Me and countless me

Chapter 212: Auspiciousness of the Rules

"Gan! Why!"

Xingyue Li Ke hammered the floor of the black mist space hard, and his words were full of a strange wail of a defeated dog!

Hokage Li Ke on the side was so envious that his Sharingan came out!

"Wow, this person's true colors have been revealed!"

Dark Li Ke was shedding tears of blood while beating his chest, showing no envy at all and even wanting to kill someone.

But he still didn't forget to laugh at Xingyue Li Ke, who finally showed his true colors.

After all, if the other Li Kes control their bodies rationally, then the Li Ke of Xingyue simply has more powerful animal desires.

However, among these Li Ke, only one person was somewhat out of place.

This person is not Li Ke, who is definitely from the Lifan world, but the Li Ke who is now an analyst.

"Um, this is pretty much my daily routine..."

Analyst Li Ke scratched his head. His daily life was similar to that of Li Ke. During the day when he was on a mission, he would be dragged to an unknown corner by several female subordinates, like this, and then like this...

So, the next moment, French Li Ke, who was still a child, raised the wrench in his hand, pointed at him and roared out.

"Fuck him!"

So, a group of Li Ke rushed over and started beating Li Ke for saying such heart-wrenching words just like the Eighteen Bronze Men of Shaolin Temple taught Stephen Zhou.

"Ah, I don't think my life is a good one. When I was a hero, if it weren't for the strange smell of the goddess' holy water for treatment, I would have felt like I was going to die. After returning to reality, I felt like I was going to die. ”

Ripan Li Ke, whose face was already a little haggard, sat on the ground. Not only did the light of Buddha nature appear on his face, he even clasped his hands together, and his body emitted golden light.

"Color is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from color..."

All Li Ke were silent, because even if this dog coin went to the temple to become a monk, he would still be visited by beautiful masters, female benefactors, witches, monsters and so on.

It is not uncommon for the snow maidens in his family to be mermaids.

"Your world... actually has a very high energy level. Forget it... there is no point in developing your world. Those worms in your house will only make rice more expensive."

Covering his head, Li Ke, the war hammer on one side, was far away from this Li Ke. Because of the other party's unabashedly massive memory, he almost failed.

Therefore, he planned to practice arduously after returning, to temper his mind once again, and to practice deep self-cultivation again to purify his soul.

However, when he was practicing hard recently, there would always be various voices claiming to be XX gods. He didn't know if they were minions of the Four Gods of Chaos, which made him very distressed.

"Ah, that's right. After all, he just casually wrote down the appearance of a girl he likes, and a girl who looks like this girl will appear in the world. It's hard to tell if he wants to find some unorthodox parallel world. , you and my wife will also..."

Covering his head, Xingyue Li Ke even had the appearance of Sharingan in his eyes, and after a while, a spiral mask appeared, as well as the light and shadow of the divine power.

But even so, the tears of envy cannot be covered by the light and shadow of the divine power!

Seeing that everyone was paying attention to Li Ke, Xiyou, who was secretly glad that he had escaped the disaster, also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he had Tokisaki Kurumi here, and there was no guarantee that the jealous Li Ke would not come to attack him.

After all, with the increase in the number of people sharing, many Li Ke now have a completely fun-loving mentality.

Especially Xingyue Li Ke and Naruto Li Ke.

One of these two is from a wealthy background, and the other is a civil engineering boss who has been squeezed out of the labor force. He can't have sex with his girlfriend after get off work every day, and because of his age, he can't really do anything to his real girlfriend, but his body He has matured, and Tsunade also likes to tease him, and there are countless beauties to seduce him, which has caused him to accumulate a lot of psychological and physical pressure...

They are almost perverted.

Pirate Li Ke is much better, his behavior is incredibly decisive, he has no attachment to his children's personal relationships at all, he just kills people and handles official duties every day, and he touches all the women in his family by himself.

And he won't be stupid casually.

As for prehistoric Li Ke...

