Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 106

"Well, forget it, it doesn't matter if you bring it..."

Rin Tosaka wanted to stop him when he saw Demon Sword Murata, but then he gave up. Is there a rule that the master cannot enter the church with weapons?So the three masters entered the temple church, and only Black Saber and blue Saber stood at the door of the temple church.

"Innocent girl, do you still have the illusion of saving everyone?"

Black Saber suddenly spoke to Blue Saber, which made Blue Saber immediately speak: "Who the hell are you! Did Morgan do it again?"

"Hahahahaha, you are so cute!"

Author's message:

First more.Today, I have to make up for yesterday’s owe, and strive for five changes

Chapter 159: The Magic World Doesn't Know Science (Second)

Eerie and filthy, this was Fujimura Tachibana's first feeling when he walked into the church.As a church, this place should be a sacred place, but Fujimura Tachibana feels very uncomfortable, as if this is not a church but a murderous house, so he unconsciously grasped the demon sword in his hand, and Fujimura Tachibana was ready to fight at any time. Preparation.

"Wow, is he the last Master? Hey, there seems to be too many people."

Suddenly, a middle-aged male voice with a strong voice came over, and Fujimura Tachibana saw the priest of this church Kirei Yanfeng standing in front of the cross, watching the three shouting.

"Yes, he is the last Master, I came to take him to report, and she..."

Rin Tosaka got stuck while introducing Fujimura Tachibana. In fact, Fujimura Tachibana never said that he was the master, and Fujimura Tachibana’s hands did not have a spell symbolizing the status of the master, and there were two Sabers in a Holy Grail war. It's not normal, so I didn't know how to speak for a while, and Fujimura Tachibana spoke: "I am also a participant in the Holy Grail War. I don't know why, so I summoned Saber."

Fujimura Tachibana lied and raised her right hand seemingly when she was speaking, so that Yanfeng Kirei could see that there was no order spell on her right hand.

"This time the Holy Grail War seems to have some variables, and it seems more interesting."

Yanfeng Kirei smiled and said, Fujimura Tachibana has been observing him. In Fujimura Tachibana's observations, the breath of Yanfeng Kirei's body is not as peaceful as a priest, but surrounded by a sinful atmosphere. The breath is rare, and ordinary criminals don't feel this way. It seems that the priest in front of him is not simple.And looking around, even though he couldn't see through the interior, Fujimura Tachibana felt that there was not only the priest in this church. Where is Gilgamesh?Is it hidden in a corner?

Then Yonmine Kirei told Shiro Wimiya about the origin and rules of the Holy Grail War. He heard that other Masters would be killed to win the Holy Grail War, and he heard that the fire in Fuyuki City 10 years ago was also caused by the Holy Grail War. Miyashiro was very angry, and wanted to summarize all this, at least to prevent the birth of more tragedies.

This reaction of Shiro Wigiya surprised Fujimura Tachibana. I didn't expect Shiro Wigiya, who looks like a good old man, would have such a firm determination.

Fujimura Tachibana stood aside and didn't speak much. He seemed to walk around at random. Not only was Fujimura Tachibana observing the situation inside the church, but also quietly placing eavesdropping devices inside the church.According to the data in the Supernatural Investigation Headquarters, people in the Magic World despise technology, so they disdain to use various technology products, and they can’t say that they are not comprehensive in preventing technology products. Therefore, they can safely install the eavesdropping devices in the temple. Inside the church, Yanfeng Qili didn't seem to respond.

"So, Miss Fujimura, are you planning to continue participating in the Holy Grail War or withdrawing from the Holy Grail War? If you withdraw from the Holy Grail War, the Templar Church can protect you until the Holy Grail War is over."

Suddenly, Yanfeng Kirei said to Fujimura Tachibana with a caring attitude. Judging from this sentence, it does not seem strange that Yanfeng Kirei said this, but looking at Yanfeng Kirei's appearance, this sin. Can you believe what a serious person says?Fujimura Tachibana sneered inwardly, and then said: "I am very interested in the Holy Grail War, and I don't want to see the tragedy in Fuyuki City, so I also hope to continue participating in the Holy Grail War, Father."

"Then, I wish you both good luck."

"Then, let's leave, Rin and Shirou."

After Yonho Kire finished speaking, Fujimura Tachibana shouted to Rin, so Rin Tosaka and Shiro Eomiya left the church with Fujimura Tachibana. When they walked out of the church, Rin Tosaka said with some worry: "Sister Tachibana. , Do you really want to participate in the Holy Grail War, or you transfer Saber to me, and I will help you in the Holy Grail War."

Rin Tosaka does not want Fujimura Tachibana to be harmed, so he hopes that Fujimura Tachibana can withdraw from the Holy Grail War. Of course, it would be better if Saber can be transferred to her. Rin Tosaka hopes to summon the strongest Saber!

"Rin, I'm a policeman, and..."

Fujimura Tachibana paused for a while, then continued:

"When I go back, I will tell you more, Rin and Shirou!"

With that, Fujimura Tachibana walked like the door of a church, and at this time, Fujimura Tachibana saw that the black Saber and the blue Saber seemed to be talking. The blue Saber looked a little angrily, while the black Saber on the side showed a smile, as if I just won the quarrel.

"Let's go, Saber, what just happened?"

Said to the smiling black Saber, Fujimura Tachibana took a look at the blue Saber on the side. Compared to the black Saber who is a sister, the blue Saber has a very upright personality. Fujimura Tachibana’s sixth sense shows that the blue Saber is a very upright person. People.

