Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 126

Black Saber did not answer, but took the initiative to kiss. Fujimura Tachibana immediately hugged Black Saber's neck after being surprised. The two enthusiastically began to exchange saber. This stimulating picture made the side of Shiro Weigu blush. And Rin Tosaka bit his fingers jealously, resisting throwing the gems in his hands towards Saber.

"They, what's the matter!"

The most surprised should be Blue Saber, his eyes widened as he watched Black Saber kiss a girl passionately.Because blue Saber and black Saber are opposites of light and darkness, watching Black Saber and Fujimura Tachibana kiss, Blue Saber has a feeling of kissing Fujimura Tachibana, and he doesn’t consciously carry it. A trace of hostility looked at Black Saber, and some impulses flashed through Blue Saber's heart.

At the moment when the jealousy was on the ground, Gilgamesh in the sky had just re-sit on the throne. He saw the A-10 attack plane swooping toward him in the distance, and Gilgamesh smiled.It was just an accident. As long as you move your fingers casually, this aircraft will be easily destroyed, so it is about to open the King’s Treasure to destroy the A-10 attack aircraft. The attack from the A-10 attack aircraft has arrived. .

I saw the GAU-8 7-barrel Gatling cannon located on the nose of the A-10 attack aircraft spinning at high speed, and quickly ejected a flame.A 30mm depleted uranium-piercing bullet was fired from the muzzle, and shot at Gilgamesh sitting on the throne of Vimana in a rain of bullets. Gilgamesh had just smiled, but he went down. In an instant, Gilgamesh's figure disappeared from Vimala.

A 30mm-caliber depleted uranium piercing bullet can easily open the sky spirit cover of the tank. The shell said that the kinetic energy contained in it is very huge. As long as ordinary people hit it, they will be beaten into a ball of meat sauce, but Gilgamesh is not an ordinary person. , But a heroic spirit, and wearing a golden armor, Gilgamesh is not so easy to be killed, but embarrassment is inevitable.

I saw the shells fired by the Gatling gun from the nose of the A-10 attack aircraft instantly engulfed Gilgamesh’s location. Several shells directly hit Gilgamesh, although the shells did not penetrate his armor. , But knocked his body away, Gilgamesh disappeared from Vimana's throne before he could fight back, but Koko did not notice these things.

Continuing to drive the A-10 attack aircraft to pour firepower against Vimala, and fire all his weapons onto Vimala's body in the shortest time, Vimala finally couldn't hold on.

There was fire and smoke everywhere, and explosions could be seen from time to time. Vimala had been wounded all over his body and was falling to the ground with smoke. The A-10 attack aircraft shot it down.

"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!"

When Fujimura Tachibana breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw a few golden lights flashing in the air, and sharp blades shot out from these golden lights, and the direction of the blade was the A-10 attack plane in the sky.The previously majestic A-10 attack plane was easily cut off by the sudden attack. The plane fell to the ground like an out-of-control weighing mound. Kou Kou shouted the emergency code in exclamation, and Fujimura Tachibana’s heart suddenly fell. Tightened, I wonder if Kou Kou is safe.

Seeing an umbrella blooming in the air and Koko was under the parachute, Fujimura Tachibana breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing the golden light still shining, Fujimura Tachibana's worried heart still did not let go.

"Black Saber, save Koko!"

Author's message:

Happy New Year everyone~

Chapter 194: Siege of Golden Shining!

Gilgamesh, who was knocked off from Vimala by Koko, stabilized his body in mid-air, and then controlled his own treasure to shoot down the A-10 attack aircraft. Gilgamesh saw it from the A-10 attack aircraft. The ejected Kou Kou, he had locked Kou Kou, ready to kill Kou Kou also, and at this time, Black Saber's body flashed in the air, holding the sword at Gilgamesh.

"Crazy woman!"

Gilgamesh ducked to one side, avoiding the attack of the black Saber that jumped directly into the air from the ground, Gilgamesh said.After speaking, golden spiral nests appeared in the air, a sword, a spear, a sword and a halberd appeared in the spiral nest, Gilgamesh locked the black Saber's trail and wanted to defeat the black Saber.But a rain of arrows shot from the ground again to interrupt Gilgamesh's attack, which was shot from Ishtar's hands.

At this time, Rin Tosaka had already given control of his body to Ishtar. Ishtar immediately summoned his weapon, bow and arrow, and then launched an attack on Gilgamesh in mid-air. Ishtar was very angry.

