Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 114

"Yes, Shinji Ma's attempt to endanger the safety of all teachers and students in the school has violated the principles of the Holy Grail War, and it is also beyond the bottom line of the government. Shinji Maaki will be punished by law."

When Fujimura Tachibana finished speaking, he looked at the expression on the dirty inkstone of Ma Tong. This old guy who had lived for hundreds of years didn't seem to have any reaction, but after listening to Fujimura Tachibana, the dirty inkstone of Ma Tong said: Intervening."

It seems that they have all agreed to Fujimura Tachibana's request, but the dirty inkstone is very simple, but the real purpose of Fujimura Tachibana is not this, but Ma Tong Sakura.

"Then, another thing, that is, about Rider's true master."

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana looked in the direction of the basement, because Fujimura Tachibana found that Ma Tong Sakura was in the basement, and the evil aura on her body became stronger. What happened?

Author's message:

The first one, there is another QAQ

Chapter 173: A-10 attack aircraft has entered the battlefield

"Isn't Rider's master my ineffective grandson?"

Jian Tong's dirty inkstone's voice is still so hoarse, but there is a vaguely murderous aura. At this time, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone has already planned to do it. At present, his body has reached its limit again. Perhaps the Fujimura Tachibana in front of him It would be a very suitable replacement for the physical body.

"Where is Sakura? Sakura is Rider's master, right? Where is Sakura?"

Fujimura Tachibana spoke directly, and after saying this, the atmosphere suddenly calmed down, and the expression of the dirty inkstone of Makiri changed. After all, Sakura is still very important to the dirty inkstone of Makiri, and he does not intend to lose it. Sakura is such an important prop.

"Although the old man is old, he is not immobile, and the Ma Tong family is not that easy to bully."

Jian Tong dirty inkstone said that he would rather offend the government than lose Sakura, so Jian Tong dirty inkstone has a stronger desire to do something, so he has secretly mobilized the surrounding insects, Jian Tong dirty inkstone is ready to do it.As a result, the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Rin Tosaka sensed something wrong around him, had quietly taken out a gem, and was even ready to call Ishtar out.

"Sister Orange pulled herself over, and didn't tell me the specific plan. Are you going to start the fight directly? But where is Sakura?"

"Rin, you are not qualified as a sister, just like a certain sister!"

Rin Tosaka was communicating with Ishtar at this time. Ishtar, who was possessed by Rin Tosaka, also had an older sister. After learning about Sakura’s situation, Ishtar spit out Rin without hesitation. Let Rin blame himself.

"I didn't know..."

Rin also wanted to explain, but didn't say much, because at this moment Rin suddenly heard the sound of an engine from a distance, which made her a little puzzled. It seemed to be the sound of an airplane?And Jian Tong dirty inkstone also seemed to hear this sound, but he didn't know what it was, so he didn't know what would happen next, but Fujimura Tachibana suddenly said: "Ma Tong dirty inkstone, we have mastered enough We are currently arresting you in the name of intentional homicide. Don’t be stubborn and resist, otherwise we will use force!"

As soon as Fujimura Tachibana’s voice fell, Ma Tong’s dirty inkstone turned to one side, and a large number of flying insects flew to Fujimura Tachibana right next to him, but the next second, a girl with pink hair suddenly appeared in Fujimura Tachibana Kato. Beside Ban Rin, the three random people disappeared, and the expression of Jian Tong's dirty inkstone changed. At this time, he discovered that the cherry blossoms in the insect storehouse had disappeared, and Shirai Kuroko had just appeared.

Rin Tosaka only felt the scenery beside him, and suddenly found himself in a clearing in the distance, with the house of Ma Tong's house in front of him.Then immediately turned her head and saw Fujimura Tachibana and Shirai Kuroko, and then looked to the ground, Tosaka Rin's pupils shrank violently, and she saw the naked Makiri Sakura lying on the ground with a few insects crawling on her body. At the same time, it looks abnormally obscene and disgusting.

"Beware of shocks."

Just when Tosaka Rin was at a loss, Fujimura Tachibana shouted, and grabbed Tosaka Rin’s hand and pulled her to the side of the car. Makiri Sakura was also taken aside by Shirai Kuroko. At this time Tosaka Rin It was clear that after Shirai Kuroko grabbed Ma Tong Ying's body, the two directly teleported to the back of the car. At this time, the sound of the plane in the sky became more and more obvious.

"Section Chief Fujimura, the A-10 attack aircraft has entered the battlefield. Now it is fired. Pay attention to check it!"

Kou Kou sat in the cockpit of the A-10 and smiled and said with a radio. After speaking, he pressed the button to drop the bomb. Then a bomb broke off the pylon of the plane and fell towards the house of Jia Tong's house. At this time, Jian Tong dirty inkstone entered the basement. Looking at the insect warehouse where there were only all kinds of insects but no Jian Tong Ying, Jian Tong dirty inkstone showed an expression of unwillingness, but he did not think he had lost. So he knocked on the crutch in his hand, and a large number of flying insects flew out of him. He was ready to teach Rin Tosaka and Fujimura Tachibana, but then, endless flames enveloped the entire Matsuya family.

"Bingo! Hit accurately!"

