Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 86.

Ask for a ticket....

Volume 1: Text-114 - The Centaur Clan

"What are you doing here, teacher? If I remember correctly teacher usually doesn't get involved in human strife, right?"

As he spoke, Hercules shook his head in some confusion.

Hercules' teacher was none other than the famous Charon of Greek mythology.

The Charon were a tribe of centaurs, the Kantalos, who lived in the area called Thessaly and Arcadia, located between the Pingdas Mountains and the Aegean Sea in east-central Greece. They were often described by poets as followers of Dionysus, the god of wine, because of their debauchery and lust.

Centaurs may be described as a race of natural warriors who possess two digestive systems: that of the upper body itself, the human, and that of the lower body of the horse. However, the large intestine of the human digestive system is not located in the abdominal position of the body, but rather in the spine of the horse, and shares the rectum with the horse's digestive system. Since there is no large intestine in the human abdomen, it has more muscular tissue on both sides of the abdomen.

It is also really because of these muscular tissues that the centaurs can deliver stronger and more powerful downward chops, centaurs do not have a good reputation, they do not have a fixed city-state and they are usually active as mercenaries on the battlefield. This is what suits them best, relying on their well-developed muscles at the waist, the centaurs can be in the middle of a crowd and can easily execute waist slashes on everyone around them with their battle axes.

And the centaurs have two circulatory and respiratory systems, that is, two hearts and four lungs, which supply oxygen and blood circulation to the two parts respectively, with additional breathing holes in the part connecting the human to the horse, which connects to the lungs in the horse's body.

Moreover, Centaurs were born with magical organs, and by relying on magic the Centaurs could unleash all kinds of enchantments on themselves, including bloodlust and megalomania.

It is for this reason that in later generations, centaurs are often artfully crafted into negative roles such as centaur bandits.

Natural born cavalry, scouts. Centaurs existed as if they were a sickly creature prepared for war.

But even so, there are no absolutes. Karon was the odd man out of the Centaur clan.

The oddity was not that Karon's power was so weak, but because Karon possessed extraordinary intelligence.

Charon's was a complete god born of the Old Gods, father of Zeus, Cronos and the goddess Philura, but when Philura was heartbroken to see that she had actually given birth to such a freak, she chose to abandon her immortal divinity and become a linden tree. Because of this, Charon, although possessing full divinity, is not a part of the gods, but more akin to a "full beast of divinity" like Typhon.

He is the best among the Centaurs in terms of his ability in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, bow and arrow, sword and spear, boxing and sumo, and almost everything else. He lived in seclusion in the caves of Piliwyn and taught the art of Gaijin martial arts. Any student of his who learned even just one skill could claim the world. Almost more than four-fifths of the heroes of ancient Greek mythology came from his disciples. Charon could be said to be the ancestor of the Greek heroes, and people called his disciples "the heroes of Piliwyn", and Hercules was one of them.

And Hercules was one of them.

"Have you heard that our teacher is here? Hercules, is it true?!"

Hearing the message, Ia Song hurriedly barged into the tent and was greeted by the figure of Kharong.

Long tea-colored hair spread out behind him, his eyes were sharp, but the gentleness of his eyebrows would neutralize it. Beneath his wheat-colored skin were bulging muscles, and if one were to look at his upper body alone, he would undoubtedly be a handsome warrior.

But in truth, Khairon was not young, he was an earthly deity that had existed since the time of Cronos.

Just like Skaha, they both have a long life as teachers... Maybe that's the passive nature of the job of a "Master Craftsman"~!

Looking at the Ia Song who jumped on him, Karjon rubbed his head with a grin, counting the horse's body, Karjon was now over two meters tall.

Shaking his head, Khairon explained to Hercules.

"I made a deal with the gods of Olympus, and I don't know why, but underworldly circumstances I always get a chill in my throat when I think of Hydra. My destiny is tied to the Centaurs, and I know I can't defeat Hydra with my own strength, but I want the Centaurs to establish a city-state of our own like Sparta, and for us to have the power to 'learn' as well. And as a condition, I am to become the new Lord General here and face Sparta."

Hearing Charon's words, Hercules nodded his head. Back then, when he had trained in martial arts under Khairon, he had profoundly understood Khairon's love for the Centaur race, but Athena had always been scrupulous about the future of all intelligent beings other than humans, so she had not transmitted the light of wisdom to the Centaur race. This resulted in the Centaur clan being mostly muscle-filled Centaur mercenaries or Centaur bandits, except for a handful of exceptional people with wisdom....

