Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 216

"You actually used Lingshu to tell me to do this kind of thing!"

"I don't want to kneel face to face with cold-blooded women!"

The two immediately shouted in protest, but Fujimura Tachibana ignored them with a black face, and continued to watch the pictures on the TV. If the two of them did not punish them, they would simply rebel!

At this time, the US military had advanced to the entrance of Yuri's underground base, which was also discovered by Kusanagi Motoko's investigation.Here Motoko Kusanagi discovered the existence of Yuri, which is also the source of Yuri's video in American hands.In order to capture Yuri alive, the United States did not completely destroy this place. Instead, after sweeping the surrounding buildings with ordinary bombs, the US military planned to use the army to enter the base to find Yuri and capture him.

"Why haven't we fought back? This is not normal!"

Feeling that there is something wrong in it, Fujimura Tachibana said to herself, but she who is good at fighting is not good at war, she can't guess the purpose of the opponent, but the sixth sense tells her that there is a conspiracy.

So while the American soldiers were advancing, Fujimura Tachibana's mind was constantly thinking about what was wrong. Fujimura Tachibana watched the picture on the screen, but at this time, a strange voice spread. Come here.


Turning his head to see, the two people who were kneeling on the ground confessing their mistakes had already kissed, and they were still kissing in a warm French style. Even the two looked at themselves provocatively. Fujimura Tachibana's complexion turned black in an instant. When she wanted to speak, the live broadcast on the TV screen was interrupted. What happened?

Chapter 351: I am Yuri, I inherited Stalin's will

When the TV screen was interrupted, it was not only the people all over the world who were watching live broadcasts in front of TVs and computers, but also the U.S. government, because it was not that they took the initiative to interrupt the TV screen, but hackers invaded the TV and The network system interrupted the screen.

"This must be CNN's FAKA NEWS! Let them restore the picture immediately, otherwise I will throw theirs to Afghanistan!"

President Blond yelled angrily, but when he yelled, a general beside him said in his ear: "Your Excellency, this is the signal from the front line is interrupted, our signal is invaded! "

Just when the general finished speaking, another picture appeared on the TV, and a bald head appeared on the TV.This bald head wears a strange mechanical device and 3 strange patterns on his forehead. This person is Yuri in the intelligence.

"Hello everyone, this is Yuri."

After he appeared, he introduced himself. His appearance made the U.S. government extremely nervous. They started frantically trying to interrupt the signal, but the signal had been hijacked and they could not stop it. Moreover, this picture appeared not only on TV, but also on the Internet. It is impossible to cut off.And at this time Yuri continued to speak.

"I was born in 1916. After the establishment of the Soviet Union, His Excellency Stalin trained me and gave me unique abilities, so I was said to be the legacy of His Excellency Stalin. After the death of His Excellency Stalin, the Soviet Union took a wrong path. On December 25, 1991, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the great Soviet Union fell apart. This is a great regret."

When he said this, Yuri paused, seeming to regret the fall of the Soviet Union, and then his voice began to rise high.

"So, I want to inherit the will of Your Excellency Stalin here, fight a life-and-death battle with the power of capitalism, re-establish the Soviet Union, and build a true utopia! Now, comrades, let the American lackeys witness Let's take our strength!"

After Yuri finished speaking, the scene was switched again. This time the scene became a combat scene, but this time it was not from the angle taken by the Americans, but from the angle taken by Yuri's army.

A turret with two six-barrel Gatling guns suddenly rose on the nearby hills. After these turrets appeared, they adjusted their angles and aimed at the sky. The barrels began to rotate. After a while, endless shells Shot into the sky.

It can be seen that after the fired shells were shot into the sky, they immediately pulled out a flaming tongue. These flaming tongues immediately shot at the US military aircraft in the sky. Unpredictably, many US military aircraft were torn apart by endless shells.If you want to describe this weapon, the most similar to this Gatling gun turret is the Phalanx on a warship, but the caliber of the Phalanx is only 20 mm, and a turret has only one six-barreled Gatling gun. And the most important thing is that the Phalanx has very few ammunition. There are only 1550 rounds of ammunition. With full firepower, the Phalanx’s shells will be fired in about 20 seconds. After that, they must be reloaded to continue shooting. , But these Gatling turrets do not seem to have this concern. These turrets have been firing for a long time and there is no sign of stopping, and one turret has two artillery, which is at least twice as powerful as the Phalanx!

