Me, Japanese policewoman

I, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 224

If it weren't for Fujimura Tachibana's sudden action, the car might have crashed into it just now, so after the sudden stop, Sato had slowed down. Sato didn't understand why he was so gaffe today.

"Drive well, don't lose your mind."

He didn't mean to blame. Fujimura Tachibana rolled down the window while talking. Some cold wind made Sato sober. The car started again, and Fujimura Tachibana couldn't help but smile a little bit inside.

"Capture Yuri and successfully uncover the truth behind the Olympic terrorist events. Mission reward: Lily Halo skills upgrade."

When he caught Yuri, Fujimura Tachibana's task was completed, and then Fujimura Tachibana understood the power of his skill, because after landing, she was kissed by Medea.Medea, who had been keeping a long distance from herself, didn't resist the attack of Lily's halo and kissed Fujimura Tachibana directly. If Fujimura Tachibana hadn't pushed her directly away, she might have to put a green hat on Kazuki Soichiro.Medea who was pushed away also seemed to wake up, and then immediately moved away from Fujimura Tachibana and kept a distance of at least 50 meters. Medea was very panicked.

And the fight between Yakushi Temple Ryoko and Hesheng Yangzong just now was also due to the lily halo. Now he is a humanoid aphrodisiac. This is simply too...terrible!

Chapter 366: The new manor of Fujimura Orange

"Is this your new home, mother!"

Yi Liya shouted happily, in front of Yi Liya is a huge manor.

"Yes, Illiya, here will be a new home from now on."

Fujimura Tachibana said to Ilia, and then the situation of this manor appeared in his mind.

This manor is located in the Tama area of ​​Tokyo and covers an area of ​​250,000 square meters. It includes more than 10 buildings, several helipads, two lakes and a back mountain. Various plants make this manor look very beautiful. And there are many animals in the back mountain. If Fujimura Tachibana is in a good mood, she can still go hunting with a gun.

The manor was found by the Japanese government for Fujimura Tachibana. The original owner offered 40 billion yen. In the end, Fujimura Tachibana bargained with the other party, and finally used 35 billion cash and other items of the same value, such as stocks, Gold and land have completed the transaction with each other, and now the owner of this manor is already Fujimura Tachibana.

For comparison, the White House in the United States covers an area of ​​73,000 square meters, the Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom covers an area of ​​180,000 square meters, the Kremlin in Russia covers an area of ​​275,000 square meters, and the Forbidden City in the Celestial Palace covers an area of ​​720,000 square meters. Meter.In other words, such a manor in the world is also a top manor.

And the supporting facilities in this manor are very complete. In addition to the main building, there are also gymnasiums, golf courses, shooting ranges, greenhouses, etc., and the manor has been modernized and remodeled. The entire manor maintains a certain historical charm. It is also very modern. Fujimura Tachibana takes over the operation of the entire estate.Of course, the most important thing is that this manor can live in far more people than the original villa, at least enough for the women around Fujimura Tachibana...

"Mother, father's manor is bigger than your castle back then!"

Xiao Mo quietly said to Black Saber from the side, and Black Saber immediately turned his head and stared at her fiercely, then said to Fujimura Tachibana, "You are spending money again!"

A hostess feels distressed for spending too much money. Black Saber looks around. Although distressed for spending so much money, she is very satisfied with this manor. After all, this large manor is much bigger than the original Fujimura Tachibana’s villa in Tokyo. too much.

"The Japanese government made a promise when it asked me to deal with Yuri, and was willing to help me do whatever they could do, so I asked them to contact me and I want to buy a manor. Although the money spent here is Quite a lot, but the other party sold it at a friendly price, so theoretically my assets have risen."

I don’t really care about it. As the largest landlord in Fuyuki City, the Fujimura family is not the largest capitalist in Japan, but it is also a top rich man. It is not too difficult to buy such a manor. As the second young lady, Fujimura Tachibana Also has the strength to buy this manor.And Fujimura Tachibana has already felt that his grandfather has already planned to let the Fujimura family inherit instead of letting his sister inherit. This little money does not matter.

"If Rin heard it, she would be sad."

At this time, one was very close to the black Saber, but a more serious voice came from the other side. This person was Blue Saber.After capturing Yuri from Afghanistan, Blue Saber did not immediately return to the UK, but returned to Japan.After hearing that Fujimura Tachibana had bought a manor, she also followed curiously.And what she said about Rin would be sad because Rin had taken a huge debt for the Holy Grail War, and the source of the debt basically came from Fujimura Tachibana. According to Rin, she used her body to pay off the debt.

So after speaking, a group of people walked into the main building of the manor, which is a large bungalow. A group of people immediately began to look around in the bungalow curiously. Naturally, some people wanted to grab the room in advance.

"Cold-blooded girl, this room belongs to me, don't want to grab it with me!"

"Village aunt, you can sleep in the basement for me, this room belongs to me and Tangerine!"

Immediately there was a bickering between Black Saber and Joan. Fujimura Tachibana directly ignored the voices of these two people, and Huihara Ai seemed a little speechless on the side.

"Are these two people really King Arthur and Joan of Arc? Although they have seen countless times, they still feel that they are two little sisters who are not grown up!"

Although the body has become smaller, but the mind is still so mature, Hui Yuanai unceremoniously vomited the two people, and Ilia on the side suddenly hugged Hui Yuanai.

"Little Ai, let's go and see which room is better!"