"...I'm sorry, Sensei. For my father's feeble request I express very..."

"It's okay~" said Khairon with a gentle face, "If you want to get it, you need to give it, you are my most favored disciple, and I can see many good qualities in you that even your father could not possess. That you are my pride, and there is absolutely no need for you to feel apologetic about such things."

As I was speaking, a sudden sound of hoofs sounded outside the tent at once.

"Karon, I'm coming with my clan!"

With a low announcement, a giant centaur over three meters in height lifted the tent.

Knowing that this was still in the state of not being added to the megalomania, it was hard to believe what kind of stance the large mass would have had if it had been added to the megalomania.

Looking at the shocked-looking Iasong and the others beside him, Karon laughed helplessly.

"This guy makes us the strongest of the Centaur clan, and the leader of the clan with the largest clan. You can trust him, this fellow once consumed an Underworld flower by coincidence when he was a young child. Although this guy is a believer in violent solutions to everything, his wisdom is not to be underestimated. Although this wisdom is often buried under its violent exterior~"

"And this gentleman's name is...?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Khairon explained.

"This guy's name is Brandwalden, and his clan is the equivalent of a large mercenary corps because he shows up there and there's a war going on, so he's a bit grumpy, so you'd better watch out~"


About the Blade

That's right, didn't we recently open the book guest second anniversary event, I hope the student who opened the razor blade can stay until next month in the reward. Next month open blade bounty. This month there is no full attendance, so each razor blade can only get a guarantee.

So I hope you all will save your razor blades until next month, of course, tickets and rewards I am all for it~~~~.

Of course, if there are other authors you like, you can also vote for them, after all, I'm not very short of money right now.


Volume 1: Text-115-The Accession of the Beast Legion

"What? What Atta caught was actually just a front?!"

Leonidas stood up in disbelief as he heard the report of the scout squad.

Up until this point the crowd had been quietly waiting to estimate when the Greek allied forces would produce a mutiny, but the current situation was undoubtedly a big joke from the heavens.

"If what the scout squad said is true, then it means that relying on the past few days, their new Lord should have already taken care of the soldiers... And Atta captured a mere double? It's a good thing we're still feeling complacent because of this! ......."

As he thought to himself, Leonidas looked to the side of the scout.

"Have you found out who their master general is?"

Shaking his head, the scout chief said.

"The opposing general, whose name we have not yet been able to discover, has not disappeared, nor have any of the famous generals of the Greek nations. But from the footprints he left in the sand, we have two suspicions: first, he was a man who rode a horse all the year round, for there were no human footprints on his march, and secondly, he was a centaur. According to the habits of centaurs and in their intelligence, if he is a centaur then the most likely person would be the chief of the largest tribe of centaurs, the four-footed tribe of Karon or the legendary centaurs, Blandwalden."

Hearing the scout chief's report, Leonidas nodded slightly thoughtfully.

Brandwalden, this name was something even Leonidas had heard of. It was said that the four-legged tribes in the Savannah were simple-minded, brutal creatures. They had a language, but no writing; their culture had no pictures to record, form music, or formal religion. The Centaurs believe that combat is the perfect expression of thought, the highest expression of their own strength. If killing is the art of the Centaur tribe, then Bradwarden the Warwalker is the greatest artist of them all. He was always the first to step into the arena and the last to leave, devastating the ground everywhere he went. It is said that because he once swallowed the legendary Flower of the Underworld as a young child, his body is just as much to look up to even among the Centaur tribes, which are generally over two meters tall.

A masterpiece of battle was written in flesh and blood and swordplay. It was a poem woven of blood and steel, floating in the dust raised from the killing fields. His name, Brandwalden, is celebrated! Possessing an almost pathological sensitivity to combat, enhanced by the Flower of the Underworld and its own efforts, he is known in the dim mercenary world as the Chief of War....

As I was thinking, suddenly, an orderly ran into the tent.

"Report! A group of Greek allied troops have appeared outside the city, along with a group of... centaur mercenaries!"


Leonidas opened his eyes wide when he heard the orderly's words, but quickly calmed down.

"Pass the order! All hands on deck! Forbidden Guards prepare to meet the enemy before I leave the city!!!"

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