Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 242

When Fujimura Tachibana entered the bungalow, several maids immediately blushed and took the suit that Fujimura Tachibana took off. Then Fujimura Tachibana saw Mordred this bear kid lying on a sofa at first sight. Eating potato chips while watching TV while drinking Coke, this posture is really indecent.

"Mo, where is your mother?"

While speaking, I was also observing the room transformed by Altria. The change is not very big. If we want to say, the overall style is closer to the British style. This is probably related to the fact that Altria is British. .

"Huh? Father? The queen mother is cuckolding you in the basement."

Xiao Mo didn't get up from the sofa either, but still lay on the sofa. After speaking, he ate a slice of potato chips without any other movements.But there was a playful voice in her tone, and Fujimura Tachibana's expression changed when she heard her. What are these two guys doing!

So there was an icy breath on his body, and Fujimura Tachibana walked to the basement. This basement is obviously a wine cellar. I don't know what Altria has turned into this basement!So he walked to the basement with a sullen face, and Fujimura Tachibana had a lot of pictures in his mind.

"Wow! Wow!"

At the door of the basement, Fujimura Tachibana saw a big white dog. This dog named Cavall was adopted by Alto. He used to live in Alto’s and Joan’s house in Shinjuku, and then came again. Arriving at Fujimura Tachibana’s mansion in Tokyo, it now appears to have been taken over by Altria.

"Cavall, go aside."

Seeing Fujimura Tachibana coming over, she happily rubbed Fujimura Tachibana’s legs. Cavall likes Fujimura Tachibana very much.After hearing her voice, Cavall squatted to the side and stuck out her tongue, and Fujimura Tachibana pushed open the door to the basement, and then she heard a heart-pounding voice. The two people Sure enough, I was cuckolding myself again!

I don’t know if it was because the two of them were too addicted or deliberate. In short, the sound of Fujimura Tachibana closing the door did not condense the sound in the room. On the contrary, she heard Joan’s presumptuous voice. What qualifications do these two people have? Say that you are abusive!Fujimura Tachibana walked in with a black face, and then saw the basement that had been remodeled.

I don't know where I learned all this. This basement has become a place for some play.Looking blankly at the basement glowing with the ambiguous red light, it may be because the ambiguous and dim light hid Fujimura Tachibana’s attention. Altria and Joan of Arc did not notice her arrival, so she casually walked aside Pulling a chair from, she looked at the two people on the bed. She wanted to see when the two people who were obsessed with certain things would notice her.

So Fujimura Tachibana, who was sitting aside, watched this pair of "good girlfriends" cuckold themselves in front of them. You could feel a depressing breath from Fujimura Tachibana. These two people are too much!

The two of them seemed completely addicted without seeing their hearts. So Fujimura Tachibana took out his mobile phone and opened some boring mini games and started to play. Time was passing by. It seemed that dozens of minutes passed, Fujimura Tachibana. Suddenly heard a scream.

"When did you come here!"

Joan’s alarming voice came over. Fujimura Tachibana looked up and saw that Joan grabbed the quilt with a shame expression. Altria seemed to have just climbed down from Joan at this time, and the result was still not there. When she saw Altria, she was kicked under the bed by Joan and made a bang.

"This is all she forced me!"

Pointing to Altria who fell to the ground, Joan of Arc pushed all the errors to Altria, and Fujimura Tachibana spoke at this time.

"I have been here for 46 minutes, 12 seconds, and I have seen what you just did."

Putting the phone away blankly, Fujimura Tachibana tapped the desktop on the side.

"How should I punish you?"

Chapter 398: I won't be your harem!

"Sure enough, I am a rich man. How many missions does this manor require before I can buy it!"

UMP45 said with a jealous expression after entering the manor of Fujimura Tachibana. She knew that Fujimura Tachibana was rich, but never knew it was so rich. When UMP45 thought of one mission, Griffin gave a small bonus. She Suddenly the idea of ​​quitting.

"Strange, how about people?"

Although Fujimura Tachibana told their little brothers to bring UMP45 to the living room, but after UMP45 came, they did not see Fujimura Tachibana. Instead, they saw Maude who was eating potato chips and drinking Coke. Reid.

I have seen Mordred in Afghanistan, but I didn't know her very well, and they separated after meeting a few times.A little curious about Mordred dressed up at home, UMP45 wanted to step forward to say hello with a smile, but Mordred turned his head and said in a seemingly indifferent tone: "Oh, you are the new father of King My love, the father and the queen are in the basement at this time. If you go down now, maybe... it can be 4p."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he uttered some hugely informative words. After Mordred finished speaking, he ate a slice of potato chips, and a click came from Mordred's mouth.After UMP45 heard this sentence, he was stunned for a moment. For a while, he didn't know how to answer the call. After several seconds of silence, UMP45 said: "I'm just here as a guest, not your father's lover? I am! UMP45, Fujimura Tachibana invited me to be a guest."

I feel a little weird about the title of Father Father. Fujimura Tachibana is clearly a girl and not a king. Why is it called Father Father?But she reached out to UMP45, she wanted to meet Mordred.

"Huh? You are not the father's lover! But although you are the father's lover, I will not call your little mother, I am Mordred, the son of King Arthur Altolia Pendragon, father The son of Wangtengcun Tachibana! And pay attention..."

Mordred's voice suddenly became gloomy, and he stood up directly from the sofa and leaned close to UMP45's face.

"I also have unruly attempts to my father, so maybe one day I will throw you into the sea, and no one will find out!"

