Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 237

"Student Xiaomei, this is General Koichiro Hazama of the Ground Self-Defense Force. He will be fully responsible for commanding the Self-Defense Forces and Witch’s Night battles. But before that, he needs to understand whether you are from the US Army and the Self-Defense Forces in Japan. How many weapons were stolen in the warehouse."

After getting off the bus, he said to Akemi Homura, Hashima Koichiro walked to the two of them and looked at Fujimura Tachibana and Akomi Homura in front of them.

I met Fujimura Tachibana in the Prime Minister's meeting before, and they have been in contact many times, so the two are also familiar.As for Akomi Homura, it was the first time for Hashima Koichiro to see her, even if he had seen a picture of her, but he really stood in front of Akomi Homura, looking at the 14-year-old Akomi Homura, Hashima Koichiro still I feel quite surprised. Is this the one who emptied the weapons warehouses of the Self-Defense Forces and the US military in Japan?

"Does it need to be checked? It seems that there is not enough space here? And there are a lot of people."

Akomi Homura didn't feel any tension because of Koichiro Hazama's military rank, but looked around for a while and said, when Koichiro Hazama nodded.

"Then, come with me!"

As he said, Koichiro Hazama took the two of them to one side, Akomi Homura and Fujimura Tachibana followed behind him, and Fujimura Tachibana was also looking around.

In the past, it was not very clear about the specific identity of Koichiro Hazama. Although he knew that his status as a land general in the Self-Defense Forces was not low, it seems that he is not just a simple land general, because Fujimura Tachibana noticed this base. It seems something is not simple.

There are many black technology and supernatural items in the supernatural investigation headquarters responsible for supernatural cases, such as the Dominator’s pistol, the notebook at the bottom of the headquarters that can kill people, etc., but all black technology and supernatural items in Japan are in supernatural phenomena. Is it in the investigation headquarters?Fujimura Tachibana didn't think so, but this base answered some of Fujimura Tachibana's doubts.

Although no items of black technology appeared in front of Fujimura Tachibana, through Fujimura Tachibana’s sixth sense, Fujimura Tachibana noticed a super reaction inside the base. If this person’s breath is described by Fujimura Tachibana, That is to see a light.But because she reached the destination quickly, Xiao Meiyan retracted her gaze, and she found that several people had come to a huge warehouse, and there was nothing in the warehouse.

"So, let's get started, Xiaomei, I need to know how much you took us, and we should also consider analyzing information about the enemy."

Hazama Koichiro said, and Akomi Homura nodded, so she immediately took out the soul gem, and the next second she transformed herself, and the purple magical girl costume appeared on her.

"I'm starting!"

Said to the person on the side, Akomi Homura raised the shield in her hand to her chest. As the gears on the shield turned, Fujimura Tachibana and Hazama Kojiro didn’t feel anything. Then they saw the entire floor of the warehouse. It was full of countless guns and RPGs.

"About 1,000 guns of all kinds and more than 500 RPGs."

When Xiao Mi Homura spoke, Fujimura Tachibana was also looking at the various weapons on the ground.In addition to the Type 89 rifles equipped by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, there are also US M249 machine guns on the ground, but the most surprising thing is to see a few weapons from the Second World War, such as the German-made STG-44 automatic rifle and MG42 machine gun. , MP40 submachine guns, etc. These guns should not be considered weapons but antiques?It is said that the collection price of a STG-44 automatic rifle that can be fired exceeds 20,000 US dollars. I really don’t know where Xiao Meiyan got these antiques.

There are also many types of RPGs on the ground. The number of AT-4 and RPG-7 rocket launchers is almost half and half. The origin of AT-4 can be explained. After all, Japan and the United States are equipped with a lot of them.It’s just not clear where these RPG-7s came from. Did Xiao Meiyan go to other countries and looted other countries’ arsenals?

"Alright, I have to put it away for other things."

After that, I felt that the picture in front of me changed. Then the guns and RPG on the ground disappeared, and then there were rows of neat rows of American M224 60mm mortars and M18A1 broad-sword mines.At this time, Fujimura Tachibana had noticed that Koichiro Hazama's complexion had begun to change a little, and seemed to be surprised by the number of weapons that Akomi Homura had.

"It's not just these."

Xiao Mi Homura then put out the tanker truck and dozens of tons of bombs. These weapons may be able to blow up the base directly. Koichiro Hazama's face is even more ugly, because he knows this is not Xiao Mi Homura's. At the limit, at least the 88 anti-ship missile launch vehicles have not yet appeared.Sure enough, Xiao Meiyan took out the 88-type anti-ship missile launcher afterwards, along with the American Tomahawk cruise missile!Is she planning to destroy a city?

"By the way, there are some last things."

It seemed that he wanted to continue hitting Koichiro Hazama, and then Koichiro Hazama saw a fighter appear in front of him.

"Mind! Why is this thing here!"

Hazama’s mind is exactly the F-3 fighter jet developed and manufactured by Japan. It is a technical demonstrator for Japan’s research on the technical demonstrator of the fifth-generation fighter (yes, it’s a huge toy).This thing should have been dismantled because of the completion of the mission. Why does it appear here?

But before even speaking, Homura took the Mind Fighter back.

"All the weapons are here. This is my preparation to deal with the Night of the Witch."

