Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 117

"anyone there?"

Rin Tosaka stood at the door and shouted twice, but couldn't hear any sound. Not only did no one respond to Rin Tosaka's words, there was no sound coming from the room.So Rin Tosaka made up his mind and pushed open the hidden door, and then the voice in the room suddenly heard the scream of the little girl.

"This is Sakura."

On the side, Tosaka Rin immediately recognized that it was Sakura’s or a little girl’s voice 10 years ago, so he followed the voice. Tosaka Rin immediately found that the voice came from the basement of Makiri’s house, so he rushed without hesitation. To the basement, Tosaka Rin felt anxious in his heart.


In 10 years, no one Rin's feelings for Sakura has weakened, but after hearing about the pain Sakura suffered, Rin wanted to make up for Sakura.At this time, when she heard Sakura’s painful voice, Rin Tosaka forgot that this is not the real world, thinking that Sakura really suffered endless pain, so she immediately ran to the basement, Rin Tosaka’s hand was already holding a few gems. .

As soon as he rushed into the basement, Tosaka Rin felt a cold, filthy breath coming from the basement, but without any hesitation, Tosaka Rin rushed in, but immediately, Tosaka Rin stopped and his face was full. I can't believe it.

A little girl with purple hair is naked and surrounded by countless worms. These worms are a very obscene existence. Rin Tosaka will find it bad if he sees one, but here, there is endless lewdness. The insect swallowed Ying's petite body, and the painful hiss had become weak. It seemed that this kind of pain had been going on for a long time.

"I could cry and yell from time to time for the first three days, and I couldn't even make a sound from the fourth day."

Suddenly a voice came from behind, Rin Tosaka immediately turned around and saw Sakura standing behind her. Sakura said what she just said.


Rin Tosaka didn't know how he should describe his feelings. Although he knew that Sakura had not had a good time at Ma Tong's house, he never thought that Sakura suffered such pain when he was still young. Rin Tosaka wanted to go up and comfort him. Sakura, but Sakura's cold eyes made Rin Tosaka feel strange to Sakura.

"10 years ago, my body was implanted with engraving insects. Since then, the engraving insects in my body have been absorbing my magic power all the time, so..."

Yingyou showed a miserable smile, Tosaka Rin's heart trembled, she had already thought of something.

"So, there is a strong desire from my body, the desire for magic power, and the way to replenish magic power... Sister, you should understand that it is to replenish the magic."

"say no more!"

The moment Makiri Sakura finished speaking, Tosaka Rin suddenly hugged Sakura, and she was already in tears.You can imagine the pain Sakura has suffered, and Rin Tosaka feels very sad.

"Everything is over, Jian Tong's dirty inkstone is dead, come back, Ying, it's over."

Suddenly being hugged by Rin, Sakura was stunned for a moment, and she could feel the pain of her sister. Sakura's cold face suddenly showed a hint of unbearableness, but she immediately strengthened her determination. Sakura whispered in Tosaka Rin's ear. Said: "Sister, before this, you should also feel my pain back then, it’s okay, here is only your soul, your body is still clean, just treat it as a dream, here After that, we will be sisters again."

Hearing Sakura's words, Tosaka Rin suddenly felt that she was being pushed away forcefully, and then he fell towards the insect storehouse. Under her there were endless adulterants, and Sakura watched Tosaka Rin falling to the insects. warehouse.But there was a painful and sad expression on Sakura's face. It seemed that it was a very difficult thing to make such a decision, and Rin Tosaka smiled.

"It doesn't matter, Ying, we are still good sisters."

After speaking, Rin Tosaka's body fell into the insect warehouse. Sakura couldn't bear to look at the insect engulfed by the insect, and then said to herself: "I don't know if Tachibana will hate me. Right."

Sakura finished speaking, meaning to leave this space, and then opened her eyes to look around. Sakura stood alone in a cave. She was covered with a red and black pattern as her clothes, which looked very erotic. , And at this time Ying said to herself again: "Is the Jiantong dirty inkstone dead... No, he is not dead."

Speaking like this, Sakura's hand touched her chest, and then she suddenly looked over again. Suddenly, her seemingly weak hand pierced her chest into the position of her heart. After a terrifying squeezing sound, Sakura took out her hand, and the red blood stained her hand, which looked terrifying.But what is even more surprising is that Ying is holding a bug in her hand. The bug is constantly struggling. Ying picked up the bug and put it in front of her, seeming to mock him.

"Yes, grandpa, you are not dead yet."

With that said, Sakura didn't know where he took a glass bottle, and then threw the bug, the body of the dirty inkstone, into the glass bottle and closed it.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I won't kill you...I will personally hand you over to Sister Orange. Speaking of which, Magician, it's really sad."

"You really are here."

