Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 165

Just now Misaka Mikoto appeared inexplicably in the mind of Kuroko and Fujimura Tachibana. If Kuroko is a good school girl, a good roommate and a good girlfriend who is inseparable from her every day, and she is affected by Kuroko, then why is she in her mind Where is the figure of Fujimura Tachibana who has seen each other once?So immediately lowered her head to think about the reason, Misaka Mikoto quietly glanced at the Fujimura Tachibana while she was driving. She felt a faint scent of orange, and Misaka Mikoto's mood suddenly began to shake, and it seemed that Yuri was also Not bad?

"How is it possible, right?"

Immediately shook his head and denied his thoughts, Misaka Mikoto looked a little cute.Fujimura Tachibana did not express anything when he saw her movement, but opened his mouth and said to the back row: "Flanda, there is only one guard at the other institute, right?"

At this time, in the back seat of the car were the knocked out Maiye Shenli and Flanda shivering in the corner of the car.At this time, Flanda looked at the unconscious Maiye Shenli with a horrified look. She still couldn't eliminate the fear of Maiye Shenli at this time, because she understood that Maiye Shenli's attitude towards betrayers was to kill. Wait for Maiye Shenli. After waking up, as a traitor, he might be chased by Mai Ye Shenli.To get rid of this situation, Flanda’s only way to survive is to find a thigh that can protect her. Fujimura Tachibana is the best choice. So after hearing Fujimura Tachibana’s words, Flanda immediately nodded and said: "Yes, Because there are only two research institutes that have not been attacked by the super-electromagnetic gun, the props are divided into three groups. My favorite and I waited at the two research institutes, while the two research institutes waited for the support of super The research institute where the electromagnetic gun appeared is just..."

Flanda was still scared looking at the unconscious Maiye Shenli, the fourth of the top 7 in the Academy City was defeated like this?And what is the identity of Fujimura Tachibana?Why is there no information on Fujimura Tachibana?Flanda doesn't know if she can get the blessing of Fujimura Tachibana. Flanda is very nervous. Maybe betraying her hue is a good idea?

Without paying attention to Flanda's inner thoughts, Fujimura Tachibana asked about the abilities of Takiju Rihou and Jinqi's favorite abilities, Flanda informed them one by one.When she defeated Maiye Shenli before, she didn't see Takijuri, she should have hid after seeing Maiye Shenli being defeated.And Jianqi's favorite should know about Maiye Shenli's defeat, and it is not clear whether the opponent will run away by that time.

"Here, we seem to be a little late."

At this moment, the car has reached its destination, and it is also the last research institute of the Absolutely Powerful Evolution Project.Looking at the darkness of the research institute where the power supply has been cut off, this place has been abandoned, and through his sixth sense, Fujimura Tachibana discovered that there is only one person in the research institute. This person is probably the favorite of the silk flag. Fujimura Tachibana is by the side. M1 Garland was taken from the car and looked into the distance through the sight. She saw a girl standing on the roof looking in her direction. The distance between the two sides was about 1,000 meters. The heart is aimed at this girl's feet...

"Miss Fujimura, someone wants to see you."

Just when Fujimura Tachibana was about to fire a preemptive strike, suddenly a girl’s voice came over, and Fujimura Tachibana immediately shifted the muzzle to a position next to him. A red-haired girl appeared not far from the car. The words are what she said.It was not only Fujimura Tachibana who was surprised, Misaka Mikoto was also surprised to look at her, because in her perception, the girl appeared suddenly, and it was obvious that she and Shirai Kuroko are rare spatial abilities.

"who are you?"

Not feeling the hostility of the other party, Fujimura Tachibana lowered the muzzle and asked, but still remained vigilant to observe her.This is a female high school student with a good bust. The red hair is tied into two bundles behind the head, and the upper body is bare. Only a cloth strip is wrapped around the chest, which looks very sexy.Judging from the abilities she just showed, she should be a space capable person, and the space capable person is one of Fujimura Tachibana's most feared abilities.And Fujimura Tachibana heard her calling herself Miss Fujimura, how did she reveal her name?Was it Sunspot exposed?Fujimura Tachibana denied this idea for the first time. It seems that College City is not that simple. He underestimated College City.

"Introduce myself, Danxi Kiebi is a leader. The president of the college city wants to see you and wants to make a deal with you. He asked me to tell you a word. Any condition can be used as a deal. The content, I just hope you can let the Mai Ye Shen Li first."

Yubi Danxi said, Fujimura Tachibana looked at Mai Ye Shenli who was still in a coma in the car, and Fujimura Tachibana nodded.

"Then, I can release Mai Ye Shenli, where is he?"

"I also need to go!"

