Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, Chapter 169.

"It's all Toki's fault!"

Hydra waved her hand in a rather bored manner as she looked at the angry looking Manticore Goose Night in front of her.

Just like someone said, this world was made up of countless details. A random fluctuation of a single detail could change the fate of an entire person and even the history of the world.

Troy would not have fallen if its wooden horses had been found ambushed in their bellies before they were transported into the city. If Napoleon's army buttons hadn't been changed to pewter. (Tin products are as hard as copper above 13.2 degrees, but inevitably turn to ashes after an odd cold of minus 33 degrees.) Then the French army would not have suffered massive non-combat attrition during the invasion of Russia. If Jing Ke had struck a blow when he assassinated the Emperor of Qin, there would not have been the ancient ancestral dragon with the same book and the same rail.

"Your fate has been determined from the beginning by your countless musings, so what are you going to do now?"

Without thinking, and hearing Hydra's words, Manticore Goose Night quickly said, "That's a no-brainer! I'll make sure that Tokimasa Enzaka, who talks about upholding elegance, knows what Sakura has endured!"

At the words, Hydra nodded.

"That would be perfect~"

As she said that, Hydra tossed a rune stone engraved with a magic spell style to Manticore Goose Night.

"Take this so you don't have to worry about berserker's magic power consumption..."

After a pause, Hydra lifted her gaze.

"By the way, what did you get out of the Grail changes?"


There's been a real lot of book guest stuff lately.

I wouldn't have known if I hadn't been bored reading Dragon Sky today.

All orders over 10,000 have to hire a substitute writer....

Although it is impossible to understand....

But maybe that's the god....

Volume 2: Extra - 27 - Leticia

Like jerking a cat, Hydra, who had nothing to do after Maito Yangyu's departure, collapsed on the couch with Sakura in her arms, reading a third-rate magazine that she didn't know what to do with.

According to Mantong Yanyue's answer, the ability he got in the Holy Grail War is a gaining buff, and the source of this buff is deeply related to the spirit he summoned, Lancelot.

The spirit summoned by Mantong Yanyue was called Lancelot, a member of King Arthur's Twelve Horsemen of the Round Table at the end of the Shinsei era, and was called the Strongest Horseman because it possessed the strongest force besides that of King Arthur. Legend has it that even Gawain had lost to it. Even though he had lost his rationality due to his berserking, this did not hinder Lancelot's great fighting power.

His Retention Skill: "Infinite Martial Arts Refining A+" was a skill that allowed him to completely unite his mind, body, and technique, allowing him to perform powerful battles without being influenced by any spirit. With this skill, you can use your original skills even when you are in a berserk state, as shown by the way you were able to dodge and catch Gilgamesh's treasure and then knock down the second one. And because of the berserking, Lancelot was able to add 20% to his original power.

The expressionless face stroked Sakura's hair, and Sakura, who was not resisting at all, quietly watched the reality on the television in front of her.

The rune stone that Hydra had given to Maito Yangyo was, to put it bluntly, a rather mysterious stone with a poly-magic type carved into it similar to the one behind Sakura's back. Although it was somewhat inferior, it was perfectly fine in terms of function, but the lifespan was only about five days if that.

But that was enough, after all, it lasted a total of seven days in the Holy Grail, and two days had already passed....

As she thought, a smile rose on Hydra's lips.

Right now out of the seven participants in the Holy Grail, Extra Riki Li Shuwen should be throwing himself to his side if nothing else. And it was almost impossible for Maito Yangyo to swing at himself because of Sakura. Adding Kuro Chaste... that means that you have now formed an offensive and defensive alliance of four, or at least three, in a battlefield with only nine high-end combatants.

Lancelot with the Berserking skill would be Hydra's most advantageous tip, and thankfully Lancelot didn't have the rationality to be in Berserking state. It was important to know that even spirits had their own minds, and even the Mikado couldn't interfere too much if they were rash. And Lancelot had lost his rationality due to his maddening, and Manticore Goose Night had also become a sharp blade in Hydra's hands for various reasons.

Moreover, Black Chastity was also an ally of Hydra, and although the Arbiter Decree spell in Black Chastity's hands was only one for each of the spirits due to the half-heartedness, even that was enough.

For Hydra, at least, it was enough. Hydra had plenty of confidence in herself, as long as the spirit that was her enemy had even the slightest bit of stiffness in the battle, she could instantly let space cut it into pieces.

