Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 135

"Remember, don't write my name. What about your three little brothers before?"

Speaking to Inukane Oni Manjiro, Fujimura Tachibana asked separately.The three younger brothers who were responsible for delivering things to Fujimura Tachibana in the past disappeared. They changed to other people and asked casually. Inukane Oni Manjiro showed a strange expression.

"They made some mistakes and I am punishing them, but they will reappear soon."

Inukane Oni Manjiro seems to be planning something, but Fujimura Tachibana doesn't care very much. After all, it is normal for the younger brother to be punished for mistakes in the Jidao organization.

"With the second young lady's song, you don't have to worry about not having the killer skill against those idols in Saga."

Inukaneki said to himself, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly developed curiosity, is he planning to establish an idol group too?But without the heart to care about these, Fujimura Tachibana picked up his small bag from the side, and then left here directly because Fujimura Tachibana still had an appointment.

"Thank you very much, second lady!"

Behind him, Inukane Oni Manjiro bowed to Fujimura Tachibana’s back and said, and Fujimura Tachibana did not look back, and went directly to the Yamaha V-max that originally belonged to the black Saber. During the time when the black Saber and Ilia went to Northern Europe, This motorcycle belongs to Fujimura Tachibana.

Although the speed of Yamaha V-Max is not as fast as its own Kawasaki h2r, this motorcycle looks more violent. To be clear, it makes Fujimura Tachibana look more handsome.So after the engine sounded, Fujimura Tachibana and her motorcycle quickly attracted the attention of many people, but as Fujimura Tachibana's speed increased, Fujimura Tachibana quickly disappeared from everyone's vision.

"Master Orange, there is a phone call."

While Fujimura Tachibana was driving a motorcycle, Kiko suddenly jumped out and said to Fujimura Tachibana, today Kiko put on a sister outfit. A closer look seems to be similar to the black Saber set. Is it because I saw the black Saber succeeded After hooking up with Fujimura Tachibana, is there any way to learn?

"Come here."

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana heard Asuna's voice.

"Sister Orange, are you here?"

Fujimura Tachibana was going for an appointment at this time, and the other party was the couple, Kiriko and Asuna. The two met after Fujimura Tachibana returned from Fuyuki City, so after recording the music for the Inukane group, Fujimura Tachibana met Go to the place agreed with the two.

"It will be here soon."

While talking while driving a motorcycle through the street, Fujimura Tachibana has actually seen the destination, and the figure of Tongzi and Asuna was automatically searched on Fujimura Tachibana’s multifunctional glasses, and Fujimura Tachibana has seen the two.

"Then I'm with Tongzi..."

Just as Asuna took the phone and was about to tell Fujimura Tachibana where she and Kiriko were, there was a sound of braking, and Asuna was frightened. She took a step back and stood with Kiriko after turning around. Fujimura Tachibana got off the motorcycle and took off his helmet.

"Sister Orange, why are you here so soon."

At this time, the phone hadn't been hung up yet, Asuna said in surprise. Kiriko on the side also looked at Fujimura Tachibana. Fujimura Tachibana noticed that their hands crossed their fingers, and the two of them were really together.

"Two lovely girls make an appointment with me, of course I must hurry up."

Probably because after having close contact with the black Saber and Rin Tosaka sisters, and moving forward in the direction of the scum girl, Fujimura Tachibana released herself a little, and even teased the two in a tone that she could not use in the past. Na and Tongzi blushed.

"Speaking of which, congratulations to both of you."

Said in a slightly joking tone, Fujimura Tachibana looked at the two of them, and then began to think about who the two attacked and who was the victim, but in front of him, they were both affected. When Fujimura Tachibana thought of this, he immediately stopped the dangerous thought. How did you think of this?

When she heard Fujimura Tachibana's words, Kiriko immediately lowered her head shyly. Although Asuna blushed, she nodded without refuting.

"So, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to me."

Speaking to the two, Fujimura Tachibana could predict the resistance they might face, especially from Asuna's parents.Asuna’s parents are both elites. She has been cultivating Asuna since she was a child, hoping that she can marry into the upper class. Tongko’s gender and social class are not the objects of Asuna’s parents’ hopes, so in their relationship After the exposure, the resistance of this little couple will definitely not be small.So I told them in advance, Asuna and Tongzi both nodded, but they also said: "We will overcome the difficulties by ourselves, thank you Sister Tachibana."

