Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 182.

"Dare I ask what His Excellency the caster has come to me for?"

Holding a cup of hot coffee, Hydra said in a light voice after taking a sip, "It's nothing really, I just came to ask how you've thought about what I told Li Shuwen earlier."

Hearing Hydra's words, Eiya Cheji's heart thudded.

Although he had expected this question, the feeling when Hydra asked it in front of him was completely different from what he had thought....

Hydra's strength was evident to everyone in yesterday's online battle, and even the full force of Jeanne's inhibitively strengthened blow only left a wound on Hydra's hand, and this wound recovered as before in the five seconds that followed....

With the power of Shuwen Li and Saber... I'm afraid that Hydra is not a match for Hydra alone....

"Be careful, he's followed by two spirits."

The muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, there was no doubt that those two spirits should be berserker and that black chaste... three followers, of which Hydra alone would be able to crush two... an undoubted disadvantage.

"About Illyria...I'd like to think about it..."

Somewhat jerky, Emiya Cheji was even a little unable to understand why he had said it.

Given his personality, there was no doubt that when faced with such a desperate situation, he would be the first to choose to compromise, but this erratic tone... it was almost as if he had spat it out. It was as if it had been spoken subconsciously.

Looking at Emiya Cheji in front of him, Hydra raised her eyelids.

There was no doubt that this erratic answer from Kheiya Kheiya was also a bit unexpected by Hydra, after all, in Hydra's intelligence, Kheiya Kheiya was a ruthless man who could even get his own master's father.

Even before Hydra came here again, she had thought that if Eimiya Cheji simply rejected herself, she would just save up Li Shuwen to give this guy a kidney strike. But from the looks of things now....

"You're a bit human after the whole thing."

Some amusement raised the corners of her mouth, and Hydra's gaze revealed a bit of cynicism. It made Eguchiya feel malevolent, but forced by Hydra's strength, Eguchiya couldn't say anything....

After a moment of strange silence, Hydra spoke softly.

"How about telling me about what you wished for that one after you got the Great Grail? Maybe I'll make it happen for you~"

With a glance at Hydra, Eguchiya cut a faint smile.

"World peace."

"...Do you think you're Gandhi? It's not even funny."

Hearing Hydra's words, Emiya Cheshire shook his head seriously.

"What I said is true... I want world peace, and no matter where it is, the pain caused by strife is unbearable. I feel that deeply..."

Seeing that it didn't look like Eguchiya was lying, Hydra skimmed the bar.

"A very great dream, but also a very unrealistic one. Also, I'm sorry to tell you that the Holy Grail has been contaminated this time~"


Surprised to see Hydra in front of him, Eguchiya's eyes revealed something unexplained.

Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra spoke softly.

"Yingling represents positive mysticism and magic, while Anti-Ingling is the opposite of that. It must have been around sixty years ago when an anti-English retreat polluted the entire Round Hidden Mountain Range. If I remember correctly the last Holy Grail War should have ended without a hitch resulting in the Grail not descending. It's not clear which house summoned the Anti-English, but with Einzberon's intelligence gathering ability, he should be able to gather it, right? The contaminated chalice, zzzzz~"

Shaking her head with some emotion, Hydra followed up with.

"The Holy Grail has been contaminated, and if though the consequences of being contaminated are not known, one thing is certain. You, the wish, doomed, cannot be fulfilled. Humanity, of all things, will not be able to stop killing each other."

"Impossible! There must be a way to change that!"

Hearing the words of Emiya Cheshire, Hydra spread her palms indifferently.

"Don't think of humanity as great, the so-called All Souls are nothing more than self-appointed. Even if all of humanity died out, it would only be a short-lived skin disease for the planet. A hundred years later, there would be new humans living on the planet again. Just like the current humans, standing on the dinosaurs' territory and making a name for themselves."

There was a moment of silence, and Eiya Cheshire was inexplicably calm.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Hydra spoke softly.

"When you look past that, you'll be able to focus on your family and not on the so-called "greater good". And once you do, we'll be able to work together."


Asking for tickets~~~! ~~~~!!!

Volume 2: Extra - 41 - The Transformation of Eiya Kheji X Alliances

The hand holding the cigarette, trembling slightly.

Quietly looking at the Weiya cutter in front of him, Hydra did not step in to make him make an immediate decision. In a negotiation, especially in a negotiation that sought cooperation like this, overly pressing could only have the opposite effect.

After taking a breath, Wei Gong Cheji flicked the ashes of his cigarette and calmly said, "Working with you, I'm going to face the combined sniping of the other Imperial Masters as well as the Church of the Holy Church, the risks of which you should be perfectly aware of, right? caster."

Nodding his head and looking at the Eiya Caster in front of him, Hydra said calmly, "But you seem to have gotten something wrong, participating in the Holy Grail War is an investment in the first place, isn't it?" As he said that, Hydra shrugged his shoulders, "Now that the Grail War is in name only, there are two paths before you. One, join me. The Grail has been contaminated, but I can at least ensure that Illya can grow up without fear and enjoy the life it deserves. Two, don't believe that the Grail is contaminated, and then make an enemy of me. You may or may not believe in my words, the decision is yours."

At the words, once again, Eguchiya fell silent, and in the meantime, as Eguchiya was about to say something, Illya, who was on the other side of the room, happened to see Hydra.

"Uncle Haider~~~"

With a childish smile on her face, Illya quickly ran up to Hydra, which filled the side of Aerisfel's face with such fear that even the pupils of Emiya Cheshire shrank slightly.

"Uncle Hyde, is Sakura-san here?"

At the news, a smile rose on Hydra's face and conjured up a lollipop from her bosom. Touching Illya's head, Hydra shoved the lollipop into Illya's arms.

"Sakura didn't come yo, I'm here because I have something to talk to your dad about, so go outside and play for a bit~"

At Hydra's words, Illyria lowered her head a little unhappily, but still ran outside with her lollipop.

"Don't worry Illya, I haven't gotten down to that one little kid to make a move."

Hearing Hydra's words, Emiya Cheshire nodded somewhat hesitantly.

"I can agree to your request, but you have to make sure, Ilya is safe."

The determination in his eyes was undoubtedly evident as Wei Gong Cheji said. This should be the most determined time for Kheiya Kheiji, besides his dream of becoming a partner of justice.

Hydra nodded her head as she looked at Kheiya in front of her.

"Of course. On my honor."

As he said that, Hydra raised his palm, although he didn't care about honor, but in the eyes of the magicians of this world, it seemed that those so-called heroes could commit suicide for honor. But it was clear that Eguchiya Cheshire didn't believe in that sort of thing.

"Reputation is all lies."

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