Me and countless me

Chapter 186 News about Dragon Ball

"Is this the legendary fairy bean?!"

Bulma looked at the jar in front of her and couldn't wait to open it. Then she saw countless broad bean-like creatures, and she immediately picked up one and looked at the cat fairy on the side.

"Well, this Immortal, can I eat one to try? And take some away for research and planting?"

These were the first things Bulma thought of, but she still didn't forget to speak.

"In addition, if it makes a profit, I will give you shares!"

She said this very seriously. After all, for Bulma, fairy beans are the most important thing, a thing that can completely solve the problem of human famine.

The Cat Immortal was stunned for a moment, but nodded.

"Of course. Since you have boarded Kalin Tower, you are naturally qualified to take fairy beans. As for planting or something, it doesn't matter if you can do it, but you don't have to give me money. This is not a My stuff...I just grow it."

The Cat Immortal doesn't care about what Bulma cares about. Although this will greatly change the history of mankind, since Bulma has arrived here and has the qualifications, as long as she doesn't do evil, it won't be a problem.

What the Cat Immortal cares most about is Li Ke, who is also looking at the fairy beans.

"You are here to improve your strength, but to be honest, your situation is rather strange."

The Cat Immortal looked at Li Ke and narrowed his eyes.

"You have terrifying power and potential in your body, but your basic skills are not solid. And although your bloodline contains a violent will to fight, you don't seem to like fighting very much."

Li Ke shrugged and had no objection to what the Cat Immortal said to him. Instead, he quickly grabbed a handful of fairy beans and put them in his hands, and then looked at the Cat Immortal.

After getting the fairy beans, the most important thing he should do now is to go to bed immediately and find his other self, but it would be a little rude to go now, so he still wants to chat with the Neko Immortal.

After all, this is someone else’s thing.

"Thank you for the fairy beans, Cat Immortal, this is very important to me. Also, as for your question, because for me, fighting requires a reason, just like I don't feel that the state of 'unintentional' is The strongest is the same. For me, fighting is a process of struggle, not an entertainment. Enjoying fighting does not exist for me. As for basic skills, because I rarely meet those who need me. When practicing basic skills.”

Showing a smile to the Cat Immortal, Li Ke explained his situation.

The Cat Immortal nodded. Standing in Kalin Tower, he could see many things, including Li Ke's combat effectiveness and energy index. To be honest, even the god in the sky may not be his opponent.

"But in this case, I won't be able to train and assess you, because to you, these things are meaningless..."

The Cat Immortal scratched his chin. Li Ke was more powerful than he could handle. He could have sent Li Ke to the past and let those powerful martial arts masters in history teach Li Ke and let Li Ke watch. Go to the scene where those powerful martial arts families fight against the big demon king who can threaten the world.

But the problem is that Li Ke went too far.

If this kind of thing is given to some weak people, the power of time and space will repair the traces left by itself, and troublesome things such as parallel worlds will not be created.

But Li Ke is too strong, and I don't have the ability to send him back. If I send him back, history will be 100% changed, which is not a good thing.

However, sending Li Ke directly to the temple...

The Cat Immortal glanced at the building above his head and shook his head.

Those who can be sent to the temple must be able to ride somersault clouds and use golden cudgels. They must be people with pure minds and are God's reserves.

But the Li Ke in front of me...

The base value is too high!

With a subconscious punch, he was about to become a cat cake!

The Cat Immortal looked at Li Ke, sensed Li Ke's anger, and found that although Li Ke was a kind person, he also had a lot of selfishness and desires. He had to pass the test before he could get the chance to go to the temple, but the opponent's spell was too strong and the test was too strong. Can't trap the other party...


When the Cat Immortal was in trouble, Li Ke suddenly spoke.

"I took the fairy beans you planted. We are very grateful to you, Cat Fairy. Is there anything we can do for you?"

Li Ke asked sincerely.

If you take other people's things, you must give corresponding rewards. This is the rule he has learned from elementary school, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with this rule.


The Cat Immortal touched his chin and looked at Li Ke and started to think.

"Well, I don't need anything, but..."

Looking at Li Ke, the Cat Immortal narrowed his eyes.

The earth is now in crisis, and it is in urgent need of a capable and kind person to calm the earth's crisis and prevent the earth from falling into an era of catastrophe.

But among the martial arts masters of this era, except for Li Ke and some people who accidentally went astray, no one else can.

And it also embarked on the path of technological transformation.

So now, the only one left is Li Ke.

So he thought of a way.

"Then it depends on how important the fairy beans are in your heart. If it is very important, then you have to help me solve problems for many villages. And you are not allowed to use your powerful transformation, either. You can't destroy the surrounding environment casually. For example, when you encounter a toxin that needs to be eliminated by destroying the enemy, you can blow up an entire mountain without saying a word. If you apply Qi and your body can show your current strength, then you can come back and report to me.”

The Cat Immortal smiled and said his request, while Li Ke was stunned for a moment, because this request looked like martial arts practice.

But before he could confirm this, the Cat Immortal quickly took out a booklet.

"In addition, these things can better help you practice Qi. Your perception ability is actually very good, but you are actually looking for the wrong method. And this thing can be obtained by everyone who climbs the Kalin Tower. No need to thank me."

Although he said this, Li Ke still thanked him and took the secret book. But Li Ke glanced at Bulma, who was carrying fairy beans in a large bag that looked like a woven bag, and Li Ke felt his scalp numb.

It's not that he intends to go back on his word, after all, he also intends to travel more to this world that he thought he knew before, to see if he needs to take action to avoid a nuclear war.

Helping some villages is not a big deal.

But he was more curious about something else.

"Thank you Cat Immortal, but isn't this really some kind of spiritual practice?"

