Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 187

This sister Misaka walked over empty-handed with a military goggles.When seeing sister Misaka, Misaka Mikoto's expression was a bit complicated, and the bee-eater on the side also showed a surprised and sad expression, but Yuriko Lingke had the biggest reaction, and Yuriko Lingke showed a scared expression on her face. After all, she has the blood of more than 10,000 Misaka sisters, and she is full of guilt for Misaka's heart.

"what happened."

At this time, Misaka Mikoto found out that her bee-eater and Yuriko Suzaka were different. Sister Misaka was not a copy of them. Why did they act more exaggerated than themselves?Do you two have any secrets?

"Misaka-san, you are wrong!"

She didn't even add her own mouth addiction. When the bee-eater spoke with a little vibrato, Misaka Mikoto immediately noticed this, but then the voice of Lingke Yuriko immediately attracted her attention.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Misaka Mikoto, I'm actually a party! I'm sorry... I'm sorry... The party has always been a girl..."

Lingke Yuriko's mood seemed to be a little broken, and she took a few steps back and wanted to turn around to escape, but she ran into the arms of Fujimura Tachibana behind her.

"Go to solve this matter, just as I said before."

Speaking softly to Lingke Yuriko, Fujimura Tachibana patted Lingke Yuriko on the shoulder. At this time, sister Misaka had already walked to the side of the group.

"Misaka has no other ideas. Misaka just wants to have a duel with one party. No matter whether he wins or loses, Misaka will withdraw from the Holy Grail War. Do, Misaka doesn't seem to forgive one party at all. In fact, he has forgiven one party for a long time."

When Misaka's words reached the ears of the people next to her, everyone on the side was very surprised, especially Misaka Mikoto.Mikoto Misaka remembers the scene of Misaka 9982 when she was killed by Yuriko Suzaka at that time. Could Sister Misaka let go of these memories?

"My sister, this is all Misaka's decision, please don't stop my sister."

As if seeing Misaka Mikoto's doubts, the Misaka sister explained that she then looked at Lingke Yuriko. Lingke Yuriko had wiped away her tears at this time, and looked at Misaka Miko with her lips, as if she was still making a decision.

"Mr. Yifang Tongxing, Misaka already has a perfect way to defeat Yifang Tongxing. Do, although Misaka already knows Yifang Tongxing is a girl, he still wants to call Yifang Tongxing as Mr. Yifang."

Sister Misaka said and bowed to Yuriko Lingke, which made Yuriko Lingke's decision.

"Then, I won't keep my hands!"

Having held back her tears, Lingke Yuriko showed her arrogance as much as possible, after all, she is the number one in Academy City rather than some unknown guy!

"Mikoto, don't worry, we'll just be waiting aside."

Seeing Misaka Mikoto’s uneasiness, Fujimura Tachibana comforted her and said, and then took the bee-eater and Misaka Mikoto to temporarily walk aside. Although Misaka Mikoto’s expression was a little struggling, he still agreed, just facing Yuriko Yuriko. Said: "Don't hurt her!"

"Don't worry, my elder sister, Misaka won't hurt Ms. Yuriko Ruzuka! Do, Misaka pretended to be talking, but actually said that she was going to attack!"

Just when Sister Misaka was talking, she moved suddenly and rushed towards Yuriko Lingko with her bare hands.

"Don't underestimate me, I am also the number one in Academy City..."

While Lingke Yuriko was still raising her head and talking arrogantly, she suddenly saw Sister Misaka walking in front of her with bare hands, and instinctively turned on the reflex. Yuriko Ruzke felt that the reflex Sister Misaka with bare hands would not hurt her. Just stun her right away.It's just that Yuriko Suzuki thought well, but after Misaka's fist hit Yuriko Suzaka's body, a huge pain came.

"Oh, it's big! Misaka God Fist!"

Sister Misaka was dubbing herself while her fists fell on Yuriko Suzaka, obviously turning on the ability to reflect, but Yuriko Suzaka did not reflect Sister Misaka's fists and kicks back. Instead, she was caught in a short time. Sister Misaka was beaten by a set of boxing techniques. Although Yuriko Suzaka also struggled to resist, Yuriko Suzaka's small arms and legs were not the opponent of Sister Misaka. It took about 3 seconds, and Yuriko Suzaka fell to the ground. Fainted.

"Sister-sama, Misaka didn't hurt Ms. Yuriko Rukiko, do, Misaka pretended not to beat Ms. Yuriko Riko on purpose."

At this time, everyone was stunned.

Author's message:

emmmmmm, frequent accidents, many thieves

Chapter 300: Father, come and save me!

"What just happened?"

As if she didn't understand what was going on, Misaka Mikoto said in disbelief, just now, sister Misaka knocked down Yuriko Yuriko with a set of punches. The whole process took less than 3 seconds!Is it because Lingke Yuriko has no ability to use it?Is this impossible?

Looking at Sister Misaka with confusion and horror, Misaka Mikoto became very interested in the Misaka Shinto boxing that Sister Misaka said. Could a set of boxing techniques defeat Yuriko Lingke?

"Ms. Lingke Yuriko's ability is a reflection. If my fist withdraws its power at the moment when it hits Ms. Yuriko's body, then the force will change direction. And Miss Yuriko's ability will naturally leave him. The fist reflected back to her, so Ms. Yuriko Suzaka was defeated by Misaka, do, Misaka pretended not to be proud and said."

