Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 213

"You brought women home again. Are you planning to collect all women with various hair colors?"

There was a gentle touch in the ear, and then an unpleasant voice came into the ear. This was the voice of Black Saber.

"We are just friends."

"Do you think I would believe it! You are a humanoid self-propelled aphrodisiac. You can hook up girls wherever you go. These girls are obviously attracted to you, especially the one called Heizi!"

Black Saber had an expression that had already seen everything and said to Fujimura Tachibana face to face. The distance between the two was less than one centimeter. You could feel the heat of each other's breath. Black Saber's originally pretended arrogant and cold expression seemed to collapse. Because the orange qi is so obvious, this orange qi is simply an aphrodisiac!

"I'm not interested in little girls!"

Although he had made his voice as firm as possible, he heard this answer without any confidence to Black Saber. His lover could not even guarantee that he would not cheat. Black Saber's teeth were itchy.

"Mother, you are really miserable. If you don't want to, I'm willing to take your place next to the father."

At this moment, a voice that made Black Saber feel awkward was heard, and it was Mordred, a bastard who spoke.As if he had found a target to vent his emotions, Black Saber immediately turned around and gave Mordred a shudder when he was passing by, and then began an act of domestic violence. Mordred was beaten directly to Fujimura Tachibana’s In the arms.

"Father, hurry up and teach the queen!"

Saying with a successful expression, Mordred made a grimace at the black Saber, and the black Saber was going to get up to Mordred out, but Fujimura Tachibana protected Mordred.

"What are you angry with children, you are also the king of a country anyway."

"Yes, mother, you are the king of Britain, not a French illiterate village girl!"

Mordred said with a wicked expression, and he deliberately blacked Joan when he was speaking. Fortunately, Joan was playing games with Mikoto Misaka and others in the game room at this time. Otherwise, if she heard it, Na Zhen De Ke will also join Ouda Mordred in the team of bear children.

"Let you off this time, don't let me see you are alone!"

Mordred stared fiercely and said, Black Saber walked away angrily, Mordred showed a triumphant expression.

"Mo, don't always annoy your mother, or I can't save you!"

"How come, father is the best to me~"

After burying his head in Fujimura Tachibana’s double peaks, Mordred took the opportunity to eat Fujimura Tachibana’s tofu, which made Fujimura Tachibana helpless. The mother and daughter did not make people worry. Joan, who indulges in games and becomes an otaku on weekdays, is more worry-free, or that IQ is relatively low and easy to coax.

"Go and call Elia, you can help me, go!"

Sending Xiao Mo to work, after two more rubs, Xiao Mo turned and left to call Ilia. Fujimura Tachibana watched her leave helplessly.After tidying up some messy clothes, Fujimura Tachibana checked the time. At this time, the doorbell rang, and this is the delivery person.

"Ms. Fujimura, please take your time!"

Fujimura Tachibana’s younger brother in Tokyo’s Jidao organization delivered the food cooked by the top chef and the burgers purchased at the burger restaurant, and then several younger brothers in suits immediately put the food on the table respectfully and even took the initiative He took the work of several girls and took the initiative to help arrange the tableware on the table, and then these Ji Dao organization brothers immediately left respectfully.

"Go and call everyone over, it's time for dinner!"


Illiya yelled loudly for the first time, and then trot to call a person in the room. A few minutes later, a bunch of girls filled the table.

Black Saber and Joan of Arc, these are the lovers of Fujimura Tachibana.

Ai Huihara, 10031 Misaka, this is the loli who temporarily lives in Fujimura Tachibana’s house.

Mordred and Ilia, these are the two cheap daughters of Fujimura Tachibana.

Bee-eater Caoqi, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko, these are three guests.

Counting Fujimura Tachibana, there are a total of 10 beautiful girls sitting at the dining table. This does not include the two X and X alters who don’t know where they went, and the sisters Rin Tosaka who are still studying in the UK. If these four people are there, the number will be even greater!Seeing so many people on the table, the idea of ​​buying the manor came up again. The villa was already too small.After all, it is not only a problem of housing for a group of people, but also a place for shooting and practicing swords. This villa is simply not enough!

"No, why would I count everyone together? Some people have nothing to do with me..."

Fujimura Tachibana suddenly realized that he seemed to be thinking too much, and a black Saber's voice came from the side: "Um... the burgers in this restaurant taste very ordinary... Next time I change a restaurant, the previous one was pretty good... Ah! Now, how could it be Pepsi? I want Coca-Cola."

