Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 10.

"Long live the Hydra!!!"

Looking at the teenagers in front of them, the three Gorgon sisters whispered behind Hydra.

"Does big brother look like a marketing leader to you?"


Volume I: Text-14 - Spartan Gladiatorial Arena

--The Divine Realm

Olympus Holy Mountain, Athena was standing on top of the throne that belonged to her with a gloomy face.

Seeing Athena's wretched appearance, Ares, the god of war, did not hesitate to make a mocking sound.

"Yo, if it isn't my dear sister-sama? Why do you look so messed up? Why can't you find your companion artifact, the Bronze Mirror Shield? Did you lose it?"

Hearing Ares' words, Athena picked at the corners of her mouth with disdain.

"Shut up, Ares. You will never be in charge of my affairs. I have hundreds of times as many followers as you do, so what right do you have to bark at me in faith!"



Zeus looked impatient at the gunpowdered duo.

"Athena is your sister! Ares you better pay attention."

The corners of Ares' eyebrows drew out a few times at Zeus' words. The faith that Athena was subjected to was also among the highest among the gods, second only to Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Thus Athena was coddled by Zeus, while Ares was the most hated of all, described as a "bloodthirsty murderer and conqueror of defended castles" as the god of war. He is a symbol of strength and power, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, and the embodiment of the scourge of mankind. As a result, his followers can be said to be in a state of scarcity....

Ares' anger at Zeus' repeated favoritism was so intense that the idea of surrendering the Earth Scepter, which he had been prepared to hand over, went up in smoke.

"Hydra has awakened, and a hundred years ago we made a pact with him not to trespass, not to harm each other's followers for five hundred years, and never to intervene in a war ourselves. There are still four hundred years to go before this pact becomes nothing more than a piece of paper. What do you all have in mind?"

"Of course I killed him! The flesh is fed to the wild dog, his bones are forged into blades, and his soul is imprisoned for eternity in hell to be scorched by fire!"

While saying that, Poseidon who held the trident in his hand showed a fierce gaze, Poseidon as the god of the sea could not bear the loss of the Aegean Sea, although only a part of it, but this is a great humiliation for Poseidon. As Poseidon but unable to even shelter his own territory, Poseidon's rumors in the community were not very good, words such as coward constantly converged on him, if he did not have the faith of the intelligent creatures in this ocean, it was estimated that Poseidon would have even been harmed by his divinity by now.

"You are too impulsive, Poseidon."

The bearded and pale Hades said so, with some gravity in his eyes.

"Hydra has devoured our father's Godhead power, and he now has the divinity of the earth in him, and now he is joined by the three Gorgon sisters. They are the Primordial Poseidon, the embodiment of the deep sea. Daughters of Fulkus. And the father's bloodline is still Typhon, their potential is no less than ours, have you forgotten that when Typhon bloodied Olympus..."

"Enough!!! Hades. I said, don't mention this matter again."

As he said that, Zeus looked at Hades beside him with a gloomy face, what the giant dragon Typhon had caused was an indelible gloom for the Holy Mountain of Olympus, almost half of the gods on the Holy Mountain had been devoured by Typhon, and except for a few that hadn't been digested, the rest had died completely with Typhon's death.

Ignoring Zeus, Hades spoke aloud.

"Hydra has Typhon's bloodline in him, which means he's just as capable of consuming immortal divinity! Do you want a repeat of that day if you don't pay attention to it?"

Hearing Hades' words, Zeus fiercely clenched his fists, his body agitated with divine power, his eyes flooded with blue-white thunderbolts, his electric eyes compelling, as if he might burst into violence at any moment.

And Hades didn't back down in the slightest, with the deadly energy of the underworld surrounding Hades' body.

"Now that Hydra has become the climate, he's not an idiot with empty power like Typhon! He's got nine heads, and even if one of them screws up there are eight other reminders! Think of the resourcefulness he displayed when he negotiated with us in the first place. And think of the timing of his appearance in devouring Kronos. Possessing nine attributes, which also includes earth and water, means that the divinity of the earth is not the slightest hindrance to Hydra's absorption. After all that, are you still belittling Hydra? He's not a sea serpent that goes everywhere!"

Hearing Hades' words, Zeus gritted his teeth and finally sighed helplessly. The stirring divine power retrieved back into his body, and the white-bearded Zeus sighed lightly.

"Well, then, what do you have in mind for dealing with Hydra? You know, we have a contract with Hydra."

Hearing Zeus' words, Hades looked around at the crowd and finally sighed helplessly.

"Now that Hydra's development is unstoppable, all we can do is to try to combat his living power by all means. The three Gorgon sisters have become his men, then there is also the possibility that his future targets will become the other cybernetic hundred-headed dragons Ladon, the vicious dragons of Colchis guarding the Golden Fleece, the twin dragons of Troy... Damn Typhon, he's got too many children! We can't come down to earth ourselves, we can only defeat them by raising warriors to defeat them, unfortunately Perseus has failed, if he could kill Medusa and the other monsters we could use this to make them stars in the sky for our use. Now Perseus is of no use, with the stigma of failure, it is useless. All we can do now is hurry up and make new "warriors"!"

Hearing Hades' words, the gods finally worthy of a helpless nod after looking at each other.

"But who should we choose?"

Hearing the words of Hestia, the god of Vesta, Athena, who was on the side, said after some thought, "Father left many children on earth, and they who possess divinity can definitely become our pawns."

"Yes! That's it. Execute it!"

As he said that, Zeus gripped the lightning scepter in his hand.

---Spartan Gladiatorial Arena.

The Spartan Colosseum, a mega gladiatorial arena built after the ancient Roman Colosseum, where millions of people watched the blood-curdling battles every day, Hydra did not forbid the sale of slaves, in fact, there were many citizens who wanted to become part of the gladiators.

This was because if you fought all forty battles, you could not only gain freedom, but you could even officially join Sparta as a member of Sparta.

Because of this, there were quite a few young Spartan fighters who would also come here to earn some extra money as well as raise themselves to raise their popularity after training again.

"This is the place where you will be fighting today."

As he said that, Sparta's Praetorian Guard Chief brought them to mess with the Great Gladiatorial Arena, the Spartan Gladiatorial Arena.

It was nothing when the Praetorian Guard leader first entered, but the moment the Praetorian Guard leader took off his helmet, the entire arena was overturned with a violent roar.

"Splinter! Cleavers!"

"I'm going to chop off someone's head today!!!"

The Praetorian Chief let out a wild roar, while the crowd responded loudly, "Gods!!!"

The gladiatorial arena was filled not only with sand, but also with teeth, bone fragments, and dried blood.

Listening to the roaring around him, Quintus shook his head.

"This place is hell...but I like it."

With a glance at Quintus in front of him, Leonidas smiled.

"Do you know why the Chief of the Praetorians has such a reputation?"


Quintus looked at Leonidas in front of him in confusion, concentrating on training Quintus did not understand such an interesting thing.

Before Leonidas could speak, the head of the gladiatorial arena on the side said, "Actually, it's like this, the last gladiatorial arena's list, the number one ranked waist-slashing chariot said just: "Sort of the Spartan ban leader came here to call him father." Before that, the waist-beating chariot cut down fifty-six gladiators with its own hands, and then the words reached the splitter's ears. Then the splitter used his hand axe to chop the heads of over a hundred gladiators himself, including the previous list leader."


Leonidas added in an aside.

"It's also because of the waist-deep chariots that the top 300 in the arena are now all Spartan Praetorians."

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