So looking at these Gatling gun turrets constantly firing at the sky, the sky has been swallowed by the tongue of flames, and even the US aircraft madly avoided the firing of these Gatling guns, but they were precisely targeted by the opponent. The traces of movement are captured and shredded. No aircraft can last for that second in a dense shell. The huge B2 bomber will also be torn in an instant. The pilot does not even have time to parachute, and its shooting speed is still low. As they continue to rise, the target of attack is not only the US Air Force fighters in the sky. Hundreds of helicopters belonging to the 101st Air Assault Division have also become their targets, and the helicopters are more vulnerable in front of these turrets.

"Order the artillery to kill these bitch turrets!"

The Lieutenant General Sheffield, who was in charge of this battle, saw the situation and immediately ordered the remote artillery to resolve these turrets. Although these turrets are still firing in the air, if the muzzle is adjusted to the ground, anyone on the ground will become a target. .But at this time, the artillery troops discovered the sound of horror, which immediately filled the command center.

"Is this the Hulk!"

"There are monsters!"

After a while, the M777 artillery position appeared on the screen of the command center, and all tall, humanoid monsters like the Hulk appeared in the artillery position, and the infantry bullets could hardly work against them.And even though they were tall, they were not slow at all. They quickly rushed past the infantry line guarding the artillery positions, and they were like the Hulks to easily tear apart American soldiers with their fists.

If it’s just that, it’s even more frightening that even armored vehicles can’t stop these huge monsters. An American armored vehicle tried to attack these monsters, but it was directly dismantled by the approaching monsters with their fists. The driver was caught out and shredded, and his body beat Steel!


Already a little demented, Sheffield looked at this picture in disbelief. His first reaction was to think of the tyrant of the umbrella company, but even the tyrant is not as powerful as the monsters in the picture.Moreover, in terms of quantity, these monsters are numerous, and they are not comparable to the expensive biochemical weapons like tyrants.

Not only the artillery positions, but the attacking U.S. forces on the front line were also hit hard. A mad orcs emerged from the ground and launched a charge against the U.S. forces. At the same time, there were also many infantrymen of the Yuri army. This combination of attacks immediately Let the 101st air assault division feel tremendous pressure.

As a rapid reaction force deployed globally, the 101st Airborne Division has 120 AH-64 armed helicopters, 203 UH-60 utility helicopters, 109 OH-58 Kiowa reconnaissance helicopters, 147 CH-47 transport helicopters, and EH-60. There are 6 electronic warfare helicopters, 12 MQ-1 Predator UAVs, 7 RQ-7 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and 162 M777 howitzers. These are their main fire support, so there are almost no armored vehicles in the hands of infantry. The only heavy weapons are missile launchers and heavy machine guns.

When the helicopters and the U.S. Air Force were attacked by the Gatling gun turret, and the M777 artillery position was attacked by the mad orcs, these infantrymen discovered that they had lost all their heavy firepower, at least until the Gatling gun turret was destroyed. These American infantry can only rely on themselves to deal with the mad orcs and the infantry of Yuri's army who charge on them, which is almost impossible.At this time, a voice rang in the minds of all the soldiers on the front line at the same time. It was Yuri's voice.

"Follow my will and join me!"

Author's message:

Keke ~ first update ~ today's birthday ~ meow meow

Chapter 352: U.S. military defeat, cabinet meeting

"Are you going to work overtime now? It's already so late, and it's not a Japanese thing."

Black Saber is just like a good wife and mother who is tidying up Fujimura Tachibana's police uniform. Such a black Saber is rare. It is good to be able to move a little on weekdays, let alone take care of others.

