Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 133

Kuro Saber had an expression of disbelief, but she perceived the surroundings and did not find Rider's trace. Kuro Saber then looked at Ma Tong Ying, who looked at her with a smile. He wanted to question. The son is gone, because Black Saber's subconscious tells himself that he should love and protect Ma Tong Ying and should not hurt her.So the words in his mouth were swallowed back, and the black Saber stared at Tosaka Rin again, showing a wicked smile.

"Miss Tosaka, I heard that you borrowed a lot of gems from Tachibana? And did you use a lot?"

Black Saber looked at Tosaka Rin with a smirk and said, which made Tosaka Rin feel a chill behind him. Black Saber continued: "I can give you a chance to pay your debts and be a maid. Maybe I can relieve some of your debts for my dear."

Black Saber’s words are actually full of temptation for Rin Tosaka. Not only can it be close to Fujimura Tachibana, but it can also reduce debt. Rin Tosaka has no shame in his heart for a while, but he immediately realized that this is the black Saber deliberately teasing her. So he immediately showed an angry expression.

"I won't agree!"

"What I gave Rin Tosaka was what I gave to her. There is no debt in between! Altria, let's go."

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana took the black Saber's hand. The ghost knew what would happen to this eldest sister staying here. She had already seen that the black Saber was here to make trouble, so she quickly took it away and calmed down this matter earlier. It is the thought of all Fujimura Tachibana.

"No way, Rider!"

"Didn't Rider have returned to the Hall of Valor? It's over. The culprit is gone."

Fujimura Tachibana said, continuing to pull Black Saber to leave. Black Saber always felt that something was wrong, but suddenly he didn't figure out what was wrong. Black Saber instinctively wanted to stay here, but Fujimura Tachibana The movement of pulling her did not stop, dragging the black Saber to the side of the car all the way, and the black Saber said angrily: "You must be thinking! Do you still want to have something with the sisters, I can tell you, that blue I might be able to promise you the guy,, not even the blue guy!"

Hei Saber realized that he seemed to have said something wrong in the middle of speaking, so he hurriedly changed his words, and Fujimura Tachibana kissed him.

"I only love you, Saber."

Author's message:

The backstage of the book guest is really annoying... and the chapters are sent to the old book... Fortunately, the change was found in time

Chapter 208: I want it all

"Sure enough, it's not just a dream, Rin."

Back in Tosaka Rin's bungalow again, Fujimura Tachibana sat on the sofa and looked at Tosaka Rin, who was slightly embarrassed, and Sakura was standing beside him with a smile.

"Here is the effect of Rider's treasure.",

Tosaka Rin said with a guilty conscience, clearly claiming that Rider has returned to the Hall of Valor, but now it seems that Rider is still in Fuyuki City, but he doesn't know where he is hiding without letting Saber discover it.

"So that's why, the night before, I had a relationship with the two of you here, and the two of you also wrote your names on my belly?"

With Erlang's legs tilted, Fujimura Tachibana talked irritably, which made Rin Tosaka even more shy.Blushing and lowering his head, Rin Tosaka didn't know how to answer. Instead, Tong Ying smiled and said, "That's right, Sister Tachibana, how does it feel to eat a pair of sisters at once?"

Sakura didn't seem to care about other people's opinions at all. While talking, she hugged Fujimura Tachibana's hand from the side. Almost the whole person put it on and said that Sakura had put her head to Fujimura Tachibana's ear.

"Sister Tachibana, I am more delicious than my sister~"

Makiri Sakura rubbed his chest against Fujimura Tachibana's arm and said, with an attitude of seducing Fujimura Tachibana. Seeing his sister's movements, Rin Tosaka, who was not to be outdone, immediately hugged Fujimura Tachibana's other arm.

"I'm my sister! Of course it's me first!"

However, compared to Ma Tong Sakura's plump body, Tosaka Rin's figure is a bit sorry, and Tosaka Rin gritted his teeth with hatred as he looked at his sister's provocative eyes.

"You all stop first. Black Saber and I are already in love. Don't you care about this?"

Fujimura Tachibana took his hand from the two people and said solemnly to them, Rin Tosaka and Makiri Sakura started shaking their heads at almost the same time.

"Don't care, we just need to be with Sister Orange." X2

Even when he spoke, Fujimura Tachibana felt a little pain in his head.In the past, Fujimura Tachibana discovered that his body scent had a huge lethal power on girls, so Fujimura Tachibana deliberately kept a distance from each girl.But Fujimura Tachibana is also a very decisive person. After confirming the relationship with the black Saber, Fujimura Tachibana took the initiative to attack, and almost turned the black Saber into a good girl.But Fujimura Tachibana did not expect that he would have a relationship with the sisters Rin Tosaka and Sakura Ma at the same time. Fujimura Tachibana looked at the two, and then closed his eyes.

"you guys……"

Countless thoughts flashed through Fujimura Tachibana's mind, and after a few seconds of thinking, Fujimura Tachibana opened his eyes.