Misaka Mikoto also hurriedly yelled at this time. When she heard the words of Yubi Danxi, she wanted to supervise the chairman to end the evolution plan for the absolute powers, but Yubi Danxi shook her head, indicating that the chairman only saw Fujimura Tachibana. A person.

"Don't worry, Misaka-san, I will help solve all this, Mai Ye Shenli will give the props to the person, you take Flanda and wait for me in this place."

With that said, Fujimura Tachibana handed a note to Misaka Mikoto, which was Kuroko's secret base.


Inexplicable feeling Fujimura Tachibana has a feeling that he can rely on. Although Misaka Mikoto was a little unwilling, he nodded.And Fujimura Tachibana grabbed his demon sword Muramasa, and then said to Yubi Danxi: "Then, let's go."

Author's message:

Sore shoulder

Chapter 262: The Holy Grail War in the Academy City

This is a building without windows and doors, and it looks so strong that even heavy artillery can't hurt this building any more.Standing in front of this building, Fujimura Tachibana turned her head to look at the side Kiebi Danxi. Kiebi Danxi did not speak, but took out a flashlight and turned it on and off. Then Fujimura Tachibana felt the picture change in front of her. Later, she and Danxi Jiebi appeared in an empty room. The only thing in this room was a recuperation cabin with tempered glass on the outside and filled with red liquid, and a man in a green surgical gown stood upside down. Looking at herself in it, Fujimura Tachibana frowned, because she didn't even recognize whether he was a male or a female.

"Hello, Ms. Fujimura from another world, I am Aleister Crowley, the general director of Academy City."

A voice that couldn't tell whether it was a male or a female revealed the origin of Fujimura Tachibana. Although she was mentally prepared, she was still a little surprised. How did she expose it?

"Hello, I'm Fujimura Tachibana, the head of the 9th Division of Public Security jointly established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and the Paranormal Investigation Headquarters in another world."

Without showing a surprised expression, Fujimura Tachibana spoke calmly, then looked at Aleister in front of him, and waited for Aleister's words.

"The evolution plan for those with absolute abilities can be stopped."

Aleister's words are simple, but also very surprising.In Fujimura Tachibana's view, the ultimate goal of Academy City is to reach the realm of Gods in the body of a mortal, which is the legendary Level 6. This is the purpose of the Absolute Ability Evolution Plan, and its importance is probably not in the Academy City. It's that simple, so why did Aleister propose to stop the evolution plan of the Absolute Powers so simply?

Facing this question, Fujimura Tachibana flashed a lot of thoughts in an instant. For example, although the evolution plan of the Absolute Ability Man seemed important, it was actually not that important in Aleister’s eyes. There are even more important plans to hide. Behind the scenes, the Absolutely Powered Evolution Project is just a cover.In other words, the evolution plan of the Absolute Power is not irreplaceable. As long as there are enough exchange conditions, Aleister can also agree to exchange.

"So, what about the conditions?"

So he said coldly, Fujimura Tachibana was also observing Aleister in front of him when he spoke.In Fujimura Tachibana’s sixth sense, Aleister is not a good person, but he is not a bad person. If you want to say, Aleister’s body is full of both good and evil, as if he is a saint and a devil. The same as the combination.And faintly, Fujimura Tachibana felt that Aleister's breath was not static, but in rapid change, "a condition that can cancel the plan without making people doubt."

Aleister's words seemed a bit vague. He didn't directly state the terms of the exchange, but let Fujimura Tachibana speak.Hearing these words, Fujimura Tachibana was silent for a moment, probably thinking, she did not speak, but looked around. Before the target Danxi brought herself in and left, she did not see the third person. , She was also thinking about how she should exchange, when Fujimura Tachibana suddenly thought of something.

"Holy Grail, how about the Holy Grail in exchange?"

Fujimura Tachibana suddenly thought of the Holy Grail that she had won after participating in the Holy Grail War. She put the Holy Grail at home as a collection.This holy grail is the product of the contaminated holy grail in Fuyuki City after purification, and it has a huge magical power.Fujimura Tachibana once asked Caster Medea to study the Holy Grail. She said that the magic in the Holy Grail was enough to launch a new Holy Grail war, or simply use the magic of the Holy Grail to complete some tasks that ordinary magicians could not complete, such as reaching the root cause.

Fujimura Tachibana has no interest in launching the Holy Grail War, nor is he interested in reaching the root cause, so he always keeps the Holy Grail in his home as an ornament.I don’t know why, I suddenly thought of using the Holy Grail in exchange. She continued when Aleister hadn’t spoken: “The Holy Grail is an object with great magic power, and it can even initiate a war called the Holy Grail. In the competition, the winner can obtain the Holy Grail to realize his wishes. Although I don’t know how strong the absolute power is, if you only consider the magic inside the Holy Grail, the general gods do not have such a huge magic power. I think if the gods of this world If it is not that powerful, the energy in the Holy Grail is enough to exceed those of absolute ability."

