Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 152

"Is this a virus leaking! Airborne T virus!"

The surge in injuries and disappearances in Raccoon City coincided with the time of this satellite photo. Fujimura Tachibana immediately corresponded to it. It is very likely that a virus leak occurred in the base of the umbrella company, and the umbrella company's plan to prevent the virus from leaking failed. , The virus caused a large number of people to be infected in Raccoon City, so this has led to a surge in injuries and disappearances in Raccoon City!If it can be leaked through the spread of the T virus, it will be a catastrophe.

"It's very possible, so the first thing we have to go to is here!"

Pointing to the bungalow on the photo, K has already made a decision. Fujimura Tachibana did not oppose the decision, and J on the side looked at K unexpectedly.

"Is this the clue you found yesterday?"

After returning home, I have studied the information of the umbrella company, but because the umbrella is a super large company, there are so many materials. J looked at it all night and was dizzy and did not find out anything, but K was able to find such a key clue?

"I said, you were not born when I was dealing with human criminals."

With that said, the car has entered the suburbs, and Fujimura Tachibana realized that this does not seem to be the direction to the airport. Does K plan to drive to Raccoon City?It’s not close to Raccoon City at all. If you want to drive there, you may not be able to reach your destination in a day. At this time, the T virus may have leaked. Every minute and every second is critical, and no time is allowed to be wasted.

"Shall we just drive over? If you don't mind, I can come and drive. As long as the US police don't revoke my driver's license for speeding, my driving speed is still quite fast."

The opening requires the right to drive the car. If you want to drive to Raccoon City, you can only reach the destination as soon as possible by racing at full speed. Although this Ford looks ugly, you can feel its performance just by listening to the sound of the engine. Yes, it is not worse than the one before the modification of the GTR. It is still possible to drive at 300 kilometers per hour all the way.

However, after Fujimura Tachibana finished speaking, K did not answer. Instead, he opened a lid on the center console of the car. A big red button was exposed under the lid, and then he said flatly: "Fasten your seat belt."


After hesitating for a second, Fujimura Tachibana saw that K pressed the red button, and found that J was a little tense and tightened, so he instinctively grabbed the seat belt and fastened it on himself. At this moment, he felt The car seemed to be deformed. In the next second, there was a huge push back. Fujimura Tachibana heard the sound of the jet engine, and then the car flew under the huge thrust.


Fujimura Tachibana was speechless.

Author's message:

~Update time has given up treatment

Chapter 240: Western House and Beehive

Lifeless, heavy lifelessness enveloped the sky over Raccoon City. This was what Fujimura Tachibana had when he flew over Raccoon City in a car.If the life of Fukuoka City is only faint, then the life of Fukuoka almost overwhelms the aura of the living, and there has indeed been a Resident Evil here.

"Here, it's almost out of control."

Fujimura Tachibana spoke, but the K and J on the side didn't say anything, because they were just ordinary people and did not have the cheating skills of Fujimura Tachibana Sixth Sense.

"The bungalow has arrived, let's go down!"

K started talking, driving the car all the way from New York to Raccoon City, the destination is below.So K controlled the car to land slowly, and soon landed in a place near the bungalow, and the three got out of the car.

The bungalow is tens of meters away from the three people. Although it has been cleaned, there are still many traces left around. A lot of traces of car rolling and equipment installation can still be seen. K and J took out some strange The strange equipment began to investigate the surrounding area. Fujimura Tachibana looked around and found that the traces around it had been collected in a short time.

"Alien technology?"

"Yes, Alien Technology."

J was very proud to introduce some of his own equipment to Fujimura Tachibana, but Fujimura Tachibana did not say anything, just opened his suitcase blankly, and then took Demon Sword Village Masaaki out to the bungalow.

"T, be careful, there are unidentified biochemical traces here!"

J hurriedly said, but Fujimura Tachibana did not stop, instead he came to the bungalow and opened the door. J also hurriedly ran over at this time.

"No one, don't worry, our goal is under our feet."

After opening the door, you can see a mess in the bungalow, all kinds of items scattered all over the place, as if they had been robbed.While speaking, Fujimura Tachibana also pointed to the ground. J looked at the ground strangely, then took out a small device from his pocket and put it away.

"K, there is a huge passage under the bungalow, the passage goes to the distance!"

Seeing J who was shouting K, Fujimura Tachibana became very interested in their various high-tech equipment. If the Paranormal Investigation Headquarters is investigating here, under normal circumstances, there is no way to move around in such a short time. After collecting clues and traces, it is impossible to find underground buildings so quickly. It is worthy of being one of the strongest supernatural agent organizations in the world.

After K's arrival, J and K started looking for the entrance and exit to the underground passage. The two kept taking photos with strange equipment, but Fujimura Tachibana noticed a photo.

