Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 218

The bee eater smiled, and then showed a serious expression:

"This kind of arbitrary control of people's minds is absolutely not allowed. Even if you don't need any compensation, I will participate. Sister Orange, as long as the number of people is less than 10, I can protect them from Yuri's control. Of course, if it is As for Misaka-student, she doesn’t need my protection, she can protect herself. But it’s better to have another person to cooperate with me, otherwise, if I have an accident, it will be dangerous~.

"I see, 10 people, I will select them, as for the other person...Of course, I will try my best to meet your requirements, as long as it is not too much..."

Fujimura Tachibana finally stepped back and said, letting the bee-eater to help herself without any payment, she feels that there will be big problems in the future. She is not a strong-willed person in some aspects, and it is easy to be affected by various feelings. It’s a huge crisis, so it’s better to pay the bee-eaters in advance.

"Then~ Sister Tachibana, I'm at the hotel, just let me know when I need to leave~"

After speaking, Bee-eater Jiaoqi took her handbag and waved away, but when she stood up to leave, Shirai Kuroko suddenly appeared.

"Student Shirai, leave it to you~"

"Sister Orange! Why is this woman here!"

After the bee-eater Fukuchi left, Kuroko directly used her ability to hang herself on Fujimura Tachibana and said in a very serious tone, Kuroko has always been hostile to the bee-eater Foji and Misaka Mikoto. The relationship between them has become a relationship similar to that of a girlfriend. She still doesn't like bee-eaters, maybe because the two are rivals in love?

"I need to ask her for some things, and I also need to ask Heizi!"

Fujimura Tachibana has to face another tricky thing, and that is Kuroko.Kuroko has been upgraded to a super power after winning the Holy Grail War. The super powers of the space department are very powerful. This time he also needs Kuroko's help to deal with Yuri. So after speaking to Kuroko, Fujimura Tachibana talked about Yuri, Kuroko An expression of indignation immediately appeared.

"Sister Orange, Heizi will help you! But before that~hehehe~"

Heizi immediately made a hehehe sound. Heizi, who was holding his hands on Fujimura Tachibana’s neck, activated his abilities again. Fujimura Tachibana felt his vision again, and then saw that his vision became the ceiling. He was inexplicable. Lying on the desk aside, Kuroko appeared afterwards, one of her hands randomly touched under Fujimura Tachibana's body, and then two black objects appeared in Kuroko's hands.

"Unexpectedly, Sister Orange, who looks like abstinence, would be wearing such a seductive black underwear!"


He immediately felt his underwear disappear from his body, and then looked at Kuroko as if he wanted to sniff his underwear and underwear like a slut. This action immediately ignited Fujimura Tachibana's anger.So she immediately grabbed Heizi's hand and snatched her underwear back. Then she turned over and pressed Heizi under her body, and then picked up a handcuff from the side. Heizi did not react. She was handcuffed from behind.

"Hehehe, Sister Tachibana is so affectionate~"

Heizi still looked abnormal. Fujimura Tachibana's face was cold. He grabbed Kuroko's body at random and threw it aside. He threw it directly into the toilet on the side and closed the door. Fujimura Tachibana took a deep breath.

"Sister Tachibana~ I can't shut it down... well..."

Kuroko's voice came from behind Fujimura Tachibana, but before Kuroko finished speaking, she felt a gust of wind coming, and the next second Fujimura Tachibana, who activated the enhanced magic and doping skills, appeared beside Kuroko, and A hand knife hit Heizi's neck, and Heizi fainted.

"This guy is getting too much!"

Feeling the friction between his sensitive parts and his clothes, Fujimura Tachibana's complexion became colder and colder.

Fujimura Tachibana

Chapter 355: Section Chief, I can leave it to you~

After getting the consent of the bee-eater, Fujimura Tachibana needs someone who can replace the bee-eater at any time. Although the possibility is not high, if the bee-eater is injured or Yuri’s ability has a breakthrough, Fujimura Tachibana must consider his companions to avoid them being controlled by Yuri and becoming his enemies.So Fujimura Tachibana found Caster Medea.

Since the end of the Holy Grail War, Medea has lived in Liudong Temple with her Master Gemu Soichiro. The two are already considered as husbands and wives and have even received their marriage. Just one wedding and honeymoon, they can be married. .However, because both of them were under the surveillance of the Supernatural Investigation Headquarters, the wedding and honeymoon of the two could not be carried out, and this became the bargaining chip of Fujimura Tachibana.

