Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 176

At this time, Xiao Mo stomped angrily and shouted at X and X·Alter. She had recognized that the person in front of her was her father, but why would her father do such a thing!And she also felt that not only X and X·Alter, but the other two fathers on the side were different from the father in her memory. What was going on?Does his father have a side that he doesn't know?

"To shut up!"

Altria yelled to Xiao Mo viciously. She was obviously her daughter, but her attitude was not good at all. At this time, she not only stared at Lungominiad, but also at Fujimura Tachibana behind her. A Xingshi said in a questioning tone: "Orange, how do you explain it?"

"I don't know. It's the first time I summoned her. I only know that she is called the goddess Gominyade. I don't know... She is also you?"

Fujimura Tachibana spoke with some uncertainty, but was immediately rebuked by Altria.

"Don't you know that the Holy Spear Lungominiad is also my weapon! I used this Holy Spear to stab her to death!"

Altria first pointed angrily at the spear in the hand of the goddess Lengominyade, and then pointed to Xiao Mo who was aside, shouting, with a distressed look, which made Xiao Mo show a look of consternation.

"Father, what are you doing pointing to me! Back then..."

"Shut up, unfilial son, I want to teach you a lesson!"

For a while, Xiao Mo and Altria fought together again, and X and X Alter on the side didn’t know when they fought. Fujimura Tachibana looked at the picture in front of him and suddenly felt that this Holy Grail war seemed to have become. A family ethics drama.

But this is not the time to watch some family ethics drama. Fujimura Tachibana still has very important things to do, because at this time, orange and white light beams continue to appear in the distance, which seems to be sister Misaka and just assaulted herself. Maiye Shenli was fighting, and the newly arrived Kamikazuhoori raised a weapon to him, and Misaka Mikoto was also coming, as if a melee was about to break out.

Author's message:

There will be updates later.Go to the codeword

Chapter 280: Just rely on you to grab the Holy Grail?The magic side is looking for death!(Third more)

"Father, you haven't said yet, is she the concubine of your Xinna?"

He said in an unceremonious tone, Mordred, who was like a bear child, did not respect his father and king's attitude at all. This made Fujimura Tachibana's face darkened. This bear child is really annoying, or his own Ilia. be good.

This is a coffee shop. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana is sitting next to Altria, and Mordred is sitting across from her. Next to her is her master god, Risukaori. Before, everyone was still fighting, why now Will it become like this?

Just after Kamikari Kaori, Misaka Mikoto and others rushed over, Fujimura Tachibana thought there would be a big melee, but the subsequent development was beyond Fujimura Tachibana's expectations.

First, the two who claimed to be the heroine X and the heroine X·Alter disappeared together after the summoning time reached 10 minutes, and then Altolia successfully pinched Xiao Mo’s face to subdue Xiao Mo and carried out a round. Mom’s lesson to her daughter.In the end, the goddess Lungominiad didn't seem to be interested in all of this, and recalled herself and left without saying anything. This did not even require Fujimura Tachibana to give an order. It seemed that she could not obey Fujimura Tachibana's order.

Although Kamijou Toma and others raised their weapons at the beginning, Kamijou Touma knew everyone present except the bee-eater, so under Kamjo Toma’s mediation, a group of people also raised their weapons. Instead of launching a battle, it was Kansei Hoori who finally made a proposal to communicate with Fujimura Tachibana, so four people were sitting together in this cafe.

After sitting down, Mordred asked the previous question again. Compared to Fujimura Tachibana's face, Altria seemed a little happy.

"Mordred, you want to call her mother queen!"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Did the father admit my heir status?"

The focus is not on Fujimura Tachibana. On the contrary, Mordred slapped the table as happy as a bear kid who wanted a candy to get a piece of candy. Although he fought Altoia to the death and death, it was full of family. Fujimura Tachibana felt a bit speechless about the foul smell of ethical drama, but the saddest thing was that he became a member of this family ethical drama, which was simply a disaster.

"Ahem, Majesty Mordred, King Arthur, can you listen to me?"

At this moment, Shencrahuozhi spoke, facing this family ethics drama, if he is allowed to continue to develop, then he does not know when to toss.So he took the initiative to interrupt the two of them to continue tossing, and all three of them looked at her.As a rare saint in the world, Shinshitsuhoori rarely feels oppressed.But after Mordred and Altria looked over, she felt a huge pressure.Not only that, although Fujimura Tachibana looked like an ordinary person, she believed that if she underestimated her, she would suffer a lot.

