Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, Chapter 159.

One had to know that last night that golden shining fellow was able to continuously shoot out massive amounts of treasures even when his magic power consumption was doubled, if he was at his full strength, I'm afraid that all the English spirits present wouldn't have the confidence to defeat him head on, right?

With this thought in mind, all the members present were looking at the Tohsaka Tokimatsu in front of them with the idea of watching a show.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the rules didn't allow it, I'm afraid that the current crowd would still be patching up the sword for the Enzaka Tokimatsu. After all, judging from last night's situation, even though its follower's magic power consumption had doubled, it still seemed to be one of the top few spirits in this Holy Grail War.

Hearing the words of the Enzaka Tokimatsu, the Wordspeaker Gori, who had a conversation last night, pretended to think for a moment and said, "How about this, as compensation, I'll give you two extra token spells. After that, I'll want to report to the Holy Church Church, and wait for the results to come out at some other time to make plans."

Nodding his head, Enzaka Toki indicated that he had no objections. This was something the two of them had already discussed last night. With the supervisor of this Holy Grail War, Wordsong Gori, blowing a black whistle on himself, Enzaka Tokimatsu could learn a lot of things in advance then take the lead in making plans.

Ignoring the objections of the crowd, Wordsome Glaze is waiting for the above decision will be recycled after the additional token spell banner to transplant the two strokes of the token spell on his arm to the arm of Enzaka Tokimatsu.

After all, it was the supervisory staff, and although they were a little dissatisfied, the crowd couldn't do anything about Wordsong Risho.

Looking at Wordsong Risho and Enzaka Tokimasa in front of him, Hydra keenly realized that the two of them probably didn't have some shady py deal behind them....

But no matter, the biggest bug in this Holy Grail War is in your own hands!

As a judge and follower of this Grail War, Black Chastity has an extra spell for each of the spirits!



Double Eleven is almost here and it feels like my hands are already starting to hurt....

Volume 2: Extra - 14 - Deliberation (III)

Obtaining the two strokes of the extra token spell, the Enzaka Toki was clearly in a very good mood, which could be seen from the slightly upturned corners of his mouth.

Although the problem of consuming magic power several times that of Golden Flash had yet to be solved, with the two strokes of the extra token spell, the problem of magic power was nothing at all. It should be noted that, in addition to replenishing magical power, the token spell can also be used to break down the barrier between the follower and the spirit and thus unleash super-specification treasures across functions.

As the most ancient Hero King, he was able to occupy more than three positions even with the King's Treasure Chest. In other words, the current Tokimatsu Enzaka has several chances to have the Golden Shining release cross-job-suite treasures. And he can also leave several token spells used to maintain a relatively balanced relationship with Golden Flash....

Returning to the side of the prayer bench, the Enzaka Tokimatsu stretched out his hand after taking a look around at the crowd.

"My business is settled, so if you all have any more questions, feel free to say them."

Upon hearing that, everyone shook their heads in silence after looking at each other the same way.

"By the way, what should be done about the extra follower of the red-haired Lancer?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth Weber regretted it...why did he say such hostile words himself without thinking about it? It should be noted that no matter what, the current group of Eiya Cheshi is still the strongest fighting group in plain sight, and although they have ample information about the Conquering King, they face the combined siege of two Yingling....

I'm afraid it's not enough, is it?

As he thought about it, Weber took a nervous glance at Alice Fields beside him.

Apparently, Alisfil was nothing more than a mouthpiece for Kheiya Kheiya, so the Chinese Alisfil didn't pay any attention to Weber. Instead, she even blinked her big red eyes and smiled at Webb.

Looking at the Alice Fields in front of her, Wordsong Risho was also in deep thought. From the corner of his eyes, he looked to the side of him, and when he felt the sight of Wordsong Risho, he nodded his head inaudibly.

After that, Risho Enamine raised his head as if he had made up his mind and said gently, "I am not in a position to judge the Einzberon family's violation of the rules. But for the sake of the fairness of the Grail War, please surrender your other follower's three-stroke spell. Or have it forced out of the game!"

