Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 150

When J is holding the amnesiac stick, Fujimura Tachibana has already seen the structure of this thing clearly. The time can be set on it, and the memory with the highest unit of year can be erased. At the same time, the start button is a small red dot, just press this With the little red dot, the amnesiac stick will release a flash of light to delete the memories of everyone around it.However, Fujimura Tachibana is also confident. If the other party intends to use the amnesiac stick on him secretly, as long as they are within 10 meters, Fujimura Tachibana can snatch the amnesiac stick before the opponent presses the button.

"Why are you called J and K? Is this your code name?"

"No, this is our name. After entering MIB, our past identities including names have been completely deleted. K is my name, and J is his name. You can call us Agent K and Agent J Staff, in the next period of time, you will also get a temporary code name, and we will use this code to call you."

The old white man K, who looked a little serious, suddenly spoke. He looked a little unsmiling while driving. He seemed to be a very strict person. He didn't look like an American, but an Englishman.The temporary code name also made Fujimura Tachibana understand that MIB seems to be a place with strict management. She was a little curious about what her code name would be, and she had some expectations.

At this moment, the Ford stopped suddenly, and K turned his head and spoke to J on the side.

"J, you take the Fujimura girl to see Z, I'll stop."

"No problem, old man, then girl, let's go."

After J got out of the car, Fujimura Tachibana found himself standing in front of a building. The building looked very hackberry. There were no windows or gorgeous decorations. It was just a huge gate that said Bridge and Tunnel Administration. With a big character, Fujimura Tachibana was a little surprised that the People in Black Organization was so generous to put up this sign?

Followed behind J and entered the gate. Fujimura Tachibana saw an old man in a black suit looking at the newspaper at the door. When J and Fujimura Tachibana entered, the old man did not look up, but said calmly. : "Are there any newcomers, J?"

"Not a newcomer, but a colleague from Japan."

After that, the old janitor did not speak any more, but continued to read the newspaper. Fujimura Tachibana looked at the man curiously. This man seemed to care nothing, just reading the newspaper there. The janitor at the headquarters in black turned out to be Is it so calm?Compared with the inspections and strict defense forces of the supernatural phenomenon investigation headquarters, this is completely different from Fujimura Tachibana's imagination.Is there any high-tech guardian here?Looking around, she didn't find any high-tech gadgets, so she gave up.

Then, following J into the elevator, the elevator began to move downwards. It seems that the building on the ground is just a cover of MIB. The real headquarters is located below. After Fujimura Tachibana entered the elevator, he turned and faced the elevator door that came in. At the moment when she turned around, she noticed that J seemed to hold back a smile and did not turn around, but turned his back to her. Fujimura Tachibana immediately noticed something wrong.

Although it does not look obvious, both sides of this elevator are elevator doors, and the sixth sense tells myself that there is more breath under the back of me, so Fujimura Tachibana turned around again and looked at the other elevator door like J. At this time, the elevator stopped descending.

"Ms. Fujimura, you are one of the few people who have found the right direction for the first time in many years."

Not seeing Fujimura Tachibana's embarrassment, J seemed a little disappointed, but with an enthusiastic expression, pointing to the lobby outside the elevator, J said to Fujimura Tachibana: "This is MIB, the only alien management agency on earth! "

In front of Fujimura Tachibana, she saw countless strange aliens walking underneath, and the agents in black suits were checking the applications of these aliens. It was like a customs here, one for foreigners. Stars enter and exit the customs of the earth.

"Ms. Fujimura Tachibana, I am Z. I am the person in charge of MIB. I have been notified by the Paranormal Investigation Headquarters. Welcome to MIB."

An agent with a slightly fat figure appeared and said that he is the boss of MIB Z.

"Hello, I am glad to be here, I am Fujimura Tachibana."

Chapter 237: I used to be a New York policeman!

"Miss Fujimura, are you only 18 years old!"

We went to a small room with J. There was only a small computer in this room. J just looked at Fujimura Tachibana's information and was surprised when she found that she was only 18 years old. After all, this age is too young.If it's just a young age, her position is not low, which does not match her age.

"The conditions at home are not good, so work early."

She said nonsense, she maintained a cold attitude when she was speaking, as if she really went to work because of family difficulties when she was very young, but J looked at some of her information, she was obviously the second lady from the landlord’s house. , Is not a child of a poor family at all!

"Then I am a child from the president's house, so I became a black police detective so late."

The same jokingly said that J had already printed out a certificate at this time and picked up the printed certificate. J said: "In MIB, everyone has their own code name as their name, and as a senior agent in the field, we Use English letters to identify yourself, I am J, he is K, Z is our boss, and your temporary code name is...T!"