So he took a deep breath, and Kamiyakaori continued to speak:

"Because the Holy Grail has shown great potential, so many people on the magic side have been eyeing the Holy Grail. There have been many magicians on the magic side in Academy City. They are all here to snatch the Holy Grail! It may even cause it. World War!"

Kamikari Hoori said what he said to Kamijou Touma, but after she finished speaking, Fujimura Tachibana and Altria did not show any surprised expressions, and were even very calm.

"Don't you worry?"

Kamikaru Hoori looked at the two people in front of him with some worry. Could it be that the two in front of him were not interested?

"I knew it, but it's not a big deal."

Fujimura Tachibana said without changing her face. At this time, she was not ignorant of the world when she first came to Academy City. Fujimura Tachibana knew that there were two major forces on the magic side and the science side in this world. The school city is headed, and the magic side is a force composed of religious groups.According to the name, the strongest combat power on the magic side is the saint, and the godcracking fire weave in front of him is a saint belonging to the British Puritanism.Although I don't know why a Japanese would become a subordinate of a religion in Britain, it does not prevent Fujimura Tachibana from observing her power.

The strength of Kamikarihoori is very strong, and Fujimura Tachibana’s sixth sense tells her that if she fights Kamuihoori one-on-one, unless it is Kamikarihoori who is successfully attacked by her, she has no chance of success.But her strength is not so exaggerated. She may be stronger than the super powers of Academy City, but not as strong as the top heroic spirits, let alone cheating guys like Gilgamesh, so the magic side is famous. The strongest one is not that strong, let alone other ordinary magicians, these magicians are cannon fodder in front of the heroic spirits.

"Who do you think is stronger than Mordred?"

Said to the Godcracking Fireweaving, Godcracking Fireweaving froze for a moment, and then replied after thinking for a moment: "If it is full, His Royal Highness Mordred will have a higher winning rate...Although Saber is given to himself It has brought some new capabilities, but it has not brought fundamental changes."

After Kamikazuho finished speaking, Mordred on the side showed a proud expression, but Altria on the side immediately hit her.

"Among the knights of the round table, only Bedivell can't beat you. It's easy for others to defeat you. Do you want to be my heir? Be stronger, otherwise it's a dream."

Speaking quietly, Altolia's words immediately made Mordred upset, but what she said didn't seem to be wrong, which made Mordred sit down somewhat discouraged.

"She, King Arthur, the top existence of the heroic spirits. Although I don't know what the relationship between Assassin and Berserker and Altolia is, they are also the top existences of the heroic spirits. As for Lancer..."

Said this, Fujimura Tachibana paused, then glanced at a slice of Altria, and then continued: "Goddess Gominyade, who has truly become a god, is more powerful, and there is also one in the academy city. The wandering hero-Gilgamesh, he has the qualification to compete with the strongest hero, unless a plurality of top heroes besie him, otherwise he is almost invincible."

When talking about Gominiade, Altolia seemed a little unhappy. He pinched the Fujimura Tachibana secretly, but found that the thick-skinned Fujimura Tachibana was unmoved. Altria looked at Fujimura Tachibana with full eyes. After Youhen, these little movements were all watched by the two opposite people.

"They are all stronger than Mordred next to you, and the Holy Grail is not such a simple thing. It can summon more heroic spirits to descend into this world. You said people from the magic side came here to grab the Holy Grail? I think they are here to die!"

Speaking of this, Fujimura Tachibana paused suddenly, took out a pair of glasses from her pocket and put it on. A few seconds later, she continued: "A magician just attacked Maiye Shenli. It is said that it is the Thirteen Knights of the Roman Orthodox Church. As a result, the furious Maiye Shenli was completely destroyed and divided."

Chapter 281: Don't bother the angry woman

"Are these people idiots, appear in front of me wearing armor!"

Panting, Mai Ye Shenli looked at the corpses in front of him and said, these corpses are all wearing heavy armor, with cross patterns symbolizing religious meaning on the armor, and they don’t look like people in the academy city. Like some fanatical religious groups.When Mai Ye Shenli returned to his base, these people suddenly appeared and attacked her, and they directly ran into Mai Ye Shenli who was in a rage.Having never been a good person, she naturally relentlessly released her abilities with all her strength, and these knights were completely bombarded and killed without even holding on for 3 seconds.