Hearing the words of Wordspeaker Risho, the pupils of Emiya Cheji, who was relying on a bug to listen to the situation of the church, shrank slightly.

With a little thought, Eiya Cheshire quickly told Alisphere what he had said.

Receiving the order from Kheiya Kheiya, Alisfere nodded, then looked at Wordspeaker Risho beside her.

"Forgive me for not being able to carry out your order, Mr. Supervisor. First of all, because of the incomplete spirit base, my second follower's order spell is likewise incomplete. Therefore, I do not have absolute command authority over my second follower, so there is no way to force him to withdraw from the field. To use it recklessly would arouse the hostility of my second follower. This would not be fair to me. Furthermore, if you were to give the spell to you, it would mean that you are also a participant in the Grail War. Therefore, I have the right to dismiss your judgement!"

Looking at the radiant Aerisfel in front of him, not only Wordsong Risho, but also the other imperial lords were in thought.

"Indeed, if the governor also became a member of the Holy Grail War participants, then there is no fairness to the Holy Grail War at all."

As he said that, Kenneth raised his head. His sharp gaze was directed at the side of the soon-to-be-elegant Tokiomi Enzaka.

"On a side note, I have the same reservations about Mr. Supervisor compensating the head of the Farzaka family for the two extra token spells. Two token spells, that's already far more than the loss of the Farzaka family's master, right?"

Hearing Kenneth's words, the surrounding people also nodded their heads in agreement.

Just when Kenneth was about to say something, the remaining light of his eyes suddenly saw a confused-looking Weber.

Helplessly patting his face, Kenneth felt more pity for Weber. Because sometimes being smart wasn't good.

The reason Webb had come back for the Grail War was more because Kenneth had dumbed down his thesis as worthless.

But the truth is that Weber's thesis was aimed at the taboos of the magic world, at the defense of the theory of descent. It should be remembered that Weber is merely a three-generation family of magicians. Faced with big families that have been around for thousands of years, trying to shake their foundations is simply a joke. The energy that those big magic families could generate Weber didn't even have the slightest power to resist.

Out of a sense of protection, Kenneth rightfully tore up Weber's thesis. But that seemed to change the meaning completely in Weber's eyes....

"It will be necessary to talk to him when this is over now..."

Putting the matter about Weber aside, Kenneth looked at Dilumu Duo beside him. Thinking for a moment, Kenneth cooked clearly and continued, "For example, my follower should be known to you all as a lancer jobber, but relying on the token spell, I can even summon him as a Rider and Saber and other jobber stats. But because of the three spell limit, I have to be careful with it. But if two more come out of nowhere...then the follower is simply a qualitative change."

Hearing Kenneth's explanation, the crowd also nodded their heads.

After all, being a first-grade lecturer in the Séance Division, Kenneth's explanation quickly caused the crowd to ponder.

And what these ponderings brought about was the need to target the Supervisor's Words Peak Glaze for whether or not the fairness of the verdict of the Extraordinary Incident of this Holy Grail War Theory was followed or not.

In the meantime, Wordspeaker Gori Zheng raised his eyebrows as a wipe of cold sweat crossed his temples. The current situation... seemed to be somewhat out of control.

As she was thinking, Hydra, who was on the side, suddenly rose to speak.

"Oh, my little Mikado is summoning me. If there's nothing else, I'll excuse myself~"

As she said that, Hydra instantly escaped through space without waiting for the crowd's reaction.

After seeing Hydra's departure, Alice Fell was stunned for a moment and also suddenly said, "Yah, caster is gone, so I'll be leaving first!"

When someone starts, someone will naturally follow. And looking at the crowd of people who hurriedly left Words Peak Glaze was also not sure what to say.

Because the out-of-control places were getting more and more out of control! And what's more is that his own impartiality as a governor seems to have been questioned!

On the other hand, with a glance at Webb, who was about to slip away, Kenneth shook his head sadly.

"Webb, don't go yet. I have something I want to talk to you about."



Begging for tickets!

Also, Wang Hassan's book is a bit full of holes, so I suddenly feel the urge to push to rewrite it all over again....

(Now reading that book by Hassan Wang, it feels like it was written by two people...)

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