Journey to the West Li Ke looked at Honghuang Li Ke aside, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

This guy is hooking up with the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West in his world is the tribal leader of the cat-eared girl next to the tribe they settled in. She is a legal loli with a childlike face and big breasts...

"What a beast..."

Clenching his fists, Li Ke saw another newcomer lying on the ground, and then immediately remembered that there was another newcomer here!

So, he touched the newcomer's shoulder, then fell silent, and took a step back silently.

Not for other reasons, but because I want to stay away from Xiangrui.

This newcomer Li Ke is now frustrated because of Li Ke's enviable life, but Li Ke in Journey to the West has already seen his experience.

This Li Ke was no different from other Li Kes before. The place where he was reborn was obviously an imaginary real world.

However, this Li Ke's experience is a little outrageous.

This Li Ke went to kindergarten, but kept changing schools due to family reasons. However, every time he left that kindergarten, that kindergarten would either close down within three days, be hit by a car at night, or be merged.

Several preschools were changed due to various reasons, and these preschools did not escape this law and disappeared for various reasons when he left.

He changed elementary schools four times, one was demolished, one merged, one closed down, and one was hit by a meteor. The building of the elementary school he graduated from collapsed, but there were no casualties.

Once in junior high school, it was directly destroyed by a geyser that erupted underground. It was later turned into an attraction. The junior high school graduate was hit by the second meteorite.

On the first day of high school graduation, his high school was integrated.

On the first day of entering the university, the school was merged. On the second day, the principal was banned. When the second principal arrived in the middle of the semester, corruption came in. The new principal in the second half of the semester built a new cafeteria and then also entered. .

On the first day of the sophomore year, the secretary and the new principal were both at a loss. One was dismounted and the other was a sewing machine. During the semester, the new secretary and the new principal were both at a loss again.

In my junior year, the school was merged again, and the new principal, new secretary, and leaders went in to work on the sewing machines. During the mid-semester vacation, I happened to see the scene where all the school leaders were arrested.

On the first day of senior year, the school was consolidated again, and then on the third day, the secretary and principal went in together.

During my graduation internship, I went to two companies for internship, both of which went bankrupt.

And the day after he graduated, his school was canceled...

I went to work in the company. On the first day, the corrupt manager was found to be corrupt because his pants accidentally tore, so he went in and stepped on the sewing machine.

The next day, the boss got into a fight with someone on the way to work over a cup of soy milk, and they were arrested together to take notes. Then his notebook was stolen. When the police caught the thief to verify the situation, the thief revealed that he had evaded taxes.

So the boss liked the silver bracelet.

But the company did not close down. After paying the fine, a new boss took over.

However, on the first day the new boss took office, the HR manager's cat took his cell phone away, exposing the fact that he had accepted bribes in front of the new boss.

He felt that such a company was a bit speechless, so he resigned directly when the new boss was dealing with personnel matters.

The second after handing in the resignation letter, the boss's personal contraband warehouse caught fire. The fire department and the Drug Enforcement Bureau went together, so the boss jumped directly from the building.

There are many such things. Basically, as long as he is in the organization, no matter how big the turmoil is, there will be no problem. People who are corrupt, bribery and violate laws and disciplines will be very unlucky, and they will have their crimes committed in various nonsensical ways. The proof is exposed.

However, even without these people, once he leaves an organization, the organization will disappear at an incredible speed!

Seeing the appearance of Journey to the West Li Ke, other Li Ke curiously touched the neglected newcomer, and then subconsciously stayed away from each other.

There is no way, this ability is too scary!

Because it will even work for trade unions and various chat groups in the game!

This Li Ke has even done this, cracking down on dozens of telecom fraud groups just by joining and exiting a WeChat chat group!

As long as he joins the group and then leaves the group, there will be a telecom fraud group's nest that will harm both sides because of the fire, and the innocent people in it will magically return automatically.

Seeing other Li Ke's behavior, this auspicious Li Ke smiled and waved his hand.

"Ah, don't worry. As long as I don't have any ill intentions towards me or other people, my talent will not be activated. And in this place, there is no need to worry about this, right? And in fact, as long as I change the name of the organization after I withdraw from the organization, then It won’t disappear for some inexplicable reason.”