"Nothing, just educated an ignorant girl."

After blowing the whistle, he said in an indifferent manner. Blue Saber snorted. He seemed to disagree with Black Saber's statement, but did not refute it.

"Then, let's go back."

Said to everyone, the group walked in the direction of Wei Gong's house. The atmosphere seemed a little weird along the way. Rin didn’t know what he was thinking. The relationship between Blue Saber and Black Saber was also very complicated, and Shiro Wei Gong still After digesting the shocking news that he had just received, Fujimura Tachibana closed his eyes, was listening to the information sent from the eavesdropping device, and immediately heard a word.

"Master, the woman just now, but a policeman, did the government of the ordinary world discover the Holy Grail War?"

"Things are getting more and more pleasant."

I immediately heard that this was the voice of Lancer and Yanfeng Qili. Sure enough, Yanfeng Qili was not easy, or he was cheating as a supervisor!Fujimura Tachibana wanted to listen to more content, but suddenly an unexpected situation appeared. A giant figure appeared in front of the group of people. A little girl was sitting on the giant's shoulders, and the giant exuded incomparable momentum. Intense, even scary.

"It's terrible, all the values ​​are above Saber!"

Rin said in surprise, and the little girl in front of her jumped off the giant's shoulder.

Author's message:

Second more

Chapter 160: Dream Call!

"Class leader, this girl just appeared suddenly, we have no time to report."

Nan Lixiang's voice came from the headset. Nan Lixiang and his mobile team had been on standby around the church. If necessary, the mobile team would provide remote support.However, in the end there was no battle. Nan Rika and the mobile team returned, but they did not expect that a giant and a little girl would suddenly appear. Before Nan Rika could report, Fujimura Tachibana and others stood face to face with the giant. At this time Nan Rika was leading the mobile team to occupy the high ground and set up a sniper rifle.

"Be careful, let Joan stand by."

Speaking very softly, Fujimura Tachibana's voice was not heard by other people, and Rin Tosaka also said solemnly at this time: "Archer, provide remote support. This hero is terrible and needs Saber to stand in front! Shilang, whether you want to fight or not depends on your own decision. I won't stop you."

Rin first said to Fujimura Tachibana, and then to Shiro Wimiya. Shiro Wimiya immediately decided to fight, and Fujimura Tachibana took out the katana in his hand. Fujimura Tachibana felt that the bullet would not be effective against this giant.

"Introduce myself, I am Ilyas Phil Einzbern, big sisters, and big brother, we meet again. Have you all discussed now?"

Smiling and tilting her head and talking, the little girl who claimed to be Ilyas Phil also lifted her skirt, just like a nobleman, but the next words seemed terrible.

"If the discussion is over, then I will... kill them! Berserker, kill them!"

Speaking sternly, the giant standing next to Iliasfel immediately picked up the huge axe and sword beside him, roared, his body instantly turned scarlet red, and an oppressive aura immediately came. Then a beam of light hit the giant from a distance, and a huge explosion occurred.

Archer put down the bow in his hand, and just shot a sword and hit Berserker directly, but he didn't feel that Berserker was killed. Archer put the bow away, as if he was standing there without moving as if watching a play, Archer was already watching When Nan Lixiang and others set up a sniper rifle in the distance, they also saw Joan standing next to Nan Lixiang, but he did not move, just standing.

"Saber, stop him!"

The huge air wave of the explosion forced several people present to bend down. Fujimura Tachibana estimated the attack power of Archer just now, which is not lower than the power of the blockbuster, but Fujimura Tachibana can confirm that Berserker did not die, because Fujimura Tachibana You can see through the flame that the breath of Berserker still exists, not only Berserker, but also the breath of Ilia.So shouted to Black Saber, Black Saber's body was immediately wrapped in black armor, and the blue Saber on the side also put aside the camouflage raincoat on his body, and two Sabers stood together, one on the left and the other.

Sure enough, as the flames faded, Berserker stood there to protect Ilia, and following Ilia’s order, the next instant, Berserker’s huge body accelerated to an incredible speed, and it was his savageness. force.

As if hearing a burst of sound, Fujimura Tachibana saw that the stones and soil where Berserker was standing was splashing towards the back, and Berserker's body had already crossed most of the distance between the two sides, and he was about to pounce directly in front of him. The blue Saber and the black Saber also disappeared in place, and then a fierce confrontation took place in front of Fujimura Tachibana. The intensity was no less than a war.

"No wonder it is called the Holy Grail War. The battle between heroes is not something ordinary people can participate in. Even magicians are just cannon fodder."

In his heart, Fujimura Tachibana sent Nan Rika an order not to attack, and afterwards, he squeezed the katana in his hand, and Fujimura Tachibana was also watching the battle carefully.

The black Saber’s armor is heavier, so the speed is slower than the blue Saber, so the black Saber directly faced Berserker’s attack, and even wanted to compete with Berserker for strength. If it weren’t for the blue Saber to continue to support her, Black Saber had been knocked into the air by Berserker long ago.

Although the two Sabers seem to dislike each other, they are currently allies, and Blue Saber's chivalry will not allow her to attack allies. So with the cooperation of the two Sabers, Berserker was dragged by the two, but Berserker was too strong, not only powerful, but also very fast, very agile, not clumsy at all, and was a flexible giant. So the pressure on the two Sabers is very high, it seems that dangers are frequent.

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