Me and countless me

Chapter 8 The perspective of the second generation

The current Konoha Hospital doesn't care much about the health of a ninja like him who is out of danger, so after Li Ke's vital signs stabilized, Li Ke was sent out of the hospital.

When leaving the hospital, he not only saw Yuhi Kurenai and Asuma who came to greet him, but also a lot of dying ninjas who were sent to the hospital, as well as a large number of ninjas with mutilated limbs.

But more of them are those who have just died and are put on the corpse truck, and then they need to be forced to free up their beds. The patient who was in the same room as Li Ke was kicked out of the hospital after the sutures were completed. He had to change dressings and other things by himself.

But with Yurihong's company, Li Ke is still very happy.

But it's obvious that the evil Thousand-Hand Old Ghost doesn't care at all about the ambiguous atmosphere between the just Li Ke and his girlfriend.

Even after Li Ke was discharged from Konoha Hospital and went shopping on the street with Yuhi Kurenai, the evil Senju old ghost still kept talking in his mind.

"The most important thing you should do now is practice and exercise instead of wasting time with her. Moreover, you'd better not show off your abnormal recovery ability. After all, for ninjas, all your information must be kept secret. , after all, the battle of ninjas is the battle of intelligence..."

Li Ke listened to Qianju Tobirama's teachings in his mind, while happily feeding each other meatballs with Yuri Hong.

In the past, he didn't like this kind of mixture of flour, sugar and oil at all, but since he became a ninja, ordinary people's sweets can hardly satisfy him who often needs to go to the battlefield.

Ninja fighting consumes a lot of energy, and the mental oppression is also very terrible, so this kind of thing that he didn't like to touch before has now become a delicious delicacy.

However, when Li Ke was eating, he still shared his taste with Qianju Tojian who was still chattering in his body, making Qianju Tojian stunned for a moment.


"Is it so wasteful? It's too sweet and wasteful. This is still during the war..."

Senju Tobirama felt the sweetness in his mouth and couldn't help but speak.

Li Ke, on the other hand, was a little silent about Qianju Tobijian's words. Sensing Li Ke's emotional change, Yuri Hong on one side tilted her head, looked at Li Ke whose right hand was still hanging, and asked.

"Well, is it because the meatballs are not sweet enough?"

Li Ke shook his head and looked at the Uchiha clan's station.

"After all, it's a war period. It's understandable that it's not very sweet, but..."

It's not that he came here on purpose, but because the best commercial street is next to the Uchiha residence, so he can now see that among the Uchiha tribe, there are also many Uchiha people wearing white flowers in memory of the dead. and armband.

Moreover, the most popular store on the commercial street is not the dessert shop or snack shop, but the funeral supplies store in front and the store that orders black Japanese dresses for funerals.

The bustling crowds were buying various items with expressionless faces. Some were clearly in a pinch, while others were sighing.

But everyone still wants to let their loved ones leave with dignity as much as possible.

When women and old people meet, they talk not about what they are going to eat today, or how their children and grandchildren are doing, but about inviting each other to attend funerals, and who is going to have a funeral again.

This is war.

Recalling that hellish scene, the meatballs in my mouth were no longer sweet, but tasteless like plasticine.

But even so, he was lucky, because by teaming up with the Hokage's son, there was no way he would be sent on a death mission.

However, he still felt like he had entered hell.

"Just what?"

Xihihong saw that Li Ke was thinking and not speaking, so she asked, but when she saw what those people bought, she silently grabbed Li Ke's clothes.

"...I'm just thinking, how great it would be if there was only one ninja village in this world."

Li Ke expressed his thoughts directly, but he actually wanted to know why not.

Especially after coming to this world and going to the battlefield in person, he was eager to know everything.

Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, and Uchiha Madara, each possesses powerful enough force.

But why not unify the ninja world?

"...Boy, it's not that simple."

Qianju Tojian's voice appeared again. He thought for a moment and decided to talk to Li Ke more.

"If you want to build a world where war is impossible, you must have sufficient abilities. This ability is not just about force and ninjutsu. In short, it is too early to think about these things."