The Cat Immortal just smiled and touched his belly again.

"Life is cultivation, why should we distinguish it so clearly?"

After saying that, the Cat Immortal waved his cane, attracting a large somersault cloud.

"Although you can fly, this is a reward for those who board the Cat Immortal. Only those with pure minds can sit on it without falling off... Well, you can try it somewhere where no one is, but when you need it, Just call the somersault cloud."

Li Ke looked at the somersault cloud and had no intention of trying it, but he still thanked the Cat Immortal.

However, Li Ke looked at the Cat Immortal and asked what he was most concerned about.

"Thank you very much, but I would like to ask the Cat Immortal, is there a treasure in this world that can fulfill any wish of a person?"

The moment he asked this question, Li Ke sensed that something in the Cat Immortal had become serious. The Cat Immortal, who had always been calm and calm, subconsciously tightened the scepter in his hand, his claws shaking. Not only were they exposed, their ears also turned into airplane ears, and the furry hair all exploded, revealing the exaggerated muscles underneath.

The Cat Immortal at this time, who is not a Cat Immortal, should be said to be a Tiger Immortal!

But the Cat Immortal still tried hard to maintain a calm attitude and looked at Li Ke.

"People should work hard for their own desires. Why do you ask such a question?"

As soon as Li Ke saw the appearance of the Cat Immortal, he knew that things like Dragon Balls must exist in this world, and they must have caused big trouble! So Li Ke also responded seriously to the Cat Immortal.

"Because the history of our world is abnormal, the differences between various city-states and the problems of information exchange are huge. Even the language is not unified, there is no unified weights and measures, and there are almost no differences between each city. It is an independent country, and there are great differences between cities, but they all agree with one king. Although he does not have any talents, rights, or army, there are still countless people who obey him and feel that he should be the ruler. Moreover, the food we eat also highlights a violation of the laws of nature. It is difficult for me to imagine how these fruits and vegetables can derive such wonderful effects in nature, as if they were given to humans. Gifts that are specifically designed to be used by humans...are completely different from wild plants.”

Li Ke hugged his arms and looked at the Cat Immortal.

"Is there really such a good thing in nature? So I was thinking, since there are abnormal people like me in this world, is there also some kind of magical ability that can satisfy people's fantasies? "

The Cat Immortal was silent, and Bulma also looked at Li Ke in surprise.

Bulma only discovered that the plants on earth are magical after studying botany and genetics in depth, but she didn't think much about it.

And Li Ke knew this without studying botany!

After the Cat Immortal was silent for a while, he nodded. Li Ke noticed that the Cat Immortal's ears moved during the process, but did not express any opinion on it.

And the Cat Immortal also spoke after that.

"I hope you can listen to me tell a story..."

After saying this, the Cat Immortal began to tell a story. The story was about a man who was full of blessings from his hometown, met a foreigner, and then told him the pain of being unable to make his hometown rich no matter how hard he tried. Outsider.

The strangers worked hard with him, found a treasure that could fulfill all wishes, and summoned a dragon that could fulfill all wishes.

But Shenlong would only grant one wish, and the young man answered it immediately.

“I hope we get crops that allow us humans to never have to worry about food, clothing, shelter, and transportation.”

As a result, the young people got various seeds that could make people rich, but the wealthy village was coveted by other villages, and then other kings. Foreigners and young people continued their efforts, but were eventually enslaved.

So, the stranger gave the young man a treasure again, and then the young man decided to take up this burden himself.

"I want to be a king, no, my blood, I, must become a king who wants to bring peace to the world!"

So the young man became the king of the world and worked hard to govern the world. And he told the stranger that he had accomplished everything he wanted, and asked the stranger what he wanted.

But the stranger said that he only wanted the king to keep his present heart forever, and then left.

"Then... after the king aged, he was afraid of aging and death, so he wanted to become an immortal god. Finally, he found the place where the stranger was, and wanted to get the treasure again, but the final result was that the stranger He flew to the sky, and in order to attack the foreigners and get the treasure he wished for, the king built a building as tall as the Kalin Tower, but in the end it was all in vain, so..."

When Kalinta said this, he sighed.

"He chose to make a deal with a terrible demon, abused the treasure given by the demon that could grant wishes, and cast a curse on the world."

Bulma, who was listening intently, spoke quickly.

"What curse?"

"He finally became a stone with his own thoughts, and the price of constantly using that treasure is that if no one can make wishes that do not contain their own selfishness to the treasure that can fulfill wishes, then war and the demons will It is so difficult to destroy human beings, and if war and monsters do not destroy human beings, then seven monsters that have absorbed the king’s evil desires will come to this world.”

After saying that, the Cat Immortal glanced at Li Ke, and there seemed to be encouragement in his eyes.

Li Ke: “…………”

Li Ke knew what the monster the Cat Immortal was talking about.

The monsters created by the negative energy generated by abusing the Dragon Balls are simply called evil dragons. They have abilities and personalities that correspond to their wishes.

It is the final boss of Dragon Ball GT. There are seven in total. It is a boss group with the combat power that can make all Z Fighters dispatch, and in the end they are almost unbeatable.

Especially the one-star dragon that absorbed the power of other evil dragons was destroyed only after Wukong sacrificed himself and gathered all the energy bombs in the universe that were full of positive energy.

Before that, he and Vegeta had both transformed into Super Saiyan 4, and even merged once, but they still couldn't kill this guy.


Even if he transforms into a Super Saiyan now, he only has a fighting power of a few thousand.

So looking at the expectant eyes of the Cat Immortal, Li Ke subconsciously stretched out his hand and pointed at himself, and almost said what was in his heart.

I fight the evil dragon? ?

Real or fake? ?

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