"So, just protect you, right? I will explain here in advance that I will only protect you from being controlled by the bald head, and you will not participate in battle, and will not be close to the area within 10 meters of you! "

Medea said with a serious expression, for Fujimura Tachibana, Medea was very vigilant, especially seeing such outstanding heroes as Saber and Joan of Arc being attracted by this woman’s charm and magic. I definitely can't be recruited, I only love the Lord Gemu Soichiro!

"Then, after this action, your and his residential surveillance will be lifted, and arbitrary actions will be allowed, even if you leave the country to other countries."

"Master Soichiro, what do you think?"

Although he had the answer in his heart, Medea still looked at her husband and asked.

"Everything is up to you."

Kazuki Soichiro, who kept a cold expression, said calmly. After getting the answer, Medea immediately agreed.

"I hope you don't lie! I can accompany you now!"

"So, Heizi, take us back."

So after Medea agreed, Fujimura Tachibana said to the side that Kuroko, who was standing beside him with an idiotic face, did not respond at first. After Fujimura Tachibana repeated a sentence, Kuroko reacted, so he immediately stepped forward. , The three of them left Liudong Temple in Winterwood City under the transmission of Heizi's ability.

"The scum girl, actually started on such a small girl!"

Vaguely, at the moment of teleportation, Fujimura Tachibana seemed to hear Medea's voice, but when he turned his head, Medea didn't seem to speak.

"Class leader! I want to go to Afghanistan too!"

Just after Kuroko took the two to the 9th Public Security Class, Fujimura Tachibana immediately heard Koko’s voice. She seemed to have been waiting for Fujimura Tachibana. Kokoko shouted immediately after seeing her appear, although her expression She kept smiling all the time, but from this smile she could be seen a little anxious in her heart.

"Afghanistan is dangerous. This is not a small-scale battle. It is likely to be a big battle."

Speaking directly to Kou Kou, Fujimura Tachibana wanted to reject her, but Kou Kou put away a smile and said solemnly: "I have been to Afghanistan and have been close to the bald-headed site. I am familiar with it, and..."

Kou Kou squinted her eyes, and her aura became a bit strong at this time. Kou Kou said every word: "In order to protect my companion from being controlled by the bald head, I must bring my companion back. , Whether it is brought back alive or a corpse, this is my promise to them!"

Looking at Koko, who rarely showed such an attitude, Fujimura Tachibana motioned to the side of Kuroko and Medea to leave first, and then stared at Kokoo’s eyes. Fujimura Tachibana also said seriously: "I cannot guarantee your safety in Afghanistan, and Whether or not you can find your companion is also unknown. It is very likely that your companion has become like this."

Directly from the side took out a piece of information, this is the information of the wild orcs in Yuri's army.These mad orcs like the Hulk are actually biological weapons transformed from human beings. Each mad orcs means that a person has been transformed into this monster.So after seeing this information, Kou Kou's breathing rhythm changed significantly, and her pupils shrank slightly, but she still insisted on her idea.

"Even if they become such monsters, I will find them and bring them back! And Jonah will protect me!"

Hearing Kokoo's words, Fujimura Tachibana understood that she would not give up, even if she did not bring her, she would find a way to enter Afghanistan.

"Then, I can bring you, but my goal is Yuri, you need to find your companion by yourself."

"Thank you, section chief!"

After getting Fujimura Tachibana’s consent, although Fujimura Tachibana only agreed to take her to Afghanistan, it was enough. Koko’s excitement was all reflected in her expression.Then she said another sentence and immediately turned and left, but this sentence embarrassed Fujimura Tachibana.

"Class leader, in order to repay you, after this action, I can leave it to you~"

It was very ambiguous, and Koko had disappeared before Fujimura Tachibana could refute.Fujimura Tachibana has no idea why he became like this in the eyes of his subordinates?I have never done anything to my subordinates!These are all slanders!

"Cut, scum!"

Hearing Medea's slight voice again, he immediately turned his head and saw Medea standing at the farthest point in the room. Medea's contemptuous expression was completely revealed.

"I did nothing!"

"Oh, Black Saber, Jeanne, Tosaka..."

Seeing that Fujimura Tachibana seemed to still want to quibble, Medea immediately spoke of Fujimura Tachibana’s lovers, and Medea’s contemptuous tone became more and more obvious, which made Fujimura Tachibana staring at her with cold eyes. A warning look.

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't do anything to me, I can't control these things. I am more concerned about where to spend my honeymoon after this operation. Honeymoon costs a lot of money~"

After Medea finished speaking, he waved and left Fujimura Tachibana's office. Fujimura Tachibana sat down. Although his expression was cold, he immediately turned to work.

"Then, more players are needed..."

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