Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 200

"Is there still thinking about joking now..."

Seeing this task and listening to the chaos in the venue, her expression was very solemn.

Chapter 323: Tokyo Falls (3)

Before the explosion, Fujimura Tachibana was in the command center at the scene, where the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department was in charge of the command. There were more than 20 police officers in the entire command center.There are not only dozens of screens to see all parts of the venue, but also inside the venue. Standing at the window, Fujimura Tachibana can see the heads of state on the podium.

But when Fujimura Tachibana was standing there, the door of this room was opened, and a sense of crisis suddenly came.

Turning her body immediately, she saw a person dressed as a waiter pushing a cart in. There seemed to be nothing wrong with the cart. This person was also a staff member in the gym, but Fujimura Tachibana felt a huge crisis from this small cart, and then an explosion occurred.

The explosion occurred in the cart. At the moment the explosion occurred, Fujimura Tachibana instinctively avoided it, but the explosion was too sudden. When evacuating, Fujimura Tachibana felt the shock wave coming. His body slammed backward and hit the wall behind him.

The impact and impact of the explosion caused Fujimura Tachibana to faint for a moment, his head was dizzy, and his ears were full of buzzing sound.


Opening his eyes in front of him, Fujimura Tachibana’s vision was an extremely embarrassing command center. The policemen who were working all fell to the ground one by one. Many of the colleagues who were still chatting before have lost their breath, and some of them seem to be injured. While weeping, only a few people barely stood up, but at this time Fujimura Tachibana's keen hearing heard a burst of intense footsteps, and English voices could still be heard vaguely.

"If you resist, kill them all!"

Immediately pulling the pistol out of the suit, Fujimura Tachibana could feel that there were more than a dozen people rushing, so she immediately wanted to use magic to strengthen her body, but immediately she found that her magic power could not be used because the President of the United States was in In the venue, American anti-supernatural devices are working.Taking a look at the dead and wounded colleagues around him and what he had just heard, Fujimura Tachibana immediately made a decision.

When the people around were still trying to help each other to stand up, Fujimura Tachibana did not aim the gun at the door after taking out the pistol, but directly rammed the window to the side and jumped out, before she jumped out. At that moment, Fujimura Tachibana saw a popular M16A4 rushing into the room, and then Fujimura Tachibana's body went down, and Fujimura Tachibana saw the situation in the venue in mid-air.

At this moment, the venue has become chaotic. You can see that the heads of state are evacuating through the emergency channel under their respective security teams. She can even see UMP45 holding a submachine gun and entering the channel with the US president, and then Fujimura Tachibana falls. On the ground.


The moment he landed, Fujimura Tachibana snorted coldly because of the impact, and then he saw a human head sticking out of the window. Then the man shouted, Fujimura Tachibana saw several barrels sticking out of the window. , This surprised Fujimura Tachibana, and immediately turned around and rolled inside, but the gunfire had already sounded.

Although Fujimura Tachibana’s movements were fast enough, a bullet still hit Fujimura Tachibana’s arm, which made Fujimura Tachibana feel a little pain, but Fujimura Tachibana finally avoided the shot and immediately rushed aside. In the room.

"The Red Queen...!"

"Sao Zuo!"

I immediately wanted to call the outside world, but found that my eyes and headset had been lost in the explosion, and after I took out the phone, the signal of the phone was 0. It seems that the other party interfered with the signal here.And at this time, Fujimura Tachibana sensed that someone seemed to be approaching here. Fujimura Tachibana immediately felt that these were enemies, so he saw a wound. Before he could deal with the wound, Fujimura Tachibana immediately rushed to the stairs. At this time, go find a safe In this place, the stadium is so big that the enemy cannot control the entire scene. At least the capitals of various countries entered the passage and left without any obstacles. The number of enemies should not be that many.

Sure enough, after Fujimura Tachibana left this floor, there was no trace of the chasing soldiers behind him soon. Fujimura Tachibana tore his suit and wrapped his wound. Although it could not completely stop the bleeding, it could also prevent the wound from continuing. deterioration.

At this time, the chaos in the stadium continued, and there were continuous gunshots. The direction of the gunshots seemed to be the location of the mobile team in the stadium. It seems that terrorists attacked the mobile team. I don’t know the current situation of the mobile team. What about, Fujimura Tachibana stood up carefully, and then quietly looked into the stadium through the window.