As the fourth place in the Academy City, Makino Shenli, who fully releases her abilities, has an output that far exceeds her ranking, but in the past, if she fully releases her abilities, she cannot control her abilities, and she will also be affected by her own Ability to shred.Just like now, Mai Ye Shenli had large wounds on her body, and the blood stains almost stained her clothes. It looked terrifying, but Mai Ye Shenli didn't seem to be moved.And there was a red light in her eyes at this time, which looked a little scary.

If you take off Mai Ye Shenli's clothes, you can see that a series of hideous wounds appear on the originally beautiful body. These wounds are caused by her full release of her ability, which looks very terrifying.But what is even more shocking is that the wounds under Mai Ye Shenli's clothes are recovering at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. About 10 seconds have passed. Most of the wounds on her body are gone, and the white and tender skin is revealed again. , Unless the bloodstains still existed, Mai Ye Shenli looked as if he had not been injured. This is the ability that her Berserker rank brought to her, and this ability can allow her to output as much as possible.

After the wound healed, Mai Ye Shenli's figure shook slightly. Although the wound was gone, blood loss was inevitable, so her complexion looked a little pale. A little girl stood holding something like a drink. Around.

"Drink this, this super tonic!"

The one who spoke was the favorite of Item's member Jian Qi. She was very worried about Maiye Shenli's injury, because before Maiye Shenli and Misaka sister had already lost blood severely, now another battle made her blood loss more serious.And the most important thing is that she hadn't defeated Misaka's sister before, which made Maiye Shenli in a state of rage, and then these knights came to attack Maiye Shenli, and she immediately ran away and killed him!

"Damn clones!"

Mai Ye Shenli grabbed the nutrient solution and drank it in one gulp, then angrily threw the bottle to the ground and it smashed with a loud noise.Not long ago, Mai Ye Shenli successfully locked the coordinates of Fujimura Tachibana, remembering the shameful scene of being defeated and captured by Fujimura Tachibana before, she immediately attacked Fujimura Tachibana, that is, Fujimura Tachibana was attacked while driving a motorcycle. Those few white lights.But at the moment Maiye Shenli attacked, Misaka sister suddenly appeared and attacked Maiye Shenli.

Misaka Misaka who attacked Maiye Shenli is holding a huge gun in her hand. This is a weapon modeled on Misaka Mikoto’s signature stunt super-electromagnetic gun. It appears in the form of Gatling weapons, capable of 4,000 rounds per minute. Launching a super-electromagnetic gun, and Misaka Mikoto's firing rate is only 8 rounds per minute.Therefore, it was equivalent to hundreds of Misaka Mikoto attacking Maiye Shenli at the same time. Maiye Shenli was in crisis at that moment, and he withdrew his attack on Fujimura Tachibana, and Maiye Shenli fully used his ability to protect his surroundings.

After that, Maiye Shenli and Misaka’s sister began to shoot at each other. The orange light of the electromagnetic cannon and the white light of atomic collapse are intertwined and constantly collide. The attacks on both sides are not only powerful but also very dense. Each round of attacks will cause huge Almost no one can intervene in the battle between the two. Anyone who enters the battlefield will suffer firepower from both sides. If you want to describe it, the two people are like two super forts pouring firepower against each other.

In the end, because X and X·Alter were summoned due to the time limit, Sister Misaka and Shenli Maiye were unable to defeat each other. Finally, sister Misaka chose to leave the battlefield. Shenli Maiye, who did not have the ability to move fast, could only watch sister Misaka. Teleported away, and discovered that the battle on Fujimura Tachibana was over, Mai Ye Shenli's best chance to kill Fujimura Tachibana was lost, so Mai Ye Shenli could only return.

Realizing that as a superpower with only 7 people in the Academy City, he could not deal with the clones that were just cloned using Misaka Mikoto's genes, and he did not kill Fujimura Tachibana, Shenli Maiye was angry inside.Once a woman is angry, anyone can become a woman's emotional vent.So when the Knights of the Orthodox Church came to attack her, she directly exploded and destroyed the Knights regardless of her ability.

"Are these people magicians?"

Probably after venting his emotions, it calmed down a bit, and Maiye Shenli's tone became slightly softer, and he asked Takiju to the side.

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