Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 156

"Let's go to this place!"

After Jill got in the car, he threw a map to Jill, and pointed to a point on the map. Jill raised his eyebrows.

"A branch of the umbrella company?"

Jill was surprised when he saw this place. After all, this place is the branch base of the umbrella company in Raccoon City. It is a very important base for the umbrella company. Just two people want to enter here?Is it too big?

"Yes, the umbrella company has many important locations in Raccoon City, but this is the largest biological research base besides the umbrella hive base. After the hive base is destroyed, the umbrella company may transfer the research here. I need to do survey."

Speaking of starting the car, Fujimura Tachibana drove toward the umbrella company branch. Jill felt that he had received an important message.


"The hive base, an important research base of the umbrella company, is located underground in Raccoon City. A biochemical leak occurred at the hive base two weeks ago. Although the umbrella company blocked the hive base, the virus still leaked. When the federal government discovered it, it had already It's over, I just left from the hive base."

While talking, Fujimura Tachibana accelerated the speed of the car to a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Although this speed was much slower than her usual speed of racing cars, it was already very fast in this raccoon city with obstacles everywhere. .

And once again confirmed that this time the Resident Evil was caused by the umbrella company, Jill seemed a little angry. Too many people have died in this city, and the culprit turned out to be the umbrella company, which is regarded as the owner of this city. In the eyes of the umbrella, are the people in this city an experiment?

Along the way, Fujimura Tachibana didn't meet anyone, and the city was empty, but she could feel a steady growth of life around her, and the number of zombies had begun to expand rapidly.So I inevitably speeded up the car again, and quickly reached the umbrella company's branch. Fujimura Tachibana grabbed the demon sword village on the car and got out of the car. Jill curiously said: "Katana? When will the FBI return it? Know how to use katana?"

"I will use it occasionally."

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana and Jill entered the base. At first, they walked slowly and carefully, but soon they strode forward because she and Jill only saw an empty space. Everyone here has already evacuated from the base of the city. No one was seen at all, and naturally no one came out to stop it.

"It seems that there is no one here anymore, we are late."

Jill looked around with a pistol. There were messy traces everywhere. It seemed that the people here were in a hurry when they evacuated, and many equipment fell on the ground.I checked several computers and found that all the data on the computers had been emptied. Jill said to Fujimura Tachibana, but she saw Fujimura Tachibana watching with a small splint.

"Did you find something? Agent?"

Jill walked over and saw a piece of a similar case on the splint in Fujimura Tachibana's hand, with a female profile on it.

"Alice, the security director of the umbrella company in Hive, the only survivor of the entire hive, was later arrested and taken away by the umbrella company, and was taken here as expected, but now..."

The information in Fujimura Tachibana’s hand was exactly that of Alice. After explaining to Jill, she came to a hospital bed on the side and touched the bed sheet.

"There is still a little temperature left, she just left!"

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana turned his head and looked at the entrance to the side. She didn't know when someone had already stood at the entrance. She was Alice.

At this time, Alice had only one thin white coat that looked very sexy and beautiful. At the same time, she held a shotgun and pointed it at the two of them, she was also full of vigilance.

"who are you?"

Alice asked. Jill immediately wanted to get her gun when she saw it, but Alice pulled the shotgun and loaded it at Jill. Jill didn’t dare to move, and the hand to get the gun stopped. Come down.

"I'm Judy Stylin, a senior FBI agent."

With a blank expression on his face, Fujimura Tachibana carefully compared the photos on the information with the appearance of Alice's real person, and confirmed that the person in front of him is Alice. Fujimura Tachibana feels that this world is a coincidence. Can I meet Alice?And immediately thought of the Alice cloning technology he had, what does it matter?

"I am Jill, a member of the Alpha Team of the Police Special Forces STARS. Agent Stylin and I came to investigate the umbrella company. At present, the police have established a shelter in Raccoon City. You can go there and wait for rescue."

Jill said carefully, for fear of Alice's fire, but Fujimura Tachibana said boldly: "Alice, I know your name and you are the security chief of the hive. I just left the hive. This is where I am. Found in the hive. What happened there? I think you also want to expose the crimes of the umbrella company. We are not enemies."

With that said, Fujimura Tachibana walked to Alice and took out the photos he had found in the hive, which made Alice make a decision.

"So, what are your plans?"

Author's message:

go to bed!

Chapter 247: Alice, you are the daughter of the founder of Umbrella (4000 words chapter)

"Who is she?"

"You can think of her as a street girl, right, Miss Ada Wang?"