At this time, there are still many people inside the stadium, so many tourists and actors cannot be evacuated in a short time.And Fujimura Tachibana also saw a lot of armed militants with guns haunting the stadium. These people seemed to be wearing American military uniforms and American weapons, but there were also some gunmen wearing suits. What happened?

Without coming out of the room, Fujimura Tachibana only had a pistol in his hand, and the magic in his body could not be mobilized. Fujimura Tachibana couldn't kill as much as in the umbrella base, so after thinking for a while, Fujimura Tachibana stood up again.

"Save the President of the United States? Has the President of the United States been held hostage? If so, that would be terrible!"

There are anti-supernatural devices next to the President of the United States, and a working radius of 500 meters can almost cover the entire stadium.And from the perspective of the mission, the US President has been captured. Who can capture the tightly secured US President?Is it UMP45?Suddenly thought of the UMP45 escorting the American president away, and Fujimura Tachibana suspected the girl with a fake smile for the first time.But instinct told her that this was not the case, and Fujimura Tachibana decided to move.

It's still unsafe here. There are still many gunmen in the gymnasium. Although they may not be searched here, they ran all the way before, and the blood on their arms exposed their tracks, so they had to be transferred.So after standing up, Fujimura Tachibana held a pistol in one hand, then bent over and reentered the passage.

"Look for communication equipment and get in touch with the outside world."

Knowing that he must communicate the situation inside, Fujimura Tachibana thought about the structure of the entire gymnasium, and then walked towards the office area of ​​the gymnasium. Since the wireless signal has been interrupted, I can only hope that the fixed telephone has not been cut off, and the office must be There is a fixed phone, and you can contact the outside world through a fixed phone.

Chapter 324: Terrorists are American Agents

"How is the situation now!"

The always affable Baima Police Director shouted angrily at this time. Just as the Olympics was going on, the Metropolitan Police Department was suddenly attacked by a bomb. The bomb did not cause too many casualties, but it destroyed the Metropolitan Police Department’s electricity. System, the work of the entire Metropolitan Police Department was completely paralyzed.Subsequently, the Metropolitan Police Department's contact with the Olympic Stadium was interrupted, and the radio was strongly interfered. This level of interference is absolutely military-level interference.Not only the radio, but the cable communications department in Tokyo was also attacked, so the fixed telephone was also useless. The Metropolitan Police Department could only send personnel to the stadium by car and helicopter to obtain information on what happened in the stadium. In the process , Baima Police Chief Superintendent is already in total exhaustion.

This is not an ordinary terrorist attack. Military-level radio interference was launched almost at the same time at all major points in Tokyo. It can be said that Tokyo was paralyzed in a short time. Most countries in the world have no such strength. , Let alone ordinary terrorists.

This is the Olympics. The Japanese people have been preparing for the Olympics for several years. Not only are there tens of thousands of spectators and actors, but also tens of thousands of precious athletes from various countries.The most important thing is that there are leaders of various countries in the Olympic venue!Not to mention that leaders from all over the world are here, at least there are leaders from dozens of countries, and leaders from several nuclear powers are even present. These people must not have trouble!

Regardless of the reason for the success of this terrorist attack, the White Horse Police Director can already predict the future results.Even if all the terrorists are eliminated in the end, the pressure from the people and countries around the world is unprecedented.Don't talk about your own superintendent of the Metropolitan Police Department. Even the Prime Minister of Japan has to take the blame and resign. Japan will completely become the laughing stock of the world.

"Director of Metropolitan Police, the power has been restored!"

At this time, the technicians of the Metropolitan Police Department had already started the engine in an emergency and cut the damaged circuit out of the overall circuit. The dark Metropolitan Police Department finally lit up again, and when it was lit, a police officer was anxious. Hurriedly ran over and shouted: "Director of Police, the cabinet has sent representatives!"

After speaking, a chubby cabinet representative was panting and was helped by a police officer. Because of the power outage, the cabinet representative ran all the way up the stairs.

"Director Baima Police, the Prime Minister is already online!"

Before there was time to speak, the cabinet representative hurriedly said. Then the Prime Minister, cabinet members, and American ambassadors appeared on the screen in front of him. The White Horse Police Director felt a little bit of trouble.