Taking a look at the code on the ID, J said to Fujimura Tachibana. After receiving the ID, looking at his head and the code name with T written on the ID, Fujimura Tachibana put the ID in his suit pocket. He was on a business trip in the United States. During this time, his name is T.It's just that the code name T makes her feel what it seems to symbolize?

"Then, the next step is to choose a weapon, T, what weapon do you like?"

K, who had been standing by the side, asked, and then took a picture of the wall on the side. The wall suddenly turned over, and a gun full of science fiction appeared on the wall, but Fujimura Tachibana did not choose.

"I like to use a knife, and... I brought a weapon this time."

I took out a dominator from my suit. This weapon that can freely switch between the three modes of anesthesia, lethality, and destruction is one of the best weapons in the Supernatural Investigation Headquarters. Although the number is not very large, it is indeed. A good weapon.

"Dominator, this is indeed a good gun, so you don't have to choose these guns."

K closed the gun cabinet on the wall after speaking, and then closed the door. This time there were only three people in the room.

"T, tell me about the umbrella."

K asked with a serious face. When he got news from Japan that the umbrella company was conducting biochemical research, MIB took it very seriously, and after getting some information about the T virus, as the boss of MIB, Z decided to send the pair of K and J Excellent police detectives and Fujimura Tachibana investigate the criminal facts about the Umbrella Company’s graduated weapons.

"This is the umbrella base we found underground in Fukuoka City."

Taking out a document, Fujimura Tachibana put the document on the table and began to explain.

"This is the structure of the entire underground building of the Umbrella Company. The depth is 141.421 meters. There are multiple channels leading to various places, one of which leads to the ocean. This base is completely confidential. We have not received any information about this base before. , I discovered this base entirely because of unexpected circumstances."

"There are about 500 elite militants inside the base who use military weapons, and there are also a large number of biological and chemical weapons."

As he said, he began to put pictures of biological weapons on the table, and J suddenly interrupted.

"I took a look, this is a zombie? Is it the kind of legend."

Reaching out and placing his hand in front of him, making a bite gesture, J's expression looked a bit hideous.

"Almost, these zombies are all human beings infected with T virus. If they are bitten by a zombies infected with T virus, within 10 to 30 minutes, humans will be infected and become zombies. There is currently no specific antidote. This process is Irreversible. But the speed of zombies is not fast, the fastest speed is only the speed of ordinary people walking, as long as they are not surrounded, the threat is not big."

"So what about these?"

Pointing to a few other photos and asking, J was more interested in the other photos. Turning around, Fujimura Tachibana knew that J was referring to other more powerful biochemical weapons.

"Zombie dogs, lickers, tyrants..."

One by one explained the specific conditions of the biochemical weapons discovered so far. In Fujimura Tachibana’s account, J and K also knew the terrible T virus.This virus says that the biological and chemical weapons produced are actually not terrible. What is really terrifying is the ability of T virus to infect. I heard that T virus has an airborne version. This is a worrying thing. If the virus breaks out, then It will be a disaster.So J and K carefully studied the information brought by Fujimura Tachibana. The more they looked at them, the more surprised they were. They didn't expect that the Umbrella Company, an American star company, had such a dark and dirty side.

"I usually deal with aliens, but this time it’s rare to deal with people on Earth. K, I have a lot of experience in this matter. I used to be a New York police officer! This kind of big company will definitely put the information in the headquarters, and we will go directly. Headquarters investigation!"

J said proudly, as if he wanted to show off in front of K, but K only said indifferently: "You were not born when I was dealing with human criminals."

When K finished speaking, he looked at Fujimura Tachibana. Then he thought about it and said, "In this case, let's start with the investigation of the umbrella company. We will investigate all the assets of the umbrella company, including the building, research base, and land. "

K said, then patted J on the shoulder.

"As a man, you should show your gentlemanly demeanor and let our Japanese ladies take a good look at the level of the New York police!"

With that, K said to Fujimura Tachibana again.

"T, let's wait for the good news from the New York police."

With that said, K walked out of the room, and the J on the side realized that K didn't seem to be joking, and hurriedly shouted: "K! I don't understand the complicated financial report, I can't do it alone!"

Seeing J who hurriedly ran out, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly felt that the two of them were unreliable at all!But in Z’s previous story, the two seem to be the best combination of detectives in MIB. Could it be that the Americans are free and undisciplined?But speaking of it, the atmosphere here is completely different from that in Japan. Maybe there will be a lot of fun things happening next.

So expressionlessly, he walked out of the room behind J and saw strange aliens outside the room. Fujimura Tachibana felt like he had come to an alien planet.

"Beauty, do you need coffee?"

Just when Fujimura Tachibana was surprised, four voices with different tones came from behind. Turning his head, he saw four worm-like aliens holding coffee cups and asking her, it seemed that coffee was their favorite.

Chapter 238: Sister Orange is taking a bath

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