A gasoline incendiary bomb accurately hit Jian Tong's bungalow, and then a huge flame engulfed the entire house in an instant. Because there was only such a house nearby, there was no need to worry about hurting others.

Feeling the shock wave of the explosion, Fujimura Tachibana stood up and watched the huge orange fireball engulfing the entire Makiri house. At this time, Tosaka Rin was also looking forward silly. What's the matter?

"Spend money for some fire support, otherwise this old bug may run away."

Fujimura Tachibana obtained some magical powers of the dirty inkstone from Tosaka Rin, and then inquired about the data in the Supernatural Phenomenon Investigation Headquarters. Fujimura Tachibana found that although the ability of the dirty inkstone is not very strong, it is difficult to kill. So I thought of using flames to kill the insects, and it had to be a huge flame attack to work, so Fujimura Tachibana got an A-10 attack plane from Kokoo to bomb Matsuya's bungalow.

"This is too exaggerated!"

Rin Tosaka opened his mouth wide and yelled, "Where can such weapons be used in battles between magicians? This is cheating!"

"I have been authorized to use various weapons to win the Holy Grail War, so this is not excessive."

Fujimura Tachibana said, and then pointed to the off-road vehicles approaching Matsumoto's house. These vehicles carried many mobile team members. Each mobile team member carried a flamethrower. Their task was to destroy the remaining ones. Of bugs.And in the sky, numerous drones have spread all around, Xizi is monitoring every corner of the surroundings to ensure that every bug is killed.

"Heizi, thank you this time."

Through the sixth sense, I found that the smell of the dirty inkstone did not exist. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana turned his head and said to Shirai Kuroko, who contacted her through the communicator Shirai Kuroko left for her. Fujimura Tachibana told Shirai Heizi is here to help.When Fujimura Tachibana was talking to Makiri Inkstone, Shirai Kuroko first entered the insect warehouse to bring Makiri Sakura out, and then took away Fujimura Tachibana and Tosaka Rin. This is where the A-10 attack aircraft must hit. Chance to kill.

"Nothing~ Sister-sama~"

Kuroko's gratitude to Fujimura Tachibana was very helpful, so he rushed to rub Fujimura Tachibana, which changed Tosaka Rin's expression.

"Sister Orange~ How many people like you! Don't get me wrong, I'm not jealous, I just feel sorry for these girls!"

Tosaka Rin blushed and said.

Author's message:


go to bed

Chapter 174: Kiss me if you promise, I kiss you if you don't promise

"What's the situation with Sakura?"

Fujimura Tachibana asked Rin Tosaka on the side, Sakura was lying on the bed at this time, looking very pale.Ever since she rescued Matsumoto's house, Ying has been in a coma, not knowing what happened to her body.

"I just checked her, her body is full of unknown magic... The magic is huge..."

Tosaka Rin has already checked Ma Tong Sakura's situation. The chaotic magic in Sakura's body has caused Sakura to fall into a coma. If Sakura is to wake up, then Sakura's chaotic magic needs to be straightened out.However, thinking of the scene when Sakura was rescued by Shirai Kuroko at the beginning, Tosaka Rin's body began to tremble, not fear, but anger.

The obscene-looking insects came and went in and out of Sakura's body, and traces of the insects wriggling under Sakura's skin could be seen. Rin Tosaka couldn't imagine the pain Ma Tong Sakura had suffered.And in Shirai Kuroko’s description, when she took Sakura out of the insect warehouse, Sakura was surrounded by countless insects. The picture looked terrifying. Shirai Kuroko felt scared at this time, which is not the case in the school city. Horrible picture.

Fujimura Tachibana was also looking at Ma Tong Sakura after hearing Tosaka Rin's words. At this time, the unknown aura on Tong Sakura's body became stronger and stronger. If she had returned to Fuyuki City the first day before and saw Ma Tong Sakura, The unknown aura on Tong Ying's body is only a few words, so now Ying's body is almost enveloped by the unknown aura, and it is even continuing to spread.And Fujimura Tachibana felt that this breath was very similar to that of Black Saber, so Fujimura Tachibana called Black Saber over.

"Huh, how do I feel...?"

After Kuro Saber came to the room, he immediately showed a puzzled expression, and then touched Makiri Sakura's body, seeming to confirm something.

"It feels so familiar, but I don't know what happened. After all, I am not Merlin and I don't know magic."

In the end, Black Saber did not give an accurate answer, but it can be seen from Black Saber's expression that the changes on Sakura's body are somewhat similar to those of Black Saber.

"Sister Orange, you go to rest first, I will take care of Sakura, and treat it as compensation for my dereliction of duty."

Rin Tosaka looked at Sakura softly and said that for so many years, he hadn't said a few words to Sakura. Rin Tosaka wanted to compensate for Sakura, so she asked her to take care of Sakura. Fujimura Tachibana nodded.

"Then, I will trouble you."

After bidding farewell to Rin Tosaka, Fujimura Tachibana and Kuro Saber left the room. The moment they left the room, Kuro Saber grabbed Fujimura Tachibana's hand.


He tried to withdraw his hand forcefully, but Fujimura Tachibana's power was no better than Black Saber, so he whispered to Black Saber in a warning tone. Black Saber didn't care about Fujimura Tachibana's threat.

"Come with me!"

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