As a goddess who once liked Gilgamesh, Ishtar was very unhappy when he saw Gilgamesh showing love to the black Saber. At the same time, Rin Tosaka saw the black Saber and Fujimura Tachibana. The kiss was full of jealousy, and the direct factor that caused the two to kiss, that is, Gilgamesh was naturally hostile to Rin Tosaka, so with the double emotional blessing, Ishtar treated Gilgamey. Shi's attack did not relax at all, and he even seized the shot, and arrows shot at Gilgamesh.

"let's go!"

Rider touched the neck of the Pegasus he had summoned, and soothed the mythical creatures under his crotch. Rider drove the Pegasus directly into the sky. The high-speed flying Pegasus constantly shuttled through the sky, looking for opportunities to attack Gilgamesh. .

So for a time, Gilgamesh, who had originally appeared majestic and majestic, was suddenly caught in a predicament.On the ground is Ishtar shooting arrows constantly, and in the sky is Rider riding a Pegasus.The black Saber and the blue Saber are also eyeing each other. As long as Gilgamesh reveals a flaw, the two will use the treasure to attack Gilgamesh without hesitation, so Gilgamesh is very embarrassed.

"You succeeded in making me angry!"

After evading the attack of Rider Pegasus, there were hundreds of golden lights behind Gilgamesh. If every golden light can emit a treasure, then these are hundreds of treasures. This number is really letting People are surprised.Immediately targeting Ishtar on the ground, Gilgamesh's mouth showed a smile: "Then, start with you, goddess of madness."

As he said, golden lights gleamed, and he shot the treasure from the golden lights to the place where Ishtar was standing. This surprised Ishtar. His right hand continued to move the bowstring and arrows. The light shot into the sky and stopped one treasure after another, but there were too many treasures, and Gilgamesh was still releasing new treasures, Ishtar felt tremendous pressure.


At this moment, there was a beast-like roar, and everyone present saw a black figure rushing directly from the ground to the sky. This figure was Berserker.The axe sword in his hand was constantly swinging, and after every swing, a treasure could be flew into the air. Berserker jumped directly from the ground into the air, and then appeared in front of Gilgamesh, Berserker's axe sword slashed towards Gilga Mesh's head, this made Gilgamesh feel a little panic, because Berserker appeared so suddenly that Gilgamesh was not prepared at all.

Seeing the axe and sword cut from his side, Gilgamesh pierced several treasures into Berserker's body and kicked Berserker down in the air. Gilgamesh only breathed a sigh of relief. This was just a temporary force. Quit Berserker, Berserker is not dead yet.But it was too late to breathe. Pegasus suddenly rammed from one side at a high speed. Gilgamesh was caught off guard. This time Gilgamesh’s appearance was hit by the previous A-10 attack plane. It was miserable, falling straight to the ground, and Berserker was already standing there waiting on the ground.


Watching Gilgamesh's body fall from the air, Berserker directly grabbed Gilgamesh's foot at the moment Gilgamesh's body fell, and then treated it as a rag doll. The ground smashed, and Gilgamesh's body smashed several large pits on the ground, and Berserker threw Gilgamesh out and threw it to the ground where the black Saber and blue Saber were.

So it came from the joint attack of two Sabers. Gilgamesh just summoned one of his protective treasures. The two Sabers’ attacks fell on the shield of the treasure, and Gilgamesh became A meat shield.

Poor Gilgamesh was clearly a top hero, but he looked as pitiful as a doll at this time.After all, at this time Gilgamesh said that he was facing a combination of 4 top heroes and one outstanding hero. Although Gilgamesh could defeat any opponent in a one-on-one situation, it was really beyond Gil. The limit of Gamesh was so embarrassing. Gilgamesh had lost his original arrogance at this time, and his embarrassed appearance could hardly tell that he was the king of heroes.

"Gilgamesh, die!"

Black Saber whispered, the holy sword in his hand slashed at the shield next to Gilgamesh. The shield has gradually broken, and it will be completely destroyed and Gilgamesh will be killed by a magical force. From a distance, both the black Saber and the blue Saber felt it, their expressions changed inevitably, the attack on their hands immediately accelerated by three points, and they swung their swords to the shield. The shield was no longer able to withstand more attacks and shattered. , The two holy swords slashed towards Gilgamesh, but after an instant, Gilgamesh's body disappeared from the place.

"Ling Shu summoned him away!"

The black Saber and the blue Saber immediately recognized what the situation was. Gilgamesh's lord saw that the situation was not good, so he transferred it with a spell.

"It's the Templar Church, let's go over immediately!"

Fujimura Tachibana shouted immediately.

