Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 219.

"This could be a sign, a sign of the world before it is destroyed. Therefore, I propose to execute the Avenger Plan."

The politicians present here basically knew something about the Avenger Plan. Because from a long time ago, Nick Fury had turned in this proposal. But because of various reasons, or because of entangled interests. So the council didn't pass it.

But now then....

"I'm for it."

A middle-aged man with a monocle was the first to voice his opinion.

Everything was difficult to begin with, but once you got started, the back was as smooth as oil.




Nick Fury nodded at the near unanimous approval of the Avengers Proposal.

The so-called Avengers Proposal was, in a nutshell, a collection of the most powerful, top-notch handful of people on the planet to become a force to destroy natural disasters, and super-natural disasters, as well as teams that specialized in fighting enemies that a single superhero couldn't handle.

Not controlled by the U.S. Congress, but more so by the heroes given a license to kill evil and protected by law.

"Now that the Avengers proposal has passed, who exactly will be the Avengers?"

Nodding, Nick Fury spoke softly.

"I was prepared for that."

"First, there's Iron Man, though Tony Stark is undoubtedly a mechanical genius. And the versatility of his armor can adapt to combat in a variety of environments. The Hulk, the angrier he gets, the more powerful he becomes. Theoretically strength can grow without limit, and can produce transcendent results in offensive battles. Thor, though not an Earthling, relying on his girlfriend on Earth, "Jane," has a good chance of convincing him, and may be able to get aid from Asgard if necessary."

On hearing that, the politician on the other side of the room interrupted Nick Fury.

"Wait a minute, do you really intend to create an alliance that strays from the law?"

"Of course not" Nick Fury said quietly, "Whatever the situation, we need first hand information on the Avengers. That's why Agent Natasha and Agent Hawkeye will be joining the Avengers along for the ride. And the captain of the Avengers..."

After a moment's silence, Nick Fury spoke softly.

"Both in terms of symbolism and its own realization, Captain America, Steve Rogers is the best choice."

After a moment's thought, and after a brief negotiation, the politicians came to a consensus.

"Then do as you say, and you'll be in full charge regarding the Avengers. But there is one cannot fail.

"...I'll try my best."

Hearing Nick Fury's severely under-confident reply, the politicians were dissatisfied, but they could understand Nick Fury's thoughts. Thus without saying anything more they simply turned off the display.

Turning his gaze to Hill and the others behind him, Nick Fury shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright, next it's our turn to figure out how we're going to assemble that group of proud sons to become the Avengers."

At the words, Agent Hill and Coulson, who was on the other side of the room, looked at each other. Sharing the frustration in each other's eyes, they then sighed a long sigh of relief.

Time passed quickly, as it was not certain when Hydra would strike, plus Nick Fury had been meticulously crafting meticulous preparations for the Avengers plan. So on the second day, relying on the green light given by various departments. In the Tucker Industrial Building, Tony looked at the cold-faced secretary in front of him and said, "From now on, you are dismissed, Miss Natasha."

Ignoring Tony's tit-for-tat, Natasha had infiltrated Stark Industries for some time, and had even more of a feel for the temperament of this genius who had been famous since childhood.

"I mean no harm, the world is about to suffer an unprecedented amount of heroism, and I am here to deliver a message to you."

"Oh?" Tony's face took on some sarcasm as well as interest, "What information? And the destruction of the world? Tell me about it, I might even sue you for rumor mongering if it's not right."

Ignoring Tony's sarcasm, Natasha said the whole story once again.

Looking at the serious Natasha in front of her, Tony also said in a serious manner after a moment of silence, "This is no longer a matter of rumor mongering, you are teasing a genius with an IQ of at least 200 as a fool, I am well aware of wanting to sue you for personality insult. Are you ready to accept a lawyer's letter?"

"In response to Tony's sarcasm, Natasha took a flash drive out of the compartment of her dress.

"What's on here is the main context of the entire incident, and the cause of the component Avengers proposal. If you can, please try not to divulge it."

As she said that, Natasha handed over the flash drive to Tony before turning away without a word.

When she first joined, Natasha wasn't like this. Don't say cold, simply well-behaved like a girl next door. But now then....

"As expected, women are such a thing~"

Shrugging his shoulders with some emotion, Tony turned his attention to the flash drive in his hand.

If everything was true....

"That was really fun~"

As he said that, Tony's face instead had a few more smiles on it.

On the other hand, hearing Coulson's words, Tor picked up the hammer without saying a word.

"I think you're fucking setting me up."


Asking for tickets -....

Volume 2: Extra - 22-

"Hydra...why don't they go make up a Zeus or a Poseidon?"

With disgust on his face, Tony's fingers continued to run across the computer's keyboard.

"Jarvis, hack into that so-called S.H.I.E.L.D. database, I'd like to see what they're up to."

The moment Tony's voice trailed off, a gentle male voice with a slightly mechanical edge sounded in the empty room.

"Good Master, but a reminder is necessary. Hacking into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database is a felony."

"Never mind the law, if you want to punish me first he has to be able to catch me."

Upon hearing Tony's reply, Jarvis didn't say anything.

If it was any other situation, then there was no doubt that the AI would definitely stop Tony's order to refuse to act and possibly even contact the FBI directly, but Tony, being the maker of Jarvis, naturally couldn't set so many restrictions on the handwriting.

You know, even S.H.I.E.L.D.'s firewall had its own contribution to make, and entering developer mode shouldn't be too easy for Tony.

"Seeing how discreet Natasha is, let's start looking for it from the classified first..."

The S.H.I.E.L.D.'s classified data can be said to be as vast as a sea of smoke, word all the world's major events since World War II basically in S.H.I.E.L.D. can find the original data and the context, even if similar to Bermuda and other places have detailed detection descriptions.

But when it came to level nine access secrets, the amount was suddenly reduced. Without the slightest hint of discovery, and with a heavy dose of confusion, Tony opened the level ten clearance document.

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