Akomi Homura said indifferently, Hashima Koichiro found that his original estimate of Akomi Homura was completely wrong.Originally, he estimated Xiao Meiyan’s weapons reserves based on the reduction of weapons in the warehouses of the U.S. Army and the Self-Defense Forces in Japan, but in fact, Xiao Meiyan’s weapons reserves far exceeded his expectations. Many weapons were not those of Japan and the United States. So in my heart, I didn't believe that all the weapons that Xiao Meiyan said were here. After all, it was too convenient for Xiao Meiyan to steal weapons.

"I see, do you still need any weapons?"

However, although she thought so in her heart, according to the previous agreement, if Xiao Meiyan needed any weapon support, the Self-Defense Forces would help her as much as possible, so she asked, Xiao Meiyan shook her head.

"I have limited abilities alone, and the number of weapons I can use is almost at the limit. Even if I give me more weapons, I can't control it, so I don't have to."

"Okay, I understand. You can use these weapons, but you will not be allowed to steal the weapons and equipment of the Self-Defense Force in the future!"

Koichiro Hazama warned, and added:

"We will not interfere with the weapons and equipment of the US military in Japan, as long as it is part of us."

Author's message:

At present, the scale of the book guest's harmonious words has been greatly strengthened, and a point. It seems to be invalid. I will use an a to divide it.

Chapter 389: I'm not Huaxin, they are all my wings (third more)

"How many times has the Witch's Night been defeated?"

When leaving this base, Fujimura Tachibana asked Akomi Homura curiously, during the hundreds of reincarnations, Akomi Homura should have fought many times with Witch Night, so what is her record?

"When I reincarnation for the first time, Shikameyuan died in front of me, and Witch’s Night was not defeated. Afterwards, the battle with Witch’s Night was more viable, but afterwards, as long as Madoka shot, Witch Night is not a big threat, but I don’t want to see this..."

Xiao Mi Homura said with her hand propped on her head while carrying the car window. Looking at the scene outside the window, Fujimura Tachibana's speed was not fast at this time.

"So, is that how you like Kamemaru? Every time you have a good relationship with Kamemaru after hundreds of reincarnations, it is very hard."

When Fujimura Tachibana thought of chasing someone hundreds of times, it was a nightmare. The scumbag Fujimura Tachibana, who is used to solving girls with her own body fragrance, does not actually have much experience in chasing other girls. The experience of Fujimura Tachibana being chased.

Faced with Fujimura Tachibana’s question, Akomi Homura did not answer. Instead, after thinking about it, she suddenly turned her head and asked Fujimura Tachibana: "Sergeant Fujimura, I am very interested in your relationship history, why not talk about it. Your Altria? Joan? Tosaka Rin..."

When Xiao Mi Homura said the first two names, Fujimura Tachibana had no response, and just drove by herself.But after saying Rin Tosaka's name, Fujimura Tachibana immediately turned his head and stared at Akomi Homura with a cold look.If Altria and Joan are not a secret, not many people know about the relationship between Fujimura Tachibana and Rin Tosaka. How did Akomi Homura know this?

And for a moment, the cold eyes also made the air a little dignified, Xiao Meiyan felt a murderous aura coming, but then disappeared.

"What's wrong, do you want to learn from me as a scumbag? Don't you just like Lumeyuan alone? Don't you..."

With this, Fujimura Tachibana's eyes suddenly full of aggression looked at Xiao Mi Homura, and looked at her with an expression of looking at her prey.

"Are you going to have something with me?"

"The only person I like is Madoka! I won't have such a good impression of you, a sweet woman!"

Xiao Mi Homura immediately shouted with excitement. She had had some ambiguous emotions to her because of the fragrance of Fujimura Tachibana before, but she knew that she did not have any love for Fujimura Tachibana. She was just said by the strange tangerine fragrance. It's only affected, not to mention that Fujimura Tachibana still wants to shoot her beloved Madoka, Akemi Homura has long regarded Fujimura Tachibana as an enemy.

"Ahem, I am not bothered... They are all my wings..."

"Then you really have enough wings."

Fujimura Tachibana's tone was not so self-confident himself, and Xiao Mi Homura immediately complained about it. This made Fujimura Tachibana even more embarrassed.

"Well, this is beyond my control!"

Rarely said in an angry tone, Fujimura Tachibana took a deep breath, and then continued to drive in the direction of Mitakihara.

"Returning to the previous topic, if there is no interference from other people, how many magical girls will it take to defeat Witch's Night? You said that Kamemaru can easily defeat Witch's Night. What is going on?"

Not wanting to entangle on topics such as wings and flowers, Fujimura Tachibana's tone also became serious, Xiao Mi Homura seemed to be lost in thinking, and then said: "If it is the first time, I, Kamen Maru, Ba Mami, Kyoko Sakura, and Miki Sayaka may be able to defeat Witch’s Night, and now I, plus another magical girl, will be more certain to defeat Witch’s Night. As for the reason Kame-maru becomes stronger..."

Xiao Meiyan was also a little confused when she said, because she didn't know.At first, Xiao Mi Homura once teamed up with Lu Mu Yuan to deal with Witch Night, but it turned out that Lu Mu Yuan died in battle and she chose reincarnation.But in the last time of reincarnation, Kagomaru chose to become a magic girl, defeating Witch Night completely with just one blow, and her strength far surpassed other magic girls.

Hearing this answer, Fujimura Tachibana understood that Shikame Maru and Akomi Homura had secrets that they did not know about themselves. Perhaps QB would know that Fujimura Tachibana needed to go back and continue to interrogate QB.It is also interesting to say that after a qB was caught, this QB seemed to have taken the Nine Public Security Class as a pet, and stayed in the iron cage very well and did not escape.

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