It was another question about the identity of King Ada. After Alice got into the car, she saw King Ada who was handcuffed and asked. Fujimura Tachibana answered the question again with the answer of the street girl.And King Ada also saw Alice. As a well-known commercial spy, King Ada knew Alice’s identity, or she knew Alice’s secrets better than Alice.So after changing the silence before, this time King Ada spoke and said her name to Alice.


"you know me?"

Alice was a little surprised. In her memory, she didn't know King Ada in front of her, but why would King Ada reveal her identity?But King Ada just showed a meaningful smile, and did not continue to explain, instead, he stopped talking. This made Alice a little anxious. At this moment, she wanted to find out what happened to her.

"Alice, next to the umbrella company building, all the secrets will be solved, now we have to rush out first."

First, he looked at King Ada threateningly. King Ada turned his head as if nothing happened, and then said to Alice.At this time, after the three people left the branch of the umbrella, there were already traces of zombies around, although there were not many in number, they appeared on the road ahead.

So while holding the steering wheel with one hand, Fujimura Tachibana had a spare pistol in his left hand, and then shouted: "Sit firmly."

After all, the car's engine broke out with a roar, and all four people in the car felt a huge push from their backs and were pressed on the seats, while Fujimura Tachibana's left hand extended the window.At this time, because of the roar of the car engine, the zombies also noticed the car that was approaching them, but then one by one the heads of the zombies were covered. The bombs exploded into a cloud of blood and the car rushed past. .

"Da da da da da da da!"

While manipulating the steering wheel to swiftly drove forward, while constantly pulling the trigger, without waiting for Alice and Jill, who were protruding their heads, to shoot, Fujimura Tachibana swept away the zombies in front of them. This performance allowed them to eat. I was taken aback, because the marksmanship was so good. When driving at a high speed, they had a headshot with a pistol. Do FBI agents have such good marksmanship?

Then watching Fujimura Tachibana replace the magazine with one hand, neither of them spoke, but King Ada began to speak again.

"Miss Agent, your marksmanship is really good, where did you practice it?"

As a spy, King Ada, in addition to having a strong ability to infiltrate and search, is also very good at making troubles.At this time, King Ada had actually discovered some unusual situations. For example, she had discovered that her memory seemed to have disappeared for a short period of time. Although she was not very sure, she had already felt the abnormality.So when he began to test the origin of Fujimura Tachibana, King Ada tried his best to pretend to be innocent, even a little pitiful.


He did not answer King Ada’s question, but kept silent and kept driving. King Ada continued to speak: "Are we going to the umbrella building? There is heavy protection by mercenaries from the umbrella company. There are helicopters and armored vehicles, the three of you... I'm afraid..."

At this time, King Ada's tone became a little ridiculous. In fact, this is what Jill and Alice are worried about. How should the heavily guarded umbrella company enter?

"Don't worry, you can just follow me at that time."

Without explaining more, Fujimura Tachibana continued to drive, and King Ada wanted to talk, but Fujimura Tachibana suddenly stepped on the brakes and the car suddenly stopped. This made the three of them look at Fujimura Tachibana strangely, not knowing. Why did she brake.

"I found a strange person in this school!"

Just when I was driving, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly noticed that there was a breath of living amidst the heavy life of this school, and Fujimura Tachibana could feel that there was an aura similar to Alice in this vitality. Let her stop the car immediately.After thinking for a few seconds, Fujimura Tachibana immediately made the decision to bring this person out, and said, "Don't you want to know why I can enter the umbrella building? I can show it to you now."

With that, Fujimura Tachibana grabbed the samurai sword on the side and got out of the car. Jill and Alice followed her out of the car. King Ada immediately shouted: "Hey, don't leave me alone in the car. They are all unlovable zombies!"

King Ada rubbed his face against the car window and shouted, as if he was asking to take her. Turning his head and glanced at King Ada, Fujimura Tachibana opened the door.

"If you want to run, I will throw you into the zombie group and help me watch her."

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana took the katana in his left hand, and went directly into the school with his right hand empty. After Jill and Alice looked at each other, they nodded and signaled King Ada to go ahead. The four of them entered the school. , And then the three people behind Fujimura Tachibana saw a startling picture.

I saw Fujimura Tachibana who entered the school building without making any stops. He held the hilt of the samurai sword in his right hand and walked into the corridor. After spotting Fujimura Tachibana's figure in the corridor, all the zombies in the corridor threw their teeth and danced at her. , But only a ray of cold light greeted these zombies.

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