Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 205

The two hid behind the bunker. UMP45 shouted that in addition to the M16A4, the terrorists on the opposite side had an M249 light machine gun. The powerful firepower of the machine gun suppressed the two to death. UMP45 shouted.But Fujimura Tachibana was not afraid of this situation. Instead, she threw the M16A4 in her hand, and then took out the pistol. She was waiting for the M249 to replace the bullet. The time difference, then she started.

In the eyes of UMP45 that couldn't believe it, Fujimura Tachibana did not leaned out at all. Instead, he stretched out his hand and pulled the trigger at the fastest speed. The next moment Fujimura Tachibana retracted his hand, and the sound of the machine gun stopped. Now, because a blood hole appeared in the machine gunner's head, Fujimura Tachibana shot the machine gunner headshot.

Without the suppression of the machine gunner, the fire suppression suffered by Fujimura Tachibana and UMP45 weakened in an instant. Although someone immediately wanted to take over the position of the machine gunner, Fujimura Tachibana and UMP45 would not give each other a chance, and the two immediately came out. The body shot, knocking down several people at once, and the remaining people were suppressed and could not raise their heads and hid in the bunker.

"Da da da da da da da!"

While running, he pulled the trigger and fired. Soon Fujimura Tachibana finished the bullet in her hand, but she did not stop, but drew a dagger from her body. At this time, she seemed to feel that the firepower was somewhat weakened. A terrorist stood up and wanted to shoot, but the last sight in his field of vision Fujimura Tachibana almost ran in front of him, and before, he flew into his face, and then he didn’t know anything. Up.


After killing a terrorist by flying to, Fujimura Tachibana directly crossed the bunker and came to the side of a terrorist. It seemed that it was a bullet. After the bullet was finished, the terrorist took out a pistol and aimed at Fujimura Tachibana and pulled it. The trigger, but Fujimura Tachibana’s head tilted, the bullet grazed from the tip of her hair, and then the terrorist felt that his pair seemed to be clamped by iron tongs, and then his head was hit with a punch. , After the cervical spine made a click, his body went soft and limp.


After solving these terrorists, the place has been cleaned up. Fujimura Tachibana immediately came to the door of the room where the terrorists were held, and then hit the door lock with a palm, and the wooden door was smashed immediately. Fujimura Tachibana Walked in with UMP45.


Immediately someone screamed, and someone even took a chair or something and patted it from one side, and Fujimura Tachibana grabbed the chair.


The person who took the shot was a police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department. He was in the same command center as Fujimura Tachibana before, so he who knew Fujimura Tachibana immediately shouted. Fujimura Tachibana saw that the hostages in the room changed from panic to panic. Surprise.

"UMP45, you come to blast the wall, I will guard here! You all hide away, we blast the wall and run out!"

While speaking to the hostage on the side, he threw the explosive to the UMP45 after speaking. Fujimura Tachibana turned around and picked up the M249 light machine gun on the ground.

"President Fujimura is watching, I'll help you!"

Several Metropolitan Police Department police watched Fujimura Tachibana alone and wanted to resist the pursuit of soldiers. They immediately wanted to come to help, but Fujimura Tachibana scolded him.

"Protect those hostages and leave! Don't hinder me!"

After speaking, he grabbed a policeman by the collar and pushed hard. The seemingly tall policeman was pushed back by Fujimura Tachibana. Her expression was unusually cold at this time.

"Obey the orders of Director Fujimura, let's protect the hostages!"

At this time, it was the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department who was captured because he was in a coma in the explosion. The deputy director always wanted to find a way to run out. At this time, he understood Fujimura Tachibana’s plan, and he immediately ordered the police present to assist UMP45 Maintain the order of the hostages with Fujimura Tachibana.

So Fujimura Tachibana walked out of the room alone and closed the door, with an M249 light machine gun in her hand, her posture at this time was like Rambo.


With the sound of an explosion coming from behind, Fujimura Tachibana understood that UMP45 had begun to blast the wall, and she also saw a fast-running terrorist atmosphere approaching here quickly, and then she pulled the trigger and the bullet was like splashing water. Generally spilled out.

Chapter 333: Police Officer Orange Who Died for the Country

"Go go! Hurry up!"

After UMP45 exploded multiple walls, what she finally saw was no longer another room but the scene outside the stadium, and several buses and armored vehicles were rushing quickly.

"Get in the car quickly!"

The bus stopped at the gap at a sudden stop, and Nan Lixiang in the bus yelled after getting down.At this time, she had received Fujimura Tachibana's previous order, and after the wall was blown up, she drove a bus to transport people away.At first Nan Rika had some plans to shock Fujimura Tachibana, and wanted to persuade her not to be impulsive.But watching the hostages who ran out one by one, she also took it.

"Where is Chief Fujimura!"

"She will stop behind the terrorists!"

Finding that Fujimura Tachibana did not appear, Nan Rika yelled to a police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department. After hearing the answer, she immediately showed an anxious expression. She wanted to rush in with a gun, but was UMP45. Stopped.

"Your Fujimura police officer said, no one of you is allowed to enter the gymnasium, and protect the hostages from leaving!"

