Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 222

After Demon Blade Village was cutting off the feet of a spider-like robot, Fujimura Tachibana commented on this.This is a spider robot with a drill on its body. The height is about the same as that of the human body. The speed of this spider robot is very fast. Even tanks and armored vehicles are not as fast as this robot. The spider robot can easily reach the target. If he is caught by this robot, ordinary soldiers will be killed immediately.

So after cutting through a few spider robots, Fujimura Tachibana commented on this spider robot.Although they are not afraid of these robots one-on-one, there are a lot of these robots, and there are more Yuri's troops on the side. If the black Saber had not carried most of the firepower, otherwise Fujimura Tachibana would have to deal with it more difficultly.While saying this, Fujimura Tachibana tilted his body, and a shell flew from one side of his body and shot into the wall on the side, and the surrounding fire seemed to become more intense.

"Go to hell!"

After evading the cannonball, and ignoring the explosion caused by the cannonball falling on the wall, Fujimura Tachibana turned around and disappeared in place and appeared in front of the tank that had just fired the cannonball.This is a tank with two artillery, four tracks, and missiles on the back. The heavy armor looks amazing and it has a shovel-like device at the front of the car body, which can easily crush rocks and steel. Moving forward, this tank has never been seen in the outside world, but it must not be regarded as cannon fodder. Fujimura Tachibana believes that this tank can easily crush the M1A2SEP, and Fujimura Tachibana heard the voice of Yuri soldiers on the side. This tank seems to be called the apocalypse tank.

Wielding the Demon Sword Village Masaru, the sword blade crossed the two gun barrels of this tank. The huge gun barrel in front of the Demon Sword Village was no different from butter. It was cut from the position of the gun base, thick. The gun barrel slammed into the car body with a bang. The tank lost his strongest weapon. Then he took out a grenade from his body, and Fujimura Tachibana threw it in directly from the root of the cut barrel. Disappeared in place.


The grenade exploded immediately after it fell into the tank. The debris from the explosion swept the tank body and the turret and detonated the shells inside. A big explosion occurred.

The explosion caused by the martyrdom is not something a grenade can do. It can be seen that the huge turret is vulnerable to the impact of the martyrdom. The turret flies high and hits the ceiling of the passage most directly, and Fujimura Tachibana rushed to the next tank again.


When Fujimura Tachibana wanted to use his old skills to destroy the tank, suddenly a black figure appeared in front of Fujimura Tachibana and punched the body of the tank. This is a masterpiece of the black Saber.

I saw that after the huge power of the Black Saber acted on the armor of the tank, the heavy tank armor was broken into pieces almost instantly, and the tank was also hit by a huge impact and flew towards the rear, directly colliding a large group of soldiers and armored vehicles. turn.

"Master, you are too slow!"

The Black Saber spoke in a cold and merciless state. After speaking, she kept appearing in front of Yuri's army's heavy weapons, and every punch could easily destroy a heavy weapon.Seeing this picture, Fujimura Tachibana couldn't feel the power of the hero.The strongest marine weapon of mankind is not much different from the toy in front of Black Saber. They are all easily disassembled by her. Human science and technology can't reflect the strength of mankind at all, but the human army is extremely fragile.

"Are you talking about being in bed?"

Speaking blankly, Fujimura Tachibana finished speaking to Kuro Saber and then said: "I probably saw Yuri's trail, Kuro Saber, use the treasure!"

After getting the order to use the treasure, Kuro Saber did not stop, and directly raised the sword in the direction pointed by Fujimura Tachibana, completely ignoring the bullets flying around and the explosions that appeared constantly. Saber vigorously swung down the black holy sword in his hand, and then the mountain began to shake again.

This time the shaking and shaking caused the already fragile tunnel to collapse again. The guard was beside the black Saber. Fujimura Tachibana had already put away the demon sword, but instead smashed or smashed the fallen gravel with bare hands. Departing from the original trajectory, and the limbs strengthened with magical power did not leave any wounds, Fujimura Tachibana looked like a martial artist at this time.

