9 Dont do that again

Sandy was listening into her headphones, playing his favorite rockstar music. She started dancing and playing guitar in the air as the beat goes.

*knocks at the door*

The music were so loud that she didnt even heard the knocking at her door.

\"Sandy, open up, Mr. Reil is here\" her mother said behind the door.

\"This kid...\" Sandys' mother said with dissapointment.

\"....just go in Mr. Reil, shes probably listening to music\"

\"Thank you\" Reil open the door, and saw Sandy dancing in the midst air is the first thing he saw. He slowly shut the door and watched her doing her thing.

(sings) \"Now hes a superstar, slamming on his guitar.....(sings)

\"Ahh!\" Sandy exclaimed when she saw Reil watchig her from behind.

\"How long have you been there?\" she asked removing her headphone.

\"About a minute ago\" Reil walks towards the nearest chair and help himself out.

\"What do you want?\" Sandy sat on her bed.

\"I want to talk about yesterday\" Sandy looked at him, questioning his statement.

\"What about it?\"

\"What happened yesterday, i dont want it to happen again, I dont like it\"

Sandy suddenly smiles naughtely. She thought that Reil doesnt like being touched. Sandy suddenly had an idea.

If Mr. Reil doesnt like to be touched then he himself will back out if she continue to do so.

Sandy looked at him with a grin.

\"Which part of what happened yesterday you dont like\" she said slowly walking around the room.

\"All of it\"

Reil commanded and started walking towards the door. But he stopped when Sandy grab his hand. He can feel his heartbeat gone wild.

\"But what if, I dont listen\" Sandy said with a grin.

Reil crunches his muscles just to stop himself from doing something to her. With all the force he could gather, he remove her hand from his and walks towards the door.

\" Dont say I didnt warn you\" The last this he said before leaving the room.

Sandy burst into laughter. She couldnt imagine that Reil can be as shy as he was before he leaves.

\"Cant imagine he has a his cute side\" she said while laughing to death. \"Wait what....\" then she stops, realizing something.

\"He wasnt cute, nuh-uh\" she convined herself.

\"Nah, just forget about it\" She drop hwr body to her bed pretending nothing had happened.


\"Mom, what is this!\" Sandys voice echoed in the house. She was furious when she saw the aqua blue flowy dress in her bed. She was supposed to wear it.

\"No way, im not going to wear it\"

\"Wether you like it or not, you are going to wear it\" Sandy turn her head to her mothers'

\"But mom, you know I dont like this kind of stuff, why letting me do something i dont like\"

\"It was your grandfathers order\"

\"No, No, no way\" she refuse and walks towards her closet. But her world suddey shut down when she saw all her stuff were gone.

\" What is the meaning of this?!\"

\"Your grandfather ordered to change all your clothes\"

\"What! Mom this is too much!!\" she said angrily.

\"Im sorry dear, it was your grandpa's order, now hurry up, your going to be late\"


\"Miss, how long are you going to sit inside the car, your class is about to start\" The driver said to her. She was sitting there for about 5 mins already.

\"Do you have any jacket or coat?\"

\"Im sorry Miss, i dont have one today\" Sandy rolled her eyes and sighs.

\"Damn! I hate my life\" she opens the door and start walking towards the gate. She was so pissed that she doesnt even payed attention to the students who were looking at her.

\"Hey there Sandy, Nice dress\" she stops when she saw Stein walking towards her. He was wearing his simple outfit, coated with his white jacket.

\"Nice try, Mr. president\" she said with a frown.

\"I have some extra gym outfit in my locker, wanna change clothes\" her face suddenly lits.

\" You bet, thanks God your a life saver!\" she said with a smile.

\"Not a single step\"

Both of them turn their heads to the man who was walking towards them. Sandy's eyes widen when she saw that man walking towards them. It was Mr. Reil.

\"Now what do you want\" She said rolling her eyes.

\"You are not going anywhere with him\" Reil commanded.

\"And why not!\"

\"Because i said so!\" they stared at each other intensely.

\"Uhm sorry to intrude but who are you?\" Stein said breaking their stare. Reil looked at him coldly.

\"Who gave you the right to talk to her?\" Stein gave him his smile. A smile with meaning in it.

\"Im her friend, that gave me the right\" Stein stated.

\"Im his fiance\" Reil said proudly. Stein looked at Sandy while rolling her eyes with disagreement. Stein shows a very assuring grin

\"Fiance? So you mean your not married yet, right, Sandy?\" Sandy looked at him with reassurance.

\"You bet, my grandparents arranged it, i just knew it a few days ago\"

\"Hmm i see...\" Stein grab Sandys' shoulder and pushes it towards him, hugging her half.

\"Well, you see, Mr. Fiance of my friend, which is still not married, my Sandy here is having a very bad day because of you suddenly coming to her life, so im gonna accompany her to change her clothes that you forcing her to wear\" Stein said with a winning grin and pulls Sandy towards his locker. Reil left standing there stoping himself from punching the man whom he called himself the friend of his fiance.

While on the other side.

\" You done changing?\" Stein asked as he waits outside the girls comfort room. Sandy comes out waering his gym clothes. It was big but enough to make her feel comfortable.

\"Yeah, thank you Stein, you really are a life saver\"

\" Glad to be of help, and now that you are officially my friend, dont hesitate to call me\" Sandy chuckles from his jolliness.

\"Well im off, we still have a class you know, Ill call you later, lets have lunch together\" Sandy cant let herself blush.

\" But you dont have my number\"

Stein looked at her with a sweet smile.

\"I have it a long time ago, i have my ways you know, see you later Sandy\"


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