Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, Chapter 195.

Like a three-part grinding wheel, the cylindrical sword body emitted a strong suction force as it spun, and under this strong attraction, even space was distorted.

Compression, compression, in compression.

The constantly compressed space formed one spatial rift after another because it could not bear the proper mass. The spiraling spatial cracks were suspended in an inverted pyramid shape on the ea's sword, and without the slightest hesitation or hesitation, the violent spatial cracks bombarded Hydra as much as they could in the next moment of formation.

The constantly stacked space cracks would intensify with time, becoming more and more intense, and the violent attack left scratches after scratches on Hydra's armor.

But it was only scratches.

If it was the Hero King himself, he might still be able to do some damage to the current stage of Hydra, but if it was just a follower projection....

With one hand breaking through the violent spatial split, Hydra's dozens of meters large palm slapped the Golden Flash straight away, and just as Hydra was about to make up the fatal blow to make this Golden Flash retreat straight away, the Tower Shield in the Mountain's Wombat's tight grip appeared from the Golden Flash's shadow.

Boom.... -!!!

Along with a fierce roar, the "King's Military Momentum", which had already been on the verge of shattering, finally collapsed after withstanding numerous high pressures.

This is actually predetermined, Hydra's overflowing energy has already made the original King's Army crumbling, and the golden ea is the last one to make up for the King's Army's potential.

Losing the boundaries of the King's military momentum, Hydra's vast divine power appeared in the night without concealment.

"Aang-- "

Letting out a long whistle, as if to proclaim his presence. Watching the scene transmitted back by the Enabling Demon, the all-consuming Tokiomi Enzaka slumped onto the couch.

Naked, unable to even disguise it. The mystery on the inside was so open and aboveboard. You know, the Holy Grail War was something that even many magician families had no way of understanding...and now, I'm afraid it's going to be known all over the world.

As the holder of the land of Winterwood, the Enzaka Toki couldn't imagine the condemnation he would receive.

"It's force majeure..."

On the side, Kenneth somewhat empathized with the situation and patted the shoulders of the Farzaka Tokimatsu, as a participant in this Holy Grail War, Kenneth also has an unshirkable responsibility....

Rising from the ruins, a tower shield made of unknown materials shielded the two from massive damage. Looking at the golden shimmer, which was so covered in wreckage that even his hair had shrugged down, the mountain noon reached out his hand to it.

"If thou art not truly a fool who sinks when struck? If not, stand up."

At the words, Gold Glitter scowled. Opening the arm extended by the Mountain Dweller, he then stood up without saying a word.

The armor had all but shattered, and before that, to Golden Flash, the very existence of the armor was an ornament in itself, as when facing other followers, often before they could even rush to their feet, their king's treasure was enough to blast them into a pile of crumbs. Thus, often times, the armor itself did not show off its defensive power to the fullest. But this time, if it wasn't for the golden armor... I'm afraid that the golden glitter would have lost its combat power or even just retired....

The golden armor was definitely one of the top-grade armor, and even Saber's holy sword slashing could block it intact. But now, it was literally like paper....

"Yah yah, what a desperate fighting ability. I kinda don't want to face such a terrifying existence if I can help it." While scratching his head and saying that, the Conquering King couldn't help but laugh.

"Looks like I'm going to have to fold my dreams again, Endless Sea... but no harm done! My dream will never end! Distant ravages of domination! The Mighty Wheel!!!"

As the Conquering King's voice rang out, its seated Zeus divine Bull also let out an unspeakable roar.


The stirring lightning formed a solid barrier, like a shooting streamer, and the Conquering King charged at the Hydra in front of him.

Seeing the Conquering King's charge, the rest of the followers charged as well.

"At the funeral, the evening bell that everyone knows and that rings at the visit of death. Hear it, straight to the other shore! Thy destiny is yet to come, or end."

The tattered cloak floated and reverberated around the Womb of the Mountain as it followed the path of the wind, half-life, all-life, all-death. A vague, indistinct breath enveloped the Mountain's Wombat's perimeter. Then, life exploded and death erupted!

Intense blackness emanated from the body of the Womb of the Mountain, death to the touch, it was the breath of the valley, the ambiguity between life and death, countless star frosts witnessing the ringing of the evening bell. Now the Weng of the Mountain that can no longer be called life, but stepped into nature, both life and death.

Stepping into death, the Womb of the Mountain walked nonchalantly towards the Hydra before him.

Rising to his feet, the golden flash also gripped the goody-goody sword in his hand.

Absorption, compression, rupture. Once again, space formed a severing storm.

Holding the holy banner in her hand, Jeanne's pupils were filled with prayer.

The saint's light was accompanied by flames, and the pure white sword reflected Jeanne's face.

"I never thought I was a saint, because, I was just a mediocre person who heard the Lord's sigh..."

A moment's silence rose on Jeanne's face with a touch of nostalgia.

"For the sake of France, I see death as a return."

As she said that, Jeanne stepped forward firmly, and for a moment, the pure white fire vaguely formed the soldiers who were following Jeanne back then.

That pure hope....

"I'll break it for you!"



Responding to reader questions

I've seen some readers talking about the relationship between the main text and the extra, so I'll answer here.

It's not so much a question of full French meals versus desserts, but rather an average order.

The average order is the life of a book, and if I hadn't opened the extra, the book would be around 2000 right now. It's not about one chapter, it's about the average of all the subscriptions. I'm at 4000, and the last ten chapters of the book don't even have a single subscription over 2000. One extra chapter = two body chapters, is this an after dinner dessert question? The twenty-four hour chase for one extra exceeds the week-long chase for the main text.

Not an overstatement, take the numbers.

Fan 54-Magic Dragon, written on 2017-11-24 01:07:51 Twenty-four hours after subscription: 1823.

Text 190 - Warband, written on 2017-11-13 00:47:58 Now subscription: 1588.

Text 189 - Natural Disaster, written on 2017-10-29 23:52:50, subscription count now: 2304

The numbers don't lie.

My subscription for the main text 25 days ago was only 500 more than the 24-hour subscription for the extra. Written on the same day as "Text 189 - Natural Disaster": Part 6 - Port Battle, current subscriptions: 4455.

Twice as much, twice as much.

Let's say I'm paid 4000 a month to write the main body, then I'm paid 8000 to write the extras.

I'm not selling out, but I'm making a decision that any normal person would make in the face of naked profit and efficiency.

Is it because the author wants to indulge in extra writing and not more text? Not really. It's because the extra income is twice as much as the main text.

To put it in perspective, for the same amount of work, the income and popularity of path A is double that of path B and will be easier.

Which one would you choose?

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