Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 194

"Then I will continue to announce the Tokyo security plan during the Olympic Games. As for Officer Fujimura, please don't worry, there will be time arrangements later."

Director Baima Police was not angry at the previous chaos, and still said with a smile, probably because he said he would wait for the next time to talk about Fujimura Tachibana, so these reporters waited patiently one by one.Perhaps it is also possible that the so-called Tokyo security plan has become less important because of the bigger news found in Fujimura Tachibana. These reporters did not ask too many questions after the director of the Hakuba Police Department talked about the Tokyo security plan, just casually. After asking a few questions, everyone pointed the finger at Fujimura Tachibana.

"Since you are very interested in our Fujimura Police Officer, I will also introduce you. Police Fujimura Tachibana, the current deputy director of the Shinjuku Police Station, is responsible for the command and operation of the surveillance system during the Olympic Games. Now it is the Fujimura Police Officer to tell About the monitoring system."

The director of the Baima Police Department said with a smile. These reporters suddenly remembered that there was indeed content about monitoring networks in the security plan before. Didn't expect that such a beautiful policewoman is not a vase?At this time, Fujimura Tachibana also came to the position of the White Horse Police Superintendent. Standing in front of the microphone and looking at the reporter below, Fujimura Tachibana had a cold expression.

"So, Officer Fujimura, I'm a reporter from TV TOKYO, do you have a target?"

The first one to stand up and ask questions was the TV TOKYO reporter known as the least reliable. He did not interrogate any reliable content. His question turned out to be to know if Fujimura Tachibana has a target?

"personal privacy."

After speaking faintly, Fujimura Tachibana shut up. TV TOKYO wanted to ask more, but was pulled down by the NHK reporter beside him. Then the NHK reporter asked, "I’d like to ask Officer Fujimura, if not If you remember wrong, you just graduated from the University of Tokyo and entered the Metropolitan Police Department this year. How did you get promoted from the police department to become a police officer? Is there any behind-the-scenes trade?"

It is definitely a shady tone that you are promoted so quickly, and the tone of the NHK reporter is a bit disgusting.But under normal circumstances, his doubts are also normal. After all, Fujimura Tachibana's promotion speed is indeed abnormally fast.

"My appointment and dismissal procedures all comply with relevant regulations, and the National Police Agency has relevant appointment and dismissal documents."


The NHK reporter also wanted to continue to ask questions, but he used the same method as the reporter who pulled down TV TOKYO before. He was also pulled down. This time, he was pulled down by a female reporter from Fuji TV.

"Excuse me, Officer Fujimura, do you like girls?"

Eyes blinked and looked at Fujimura Tachibana. This female reporter turned out to be less reliable than the TV TOKYO reporter. Fujimura Tachibana suspected that her orange scent had affected this female reporter, but the air is very good here. Isn't it right?

"I have many female friends."


"I am I!"

The scene became a little chaotic again. None of the reporters present was reliable. They all wanted to dig out all the information about Fujimura Tachibana. The senior officials of the Metropolitan Police Department on the side looked silently at the White Horse Police Director. This is a good thing he did.

"Everyone, now is the press conference about the Tokyo security plan during the Olympic Games, please don't ask irrelevant questions!"

These reporters interrogated all the way, just about to ask what color underwear and underwear Fujimura Tachibana was wearing today. Fujimura Tachibana finally couldn't help it.Although the voice did not want to, but the tone was very cold, and it seemed to have some murderous aura. Everyone present felt that the bullying seemed to have become lower. Many people shivered unconsciously, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

"Then, let me tell you about the surveillance system. At present, we pass the existing surveillance system in Tokyo..."

Fujimura Tachibana explained the situation of the Tokyo surveillance plan to these reporters expressionlessly. Many of them were just mentioned by the Hakuba Police Director, but Fujimura Tachibana's details were more detailed.During this period, there were people who wanted to interrupt and ask, but when he was about to speak, he suddenly felt that Fujimura Tachibana’s icy eyes, who was in front of the microphone, shifted to him, as if he was being stared at by a prehistoric beast. These reporters were all over. Stiff even forgot what to say, so naturally there was no question.

"Then, my speech is over!"

After speaking, Fujimura Tachibana went back to his seat. The reporters on the scene felt the cold breath disappear. Many people found that they seemed to be wet with cold sweat behind them, and the White Horse Police Director appeared again: "Next ,On the……"

While the press conference was still in progress, a big news appeared on the Japanese Internet: 2ch: The beautiful girl senior official of the Metropolitan Police Department, Zhujun, she is my wife!

Chapter 313: National Wife, Police Officer Fujimura

I saw a post on 2ch posted by a person named Liya Alter. In this post, there appeared news photos of major media reporting Fujimura Tachibana. In the photo, the furious Fujimura Tachibana was holding a microphone and annoyed the reporters present.

"This is my wife, nothing happened, I just show it to everyone!"

The poster said with a triumphant expression, and someone quickly responded.

"It's time to change wives in the dead house again."

"Wow, isn't this my wife? What did you send to my wife! (~ε(#~)╰╮o(~▽~///)"

"The Metropolitan Police Department has such a beautiful police flower! The ball police uniform black silk thigh ravaged!"