Saying some terrible words, Mordred said threateningly, but UMP45 still kept a smile, and it seemed that he didn't feel any fear because of Mordred's threat.Of course, although there was a smile on the surface, in fact her heart was already all sorts of mess, how messy Fujimura Tachibana’s private life is!Just do the math, this guy’s lover is almost innumerable, isn’t she afraid of being hacked to death with a hatchet one day!

"Should I prepare a hatchet in advance... No, why should I prepare a hatchet?"

UMP45 found that he seemed to be caught in a strange mode of thinking, and then thought about it carefully, why did he come to Japan?After completing the mission from Afghanistan, she returned to Griffin’s base and got a period of vacation. Then she somehow bought a ticket to Japan and then somehow came to Fujimura Tachibana and installed the birth module. Why are you looking for her?

Suddenly feeling a little creepy, UMP45 wondered if some strange changes had taken place since meeting Fujimura Tachibana.I checked my system immediately, UMP45 did not find any abnormality, this is the biggest abnormality!

I carefully recalled Griffin’s information about Fujimura Tachibana. Most of the information was normal, such as Fujimura Tachibana’s strong combat effectiveness.But in a corner of the document, it seems that Fujimura Tachibana has a strange charm that can attract all kinds of women.But this information also added the word "suspicious", now think about it, is it affected?So the expression was a little frozen, UMP45 fell into thinking.

"Are you scared?"

At this moment, Mordred suddenly spoke, staring at UMP45 and said. The expression she had been watching UMP45 slowly solidified from a smile, and she felt that UMP45 was scared.

"No, I just thought of some strange things, I won't be afraid... Why should I be afraid!"

Feeling that I had said something wrong again, UMP45 yelled in a rare sullenness, that I was obviously only coming to Japan... to Japan... to Japan to play, not to find Fujimura Tachibana!So the usual smile can’t be maintained. UMP45’s face blushed and shouted, which allowed Mordred to discover the changes, so she said ambiguously: “Don’t worry, I’m at most...well, My father, who learned the most from me, kept you in the basement, and would not throw you into the sea, so that father would be sad. After all, I will inherit her harem in the future."

"What is her harem! I am not her harem, I just came here as a guest!"

Probably because Mordred's words touched something sensitive in her, UMP45 exclaimed with excitement, her voice suddenly improved, but she didn't notice at this time, Fujimura Tachibana just appeared at this time.Fujimura Tachibana, who had just left the basement, had just arrived in the living room at this time. As a result, he heard the shout of UMP45. For a while, he didn't know if he should speak, but Mordred, the bear kid, began to make trouble.

"Father! You have another lover here! I won't bother!"

Speaking with an expression of profound righteousness, Mordred picked up the Coke and potato chips on the side and walked away from UMP45. He said quietly when he passed, and said in a frivolous tone: "Be careful, don't be locked in the basement~"

Because of the sudden appearance of Fujimura Tachibana, UMP45 was still in a kind of shyness. When she heard Mordred's words, she flushed with anger, but turned her head and saw Fujimura Tachibana walking with expressionless face, UMP45 The voice became stammered.


"I dealt with some things just now, but I didn't receive the news right away."

Speaking in a slightly sorry tone, Fujimura Tachibana said to UMP45, but UMP45 seemed to be in a strange state.Seeing her blushing and lowering her head, Fujimura Tachibana immediately understood that she was probably affected by her body fragrance.It is obviously a robot but will be affected?Is the lily halo on yourself already so serious?Seeing her silently answering, Fujimura Tachibana pretended to cough.



"I won't be your harem!"

After coughing a few times to remind UMP45, she seemed to recover, and finally shouted, Fujimura Tachibana's complexion became darker.

Chapter 399: How many daughters did you give birth to someone else!

" many of your family members!"

Putting down the gun in her hand, UMP45 said, just emptied a magazine, she was in the shooting hall in Fujimura Orange Manor.Asked after finishing the bullet, she looked at Fujimura Tachibana who was loading the magazine.When I said this, UMP45 hesitated for a moment. I wonder if it should be one or two or more?Hearing the question of UMP45, Fujimura Tachibana did not stop the action, but continued to load the magazine, and after loading the magazine, inserted the magazine into an HK416 automatic rifle and replied casually: " In the basement, accept the punishment!"

There was a hint of indifference in the tone of her speech. This answer made UMP45 feel a little bit of chill. She thought of some terrible scenes in an instant, and the movement of her hand was stiffened. Then she saw Fujimura Tachibana. He took the gun HK-416 and pulled the trigger at the target ahead.

Never considered the recoil of the gun in the automatic mode, let alone a 5.56 mm caliber automatic rifle, even if a 12.7 mm caliber M2HB heavy machine gun is placed in front of Fujimura Tachibana, she can also hold it up and pull the trigger. Strikes, and can suppress recoil, just like the game is hanging.Therefore, UMP45 can hardly see any movement of Fujimura Tachibana’s arm, and the bullet is finished. This appearance can make UMP45 a little discouraged, because his shooting performance is not as good as Fujimura Tachibana.

Looking at the target paper that has automatically moved in front of you, just after the UMP45 shot, there were 10 bullet holes, 24 10-rings, and 1 9-rings (ump45 is a 25-round magazine). UMP45 made a slight mistake. For a while, otherwise she can hit the full ring.Looking to the side of Fujimura Tachibana, Fujimura Tachibana used the HK416 to fire a full 30 rounds of bullets, and Fujimura Tachibana was not a one-shot shot, but pulled the trigger to finish all the bullets, and all the bullets were hit After the 10th ring, is this guy really human?

So he stared at Fujimura Tachibana suspiciously, but then looked at her with hostility, no matter what, this bastard is still a bastard!The guy who will lock his lover in the basement for punishment must not be a good person, and he must not be too close to her!

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