After speaking, the three began to go shopping, and just after walking not far, Asuna suddenly took out her mobile phone and said, "Tachibana, there is a very popular idol performance recently!"

With that said, Asuna showed this video to Fujimura Tachibana. In the video, several beautiful idols are performing on the stage, heavy metal music is playing, and several idols on the stage are using amazing ranges. Shaking his head up and down, Fujimura Tachibana narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The performance is very hard, which is really rare."

Fujimura Tachibana did not show a strange expression, but returned the phone to Asuna after reading it.

"Where is this idol group?"

"An idol group in Saga, this is their first debut performance!"


Thinking of what Inukane Oni Manjiro said when recording the song, Fujimura Tachibana immediately understood that they were talking about the same idol group.

"If there is a chance, let's go and watch it together. Speaking of which, I haven't seen an idol performance yet."

"Hmm!" X2.

Asuna and Tongzi also said at the same time. Then the three of them continued to go shopping on the street, but unknowingly, Tongzi and Asuna, who had interlocked their fingers, separated their hands and turned into a left and right arm. Fujimura Tachibana's arm, and the two affixed them affectionately, with an intimate look.

Chapter 212: Are all Saga's idols dead?

Sitting in my office watching the performance of several idol girls in the video, although the video was shot with a mobile phone, the clarity can only be described in general, but it is enough to see a lot of content.

"Class leader, are you sure these are still humans? If they are still humans, then their cervical vertebrae are definitely broken."

Chief Intelligence Officer Tang Zhien of the 9th Public Security Department sent a communication request. Then the figure of the blond intelligence officer appeared in front of Fujimura Tachibana. She analyzed the body movements of several idols in the video, especially a few idols. Crazy head shaking back and forth became the focus of her analysis. Simply put, the swinging amplitude of these girls has exceeded the limit of normal people.If just one person can still be regarded as a gifted person, that group of people would be abnormal.

"In other words, are they likely not humans?"

"At least not a normal human."

"I understand."

Turning off the communication with Tou Zhien of Tang, Fujimura Tachibana contacted Miwako Sato, and soon Sato came to Fujimura Tachibana’s office.

Before Fujimura Tachibana entered the Metropolitan Police Department, Sato was the police flower of the Metropolitan Police Department. Although she did not dress up deliberately on weekdays, she was also very beautiful in professional and light makeup. Some Fujimura Tachibana who started to release themselves were unconscious. Looking at Sato, it was like a hunter looking at his prey, which made Sato feel a sense of crisis when he entered Fujimura Tachibana’s office, as if he was being targeted.But this feeling disappeared in an instant, and Sato came to Fujimura Tachibana.

"Chairman, this is the information of this idol group. There are not many information, and there are many doubts, because there is no match based on the name, but there are dead people who match their identities!"

In Sato’s description, the membership of this idol group is full of doubts. I can’t find any living person’s identity information that matches them. Instead, I found that the identity information of several people matches those of people who died more than ten years ago. Sato put the information of these people in front of Fujimura Tachibana.

"Yuan Ying, died in a car accident on April 7, 2008 at the age of 17."

"Mizuno Ai, died on August 4, 2008, at the age of 16, died of a lightning strike."

"Xingchuan Lily, died on November 30, 2011, at the age of 12, of a heart attack."

"Konno Junko, died on December 6, 1983, at the age of 19, in an air crash."

"Nikaido Saki, died on August 30, 1997, at the age of 18, died of falling off a cliff."

"Xiwu, unknown."

"Yamada Tae, unknown."

There are a total of seven idols, of which 5 can find the relative dead, and two are unidentified.And Fujimura Tachibana also discovered one thing, that is, apart from Gen Sakura, the identities of several other idols with clear identities were related to the show business world. This is definitely not a coincidence.

"In addition, this is the manager of this idol group Kotaro Tatsumi, who used to be a makeup artist and then resigned."

Pulling out a piece of paper, Sato said, Fujimura Tachibana looked at the name and the picture of this person and felt a little familiar, so he recalled it, and then said: "Check his family relationship, is there a sister named Tatsuyuki Keiko." "

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