Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 112.

With a heavy reward, there was always a brave man, especially in a tribe where most were bachelors, this phrase had ample allure.

The tribal warriors who were overwhelmed by the heavy reward did not hesitate to rush towards Attila and the others in front of them.

Looking at the tribal warriors who rushed towards them, everyone's faces, including Quintus's, revealed a touch of disdain.

This kind of unorganized, bloodthirsty charge without a single formation would crumble into an army once it received a slight blow, and it could be said that even a random soldier in the Spartan Forbidden Army could come up with a more powerful charge formation....

But then again, a few hundred people attacking a few dozen people inside a normal human mind does seem like never formation....

Throwing the chain swords on the ground and leading the forbidden guards behind them, the Spartan soldiers instantly formed a frontal vector formation.

As I said before, the frontal vector formation is a formation that focuses all of its attention on attacking without any defense, and it is extremely difficult to change formation during the charge, which is basically useless against the Greek army.

But if faced with such tribal soldiers who were only slightly above bandit bandits....

It was still quite practical.

The formation was like its name, just like a share of sharp wolf's teeth arrows, the army formation consisting of just a dozen people instantly cut off the charge of the tribal warriors, the accurate assists as well as the fillings were as unstoppable as a road roller.

In the strongest side, Quintus is still the uncompromising tip of the cone, but Quintus is different from the others, because of the chain knife attack distance, even the other forbidden guards also deliberately maintain a distance of more than three meters from Quintus.

The precision was like a vernier caliper, while the battle formation formed by the crowd was like a moving meat grinder.

Seeing this, the two chiefs on the side were busy calling out the shaman.

Shaman culture is very interesting, ancient people of all kinds of natural objects and the vagaries of natural phenomena, and human life itself, give them subjective consciousness, and thus reverence and pray to it, the formation of the first religious concept, that is, all things have a spirit. The universe is ruled by the "gods of heaven", the mountains have "mountain gods", fire has "fire gods", wind has "wind gods", rain has "rain gods", and so on. "rain gods," and there were various animal, plant and ancestral gods on earth. These gods formed universal nature worship, while the animals formed totem worship.

Looking at the one-sided battlefield, the face with a birch mask shamans suddenly began to even orderly ritual.

Some shaman waist drums and hold a drum whip, and some are holding other strange instruments such as human mullet and other things that can not be understood. In addition to these, some shamans began a strange and twisted dance, the paint on their muscles as they danced to match the mysterious power of the world.

Then, a violent wave of weakness descended on the heads of Quintus and the others, but it was only for a moment, it would be difficult for these shamans to break through the cloak made of Hydra's body alone....

But even so, the momentary weakness still irked Quintus and the others, and a malicious smile rose on Quintus's hot face as he looked at the shaking two-legged shamans before him.

But Hydra stopped them.

"Leave these shamans behind, the power in them is worth studying..."


Good night....

Volume I: Text - 145 - Oriental Witnesses

According to Hydra's observations, the shaman's rituals were very interesting. While Attila's world seed had no real divine lineage, more instead the native power between heaven and earth, the shaman was a strange mage who could communicate the power of travel between heaven and earth through strange dance rhythms to perform curses as well as practical abilities such as enchanting....

While Hydra was conducting her research, on the other side, Quintus and the others but the soldiers who had already bloodied the two tribes....

Stretching out easily, this small charge was nothing compared to warming up for Quintus and the others, a group of unorganized and undocumented soldiers with no other advantage than a little more armor than bandits.

Shaking his head, Quintus said indifferently.

"Rather than fighting with this kind of bandits and bandits, I'd rather go to the bathhouse and take a nice bath..."

As he said that, Quintus withdrew both chain blades from his waist.

With a glance at Quintus at his side, Attila waved his head indifferently.

When I was in the city of Sparta, I still had a distinct feeling, but when I returned to the prairie, after this strong 1 contrast only found the difference between the two....

The solitude and expanse of the grasslands, while exhilarating, were only of interest to the nomads if the pastures were plentiful enough for their cattle and sheep to feed on. As for whether this place could make their civilization evolve....

Shaking his head, a nomad is a tree without roots, and when a tree has no roots, even if he is sturdy, when a hurricane blows he is just as likely to be knocked back to his original shape....

And in order to prevent the hurricane, the nomads have to keep this invasion to the surrounding periphery, and the repetitive wars make the nomads' existence narrower and narrower....

"Maybe this will be a change..."

Talking to himself, Attila's heart couldn't help but rise with a touch of mania as he looked at the grasslands before him.

Not because of the view of the grasslands, but because of dissatisfaction with his politics.

"It looks like you've noticed that nomads may cause farming civilization to feel the pain, but after the pain, farming civilization can still trample the nomads underfoot. A tree with roots can withstand the force of a hurricane, while a tree without roots can easily be blown around by a gale. Such is the case with nomads, a snowstorm in winter can wipe out everything you've worked so hard to accumulate, and just because you've notified all the city-states doesn't make you a tree with roots."

"Just like now. As soon as you're gone, the wind, it's here."

As she said that, Hydra's spirit body turned out of Attila's hair pendant, and her two-thousand meter body spirit state was only about ten centimeters long, and she actually looked kind of cute in her translucent state?

Of course, the cute prerequisite was not being afraid of reptilian snake eyes such as the bamboo leafy ones.

Hearing Hydra's words, Attila looked at the grassland in front of him without saying a word, then shook his head with a blank expression.

"There will be plenty of time for correcting such things later..."

Hearing Attila's words, Hydra set her body indifferently.

"And yes, Sparta can't feed that group of diplomats as well as missionaries for nothing. I think you need me to help you construct your civilization."

At the words, Attila raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think those bloated buildings can ever strengthen my country."

"...Huh? Don't you know the power of spectacle?"

Shaking her head silently, Attila did not feel inferior for her ignorance.

"I was called to the Great Shrine by you when I first arrived in Spartan City and didn't feel anything other than a few glimpses from afar."

At the news, Hydra fell silent as well, shaking her head in frustration. Hydra patted his own skull then said helplessly, "Looks like I need to take you to Spartan City for a stroll when this event is done..."

Nodding, Attila didn't refuse Hydra's offer.


It was clear that Attila was not a good conversationalist, and after a short conversation and this once again there was silence. With a glance at Attila in front of her, Hydra shook her head once more in frustration.

"What can I say. Attila you give me the impression that everything else is useless except for fighting... It's hard to imagine how you're unifying a large empire."

Upon hearing that, Attila looked at Hydra and then said quietly, "I'm not from this world."


Ignoring Hydra's shock, Attila continued.

"It's not just me, that tribe of mine is fundamentally not from this world. According to what the elder shaman of the tribe told me, our homeland should be in the steppes of the Far East. There, too, a powerful farming civilization was born, and we failed miserably in their warfare. In order to survive, our ancestors chose to travel westward... Then the world added a race called the Huns."

Hearing Attila's words, Hydra narrowed her eyes.

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