He didn't know Li Ke well enough, so he didn't really want to discuss such issues with Li Ke, but Li Ke couldn't help but ask.

"Is it because there are not enough managers? Or is it because of the problem of the Shodaime-sama? Or is it the opposition of the daimyo and the lack of funds?"

Li Ke asked his question, and Qianju Tojian really couldn't understand Li Ke.

"It's incredible that you can even think of these things."

Senju Tobirama only encountered these problems of Li Ke when he established Konoha Village, but he refuted Li Ke's words.

"Both, but neither."

His tone was a little sad.

"These are just appearances. In fact, the real reason is trust and recognition."


"Yes, although the eldest brother established Konoha Village, Uchiha Madara also brought the Uchiha clan to join Konoha and shook hands to make peace, but how could hatred be eliminated so easily? At the beginning of Konoha's establishment, although there were Uchiha Madara’s help, but there is actually no harmony in Konoha Village, and friction often occurs.”

When Senju Tobirama said this, he spoke again.

"Moreover, the Konoha Village at that time was not trusted by any employer, because they were worried that the Uchiha and Senju ninjas would not be able to perform tasks together normally. Therefore, the Konoha Village, which lacked trust, was in a state of distrust for a long time. They were all very short of money. The situation didn't get better until the elder brother invited the Sarutobi clan, the Shimura clan, and the Inorakacho clan who were within the attack range of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan."

Li Ke nodded.

"In other words, because the so-called village structure has just been established, everyone cannot trust each other, and employers cannot trust the Ninja Village, so there are very few talents for management and money for operations, right?"

Senju Tobirama gave an affirmative answer.

"Yes, and what really changed all this was the marriage between the eldest brother and the Uzushio Village. That clan not only gave a lot of money, political and military support, but also gave them sealing techniques that were enough to seal monsters like tailed beasts. ...You know, before that, tailed beasts would often wreak havoc on the entire world. Therefore, the ninjas of Konoha Village would all have the symbol of the whirlpool on their backs."

Speaking of this, Li Ke could clearly feel that Qian Shu Feijian was in a very low mood.

"It is a pity that when Konoha Village finally gained a foothold with the help of Uzushio Village, and by annihilating those ninja families and bandits who often looted, it gained the trust of the Fire Country's daimyo and gained a more stable position. When financial support was provided, other countries also established their own ninja villages.”

When he said this, Qianju Tojian hesitated for a while, because he was not sure whether Li Ke could understand it or whether he would understand it wrong.

After all, he didn't know Li Ke well. Talking to Li Ke so rashly could easily ruin a child's future.

But after thinking about Li Ke's temperament and character, as well as his huge potential, he sighed softly and chose to take a little risk and continue.

"At this time, the Ninja Village was still very loose. The various Ninja clans actually joined simply to avoid being exterminated by other families who united. The Ninja clan did not have the recognition of a country or a village... For example, this is the case with the Hyuga clan. Therefore, if the eldest brother and Uchiha Madara lead their own ninja armies to attack, they can indeed suppress a country by themselves, but they will not have a stable rear at all, because the various tribes in Konoha at that time could not be trusted by us.

And even my eldest brother Hashirama will be at risk of being attacked and killed after continuous attacks and battles. And after other ninja villages have suffered devastating blows, someone may not launch a suicide attack on Konoha Village, and this is unacceptable to us, because once such a blow is suffered, the establishment in the name of peace The Ninja Village will collapse instantly, and our clan members will be killed by other Ninja clan members who escape.

At that time, even if we can take revenge, it will be meaningless for the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan with only the three of us left.

Moreover, the eldest brother's wish is to build a peaceful place, not to rule a ninja world full of ruins. However, based on the thinking of the ninjas at that time, it was difficult to determine whether you came to exterminate the clan or conquer them. They were also very It's hard to believe that there are such powerful ninjas as my big brother in this world.