Just here, a voice came, and Sakura turned her head, and found that it turned out to be the black Saber author's message:

By the way, emmm, no one will hit me?

Chapter 178: Sister Can't Take Orange Sister With Me, Nor Can Seniors

Hei Saber looked at the cherry blossoms in front of him, and also saw the dirty inkstone body of Matong in a glass bottle.

"how did you find me?"

Sakura didn't show any surprised expression, but asked plainly, but Sakura was actually a little surprised in her heart because she was found too quickly.

"There are only a few places where the magic power of Fuyuki City gathers. You can find this place just by casual investigation."

Without waiting for the black Saber to speak, Fujimura Tachibana’s voice appeared. Fujimura Tachibana and Joan appeared from behind the black Saber together. In order to find Sakura, she and Shiro Weigu divided into two groups to search for Sakura. They brought black Saber and Sada. Toku came to the big hole in the suburbs, and Shiro Weigu took Saber and Archer to Liudong Temple. Ishtar did not leave at Weigu's house, but waited for news from the two.

"I thought it was the senior who found me first, but I didn't expect it was Sister Orange who found me first."

Sakura said while holding the glass bottle holding the dirty inkstone body of Makiri, she didn't seem to be surprised by the appearance of Fujimura Tachibana.

"Sakura, let Rin go, everything is too late."

Fujimura Tachibana did not see the trace of Rin, but he could feel a trace of Rin through the aura on Sakura's body. It seemed that Rin was in Sakura's body, and I didn't know what was going on with Rin now.

"Yes, but..."

Standing on the unmoving Sakura, dozens of red and black cloth-like things suddenly stretched out, and they stab at the black Saber in the front.

"Sister Orange, but I hate it. Why was it me who was sent away? Why was it me who suffered? I just want my sister to feel the same pain, so don't stop me, Sister Orange!"

Sakura yelled almost exhaustedly, and the moment she finished shouting, the black cloth strips wrapped around the black Saber, just as she tried to swallow Ishtar before, Sakura also planned to swallow the black Saber.At this time, Sakura has connected herself with the Holy Grail, and can extract endless magic power from the Holy Grail, and the already contaminated power in the Holy Grail can easily pollute the heroic spirit, and the heroic spirit has no way to resist.

So I don’t think that Black Saber can block the pollution. Sakura confidently manipulates the cloth made of black mud to wrap Black Saber. Sakura smiles as if victory has been achieved, but then, Sakura’s pupils quickly enlarged. Because the strip of cloth wrapped around the black Saber did not erode the black Saber, instead, the black Saber grabbed a strip of cloth without expression.

"Speaking of which, I am still familiar with this thing."

Hei Saber grabbed the cloth strip and said without letting go. As he said that he pulled the cloth strip over, Sakura immediately lost his balance and walked a few steps forward. At this time, Sakura showed a surprised expression.

"What's the matter? This is impossible, how could there be heroic spirits that can resist the pollution of black mud."

Ying cried out in surprise, why is the black Saber in front of him okay?This made Sakura feel a great shock, which meant that her most powerful ability had failed.

"Nothing is impossible, after all..."

Hei Saber said, the armor covering her body piece by piece. After the last piece of mask blocked the black Saber's face, Ma Tongying saw that the black Saber's skin was also climbing black lines. Saber continued: "After all, I have been polluted!"

After Kuro Saber finished speaking, he squeezed the cloth strip and pulled Sakura's body almost instantly. Kuro Saber immediately hugged Sakura, and Sakura struggling in Kuro Saber's arms immediately wanted to break free from the black Saber In his arms, he was hugged tightly by the black Saber.

"no, do not want."

Sakura was struggling and yelling, seeming to resist all this.

"do not worry."

Hei Saber said softly, and then stroked Sakura's hair, only to see that the red and black lines on Sakura's body faded a little, revealing her fair skin, and these red and black lines did not disappear out of thin air, but a little bit Black Saber absorbed.

"Really rare, cold-blooded women have a gentle side."

Joan whispered from the side, usually like a sister, or like a tyrant, Black Saber has never felt better for Joan, so seeing the gentle side of Black Saber suddenly appeared, Joan was also a little surprised.

After Black Saber swallowed the black mud from Sakura's body a little bit, Sakura's struggling body slowly calmed down, and she no longer yelled loudly. She seemed to be asleep, lying on Black Saber's chest and did not move.And at this time, Ishtar, who had arrived from the house of Eimiya, finally arrived. She was attached to Rin Tosaka's body and came into the big hollow. She immediately saw the cherry blossoms in Black Saber's arms and felt it too. The soul in Sakura's body, so the goddess immediately came to Black Saber's side, touching Sakura's body with one hand, Ishtar was calling for the soul in Sakura.

"Where is Rider? Jeanne, have you found it?"

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