Chapter 195: Electrical Idiot Tosaka Rin

When Gilgamesh disappeared, Kiko sent a message to Fujimura Tachibana. Gilgamesh's figure immediately appeared in the surveillance screen near the church. Gilgamesh seemed very angry afterwards. After pulling out a motorcycle and getting on the car, but then Yanfeng Qili appeared, seeming to have said something to Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh returned to the church angrily, but it was in Gilgamesh. The instant Shi turned around, endless swords covered Gilgamesh, exploding all over the screen.

"Nan Lixiang, you take people to rescue Koko, and the rest will go to the church with me!"

Although the explosion engulfed the entire video frame, Fujimura Tachibana captured a picture in the video, that is, the figure of Red A. The person who attacked Gilgamesh was Red A. Not only that, before Red A attacked Gilgamesh. , A drone was caught by Red A and threw it into a secret room inside the church. Fujimura Tachibana saw the disgusting picture in this room.

In the footage taken by the drone, withered faces, human beings lying on the bed like walking corpses, look no different from dead.If it's just that, it's even more irritating that needles are inserted into these people's bodies and suck the blood out of their bodies. This is why these people can only lie in bed and wait for death.

"According to skeletal analysis, these people are orphans who survived the Fuyuki City fire 10 years ago and were adopted by orphanages under the Templar Church."

Kiko immediately investigated the identities of these people, and Fujimura Tachibana's eyes instantly became cold. Is there such a sinful behavior under the noble appearance of the temple church?I don't know why the Templar Church collects these survivors to extract the blood of these people. For a moment, Fujimura Tachibana felt like a word in his mind, that is magic.

The body fluids of the human body contain magic power, which are sweat, saliva, blood and semen from less to more. Could it be said that Feng Qili extracted the magic power from the blood of these orphans?If this is the case, then Yanfeng Qili is unforgivable.

I forwarded this picture to Motoko Kusanagi. If the police directly investigated the temple church before it might be hindered, then in the face of absolute evidence, Fujimura Tachibana can justify the investigation of the temple church, even if it is a direct killing. Qili is fine.After receiving the information from Fujimura Tachibana, Kusanagi Motoko immediately stated that she would solve these problems, so Fujimura Tachibana was relieved.

So he sat in the driving seat with a cold face, and the black Saber in the passenger seat noticed Fujimura Tachibana's face.Although Nakafujimura Tachibana is a kaolin flower on weekdays, there are still many differences in her cold expression at this time.

"what happened?"

Black Saber asked. At this time, Rin Tosaka, Shiro Eimiya, and Blue Saber were also sitting in the back row. In addition to the Rider sitting on Tenma, the car was packed with 4 heroes.The three people in the back row also noticed Fujimura Tachibana's wrong complexion, and looked at the Fujimura Tachibana in front of them with some confusion.

"Nothing, Rin, Archer appeared in the Templar Church, currently fighting Gilgamesh."

The news of Red A was told to Rin Tosaka, Fujimura Tachibana stepped on the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle drove in the direction of Fuyuki City in the woods.Seeing that Fujimura Tachibana did not answer, Black Saber did not follow up, but continued to sit quietly in the co-pilot's position and closed the study. Before using the treasures one after another, even with the support of Fujimura Tachibana, the black Saber felt There is some exhaustion, which is caused by lack of magic.

"Archer is in the temple church!?"

And Rin Tosaka shouted excitedly when he heard Archer's trail, and almost jumped to the front row. If it weren't for the black Saber to stop Rin Tosaka decisively, Rin Tosaka would have to jump directly to Fujimura Tachibana. .

"Yes, he is currently fighting Gilgamesh."

I handed a tablet computer in the car to Rin Tosaka. It was the scene of Red A and Gilgamesh fighting on the tablet. He hurriedly took over the tablet. Rin Tosaka, an electrical idiot, didn’t accept the computer. Be careful to turn off the screen. If it hadn't been for Shiro Weimiya who turned on the switch for him, Rin Tosaka might have been unable to turn on the screen again for a long time.

Then the three people in the back row watched the battle between Archer and Gilgamesh on the screen. Everyone, especially Rin Tosaka and Shiro Eiya, were very surprised.

Everyone can see the strength of Gilgamesh. Although it was repelled by everyone before, it was repelled by a number of top heroes, and this has not yet forced Gilgamesh’s strongest treasure out. In a one-on-one situation, even Berserker could not defeat it.But at this time, the Red A and Gilgamesh were on par. The two clashed constantly with the Templar Church as the center. Numerous knives, guns, swords and halberds collided in the sky, and one precious treasure was like a cheap street. The cargo was damaged in the impact, and explosions similar to heavy artillery strikes appeared in the screen from time to time. The scene of the two fighting was very intense.

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