"It's already a big deal, and it's not just a matter of the United States, the whole world will be affected."

In the live broadcast just now, with Yuri's words, the American soldiers fighting on the front line neatly put down their weapons and surrendered. This picture shocked the world.Although it is not uncommon for American soldiers to surrender in an irreversible battle, there are always heroes who fight to the last minute.Moreover, the 101st Air Assault Division at this moment was not in a complete desperation, because at that time the US Air Force and the helicopters in the air were no longer passively beaten, but after experiencing heavy losses, they counterattacked and destroyed part of the Gate cannon turret. As long as the United States can regain air supremacy after a period of time, the mad orcs on the ground are just targets, and the ground forces are far from desperate.

Ordinary people may not know it, but all countries understand that Yuri has brainwashed the soldiers on the front line, which can make the US military black.In order to prevent frontline troops from being affected by brainwashing, the US military has developed a protective device for soldiers to wear. In the eyes of the researchers, this thing is enough to resist Yuri's brainwashing, but the facts prove that this thing does not work.Not only did the frontline soldiers lay down their weapons and surrendered, a large number of pilots in the helicopter unit in the air were also controlled, and only a part of the helicopters and planes that were far away were not affected.

Therefore, the surrender of close to tens of thousands of people can be said to be the largest surrender of the U.S. military after the U.S. surrender in Bataan Island in World War II. This time the American war failed.

I don’t know how the Americans will react, but Fujimura Tachibana understands that conventional troops cannot fight Yuri, so only the supernatural troops can fight against Yuri. As a member of the supernatural investigation agency, Fujimura Tachibana feels instinctively. What you need to do.

"Then, if you want to do anything, you must take me!"

Hei Saber said with an admonishment that as a lover of Fujimura Tachibana, she is very worried about Fujimura Tachibana.The terrorist attack in the last Olympic Games almost made her experience the loss of Fujimura Tachibana. At that time, looking at her injured lover, she hated why she could not protect her by her lover's side, so this time she would not let it be like this. If things happen again, you must protect your lover!

"And me, I won't let this country king be alone with you!"

Although Joan's words sounded unreliable on the side, she was also worried.

"I understand, I don't want to be separated from you by accident."

After kissing them on the lips, Fujimura Tachibana separated from the two, and then walked to his car and got in the car. At this time, a call from the police director of Yakushiji Ryoko came over. Up.

"Fujimura, come to the Prime Minister's residence immediately. The Prime Minister calls you to summon you. I am also on my way!"

"I just got in the car and will be there soon!"

Unexpectedly, the order came so quickly, I originally wanted to go to the office of Class Nine first, but it seemed unnecessary.So after the car drove out of the gate, Fujimura Tachibana stepped on the accelerator, and the GTR engine immediately roared. After a burst of blue smoke, GTR rushed toward the first official residence, but at this time, Fujimura Tachibana also hit Calls.

"Shao Zuo, I am heading to the Prime Minister's residence to help me pay attention to the situation in Afghanistan, and tell me if you have anything."

"No problem, section manager."

The Prime Minister’s residence is not the place where the Prime Minister of Japan lives. It is the office of the Prime Minister of Japan. The place where he lives is called the Prime Minister’s residence and is located on the side of the official residence.

By this time it was late, so there were not many cars and pedestrians along the way.However, due to the terrorist attacks in the Olympics, Tokyo has not yet lifted the state of martial law, and many SDF soldiers and police officers can be seen patrolling along the way. As they approach the prime minister's residence, more roadblocks appear.

"Metropolitan Police Department Fujimura Tachibana, go to the prime minister's residence."

At first, the SDF soldiers who stopped Fujimura Tachibana’s car thought it was someone who didn’t have a long-eyed son driving the car in the middle of the night, but after seeing Fujimura Tachibana in the driving position, these SDF soldiers saluted immediately. After all, Fujimura Tachibana is still Japan The hero in the hearts of the people is highly respected by the people.So it was released almost immediately, and Fujimura Tachibana continued to drive away.

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