Me and countless me

Chapter 205 The Encounter of the Destined Person

For Liu Yan, this little thing is nothing. Anyone in the world who has some information now knows that the world is in bad shape. After all, the public security is already quite bad. If there are no help at home, let alone eating, people will not be able to eat. Probably all gone.

So Liu Yan didn't care about anything his sister said.

The food at home is gone, but some of them have weapons, dare to kill and rob, dare to protect the robber together, and are willing to talk some sense, then -

There will be people who are willing to send food over, and even be willing to be friends with you.

Liu Yan is very clear about this.

I just looked at my sister Liu Xiu with a little helplessness.

"Don't be so stingy all the time, sister. If people like us want to get ahead, what we need is loyalty, fairness, and proper distribution. No one dares to trample on our land and collect taxes. It's not because of my friends. So don't dislike them... After this matter is over, I will buy you new clothes. You go to play with your sister Yin Lihua. Your mother happens to be there, so remember to take care of her. "

His sister is good at everything, but she is a bit stingy, although this is because the family does not have much money, and she is indeed a bit extravagant sometimes.

But if people like them don't cultivate the appearance of being generous, treating their brothers as one of their own, and being loyal and filial, then which high-ranking family will be willing to take them in, let them do things, and make them stand out?

The girl looked at her brother and sighed.

"I know, but brother, even if this is the case, there really isn't much rice left at home."

The girl still wanted to say something, but Liu Yan shook his head.

"You go and hide for a while, I will settle this matter."

The girl was a little helpless, but her elder brother was like her father, so she could only take a few friends around her to find Deng Chen.

But before that, I have to talk to my brothers and have a drink.

Liu Yan looked at his sister and frowned, because he knew that his retainer had committed a big crime this time, killing a person from a rich and noble family, so it was really not easy to solve this time. I and my sister will probably have to hide away for a long time this time.

But hiding all the time is not a good thing.

"It would be great if a big shot appreciated us."

And while Liu Yan was thinking about this matter, Li Ke had already arrived home.

But Li Ke was not in a good mood because——

His eldest brother... died while he was away.

The moment he saw his father, Li Ke's heart skipped a beat.

Because his father was obviously pale and seemed to be nearing the end of his life.

"My are finally back..."

Seeing Li Ke coming back, his father took a deep breath. In just this moment, Li Ke felt that his energy suddenly collapsed, and he fell to the ground softly almost instantly.


Li Ke quickly rushed over and supported his lifelong father. Li Ke's mood was really hard to explain. He had only been out for three years, how could he have reached this point?

As soon as his hand touched the pulse, Li Ke's heart completely went cold, because it was a dead pulse and his life was over.

But his father's face suddenly turned rosy. He looked behind Li Ke and made a gesture of handing over his hands. Li Ke was shocked and realized that the Messenger of Impermanence had come to arrest him. Then he saw himself Dad grabbed his arm.

"Your uncle Wang Feng wants to give you his position. His son is useless. Like me, he is about to die... His son is useless... My son, there is no need to keep filial piety for me... Because your mother and Sister-in-law, and your nephew, I can only rely on you... I don't blame you, it's just a matter of time... It's just that you are kind and peaceful, but you must not pay too much for the world, this world... is not worth it …”

Before he finished speaking, Li Ke saw that his biological father's eyes were blurred, his heartbeat stopped suddenly, and a gust of wind and a familiar feeling also left him at this moment.

Li Ke was silent, feeling the last breath coming out of his father's mouth, and he felt quite painful in his heart.

But he didn't know how to vent. He originally planned to deal with his father and went to find Liu Xiu. However, seeing his father's death and his crying mother and sister-in-law, Li Ke felt that his hands and feet were weak. In the evening, I was completely dejected and didn’t know what I should do.

The housekeeper came over in tears.

"Your Majesty, the master had already prepared his coffin before he died. He said that the immortal entrusted him with a dream and he could see the young master for the last time."