As she said, Illya ignored Huihara’s protest and dragged her to look at the room. Fujimura Tachibana realized that everyone around her seemed to have gone to see the room. No, it was more than ten meters away from Fujimura Tachibana. The deputy looked at her with a wary expression.After she noticed Fujimura Tachibana's eyes, Medea immediately turned her head. If you look closely, you can feel that Medea's face is a little red.Seeing this picture, Fujimura Tachibana remembered that Medea kissed herself because of her lily halo when she was in Afghanistan. Fujimura Tachibana suddenly felt that Medea was a little cute.

As if feeling the look in Fujimura Tachibana’s eyes, Medea realized that he turned his head a bit arrogantly, so he shouted a little bit irritably: "I didn't come here because of you! I came here for... for Saber! Whether it is Blue Saber, Black Saber or other Saber, only Saber is the cutest!"

As a serious Altria control, Medea has learned that in addition to blue Saber and black Saber, there are also X and X Alter. Although X and X Alter are not here at this time, the two said Will rush back today, then the four Altria will gather here.To comfort myself because the four Altrias came here, Medea kept hypnotizing himself.

"Yes, I am for Altria! I am for Altria!"

Medea was talking to herself. Suddenly she felt a tempting orange fragrance coming. She immediately raised her head and found that Fujimura Tachibana did not know when she appeared in front of her. Medea immediately backed away in horror. Step, she accidentally tripped and fell back, but she did not fall to the ground, because Fujimura Tachibana grabbed her hand, and the atmosphere was a bit ambiguous for a while.

"You scumbag! I'm about to get married, don't come to hook me up!"

Feeling the warmth coming from the palm of his hand, Medea's heart shook, but immediately reacted and pulled out his hand. Medea immediately yelled at Fujimura Tachibana.

"Even if my magic power is insufficient, Medea won't make up for it with you!"

Volume 8 QB Must Die Chapter 367: Pedestrians on the Autumn Mountain

As a capitalist, policeman, and the second lady of the underworld, although Fujimura Tachibana bought the new manor, he could not move into the new manor right away. After all, this was someone else's in the past, and he needs to make some changes to it.The black Saber, who claimed to be the hostess of the manor, immediately took over the task, so she took ordinary girls and began to transform the manor, and Fujimura Tachibana naturally ran out to play alone, and the place she was going was Gunma Prefecture, which is not far from the Tama area, is more accurate than Mt. Akina.

In any case, I promised Fujiwara Tai to teach Fujiwara Takumi, but to be honest, Fujimura Tachibana went to teach only a handful of times, and every time he abused Fujiwara Takumi and left after a meal, he did not teach at all. This is really a shame.

So after hearing that there was another car race on Akina Mountain today, Fujimura Tachibana drove to the top of Akina Mountain.

"Old... teacher!"

Sitting on the AE86, Fujiwara Takumi was a little surprised at first. After the familiar GTR came to him and Fujimura Tachibana got out of the car, he immediately stammered and shouted to Fujimura Tachibana.

"Oh! When did she become your teacher, Takumi!"

A good friend of Fujiwara Takumi exclaimed a little excitedly. Although he knew Fujimura Tachibana’s GTR in the past and knew that Fujimura Tachibana was a big beauty, he never knew that Takumi became Fujimura Tachibana’s apprentice, so he was a little excited.

"This is my father's arrangement..."

Fujiwara Takumi began to explain his relationship with Fujimura Tachibana, and a handsome man walked over. This man was Takahashi Keisuke’s older brother Ryosuke Takahashi who was previously killed by Fujimura Tachibana, and he was also the Akagi Red Suns. The number one driver of the team, this time he and Fujiwara Takumi competed, but he didn't expect Fujimura Tachibana to appear.

"It's... Police Officer Fujimura... Miss Fujimura!"

Although Fujimura Tachibana was wearing sunglasses at this time, he recognized the identity of Fujimura Tachibana at a glance. After half talking, he saw the warning flashing in Fujimura Tachibana's eyes, and he immediately changed his name.

"Yes, it's me."

He did not deny his identity, Fujimura Tachibana decisively admitted, but only admitted to Takahashi Ryosuke.

"Ms. Fujimura's reputation in the racing industry is not small. Your GTR will almost become a legend. No one has ever successfully surpassed you. Everyone suspects that you are already a top professional player."

Ryosuke Takahashi said with some compliments that although he is also an excellent racer, he still has a lot of room for improvement compared with professional players.So many people think that Fujimura Tachibana’s GTR is driven by a professional player, but he understands that Fujimura Tachibana is a policeman, not a professional player.

"I'm not at the level of a professional player... I'm at the top level in the world. Even Schumacher cannot guarantee to beat me at his peak. Probably Senna is still alive."

It seems like a bragging statement. After hearing Fujimura Tachibana’s words, Takahashi Ryosuke suddenly didn’t know how to answer, because Schumacher was once a car king, although now he is a vegetative after skiing and hitting his head after retiring. In recovery, but Schumacher's reputation is still famous in the racing world.Senna is even more known as the god of the car. Although Senna is not as honored as Schumacher, it is because Senna died on the field during his peak period. If it were not for Senna's death, there might not be a subsequent Schumacher. of.So Fujimura Tachibana claims to have Schumacher's level, this is not bragging!

"Aren't you going to compete, don't worry about me, I just look at it."

Without feeling that he was bragging at all, Fujimura Tachibana just said flatly to Takahashi Ryosuke, and then leaned against the car to look at them, and did not intend to participate in the competition.

"If I win, then please give me a chance to play against you!"

In the end, Ryosuke Takahashi still shouted to Fujimura Tachibana when he walked towards his Mazda RX-7. Fujimura Tachibana nodded slightly.

Then, during the countdown, Fujiwara Takumi's AE-86 and Takahashi Ryosuke's RX-7 set off one after another, and the game began.

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