Compared to Fujimura Tachibana, Yuri’s army was not easy. The falling rock swallowed Yuri’s army in the tunnel. Even the Apocalypse tank could not get out of it in a short time, so the two suddenly became quiet. With the cannonballs and bullets flying horizontally, Fujimura Tachibana was a little uncomfortable.

"dash forward!"

As the dark beam gradually disappeared, a straight, pouring downward channel was excavated directly from the mountain by the black Saber. This can be used as a channel to the area where Yuri was located. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana heard a Voice: "Come here."

"Did you hear anything? Yuri's voice!"

Said to Black Saber next to him. Black Saber shook her head. She heard nothing except the sound of the tunnel collapsing. As a hero, her facial features were very sharp. If she didn't hear them, then It should be impossible for Fujimura Tachibana to hear the sound of his weapon, so what sound is this?

"So, no matter what, let's go up and catch Yuri!"

Speaking to Black Saber, Fujimura Tachibana jumped directly into the passage and rushed forward quickly. Black Saber followed closely.However, when Black Saber ran behind, he hit the surrounding walls a few times, and he could break the surrounding rocks with one punch, so a few punches could make the gravel block the passage, and this was Altolia. Run up to follow Fujimura Tachibana.

"A Yuri's voice, there are many others!"

Even in the passage, you can feel that there are many people outside the passage that have laid the sky and the earth, and Yuri is at the bottom. Just grab Yuri to complete the task. Fujimura Tachibana speeds up a bit at this time. But at the same time, he also heightened his vigilance. The more you end up, the more you can't take it lightly, especially since Yuri is not an ordinary person and can't think according to ordinary people's ideas.

"Don't you want to see the birth of utopia?"

Another voice appeared in Fujimura Tachibana's ear.

Chapter 363: This is not a utopia

Through the long passage, Fujimura Tachibana saw himself appearing in a huge space. A tall, tower-like object appeared in front of Fujimura Tachibana at first glance.

This iron tower-like thing seems to have been completed. The top of it was originally closed, but at this time it has been opened. This huge iron tower-like thing is rising a little bit. Fujimura Tachibana doesn’t need to think about it. This thing is called X, and then Fujimura Tachibana saw a bald head, and he was Yuri.

"Da da da!"

I directly drew the pistol from my body and fired at Yuri who was hundreds of meters away. Although this distance is relatively long for the pistol, the bullet still fell accurately after crossing the distance of hundreds of meters. Standing by Yuri's side, Fujimura Tachibana did not see the shot of the bullet penetrating Yuri's body, as if another layer of invisible resistance blocked the bullet.

"Utopia can be realized immediately, and you can see the birth of utopia immediately!"

Yuri turned his head. Although he didn't speak, the voice still appeared in Fujimura Tachibana's mind. It was the same voice that appeared in Fujimura Tachibana's mind before. Yuri was bewitching Fujimura Tachibana.

"No, this is not a utopia! This is just a slave society called Yuri State!"

Said in a deep voice, Fujimura Tachibana would not think that after all people were brainwashed, the world acting under one person's will would be a utopia, this is just a feudal world under slavery!

"Although I like this world, I should be the king, if it is someone else...Master, give the order!"

Black Saber came with a cold and ruthless voice. As a tyrant, she didn't think that the world Yuri was talking about was a good world, so she looked at Yuri coldly, she didn't think Yuri could run away.

"Saber, destroy the thing in front of you!"

He immediately issued an order and said, Black Saber immediately grasped the black holy sword in his hand, and then rushed up.

"Destroy them!"

As Yuri’s killer at this time, although the mind control amplification device has not been completely completed, it has also completed the core parts. As long as the energy is turned on and the mind control amplification device is sent out of the ground, he can control a population of close to 2 billion.However, the speed of Black Saber and Fujimura Tachibana was a little bit faster than expected, and he never expected the other party to come so fast.And not only Fujimura Tachibana and Black Saber, there are also two groups of enemies in the base that are already very close here, and Yuri immediately issued the order.