Li Ke immediately knew that there was another reason why Patriarch Bodhi drove him away. He said nothing and bowed again in the direction of Fangcun Mountain on the Lingtai. No matter what, Patriarch Bodhi was able to let him see the last face of his father in this life. This is a great favor anyway.

However, within a short period of time, Li Ke had no other ideas.

But he remembered that his father would die after he became an adult. However, it was obvious that the world of Journey to the West did not follow history completely. The life spans of some small characters, such as his father and elder brother, were not like this.


A good thing for his career.

If he is still the second son, then he will not have a say in the family's property. If his father does not die early, the result will be the same.

If his uncle Wang Feng had not died and his son had not been abolished, then he would not have become the new future leader of the Wang family, and no matter what he developed, it would have been quite slow.

Therefore, a very terrifying guess appeared in Li Ke's mind.

"Could it be..."

Is this also because of destiny?

I went down the mountain and walked for the sake of the world, and destiny would clear all obstacles in front of me, allowing me to exert my own power.

Or, it is precisely because of this fate that destiny will come to me?

Looking at his father smiling and leaving, Li Ke's eyes were red.


Li Ke closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"...Nothing more."

There is reincarnation in this world, Li Ke kept reminding himself, then stood up and began to organize and arrange his father's funeral.

According to the practice of the Han Dynasty, he had to observe mourning for a long time, but just after he finished his father's funeral, a letter was delivered.

His uncle was about to die, so he asked the emperor to issue an order to ask him to serve. With the emperor's order and his father's will, Li Ke had to agree.

Because if he didn't agree, he would be cut off from the Wang family. Not to mention developing anything, it wouldn't be long before someone would come to seize his family property.

This was the ancient times, this was reality.

So Li Ke went to Chang'an with a very irritable attitude, and he finally calmed down along the way.

"The plan still needs to go on..."

Sitting in the carriage, Li Ke closed his eyes and was still wearing mourning clothes, but once he arrived in Chang'an, he had to take these things off because his uncle Wang Feng was not dead yet.

But when he arrived at Liu Xiu's hometown, Li Ke was still in a bad mood, so when Li Ke arrived in Xinxiang of this era, he couldn't help but come out to relax.

At this time, the capital of the Western Han Dynasty was still in Chang'an, so when Li Ke went to his uncle's place, he had to take the Xinxiang route. But it was not that Li Ke deliberately went to find Liu Xiu's place, because in this era, the Central Plains was slightly safer, and only fifty or sixty people could be on the road. If it was other places, without two or three hundred people, basically there was no need to think about coming back.

Mountain bandits and the like are enough to make you drink a pot, and there are many times, they are not so-called mountain bandits, but some aristocratic families.


"Xiu'er! Big brother! Look! That guy is a funeral!"

The boy named Fan Ye pointed at Li Ke who was taking a deep breath on the side of the road, and spoke to the girl dressed as the leading boy.

The people in their ten miles and eighty miles admired Liu Xiu's ability, so even if they knew that Liu Xiu was a girl, they were willing to obey the other party's dispatch, and even willing to call her big brother.

After all, Liu Xiu's family didn't have many people. If he wanted to support the family, even if he was a girl, he had to go out to work.

At this time, Liu Xiu, who was surrounded by a group of people, didn't want to cause trouble. He looked at Li Ke's convoy and shook his head.

She was carrying a straight branch. Although she didn't know what it could be used as tribute, it was indeed the "boss's proof" that her subordinates paid tribute to her.

So she waved the branch and pointed at the carriage behind Li Ke, especially the carriage of the female family members.

"It should be a funeral, or a mourning... and with female family members, just ask for some wine money, don't make trouble."

It naturally costs a lot of money to support a group of retainers, so rich people passing by like this are their prey. They don't intend to rob or something like that. They don't have the ability yet, but it's normal to cry together, mourn, and ask for some wine money and game.

The people who dare to do this are just them. Their families are either local officials or local tyrants, so in order not to cause trouble, passers-by will give something, and then they can drink.