Sister Misaka’s explanation still puzzled Misaka Mikoto, but the facts are in front of her. Sister Misaka successfully defeated Yuriko Suzaka. So even if there is no Holy Grail War, if she is defeated by Sister Misaka, the Absolute Power Evolution Plan There was a huge deviation in the content, so even if someone wanted to restart the experiment, Misaka Mikoto felt relieved.

"Flanda, could you please send Yuriko back to rest?"

It is unrealistic to let Lingke Yuriko just lie on the ground, so she said to Flanda, who immediately nodded and lifted the Lingke Yuriko, who was lying on the ground. At this time, Lingke Yuriko still did not wake up. There was also a little wound on his face from the beating of Misaka sister, and Misaka definitely did it on purpose.

And after Flanda sent away Yuriko Suzuki, Sister Misaka appeared in front of Fujimura Tachibana. At this time, sister Misaka with no gods seemed to look at Fujimura Tachibana curiously, and then said: "Then Misaka needs such a thing. Do it? Give up the qualifications for the Holy Grail War?"

After Sister Misaka's voice fell, Fujimura Tachibana stopped Sister Misaka's desire to give up the qualifications for the Holy Grail War, but said: "There is still one strongest enemy that has not been defeated. I still need your power!"

The person in Fujimura Tachibana's mouth is naturally Gilgamesh.As one of the strongest heroes, Gilgamesh alone is enough to fight against several top heroes, and Gilgamesh, who has been defeated by Fujimura Tachibana once, will not take it lightly this time, and will definitely fight with all his strength, Fujimura Tachibana must concentrate as much power as possible against Gilgamesh.

I told everyone about my worries. At present, Fujimura Tachibana can summon the three heroes of Altria, X, and Lungominiad, and perhaps let Altria's rebellious son Mordred help.However, Fujimura Tachibana was not reluctant to let Ilia, summoned by Lingke Yuriko, participate in the battle. Illiya was only an alternative.In this way, apart from the missing X·Alter and Gilgamesh as the enemy, the situation of this Holy Grail War is already obvious. Fujimura Tachibana must concentrate all his power to deal with Gilgamesh.

"So, where is Gilgamesh?"

At this moment, Altria, who had been watching the play without speaking, spoke, and looked at Fujimura Tachibana with a mentally retarded tone. Fujimura Tachibana was speechless for a while.

"I'm still looking for it now, as long as he appears, we will act immediately."

It's a bit embarrassing to say that Gilgamesh has disappeared since the last time I met in the cafe.After trying all the methods, including controlling the surveillance camera, Fujimura Tachibana did not find any trace of Gilgamesh, as if he had disappeared from the school city, Gilgamesh never appeared again.


The atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a while, Fujimura Tachibana coughed, and then said: "In fact, it is not necessary to defeat Gilgamesh to end the Holy Grail War. Shenli Maiye has already been defeated. As long as other participants give up their qualifications to participate in the war, then the Holy Grail War It can also end. They said that the summoned heroes will return one after another. It’s just that I’m worried that Gilgamesh is out of the control of the Holy Grail, and it is too dangerous for such a dangerous guy to run around in this world."

"Misaka stated that Misaka's heroine X claimed to kill the Universe Emperor Gilgamesh herself, so if Gilgamesh appears, please tell Misaka, do, Misaka pretends to know everything, but in fact it does everything. Said without knowing."

"Hey, Gilgamesh, the Great Universe? I really don't know what I think of this strange hat? What a shame."

Altria said in a contemptuous tone that, except for Lungominiad's respect for Altria, X and X Alter were like two shame to her.She didn't know where these two guys came from, she didn't want to admit that these two were also different incarnations of herself in different worlds!

"Father! Help! A shining golden guy appeared and claimed that the father was his concubine!"

Just when the atmosphere was a little embarrassing and everyone was at a loss, suddenly Fujimura Tachibana's mobile phone remembered. The people who knew this mobile phone were not good. To facilitate contact, she once gave a mobile phone to Mordred. At this time, Mordred should be guarding the Shirai Kuroko base temporarily requisitioned by Fujimura Tachibana. Did Gilgamesh appear there!Suddenly appeared and attacked Mordred, is Gilgamesh planning to defeat them individually?

After hearing this voice, Altolia's expression changed and he immediately snatched the phone from Fujimura Tachibana, but no matter how Altolia shouted, there were only chaotic sounds on the other side, and the explosion could be heard faintly during the appointment. The voice of Altria was anxious.Not only was Altria anxious, Fujimura Tachibana was also a little anxious, because just now he asked Flanda to send Lingke Yuriko to the competitive Shirai Kuroko base instead of another base. The two are in danger!

"Let's go now!"

Although he claimed that Mordred was his own rebellious son, Altolia was still very concerned about the daughter of Mordred.So he immediately summoned his motorcycle. After Fujimura Tachibana sat on the motorcycle, Altolia did not hesitate to hit the throttle to the maximum. Then, amid a huge roar, the motorcycle disappeared from everyone. In the field of vision.

"Then, let's go together too!"

Misaka Mikoto looked at the people beside her and shouted, bee-eater Fuck Chi immediately showed a broken face.

"Allah, I have to run again, can Misaka-san can give me a hand~"

Chapter 301: My father's name is Fujimura

Because Academy City is a student-oriented city, there are not many people in Academy City at night, not to mention any cars on the road, even if there are not many people.It was just that on this day, a huge roar roared from the highway of the school city, the speed had risen crazily, had broken through the speed of 300 kilometers and was heading for 400.If this would have attracted the attention of the Academy’s Urban Guard in the past, it was very unexpected that the guard turned a blind eye to the severely speeding motorcycles, let alone intercepted them, and even the motorcycle screens were deleted and disappeared.

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