With half a lollipop in her mouth, Black Chastity walked out of the inner room with a bored face.

"I find that you're a person who really likes to dig at other people's corners, it's really puzzling, obviously with your current strength and my assistance, you should be able to easily push across this Holy Grail War, right?"

As she said that, Black Chastity's plain face was also angry with a touch of confusion.

After these days, Hei chaste also had a relatively intuitive understanding of Hydra's power. Not to mention, its mastery of space alone has exceeded the limits of what Hei chaste knows. Just like the time when he killed the assassin, Hydra's mastery of space is already at the point where he can control it like an arm's length. In other words, unless it's a mage with similar abilities as Hydra or a follower who has a treasure that can imprison space, Hydra is basically half invincible.......

With a glance at Black Chastity, Hydra shook her head. Turning the contents of the unknown third-rate magazine towards Hei Chaste, Hydra said thoughtfully, "Although we have the upper hand in terms of combat power and numbers, don't forget that the others are not good either... At least when my original body is unable to descend, the others can still give me the advantage. Pose a threat. Just like that bling guy."

As she said that, Hydra narrowed her eyes.

Relying on the Arbiter's authority, Black Chastity easily knew the real names of all the followers except for Hydra's accident. The golden shimmer, Gilgamesh, also caught Hydra's attention.

"During your world's God Generation period, if I remember correctly that guy named Gilgamesh had the prototype of 80% of the treasures in this world. If you say there aren't any treasures in here that can imprison space, I'll never believe you."

After a moment of silence, Hydra continued thoughtfully.

"And don't forget, you were able to descend into the present world more because you intercepted your positive image, that historical image of you, Joan of Arc. But since you were able to descend, I don't think another White Chastity couldn't appear in the present world. You know, the extra token spell you have only has one use for each English spirit. And if I remember correctly, it should be at least twice under normal circumstances, right?"

Hearing Hydra's words, Black Chastity nodded curtly.

"If it's like you say... it's not impossible... but if it's really like you say then that's good too! I've long been wanting to tune into the Holy Lady's disgusting, compassionate face!"

As she said that, a touch of malice rose up on Black Chastity's face.

As a grievance of Jeanne's death, Black Chastity didn't have much affection for Bai Chastity, though it was not to speak of malice, but Black Chastity thought it necessary to let Bai Chastity know, "The so-called gods are merely lies to deceive fools, and they will not shelter those humans who believe in them. The mystery fades, and God is dying!"

Talking to herself, a somewhat grim expression appeared on Black Chastity's face, it was obvious that being burned to death by being named as a witch made Black Chastity sincerely unhappy....

On the other side of the Curse of Black Chastity, from the ship, the young French girl dressed in a female student's uniform, Leticia officially stepped onto the unknown, the soil called Winterwood under the guidance of the Virgin.

Taking a breath, Leticia walked towards the direction of the Holy Church after taking a look at the pedestrians coming and going around.


ticket request

Volume 2: Extra - 28 - The Undercurrent of Surge

Stepping forward, the girl named Leticia's body began to shine with the same glow around her, and just as the mysterious power completely enveloped the girl, the thing called presence slowly disappeared from Leticia's body.

A vigorous outfit with an inverted mountain-shaped forehead guard framed the young girl's exquisite face.

It was dainty and heroic.

Unfortunately, the surrounding pedestrians were no longer able to see this amazing scene due to the complete disappearance of the presence.

Although it was still the same body, the momentum around the young girl's body and above had changed completely. The original girl was merely a young and beautiful schoolgirl with a few good looks. But after receiving the Spiritual Foundation, the young girl's body emitted a thick and soft magical power from the inside out.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the current Leticia was not so much Leticia but rather the Holy Maiden of France - Jeanne. One of the saints of Catholicism, the national hero of France. The holy maiden who received revelation, but was ultimately burned in the name of the witch.

But despite that, Jeanne didn't seem to have much of an idea about what had happened to her.

Shaking her head, Jeanne gazed up.

As the adjudicator of this Holy Grail War, Jeanne originally had two extra token spells for each English spirit. However, because of Black Chastity's half-heartedness, not only did Jeanne lose half of the extra token spells, but Jeanne was even nearly unable to descend due to the incomplete spirit base, and in the end, relying on the remaining missing spirit base, Jeanne was able to make up for it on the maiden Leticia with her consent.

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