But there must be a limit. Some people understand this limit, but some people don't.

And Liu Xiu's words are to let his younger brothers have a limit. After all, his elder brother's retainers have just committed a crime, and it is not appropriate for him to be too ostentatious.

However, things are beyond the imagination of Li Ke and Liu Xiu.

Because a group of ignorant people came.

Just when Li Ke was looking at the sky to relax his mood, dozens of people quietly surrounded him, one by one, holding swords or sticks, blocking their way forward.

Li Ke was stunned for a moment, and then saw a young man coming over, looking at them with disgust.

"Are you holding a funeral? What if you pass by us and bring bad luck?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a large group of people behind him shouted and kept approaching him.

But without Li Ke speaking, several distant relatives came over with guards, wanting to pay for the wine, and Li Ke didn't care and continued to stare at the sky in a daze.

He had experienced this kind of thing many times along the way, so it was not a big deal, and Li Ke was thinking about how to take the place of the dead.

After he came back, he carefully read the letters between his father and his uncles, as well as the letters of his eldest brother, and then he knew one thing.

The future Yuan family learned from their Wang family!

At this time, their Wang family was powerful in the court, and there were students and former officials everywhere. The emperor's order could not succeed without passing through their Wang family.

The entire court is basically controlled by their Wang family. The three highest positions belong to the Wang family. The queen mother in the palace is also from their Wang family.

Even the eunuchs are from their Wang family.

Eunuchs, relatives, court officials, their Wang family has them all.

And they are the leaders of the literati and Confucianism today!

They really don’t know what to do if they don’t seek to usurp the throne.

Originally, my uncle’s position would not have fallen to me, but who made my uncle’s son die, and then my father and my eldest brother died together, and I was the only one left in this line.

No matter how reluctant my uncle was, he had to accept it.

After all——

Who made me copy the four sentences of Hengqu and make a magical change to the study of things and knowledge for no reason!

Li Ke covered his head in some pain. This was a standard configuration for an idle prince before, which allowed his eldest brother not to worry about him taking his position, but now it’s funny. He, a salted fish, has become the only one selected!

"Wang Mang in history rose to power by virtue of his own morality, I..."

Just as Li Ke was thinking, he turned his head and saw those who blocked the road drew their swords and kicked over his guards.

"You look down on us, is this little money enough for drinking?"

In an instant, the situation became tense, and a group of people drew their swords and were about to fight. However, at this moment, Li Ke saw a dozen teenagers with sinister faces behind the group. Li Ke immediately realized that this was not a trick to get more money, but it was too late.

More than a dozen crossbow arrows instantly hit the group of guards, and even a few crossbow arrows were shot at him. The man who originally had only sticks in his hands took out the gun heads and spear heads in an instant, and then stabbed his guards!


Someone doesn't want to go to Chang'an by himself!

Li Ke immediately drew his sword and came to the side of his mother and sister-in-law's carriage to guard, but the guard in the front had been stabbed to the ground, and the dozens of teenagers rushed here in a swarm.

"Damn... The Central Plains can be so chaotic... This court is really going to die! And the local wealthy families are too rude!"

Looking at the group of people roaring and rushing towards him, Li Ke swung his sword to cut off the head of a boy who rushed too fast and took away his spear.

But because several people rushed towards his mother's carriage, he did not dare to act rashly.


A Liu Xiu in men's clothes, black hair and red eyes kicked a few gangsters away, and suddenly landed in front of Li Ke, showing Li Ke a proud smile.

"Do you want help? We will help if you pay us!"

However, when the two looked at each other, a strange feeling appeared in his heart, letting Li Ke know that the person in front of him was absolutely important to him, or in other words, his destined enemy!

"So beautiful, a woman, can still give me this feeling..."

Li Ke opened his eyes wide and instantly guessed the girl's name.

Yin Lihua!

This is definitely Yin Lihua!

Li Ke, very sure!

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