Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 244

Looking at Xiao Mo who was talking with a proud expression, Fujimura Tachibana felt that she had finally grown up and was no longer the headache bear kid, so she couldn't help but praised.

"Then please take your time, I will withdraw."

Pointing to two glasses of juice again, Mordred stepped back again. After seeing Mordred leave, UMP45 was also surprised and said: "Your righteous daughter is very likable at this time. Threatening me."

Thinking of the way Mordred threatened herself in the living room before, UMP45 felt a little strange, but she didn’t think too much about it. She picked up the juice on the side and drank it again. It was probably the bear kid’s playing before. Right.

"Threat you?"

Fujimura Tachibana didn’t know what happened to UMP45 and Mordred in the first place, so he asked curiously, so UMP45 recounted what he had said before. When he heard Mordred say he wants to inherit his harem, Fujimura Tachibana is very speechless. Is this bear kid looking for a fight?And it was because of UMP45 that Fujimura Tachibana suddenly became vigilant, and her keen sixth sense made her feel that something was wrong.


"45, don't talk!"

Speaking, she hugged UMP45's waist directly, and then suddenly used magic before UMP45 could react, and jumped downstairs directly holding her.

At this time, Baijing Kuroko and Mordred were sneaking in the kitchen, and they seemed to be doing strange things.

"Is it enough for two drinks with the water of life and love potion of love? I'll give it again!"

As Mordred said, he walked upstairs with two more glasses of juice, and beside Shirai Kuroko, the love potion given by the system before was placed aside, and there was a bottle with 96% written on it. Left aside, this is vodka produced in Poland. With Mordred's bartending skills, she completely concealed the taste of this bottle of wine.At this time, Bai Jing Heizi showed a strange smile.

"Hehehe, Sister Orange, although I want to share with this bear kid, as long as it is Sister Orange~ Ah~ I'm going to die~"

Heizi seemed to be in a strange state, his face flushed crazily imagining what would happen next, and the sound from his mouth became even stranger.

"Sister Orange~"

Almost moaning, Mordred suddenly ran back in panic.

"It's not good! Father is gone, and that guy is gone!"

Mordred, who had just served the wine upstairs, was very nervous at this time. Originally, he and Shirai Kuroko planned to play yao and mix the wine against Fujimura Tachibana, but she did not expect that Fujimura Tachibana and UMP45 suddenly disappeared, which made her panic. He was at a loss, and after hearing this sound, Heizi suddenly woke up.


The entire tone changed, Kuroko looked at Mordred in front of him in disbelief, and then they felt a chill from their backs. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana and UMP45 were gone, and they were all taken down. , So what will happen next?Almost both of them can imagine that this is an extremely bad message.

"No!" X2

Chapter 401: Not Describeable, Not Describeable

With a headache and feeling thirsty, Fujimura Tachibana held his head and opened his eyes, then...

"Sure enough, there is a problem with the juice!"

This is a small house on the manor hill. It was originally used as a room for rest. The decoration inside is relatively simple, but the most basic bed is still available.So I turned my head and looked at the UMP45 next to him. It was still a bare UMP45. Fujimura Tachibana felt his head hurt even more.

"There is wine in it? Is there any medicine?"

I immediately understood what Mordred did yesterday. Fujimura Tachibana was surprised how she did it.Not only do you add medicine to the drink, but you also add wine. No one can drink it himself?You need to know that your alcohol is not bad, and the amount of alcohol that can make you feel dizzy is a lot.


When Fujimura Tachibana had a headache, the UMP45 on the side seemed to feel something. She turned around a little restlessly and hugged Fujimura Tachibana's body. Her body was also smooth. It was obvious that the two happened yesterday. Something indescribable.

"Ah, that's enough!"

It's another girl. This is the fifth girl to have a relationship with Fujimura Tachibana. If you count Ishtar in Rin Tosaka, then this is the sixth.Although I picked up UMP45 yesterday, I didn't expect it to be overwhelmed in the end. The scum girl Fujimura Tachibana directly pushed all the blame on Mordred.

Feeling that UMP45 seems to be rubbing against himself, Fujimura Tachibana also carefully looked at the appearance of UMP45 at this time.UMP45 is a beautiful girl, but there is a scar on her left eye. Although this scar is not obvious, it still looks a little distressing.Looking down from the line of sight, one of UMP45's measurements is even more distressing. Compared with Fujimura Tachibana’s proud figure, it can only be said to be... steel plate?

