Me and my Husband Sleep in a Coffin

Chapter 48: My perfect skin

I am evil.

I am in the abyss.

I never concealed.

Until the person I love is in light.

So, I drew a perfect picture and then covered it on my face...


The huge underground palace, the wide platform, and the peach blossoms full of trees, I was happy when I was nailed to the tree and watched him come back to life to knock down the human named Zhen Bei on the ground.

Brother is not dead, everything has a chance to be recovered.

But when Brother said he remembered everything, I lowered my head.

That human being constantly encouraged brothers to leave me and leave the underground palace...

Ah, I really miss...

Under the acacia tree, the wind is nailed to the tree, and it seems like it has been pulled out of the soul, leaving only the body. The desperate breath is overwhelming, as if the weak who is in fear is so helpless.

It is unbearable and harsh.

But actually?

When the wind hung down, the overly feminine and beautiful face was buried in the shadows. A pair of scarlet pupils almost occupied the eye sockets, and the blood-red eyes swayed slightly. After losing power, the gray-gray skin with an unknown taste of death, twisted and crazy Gradually spread from the corner of the lips to the corners of the eyes-

Ah, I really miss...

Are you leaving me? No, have I allowed it?

The reddish-brown lines of his eyebrows burned somberly, he bit his lips gently, the soft lip flesh slashed from the gap between his teeth, and the sweet little beads popped out of the wound.

I really want to...

He moved his hands, and the wooden pegs that penetrated his palms passed through the flesh and passed the pain of bloating and itching.

Can you break away, should you break away...

The deep grief on his face seemed to say: "I have a bitter, I have to do" skin, but the heart is viciously bloodthirsty, showing fangs and staring closely at the back of the man.

Do you want to leave me? It will die...not me, but you.

Brother-brother-if you choose to leave with him, I will kill you, break your meat, break your bones, swallow you from the beginning, a little, a little...

We should be together, counting from when you left me, how much time should I eat you in order to wait for you for how long?

One day is one piece, one year is 365 pieces, what? What is a thousand years?

Every day in this underground palace, I was thinking-the head and expression of the dripping wind exudes crazy paranoia in the dark-every day I think if one day my brother wakes up and is not controlled by my blood, he will quarrel and leave what should I do?

Scarlet eyes rolled up, clinging to the direction of the upper eyelid, peeping at the answer of the person he loved?

Pitiful? Humble? Put down all to ask the other party to stay?

Yes, Wenfeng can do it. He painted the most perfect skin on his face. It will be like a demon at a disadvantage. It will whisper softly, sincerely plead, and look down at his lover.

He will use the most favorable posture to cater to his lover's posture, and what his lover likes, he will become what kind of skin.

When the other side softens, the benevolent and loving disarms, the moment is the victory of the devil, imprisonment, **** and violent possession!

Brother, I don’t want to scare you or make you hurt.

So hurry up? Quickly reject him, come to my side and hug me, and then tell me that you will never run away.

The face in the shadow is too calm and too cold. The smile that is too good-looking on the spreading blue-gray of death spreads like a horror painting. The overly beautiful man's face on the painting begins to crack and peel off, revealing evil Evil face.

But he didn't wait for the moment of all'flaking'.

His brother saw through the bad lies of the man who made him laugh, and then he came over and saw his disguised ‘skin’.

[Okay, okay, don’t die like this, I recovered my memory, so I made sure one thing. 】

Wen Feng raised his head and ‘skin’ made a heartless expression.

Brother squatted in front of him, holding his chin with his hand, and placed one hand on the side of his face, grinning to reveal a small tiger's teeth, and his eyes were curved.

[I’m sure, I have forgiven you for a long time. Whether it’s me a thousand years ago or today, I always love you, Xiaowenzi. We will be together in the future. This time will never be separated! 】

Hug tightly.

The devil waited until the moment his lover put down his disguise...

Wen Feng tried to rest his head on the neck of the man who gave him his arms, frowning as if he was sad. He was glad to regain the hard-won feelings, but his face—

——The **** lips slowly pulled up with a sickle-like smile, and the scarlet eyes narrowed.


[You cannot escape. 】

Brother said he would let go of the man who made him sick, Brother said he would go to live on land, Brother said...

Is there anything wrong? Wen Feng looked at Wang Xiaohuai tenderly.

"Okay, listen to you."

[You can’t escape my palm]

When he was embraced, Wenfeng knew that he had received the mad love, and he was too late to be ecstatic. He quickly bound the red love to a circle of iron nets with spikes.

Don't want anyone to touch!

Don't want it to escape!

Even if it was looked at, it made Wen Feng feel the disgusting feeling that the baby was licked.

They went to the ground, a completely unfamiliar place. Although this was the case, there was no panic when they heard the wind.

Even if the world is changing, the human heart will never, the law of weak meat and greed will never, he has the power that mortals do not have, he has countless wealth.

That day, watching Brother Immersed in his own world, he didn't stop immediately, and the harm that didn't cause harm would never be loved, so even if his heart was so sad, Wen Feng did not wait until the night to speak.

Sure enough, Brother guilty never ignored him again, no matter whether it was a meal or those weird appliances, he was jealous of all the people and things that could take Wang Xiaozai's sight, and smelled the wind like the clean, like the fading mist quickly His eyes, he wanted those eyes to look at him all the time, reflecting his figure in the glass-like eyeballs, and for this he was addicted and unable to extricate himself.

The demon who first got love carefully disguised, seemingly carelessly and quickly observe what his lover likes.

Wang Xiaoma likes to make embarrassing expressions occasionally, and likes to see the blank of his expression after telling jokes or doing funny things.

I also wrote a'Good Man Handbook'.

The perfect ‘skin’ learned quickly and did all this.


He lived in the darkest period of Northland.

At the age of four, he was pressed to look at his father, mother, siblings, and beheaded with more than two hundred servants of all relatives. He was sent to the academy. A group of instructed children laughed and scolded the son of the dog thief. He pressed his head to press him into the urine bucket.

When he grew up, he was rejected by countless people, hated and spit out assassinations, greedy his power and wealth, and transformed countless ugly faces from his behind.

But plundering the mouth and giving others death and despair are also things he often did.

And he sat in the abyss, lazily supporting his chin.

There is no need for outsiders to be pitiful, no excuses are needed, and the black frankness is unscrupulous.

I am evil.

I am in the abyss.

I never concealed.

Until the person I love is in light.

So, I drew a perfect picture and then covered it on my face...

[The author has something to say: Many people don't know what the pretense Wang Xiao-zai said in previous chapters meant.

And it's unclear how Wenfengjin became so warm in the later period, whether it collapsed.

and so…………

Dedicated to a chapter to write the psychology of the wind and the wind】

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