Bending down to pick up the photo, and wipe the dust off the photo, Fujimura Tachibana saw a pair of people who appeared to be a couple in the photo.Fujimura Tachibana did not care about the man in the photo, but looked at the woman in the photo. This woman has chestnut hair and looks very young and beautiful. Fujimura Tachibana almost immediately felt that this person seemed familiar. , But I can't remember where I saw this face, and the voices of K and J came.

"T, we found the entrance!"

Hearing the voice of J’s K, Fujimura Tachibana put the photo in his pocket, and then walked over with a samurai sword. J suddenly asked, "T, why do you have a knife, do you use a gun? Isn't it better!"

As if looking down on the katana, J also showed off his alien weapon. Regarding J’s behavior, Fujimura Tachibana was only indifferent and even said indifferently: "Even if I let you 39 meters, I can pull out Cut off your head before shooting the gun."

Slightly using the thumb of his left hand to push the blade out of the scabbard, revealing the cold light hidden by the scabbard, J felt a chill coming from him inexplicably, which made him shiver unconsciously.

"It's really strange, it's not cold this day..."

J said to himself, and did not continue to struggle with Fujimura Tachibana on the issue of the samurai sword. At this time, a group of people came to a hidden iron gate. This is the entrance to the passage that the two people found. It was sealed, not only was the original gate closed tightly, but also thick steel pillars were welded to the outside, which seemed to seal the place.

"Step aside!"

J shouted and wanted to shoot and destroy the iron gate, but Fujimura Tachibana stopped him.Reaching out and pressing on his arm, Fujimura Tachibana said: "One shot is too much trouble, and it may break things behind the door."

With that said, he walked to the iron gate step by step. Although J could destroy the iron gate with his alien pistol, the iron gate was not only big, but also had too many reinforced steel pillars. Just fire a dozen shots.And I don’t know what’s behind the iron door. What if the thing behind the door is broken after shooting?So he took the initiative to stand up, Fujimura Tachibana pulled out Demon Sword Village Masaru, J and K both put their pistols away, and curiously watched what Fujimura Tachibana planned to do.

"T, your knife is pretty good, don't cherish it so much..."

Halfway through J’s words, Fujimura Tachibana’s knife fell, and the seemingly sturdy big iron door was cut like a piece of tofu with a huge opening. As Fujimura Tachibana’s knife flashed again, it was huge. There was a gap about 2 meters high on the iron door. Fujimura Tachibana turned his head and looked at J and K. At this time, the iron block at the gap made a metal twisting sound, and it fell down a little bit on the ground. A huge sound, a faint light came from the gap, and a bloody smell came from all three of them, which made them all feel energetic and immediately increased their vigilance.

"J, K, you guys keep up with me!"

Without hesitation, he took the knife and walked up, Fujimura Tachibana walked into the gap, and J and K immediately followed, and even took the initiative to surpass Fujimura Tachibana.After all, let her be a girl at the forefront. As the best combination of police detectives among the men in black, the two have no face to do such a thing.So they took the initiative to walk in front of Fujimura Tachibana, and the two opened their way in front.

So the three of them went deep into the passage. At this time, on the outside of the bungalow, a woman wearing a red dress with high forks and strapless cheongsam, stepping on high heels and holding a pistol appeared. Seeing a K's Ford car, the woman picked it up. A communicator.

"Someone has arrived at the hive early, and I am entering the hive now."

The woman was holding the communicator and talking. After she finished speaking, she walked like a bungalow, with the pistol in her hand already opened for insurance.

I feel unwell, ask for a day off and make up tomorrow

The recent update is particularly incapable, let alone repaying the debt, and the full attendance has not been maintained.Tomorrow, we will strive for 5 updates, and then increase the amount of updates after the Chinese New Year next month, pay off the debt, make up the number of words, make up the number of words make up the number of words make up the number of words make up the number of words make up the number of words make up the number of words make up the number of words make up the number of words Word count

Chapter 241: The monsters appearing in the tunnel are all traditional plots

"There has been a battle here, it should be a massacre."

This place was originally a station, and a broken train was parked on the track, and there were claws on the train to tear the traces of the carriage. I don't know what monster caused it.You can see a lot of bloodstains around, whether on the ground or on the wall, the thick bloodstains exudes a disgusting smell, but the Fujimura Tachibana did not show any strange expressions, but began to check the surroundings.

"It has been disinfected all around, and there is no trace of the virus in the air."

K put a tester away and said, and pointed at the wall and the ground.

"There are bullet holes in the walls, bullets and shells on the ground. Most of them are 5.56 mm bullets, a few are 9 mm bullets, and there are traces of grenade explosions."

"It seems that this place should have experienced a T virus outbreak. Perhaps the researchers in the institute were infected and became zombies. Finally, mercenaries from the umbrella company entered here to kill all the zombies and disinfect the surrounding area."

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