As Fujimura Tachibana said, Aleister seemed to be interested, and the sound made through the electronic device sounded again.

"I need to see the Holy Grail with my own eyes. Magic also exists in this world, but superpowers and magic are incompatible. If you force the compatibility of the two abilities, the only result is death."

While interested, Aleister also said something that surprised Fujimura Tachibana. It turns out that this world also has magic, and magic and superpowers are incompatible?I don't know if the magic and superpowers from my own world are compatible, but Fujimura Tachibana thought of Kuroko.

Every time Heizi travels between the two worlds, he relies on a strange teleportation magic. Since Heizi, a superpower, can also use magic, there may be a difference between magic and magic.Therefore, he did not immediately feel that his plan was not feasible. Fujimura Tachibana nodded and agreed, that is, the first time Fujimura Tachibana nodded, the system task appeared: "Task Release: Hold a Holy Grail War in Academy City and win the Holy Grail. War. Mission reward: a surprise tour with the princess Tokibandai and the queen of Tokibandai in another world!"

I didn’t understand what the reward is for this mission at all, but now that the system says so, Fujimura Tachibana believes that his idea is correct, so after that, Fujimura Tachibana and Aleister agreed on some insignificant content, and the bid was concluded. Danxi appeared again, and then took Fujimura Tachibana out of the building, and she returned to where she had been standing.Yubi Danxi did not say anything. After the transmission, she left immediately, and did not say anything to Fujimura Tachibana, or because there is a lot of distance between the two, the orange fragrance of Fujimura Tachibana has not affected yet. she was.But after the bidder Danxi leaves, how can I go back?Looking around, there seemed to be no people around.

"Miss Fujimura, please get in the car."

Just when Fujimura Tachibana was considering going back, an unmanned car suddenly appeared and stopped, and Aleister's voice came from inside the car.

Author's message:

Yesterday, I went away and there is no way to update. I will be at home tomorrow, so I will update tomorrow.

Chapter 263: You are not allowed to start with the sunspot!

"Kacha, bang!"

The door of Kuroko's secret base was opened and then closed again, and then Fujimura Tachibana saw Misaka Mikoto in the room almost immediately jumped over. The movement was so fast that there was almost no time to react, but she avoided.

Deftly hiding to the side, Misaka Mikoto swept away from her side, and then she heard Misaka Mikoto's sorrowful voice: "What did you do to Kuroko!"

Immediately standing firm, Misaka Mikoto shouted loudly, with a hint of shyness, what's going on?Looking at her blankly, Fujimura Tachibana didn’t understand what was going on for a while, but with the location where Misaka Mikoto pointed, Fujimura Tachibana looked at the room where Kuroko pasted the photo of herself and Misaka Mikoto. It was obvious that Misaka Mikoto noticed. What Heizi did.But what does Shirai Kuroko do to me, Fujimura Tachibana?

"I didn't do anything. You should ask your roommate. In addition, I'm going to get something. The evolution plan for the Absolutely Powerful has been stopped."

To Misaka Mikoto, Misaka Mikoto seemed a bit disapproving.

"I have destroyed most of the research institutes, even if they want to continue experiments, it is impossible!"

It seemed to be somewhat confident to say that Misaka Mikoto made multiple attacks in the past two days and destroyed more than 20 research institutes, and even attracted ambushes by the Academy Urban Props Organization, but she felt it was worth it.For Misaka Mikoto's opinion, Fujimura Tachibana's first reaction was naive.

"If you can stop a high-priority experiment just by destroying some laboratories, you would be too underestimated by the Academy City."

Slightly refuted, Fujimura Tachibana came directly to the computer, and then ordered Kiko to take out a part of the monitored screen. On the screen are the Misaka sisters who are returning with huge rifles. They were originally conducting an experiment. However, due to the agreement between Fujimura Tachibana and Aleister, the experiment was temporarily suspended, so there is a picture of Sister Misaka returning from stopping the experiment, otherwise Sister Misaka will still participate in the experiment according to the original plan, and eventually die in the hands of one party.


Seeing that the screen looked like Sister Misaka, Mikoto Misaka was speechless. He thought that destroying the laboratory would end the experiment. It seemed that he was too naive. Destroying the laboratory was impossible to end the experiment, but Fujimura Tachibana and the general director What deal was made to stop the experiment?So looking at Fujimura Tachibana expectantly, Misaka Mikoto unconsciously tilted her body in the direction of Fujimura Tachibana, and then smelled the orange fragrance from Fujimura Tachibana.

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