"White Horse, what's the current situation of the Metropolitan Police Department!"

The Prime Minister didn't have any politeness, and he shouted straightforwardly, and the White Horse Police Director immediately told the news that he had just received.

"According to our current intelligence, there have been 4 explosions in the stadium. They were the frontline command center, two SAT mobile standby locations, and a helicopter belonging to the Metropolitan Police Department were shot down. Including the Metropolitan Police Department, Tokyo has more explosions. There was also an explosion at the location. The specific situation has not been completed due to communication interruption. At present, most of the spectators, actors and athletes in the stadium have been evacuated. Police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department tried to enter the stadium, but the enemy had automatic firepower. The police officers suffered casualties and we lost the situation inside the stadium."

The Chief Baima Police said the news he received from the police officers driving. These news made the cabinet members and the American ambassador on the screen a little anxious. They discussed with each other and did not accuse the Chief Baima Police at the first time. He had a trace of doubt.

But this doubt was quickly answered, because the Prime Minister spoke up afterwards.

"The news we have received is that all the heads of state except the US President have successfully evacuated to a safe place. At present, some heads of state are preparing to leave Japan at an opportunity."

Hearing the words of the President of the United States immediately, the White Horse Police Director's heart immediately tensed. Could it be that the President of the United States was arrested!This is simply the worst news, because although the president of the United States is the president of the United States, the United States can almost be regarded as the suzerain state of Japan. The head of the suzerain state has been arrested on its own territory. That is simply the worst news. I am afraid Even the resignation of the prime minister could not calm the anger in the United States, but the White Horse Police Director felt a little strange that the American ambassador did not seem to question how Japan’s security work was enacted like he was angrily, but rather embarrassing. After speaking to the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister issued an order to the Baima Police Superintendent.

"The U.S. government has formulated a rescue plan. I have ordered the Self-Defense Forces to enter Tokyo to assist the Metropolitan Police Department to maintain order in Tokyo. No more accidents are allowed! In addition, White Horse, wear headphones, and the next step is top secret."

After the order was completed, the Prime Minister suddenly said that the Baima Police Officer took a headset from the side after he understood, and then turned on the headset. This time all the sound of the video disappeared, and only Baima's headset would get the sound.

"White Horse, the news we got from the security personnel of various countries and other channels is that a part of the US military stationed in Japan was the one who launched this attack, and the US Secret Service agent was the hostage of the US President. Although this news is shocking, it has been proven from various sources. That's it!"

Hearing this news, the White Horse Police Director couldn't believe that the US military and the Secret Service agents responsible for protecting the security of the United States attacked the Japanese Olympic Games and held the US president?What's happening here?Is there a coup in the United States?And even if there is a coup d'etat, it will be a coup d'etat in the United States' own territory. What kind of coup will come to the Olympics?However, this situation also solved some of the doubts of the Baima Police Director, that is, why terrorists can bring a large amount of explosives, firearms, and even air defense missiles into the Olympic venues.

Under the escort of tens of thousands of Metropolitan Police and Self-Defense Forces soldiers, it is impossible for a bird to enter Tokyo. However, there is one exception. The security personnel of the US President and the US military in Japan have privileges that the Japanese cannot inspect. They can bring all kinds of weapons into Tokyo, but what is their purpose? Is there any benefit in holding the President of the United States?

The Baima Police Director couldn't figure it out for a while. At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "The Police Director, the Fujimura Police is sending a message. She is in the gym at this time!"

Author's message:

First more~

Chapter 325: Rescue UMP45

After healed his wound, Fujimura Tachibana took a gun to the office area to look for a phone.But after Fujimura Tachibana arrived at the office area, he understood that it had been searched by terrorists, because a blood stain could be seen on the ground. It was obvious that this was a quilt.Blood stains left after the bullet hit.

I checked the phone in the office immediately, but after picking up the phone, Fujimura Tachibana noticed that there was a busy tone from the phone, which meant that the wired phone was also cut off, which was bad news.Just as she was thinking about what to do next, the gunfire rang out, and it was very close.

I can hear two gunshots, one is the M16A4's three-shot sound, and the other is the UMP45 submachine gun. The two sides seem to be fighting.


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