When the reputation and trust between the eldest brother and the Leaf Village were established, the daimyo of each country quickly connected with other ninja villages. In order to prevent the daimyo of the Fire Country from cutting off their supply to us, we would have enough. The interests of the various ninja clans in Konoha Village have completely united, and my eldest brother chose to stop and sell the tailed beasts for money..."

When Senju Tobirama said this, his tone already gave people a feeling of helplessness and sadness, and he even gritted his teeth.

Li Ke felt that this should be the reason why Senju Hashirama insisted on selling the tailed beast and the other party did not want to use force to establish order, but the doubts in his heart were completely eliminated.

"I roughly understand...that is to say, the process of establishing a ninja village is actually a process of establishing trust and a common understanding, a process of reversing the ninja's family-based thinking, so that the ninja can no longer need to Instead of relying on the family to survive, you can rely on the village to survive in the ninja world as a separate ninja family.

Therefore, if you want to establish a unified ninja world, you naturally need a common understanding and enough trust. So in order to build this trust, you gave up a lot of things, including independent financial rights and some strategic concessions? "

Li Ke's answer made Senju Tobirama feel happy for a long time, because even if Li Ke is a war maniac, if he can think of this, the war he launches will be a war that can benefit Konoha Village.

Don't worry about President Li Ke being crooked.

And this child does have the thinking ability of Naruto! Even far surpassing his big brother and monkey!

His eldest brother knew what was happening but didn't know why, and the monkey...

Senju Tobirama didn't really want to comment, but based on the available information, he could only say that Monkey had done his best.

The third generation of Konoha Village has done his best to do the best he can.

So, his voice also carried a teasing tone.

"It depends on how you look at it. In the eyes of the Fire Country Daimyo, we are a group of bandits who have forcibly occupied part of his territory and kidnapped his military and public security capabilities. We also have to collect protection fees from him regularly, making him a..."

"Paper Daimyo?"

"It's a very appropriate description."

Senju Tobirama praised, and then Li Ke continued to speak.

"So, in other words, as long as Konoha Village can develop smoothly, with the help of the favorable environment of the Fire Country and sufficient funds, it can gradually increase more economic sources, and then step by step erode the entire ninja world?"

He can understand this step. After all, it's just a matter of building high walls, storing up food, and slowly becoming king.

He didn't ask why Senju Hashirama didn't use his powerful strength to forcibly establish order and peace, because if Senju Hashirama did this, he would not be Senju Hashirama.

Senju Tobirama did not directly answer Li Ke's question, but answered with a sentence that made Li Ke frown.

"As long as the Hokage can recognize how peace comes, it's fine. But if it is this era, if a ninja with strong power and firm will is willing to keep the ninja world peaceful forever... then Konoha Village is no longer the loose, temporary alliance that can be blown down at the first blow... Because they have realized how terrible the power of Konoha is, so Konoha has enough power to protect the person that ninja cares about."

Li Ke was a little creepy when he heard these words, because he was sure that the 'powerful ninja' mentioned by Senju Tobirama was probably him.

But he has no blood limit, and no powerful chakra...

"Evil old ghost Senju, is he planning to trick me into summoning Senju Hashirama?! Then let Senju Hashirama control my body to unify the ninja world and complete what they didn't do in their lifetime?"

The more Li Ke thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. After all, Senju Tobirama had been encouraging him to practice blood limit. If he said that he had the talent of wood escape later, and asked him to summon Senju Hashirama to help him practice wood escape, this guess might be true!

"And with Senju Tobirama's personality and moral value, he really can do such a thing..."

Li Ke, who was alert in an instant, felt that it was still necessary to give less of his body authority to this evil old ghost Senju when he was sleeping! To prevent him from doing things to him.

It's decided, I'll call Senju Tobirama the evil old ghost Senju from now on!

"Oh, by the way, hurry up and stop your unnecessary wandering. Because I want to see if you can learn the Flying Thunder God Technique, and how much of my Water Style Ninjutsu you can learn."

Li Ke was stunned for a moment, and then a voice appeared in his heart.

The Second Generation Senju Tobirama will always be my mentor and friend!

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