Author's message:

No one has guessed what the missile stolen yesterday implies

Chapter 346: Kou Kou's Experience

Unlike Fujimura Tachibana who was enjoying a big meal, Kou Kou was devouring compressed biscuits soaked in wild vegetable soup at this time, and Jonah was also sipping the soup.As for Kusanagi Motoko, she looked like she was just watching the two eating, but in fact, the various sensors on her body had been turned on, and she had been vigilant staring at the hole to prevent anyone from coming here.

"Kou Kou, then what happened during this period and why did you lose contact?"

Asked after Kou Kou was finally full, she could see that Kou Kou had a bad life during this period of time. She also seemed a little embarrassed, who had always maintained the elegance of the eldest lady, seemed to have suffered a lot. .

"The nuclear bomb deal is a scam, a scam created by an American and a bald head!"

The smile that had been kept on weekdays was put away at this time, and he immediately said angrily, it seems that Kou Kou has been cheated this time.

"The US intelligence agency has an insider and committed a terrorist attack that hit the Olympics. The Olympics is over. At this time, the Americans are purging the insider. We are here to trace the source of this terrorist attack. Who is this bald head? ?"

Motoko Kusanagi told Kou Kou about what happened during this period. Kou Kou was surprised to hear that such an exaggeration happened in the Japanese Olympic Games. After all, the Olympic Games is a country's super project, and the security forces can be said to be very comprehensive. The terrorist attack can be said to be a shocking news.In the end, knowing that the entire terrorist attack was defeated by Fujimura Tachibana alone, Kou Kou felt that he had missed a lot.

"That bald head... how to put it, I was like this back then..."

Kou Kou began to recall the previous details. At that time Kou Kou brought his mercenaries to Afghanistan. Then according to the information sent by the transaction, Kou Kou came to the predetermined place to meet with the trader. At that time, Fujimura Tachibana discovered some What's wrong.

It was Griffin's UMP45 that captured the nuclear bomb on the space shuttle, and it was Griffin who made the deal.But at that time Kou Kou discovered that the person meeting was a white man instead of a girl specific to Griffin. This is a very strange place.Then her mercenaries were quietly speeding Kokoo, and he found that the people here were full of the tactical style of American intelligence agencies, which was not right.

So Kou Kou, who found that something was wrong, immediately chose to give up the transaction, so he immediately found a reason to leave, and the other party immediately chose to tear his face, and the battle broke out immediately.

As the world’s top arms dealer, Kokoco is not like U.S. arms dealer Yuri Olof, who is always alone every time. At most, he takes his brother to run around. Her mercenaries are from all over the world. Top soldiers, even the arrival of the SEALs can't take advantage.So under the protection of her mercenaries, she immediately rushed out of the encirclement and got into the car to leave, but at this time a bald head appeared.

"This bald head seems to be full of evil aura. When he appeared, I felt that my head seemed to explode, and all the mercenaries under my control except Jonah were rebelled. It's not that Jonah desperately escorted me out, maybe I'm already under control!"

When Kokoo spoke with a trace of fear, he thought he had stronger willpower than ordinary people. It was probably this willpower that prevented him from being controlled by the bald head, so Jonah had the opportunity to escort him away from the ambush. .After that, Jonah and Koko were in a situation of being hunted down. The two who lost all kinds of materials had two cars at first, but soon even the cars were abandoned, and the two were hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan on foot. In Tibet, I finally ventured to find a phone in a small mountain village, but this small village also has this bald eye.Fortunately, the two successfully ran out. Although the satellite phone was damaged, they got in touch with Class Nine.

"Can you control someone else's superpower?"

Motoko Kusanagi also knew that the US military and Secret Service agents in the terrorist attack were brainwashed and controlled. It seems that they were controlled because of this bald head. In Kou Kou’s description, this bald head only controlled several of her names in an instant. The subordinates, and the place of the transaction also has a lot of controlled people, plus the terrorist attacks of the US military and secret service agents, which means that this bald head can control many people at the same time, which is a tricky ability.

"Where is this bald head? Can you confirm it?"

Motoko Kusanagi said, she took out a map, this is a map near Kandahar, Kou Kou got up, and then looked at the map and made some meaningless voices in her mouth: "Ah~this~ should be in~~~~"

Kou Kou gestured with his fingers on the map, and finally knocked at a place and said: "We met him in this place before, but I am not sure if he is still there now."

"Then, I'll send you back first, I'm going to investigate here!"

Motoko Kusanagi put the map away and said, Kou Kou immediately shouted: "No, I want to go too!"

"You went to trouble me!"

"My men are still there, I want to bring them back!"

Although Motoko Kusanagi directly rejected her proposal, Kou Kou shouted out that his subordinates were under control and their whereabouts were unknown. Kou Kou couldn't leave without hesitation!Jonah stood up at this time, and he seemed to be a bit bad at speaking, and said, "I want to go too!"

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