"Smelly dead house..."

"Can you be a police officer at the age of 18? Who knows what level of police officer is?"

"The police is exactly the section chief of the Metropolitan Police Department! He is the senior commander of the police."

"Is it so awesome? ω●!"

"I am the host, and I have evidence that she is my wife. Upload attachments: my wife holds a samurai sword.jpg, my wife drives a car.jpg..."

"Mother, stop struggling, you are just one of the harems of the father!"

"Look for a fight!"

Originally, this post was only a reprint of Fujimura Tachibana’s photos at the press conference, but after a group of people said that this was his wife, the host was angry and posted several other Fujimura Tachibana photos, including many life photos. , This made this post suddenly become popular. A group of people begged the poster to post more photos of police officer Fujimura. Some even said that they had social security!However, there was no news from the host afterwards, and the original photos were immediately withdrawn by the editor.

"When you come back, I will show you a good look again!"

Taking off the headset, Fujimura Tachibana put it on the table with a cold face. At this time, the popularity of his own topic on the Internet is soaring, and there is even a tendency to become entertainment. What is it?And as one of the spreaders of the heat, Fujimura Tachibana just called to warn Altria!The posts and photos on 2ch just now were sent by this blonde girl!

When Fujimura Tachibana’s phone was first received, the blonde sister was still unwilling to delete the photos. She even wanted to post the intimate photos of the two on the Internet to declare sovereignty. Fujimura Tachibana directly ordered Kiko to invade Altria’s computer and mobile phone, and All the photos in the phone were copied and deleted, and then the photos on the Internet were deleted, which made Altria wailed because there were many of her private possessions. For example, the Fujimura police officer had glass on his upper body, and she The picture behind him; the picture of Police Officer Fujimura just wrapped in a bath towel; the picture of Police Officer Fujimura kissing and so on, but all disappeared!

"Master Orange~ I have hidden the photos... No, I have deleted them all!"

Kiko was talking with a nosebleed, which made Fujimura Tachibana black. What is this?Is your own artificial intelligence so unreliable now?

"Master Orange, the pictures on the Internet have spread, and there is no way to delete them all."

Later, Xizi said that the pictures on the Internet refer to the pictures released by various news media and the pictures posted by Altolia on the Internet.The ghost knows that a country king from Celtic mythology can not only drive motorcycles, but also use mobile phones and computers to access 2ch?Even recalling the plot of her intimate relationship with Altria, it seems that she can still play especially?A feeling of being gnawed by a pig suddenly emerged, and the scumbag Fujimura police officer's expression became increasingly ugly.

"Forget it if there is no way to delete it, it's not a big deal..."

He stretched out his finger and tapped the desktop, then picked up a copy of the latest file.While she was holding a press conference, Chang Shouzhu led her police officers and arrested a magician who was hiding in Tokyo. The magician tried to release a kind of magic worm he cultivated during the Olympics. This kind of poisonous insect is fatal to ordinary people. If released, it will cause a huge crisis. Fortunately, this guy is not fatal and worthy of ordinary people. He was directly numb with the dominator's anesthesia mode by Chang Shou Zhu. Detained in a heavy underground prison.

After reviewing the document and the suspect’s confession, Officer Fujimura immediately asked Xizi to write a report and forward it to Hesheng Yangzong Police Superintendent and Baima Police Superintendent. This person’s capture representative monitoring system was effective. Therefore, more cameras, more drones, and more patrol personnel are needed to cover Tokyo. Simply put, it costs money.

"Congratulations on your promotion~"

At this moment, an unreliable voice suddenly came over, and he raised his head to see that it was Motoko Kusanagi.As the second in command of the Nine Public Security Classes, Motoko Kusanagi should be a very reliable person, and even possesses an extraordinary status in the Supernatural Phenomena Investigation Headquarters, but sometimes she is very unreliable, such as now.

Hearing this somewhat frivolous voice, Officer Fujimura didn't show any expression, but said normally: "You have been working hard recently."

During her absence, Motoko Kusanagi was in charge of the operation of the entire nine classes of public security, and did a very good job, cracking several cases of supernatural crimes, and there was no error.

"Then, section manager, should you give some rewards? For example~"

Kusanagi Motoko's expression became ambiguous, and Fujimura Tachibana immediately had a bad feeling, so she didn't need to wait for Kusanagi Motoko to speak, she just refused.

"I don't have any photos! Don't come to me!"

Anyone can guess Kusanagi Motoko’s thoughts. As a righteous person, Kusanagi Motoko possesses electronic warfare capabilities no less than Kiko, so what happens on the Internet is very clear to her, and at this time, the Internet is already everywhere. The photo of Fujimura Tachibana, in addition to a bunch of people who regard themselves as his/her wife, many people are also asking why Fujimura Tachibana can be promoted to the police officer at such a young age.

"Well, section manager, I won't find benefits for myself. Don't you plan to consider the two beauties in our nine classes? Xiao Zhu and Miss Sato like you~"

Suddenly Motoko Kusanagi left such a sentence and blinked at Fujimura Tachibana, turned and left.

"But if the head of the class is willing, I can also spend an unforgettable night with the length of the class~ It's just one night stand, the kind without emotion~"

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