phoenix that can make people lose their will to fight. He and Huangdi and others were just hit.

As long as they hear the sound and see the light, they will lose the power to resist and stand there staring at the light.

Such power has exceeded the limit of the power that humans can handle.

Seeing Li Ke frowning, Guangchengzi on the side couldn't help but speak.

"What do you seem to be worried about? Have you foreseen the future?"

Guangchengzi didn't think it was a big deal for Li Ke to be able to foresee the future. With a large population, there will always be some people with strange abilities, just like their master, who only knew a little bit of the ability to get angry when he was found by the ancestor.

In his words, he can sense the position of the stars at any time.

So if Li Ke has any special abilities, he can accept it.

And Li Ke has shown the ability to create things out of thin air, so predicting the future is nothing.

"Well... I have a vague feeling that there will be a huge disaster, and there may be more than one flood, and heavy rain..."

Li Ke looked at the top of the cave, as if looking at the sky.

If Nuwa mending the sky and Dayu controlling the flood are things of the same era, then it is better. As for the problem of mythology... At this time, everyone is not from the same tribe, and the order of mythology is not so important, so it is still possible to have only one, which is also the best result.

But if it is not the same era, it means that after Nuwa led mankind out of the danger of a flood, people in later generations will experience another flood, or even three floods.


Huangdi was silent. He remembered that there was a flood. The water of the river was because of two hundred-meter giant dragons fighting underwater. The original riverbed was constantly drilled by them, and then the river changed its path like a dragon.

At that time, a large tribe was directly submerged. He was still young and watched the tribe where his mother came from disappear in the flood. When the water of the river stabilized, the place where the tribe was originally located was left with only the river.

The river was completely changed.

The forest that was almost burned by the dragon clan was covered, forming a new river channel, and the place where the tribe was previously located was submerged.

The exposed fertile land can become a place where new forests and trees grow rapidly, but the people and things that once existed have disappeared with the change of the river water.

"Yes, the flood will only leave one or two people to rebuild the tribe and start reproducing humans."

Li Ke nodded, then looked at the surging "weak water" in front of him, thinking about how to deal with it.

But no matter how he thought about it, he could only think of one way.

"But if it is not a natural disaster, but something like a demon, ghost, god, or demon, then just kill them."

Thinking of this, Li Ke looked at Guangchengzi.

After Guangchengzi came here, he thought of one thing, that is, to find Guangchengzi's master Yuanshi Tianzun to learn magic, so as to become an immortal.

It was because he was worried about the Youxiong tribe, and Guangchengzi said that he would travel here for a while, so he stayed.

After that, he met other selves, and after getting the magical seeds, he couldn't leave in a short time.

After all, teaching people to farm is also a very troublesome thing, and it is not so easy to do.

"Guangchengzi, did your teacher Yuanshi Tianzun teach you how to fight?"

Guangchengzi nodded.

"Yes, how to use the spear and so on, and you also know the Qigong, right? And you practiced it better than me. The technique called Hunyuan Gong is quite effective, much better than what our teacher taught."

Guangchengzi pointed at Li Ke, and Li Ke was silent.

Because the internal energy they practiced was the Huashan School's mental method Hunyuan Gong...

Yes, after he got the Hunyuan Gong that Xiaoao Li Ke knew, he immediately asked Guangchengzi for advice, and then Guangchengzi said--

"It's even better than what my teacher taught!"

At that time, Li Ke didn't believe it, but when Guangchengzi taught him the Qigong he had learned, Li Ke was silent.

Because what Guangchengzi taught him was basically the most basic guiding technique, whether he could practice it was purely based on talent.

So at this time, Li Ke was not too surprised by Guangchengzi's answer, but continued to ask.

"I mean to release flames, or to pull out a person's soul and destroy it with some kind of power, or to be able to instantly move a huge stone to smash a person to death. This is a more direct spell, not to take away the sun..."

Although Li Ke knew that the latter one was more explosive, he didn't need that kind of high-end spell now!

Then Guangchengzi shook his head firmly.

"No, the teacher taught us more about management and how to live in the wilderness. Our teacher himself doesn't know these spells. Oh, there is a spell to start a fire, wait a minute..."

As he said that, Guangchengzi began to make some strange movements, dancing like a lunatic, muttering to himself, and then quickly pointed his finger.

The next moment, a small flame appeared in front of Li Ke.

This small flame floated in the air, without any material for it to burn, but it could continue to burn in the air.


"Why didn't you use this ability earlier? Let us waste so much firewood to preserve the fire!"

The Yellow Emperor's palm as big as a palm fan slapped directly on the back of Guangchengzi's head. Li Ke saw it clearly, Guangchengzi's snot was shaken out!

Guangchengzi was not angry, but just scratched the back of his head embarrassedly.

"Ah, because this flame cannot affect the outside world. Although the temperature is very high, it cannot affect the outside world at all. If you put a stone in and burn it for a while, it can melt, but when you take it out, the stone will cool down instantly and can't even be used to start a fire. It can only be used for lighting, but if the spell is not lifted, it can keep burning... It's really useless."

Li Ke: "………………"

Where is his physics teacher's coffin lid?

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