He had a smile on his face, while the other Li Ke had a silence on his face.

"For the first time, I have a talent that I didn't want at all..."

Naruto Li Ke's expression is quite strange, because this is so auspicious, it is simply a weapon of the law of cause and effect!

And it’s the kind of super weapon that makes no distinction between friend and foe!

The upper limit is unknown, but it is definitely a super weapon!

"I think this ability is very useful to me, but I don't know if I can get it into my hands."

The pirate Li Ke on the side raised his hand. Although he kept killing insects, there were still too many insects in the pirate world.

The purifying effect of this ability suits him well.

"Well, I'll try it."

New Daily Li Ke, that is, the university professor raised his hand, and then disappeared for a moment. Many Li Kes waited for a while, and then New Daily Li Ke came back with a strange look on his face.

"My world is successful. I just quit the Antarctic Exploration Team, and the news came over the radio that all members of the Antarctic Exploration Team are on strike. But it shouldn't be because of me... because too many people died there. …But it’s hard to say.”

New Daily Li Ke's expression is very strange, because the reason for the disbandment of the Antarctic expedition is reasonable. In the past few months, many of the university professors and students sent there went crazy or were killed or injured due to the heavy tasks. Such a situation The disbandment was also very reasonable, but it was disbanded less than three minutes after he quit...

This is very...

Reasonable yet outrageous!



All the Li Kes looked at the new Xiangrui Li Ke with an inexplicable expression. They didn't know where the other party came from, but the lethality was really strong and visible to the naked eye.

But at this time, Xiaoao Li Ke spoke.

"By the way, why do I feel that your world is very similar to the world of Ode to Joy and Love Apartment..."

Many Li Ke immediately recalled carefully and found that there was indeed a Lin Group and a lawyer named Zhang Wei in this Li Ke's world.

This Xiangrui Li Ke was quite familiar with the other party.

"Love Apartment... I remember it was completely copied from the plot of American TV series..."

Warhammer Li Ke touched his chin and complained.

"This is completely a Tzeentch act!"

Hokage Li Ke hugged his arms and expressed his indifference.

"I don't think it matters. Most articles are plagiarized. The main reason is that the localization is too rough. It gives people the feeling that it is not Chinese, but a group of Americans, especially the so-called apartment culture. If you don't look carefully before, it's okay, but if you think about it carefully, isn't that group of people the style of young people in the golden age of the United States... Who of the serious Chinese young people has time to go clubbing after work... Too out of touch with the masses."

The other Li Ke nodded. They didn't care about the plagiarism of Love Apartment.

But there are not many of their own things, and the localization is also very poor.

"Everyone complains, but don't you still finish watching it..."

Dark Li Ke rolled his eyes. He thought that some sitcoms were good to watch. At least the acting was good, and the actors were very attentive. It can be seen that they adapted and created their own things carefully. It is a rare thing in the new era that can make people sit in front of the TV.

As for plagiarism or not, most viewers don't care about this.

As long as it's good, it's over!

But the follow-up was so bad that the defects of poor localization were exposed.

At this time, French Li Ke quietly retreated, then came back, looked at everyone, and spoke with a strange expression.

"This ability is also useful in my world... This thing is an invincible weapon for stock trading..."

He just tried it, and he could actually use this ability. He first bought the stocks of a company he joined, mainly buying the decline, and then withdrew from the company that was in its heyday. Then, in less than thirty seconds, the company went bankrupt, and then he made a fortune directly!

So, he touched his chin, looked at everyone, and raised a finger.

"Hey, you said, if I become an American citizen and then withdraw..."

All the Li Ke seemed to have seen a new world, and Naruto Li Ke laughed after thinking.

"Before that, France will be finished first, but..."

Naruto Li Ke showed a rampant smile.

"If my world is useful, then I can use this to deal with other villages. At most, I can change the name of Konoha and call it New Konoha!"

He wants to create a new Konoha!

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