When UMP45 was talking, several stray bullets happened to hit the wall and concentrated on the wall. This made people feel very panicked. They all wanted to get in the car anxiously. As a result, it caused a lot of confusion and many people fell to the ground.Seeing this scene, Nan Lixiang gritted his teeth, and then shouted to the other mobile team members: "Let them get in the car quickly, we will protect them and leave!"

After speaking, the members of the mobile team pulled up the fallen hostages one by one and pushed them into the car. As the buses became full, the buses immediately accelerated and left the stadium, and Nan Lixiang wanted to call. Fujimura Tachibana quickly evacuated, but at this moment, a gunshot appeared in the window above the gymnasium. These gunpoints began to fire at the bus. Nan Rika immediately commanded the members of the mobile team to fight back. .

"Cover the hostages to leave!"

While shooting, I searched for the traces of UMP45 and found that UMP45 was gone, but Fujimura Tachibana still did not come out.At this time, the opponent's firepower seemed to become more intense. Several mobile team members were injured and fell to the ground during the exchange of fire, and the bus was also attacked.Knowing that he could not continue the drag, Nan Lixiang ordered the mobile team members to take the injured person onto the armored vehicle, and then covered the bus and left the direction of the stadium.

"Section Chief Fujimura, the hostages have been safely evacuated, where are you, where are you!"

Nan Rika used the communicator to call Fujimura Tachibana loudly, but she couldn't hear any response. Regardless of the danger, she stuck her head out of the armored car and looked in the direction of the gymnasium. Then a big explosion happened.

Just at the location where the hostages ran out, a huge explosion completely covered the place, and flames ejected from the gap. Even the terrorists upstairs were affected. At this time, the gunfire seemed to disappear.

"Class leader?!"

Nan Rika said in disbelief, did Fujimura Tachibana have an accident?

At this time, Brigadier General Hammer ordered his men to step forward, and on the ground lay the corpses of several terrorists dressed as American soldiers. These people were killed in the exchange of fire with Fujimura Tachibana, although Fujimura Tachibana was only one person. But one person blocked the elite soldiers of Brigadier General Hammer, and also damaged several of his men. Brigadier General Hammer's face was very dark.

In order to conflict with Fujimura Tachibana’s interception, just now, he ordered his subordinates to use AT4 rocket launchers to blast off Fujimura Tachibana’s location after throwing smoke bombs and shock bombs, and it was not a single rocket. He ordered several The soldiers fired rockets together, for fear that one rocket could not kill Fujimura Tachibana.Finally, after a huge explosion, this area was blown into ruins, and Fujimura Tachibana's gunfire disappeared.

"General, the hostages are gone! No enemy's body was found!"

The soldiers who went for the inspection quickly reported the situation, which made Brigadier General Hammer's face gloomy and silent. After a moment of silence, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Preparing for the live broadcast, we need the president to show up. a bit!"

Although the false death of the U.S. President was created before, after the other hostages were rescued, the Japanese police and military might attack the stadium unscrupulously. Although every one of his men is elite, the Japanese military has Tanks, armored vehicles, and helicopters are not something the flesh and blood of elite infantry can withstand, so he must resurrect the American president to make the Japanese and Americans scrupulous.

"Received, arrange immediately."

After speaking, Brigadier General Hammer immediately ordered his soldiers to continue the search while forming a cordon to prevent the Japanese military and police from changing. He walked to the place where the US President was detained.

At this time, people all over the world were shocked again. Not long after the American president was killed, the Japanese police acted suddenly and rescued a large number of hostages. Although some people were injured, their lives were not in danger. This rescue operation It can be said to be very successful.Compared to the scene where the SEAL team was broadcast live and then completely wiped out, the Japanese police can say that they did it perfectly.

As the Metropolitan Police Department immediately announced the details of some of the actions, everyone knew that this action was organized by a senior Japanese police officer who had not evacuated in the stadium. Seeing the photo of Fujimura Tachibana, everyone was very young and beautiful. I was surprised, but I heard that Fujimura Tachibana is currently missing. Everyone started to worry about Fujimura Tachibana, especially the Japanese.

As a national wife, Fujimura Tachibana was originally very popular. After rescuing a large number of hostages this time, Fujimura Tachibana's popularity has become even higher, so everyone hopes that Fujimura Tachibana can leave safely. The Internet is full of Fujimura Tachibana. The scene of praying, and the people familiar with Fujimura Tachibana are waiting to rush into the gymnasium.

"I... I'm so angry!"

Standing outside the gymnasium, Joan looked at the gymnasium in front but couldn't do anything, because the American anti-supernatural power device was still working. As a hero, she couldn't approach the gymnasium at all. She could only watch the explosion appear. She can't do anything.

"I want them all to die!"

Altria was full of anger on the British Queen's plane, and his golden eyes were wide.At this time, she seemed to be the arrival of a tyrant, her mind had been swallowed by killing and revenge.

Rin Tosaka (Ishtar), Sakura Matsumura, Miwako Sato, Zhu Tomomori, Ilia...and so on, everyone who cares about Fujimura Tachibana is full of expectations and hopes that Fujimura Tachibana will be safe and sound.

Chapter 334: It's Yaoshou, the robot is also in heat

"The Self-Defense Force is ready to act. I am nearby. The armored vehicles of the Self-Defense Force are ready to rush into the stadium!"

"My wife's whereabouts are unknown, have you seen T_T"

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