Suddenly, Fujimura Tachibana lost his position and was swallowed by a stormy attack. Yuri’s army guards fought fiercely around the mind control augmentation device. Even if they were killed, they would explode their own explosives to stop Fujimura Tachibana. Moving forward with Black Saber, the two moved very slowly.

"Master, please allow me to use the treasure!"

After shielding Fujimura Tachibana with his body and blocking a rocket, Saber said indifferently that he wanted to use an Excalibur to directly destroy the mind control amplification device with Yuri, but Fujimura Tachibana immediately refused.

"No, you have to capture Yuri alive! Saber, cover me into the tower!"

Yuri is in the tower, and most of Yuri's army is guarding the surroundings below the tower. Black Saber and Fujimura Tachibana are not only destroying the soldiers under the tower, but also avoiding attacks from all around. It is difficult to move under intensive attacks, so Black Saber hugged Fujimura Tachibana again, and after blocking a cannonball with his body, Fujimura Tachibana refused to say, "There are too many people."

Although Fujimura Tachibana and Kuro Saber are sure to wipe out all Yuri's army here, it will take time.Under the attack of Yuri’s army, the speed of their advancement was very slow and slow, not to mention entering the inside of the tower, and even the two of them retreated a lot during several artillery bombings by Yuri’s army, almost They had to go back to the passage where Excalibur blasted before, but Fujimura Tachibana was not in a hurry, because his reinforcements had arrived.

Suddenly, endless electric currents appeared and covered the entire underground space. The huge electric current jumped in the air, and every jump would destroy an electronic device.After a short period of time, the electronic devices destroyed by the huge electric current are countless, but you can see clusters of sparks shining in this underground space. Many of the weapons of Yuri’s army were also destroyed in the huge electric current. The firepower suddenly weakened.

"The Hammer of the Wind King!"

After Misaka Mikoto's electric current shined, the shout from Saber appeared from a high place. Saber in free fall pointed the transparent sword in his hand at the ground, and a shock wave could be seen forming around Saber's sword. Saber's charge was completed, and the shock wave hit the ground.


As if it were a hurricane, the shock wave immediately dissipated around after it fell on the ground. Wherever the shock wave hits, Yuri’s army all turned upside down, even tanks and armored vehicles were blown to each other in the shock wave. And the attack has not stopped.

Mordred, Joan of Arc, Saber, and Misaka Mikoto entered Yuri’s army one after another. Although Misaka Mikoto did not kill but only used electric current to destroy various equipment of Yuri’s army, the other three heroes also Enough to suppress Yuri's army here.Tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed like toys under the attack of the hero, and Yuri's army could not resist the attack of the hero.

Looking at the defeated army below, and seeing that Fujimura Tachibana had already boarded the tower under the cover of Black Saber, and was advancing fast here, Yuri's stern expression did not reveal anything abnormal, but turned directly to Walking aside, there is a disc-shaped object, or it is a flying saucer.

This flying saucer has always been here and can take off at any time. After Yuri came to the flying saucer, he immediately ordered the flying saucer to leave here.He understood that the mind control amplification device could not be successfully completed, and there is no value in staying here, only to give up here and start from scratch again, Yuri can bear such a blow.

The flying saucer pilot who was ordered took off immediately after Yuri sat down, and Yuri looked down.At this moment, their army is on the verge of collapse under the attack of several heroes, but they don't seem to have any means to counter the air, so they can only watch them lift off from below, and Yuri said: "Go to the sea."


After Yuri finished speaking, he seemed to feel that something fell on the flying saucer, but the flying saucer was nothing unusual, so the pilot didn't care much. Instead, he controlled the flying saucer to climb quickly, and then flew toward the beach.

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