"Are you serious? Even if it's just lovers?"

Speaking to the two, Fujimura Tachibana looked at the two with an unusually serious expression, hoping to get their answer.After hearing Fujimura Tachibana's words, Rin Tosaka and Makiri Sakura showed joyful smiles almost at the same time, and then immediately nodded, for fear that Fujimura Tachibana would refuse.

"I love Sister Orange the most!"

The two immediately hugged Fujimura Tachibana from left to right, and Fujimura Tachibana suddenly felt that he was a very sinful person.I just told Black Saber that I only love her, but within a day, I accepted a pair of sisters as lovers.However, Fujimura Tachibana, who came from a family of Jidao organization, is actually not repulsive of the behavior of hugging left and right. If you like it, it is bold like it. In simple words, it is: "I want it all!"

So after determining the nature of his promiscuity, Fujimura Tachibana stood up.

"So... which one of you first?"

Speaking to the sisters, Fujimura Tachibana lifted their chins with one hand. The sisters have their own tastes. For example, Makiri Sakura's body is very good, not worse than Fujimura Tachibana's body. .And Rin Tosaka's long black silk legs are enough for Fujimura Tachibana to play for a year.And one being active and one being shy, the feeling in bed is completely different.

"Me first!" X2!

At this moment, the sisters said in unison, the two immediately turned their heads to look at each other, and the two began to compete for the first opportunity to have sex with Fujimura Tachibana.

"Sakura, just let my sister this time."

"Sister, are you going to grab me again!"

The two sisters looked at each other and refused to give in. Fujimura Tachibana sighed, then stretched out his hand to embrace both of them in his arms at the same time. He hugged both left and right and said, "Then, it's the same as last time. Come on together! You have to be prepared to be unable to get out of bed for one day tomorrow."

Speaking of Fujimura Tachibana, holding them all up with one hand and walking towards the bedroom, the two sisters immediately exclaimed, but immediately blushed, are they going to be together like the last time?Even the more open and active Ma Tong Ying blushed shyly.

After a while, as Fujimura Tachibana brought the two sisters into the room, the three girls' gasping sounds soon came from the room, and the air was filled with orange fragrance.

At this time, in the room where the three of them were just now, a burst of golden particles suddenly appeared, and then a figure appeared in the living room. This person turned out to be Caster in casual clothes. How could Caster appear here?Shouldn't she still be locked up with Ge Mu Zongyilang?And this is the dreamland created by Rider Medusa's treasure. How did Caster enter this place?

"It's more like a betrayal witch than I am. It's really abusive."

Caster looked at the room where the sound was coming from, then sat on the sofa and took out a set of clay tools from his body.

"Before she comes out, finish the black Saber's figure, Saber is really cute!"

I saw Caster's eyes light up, a black Saber figure that had been formed but not painted was in Caster's hands, and Caster was painting her.And when Caster painted her, Rider, who was also wearing casual clothes, appeared. Rider, who did not wear a blindfold but a pair of glasses, looked curiously at the figure in Caster's hand.Caster didn't care either, leaving Rider to watch. After watching for a long time, Rider suddenly asked, "Can you teach me? I want to be a Sakura figure."

There was expectation in Rider's eyes.

Volume 5 Zombies also need to talk about the Basic Law Chapter 209: Back to the Nine Lessons of Public Security

"This is the entire report of the Holy Grail War. It is already here."

He said to the Hesheng Yangzong that Fujimura Tachibana had left Fuyuki City at this time and returned to the base of the Supernatural Phenomena Investigation Headquarters. After handing the report to the Hesheng Yangzong, Fujimura Tachibana stood in front of her.

"I have read the briefing, Section Chief Fujimura, you did a great job."

He Sheng Yangzong sighed again, the Holy Grail War?This is the first major incident that Fujimura Tachibana has solved. Each incident can be regarded as a major annual event in the past. It is enough for the Supernatural Phenomenon Investigation Headquarters to blow up for a year, but in front of Fujimura Tachibana, these incidents are like ordinary thief Xiao Mo is as common as it is, and it can be solved easily, which makes He Sheng Yangzong not know how to reward her.

Continue to upgrade police rank and position?Her speed of improvement is fast enough, and there is no way to continue to improve in a short time, and the material reward?Fujimura Tachibana is a member of the consortium, and the material reward may not be appreciated by her.So instead of talking about it on the spot, we let Fujimura Tachibana leave first, and Hesheng Yangzong was in a headache again. Could it be that the head was given to her?

Fujimura Tachibana didn't care about the rewards. After leaving the office of Hesheng Yangzong, Fujimura Tachibana returned to her office. Then she saw Kusanagi Motoko who hadn't seen her for several days.

"Did you fall in love recently?"

Did not ask about the work or the details of the Holy Grail War. It showed that I looked at Fujimura Tachibana, and then immediately got close to Fujimura Tachibana's body and sniffed Fujimura Tachibana's body. Kusanagi Motoko asked such a question.

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