Probably because of Fujimura Tachibana's actions, UMP45 woke up in a daze at this time, but after waking up, she did not have the kind of girl who screamed after losing herself. Instead, she actively moved herself closer to Fujimura Tachibana's body. , And kissed her neck and started kissing.

Feeling the moist touch from the neck, and the UMP45 was still sucking, Fujimura Tachibana felt an electric shock. She also unconsciously hugged the UMP45 and rubbed her body tightly.

"The mark is left."

It lasted about a minute, UMP45 said in a contented tone, not to mention that Fujimura Tachibana had already planted a strawberry on his neck, and it was still that kind of strawberry whose position was particularly obvious and could not be blocked at all.Seeing the proud expression of the girl in his arms, Fujimura Tachibana was curious, so he kissed it directly.Anyway, I've already made a mistake, and I don't care about making more mistakes. Could the two in the family still make a difference?

There was a wet kiss to the UMP45. Fujimura Tachibana turned over and pressed the UMP45 under her body, and the girl under her naturally responded very enthusiastically to Fujimura Tachibana's kiss, and then the two began a certain discordant movement.The positions of the two are constantly changing up and down.

After a long time, as both of them were weakened, Fujimura Tachibana entered the bathroom holding UMP45. Although it was just a small wooden house, the decoration was simple, but there were everything that should be there, and in the bathroom...

100,000 words are omitted below.

With a contented expression, Fujimura Tachibana returned to the manor’s bungalow with UMP45. When they walked in, Fujimura Tachibana saw Shirai Kuroko and Mordred lying on the sofa in the living room, although I don’t know why it should have been. Why is Kuroko who returned to School City here, but Fujimura Tachibana has already guessed some reasons. Yesterday, Kuroko, the Hentai, and bear kid Mordred did it together!I took you but daughter and sister, you want to fuck me?


With a cold snort, Fujimura Tachibana came directly to the two of them, without any hesitation, Fujimura Tachibana stretched out his hand, then twisted one's ear with one hand, and then mentioned it.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

"It hurts!"

Hentai, who was lying on the sofa in an indecent posture, shouted together with the bear child, and the two immediately woke up.At first the two wanted to get angry, but after seeing Fujimura Tachibana, the two of them wilted immediately, and they didn't dare to say anything.

At this time, Kuroko and Mordred were actually annoyed. They had noticed Fujimura Tachibana and the hickey on the UMP45 neck. It was obvious that something indescribable had happened between the two.This is obviously a subtle plan of the two, but in the end it made others cheaper?This is simply irritating!But what can be done?The behavior of the two of them was originally a mistake, so let's admit it obediently, and there will be opportunities in the future.

So both of them confessed their mistakes to Fujimura Tachibana obediently, and Fujimura Tachibana also put on a lesson in a cold face.

"Mo, next... all of your daily snacks will be confiscated. You and your little Joan of Arc will study together. If you fail then, then there will be no snacks in the future!"

Xiao Mo was given a punished task, Mordred lowered his head and looked distressed, learning very painful.At this time, Fujimura Tachibana looked at Shirai Kuroko again, and she sighed. She really couldn't really get angry with Kuroko.

"Heizi, there is no next time, wait for you to... grow up?"

Seeing that Kuroko was about to cry, Fujimura Tachibana said softly in the end, this made Kuroko show her small face all of a sudden, because Fujimura Tachibana suggested that she can grow up a little...

"Hehehe, Sister Orange~"

He said that he was about to jump up and hang it on Fujimura Tachibana, but Fujimura Tachibana dodged aside, and Kuroko fell to the ground again.And UMP45 on the side looked at Fujimura Tachibana teaching the two with a playful expression. These people are really fun.But when Fujimura Tachibana said that he would wait for Kuroko to grow up, UMP45 looked at Fujimura Tachibana with another jealous expression, and then whispered: "Scumbag, Lolicon, love!"

"what did you say?"

Probably after hearing something, Fujimura Tachibana turned his head suspiciously, but UMP45 immediately shook his head and said that he hadn’t said anything. At this time, Black Saber and Jeanne came out of the game room probably just staying up all night and they were just wearing clothes The underwear and T-shirt came out, looking very lazy.

"What's the matter on your neck? And why are there marks on this guy's neck!"

Although Saber and Joan stayed up all night, they unexpectedly noticed Fujimura Tachibana and the hickey on the UMP45 neck.

Volume 9 The Gate to Another World Chapter 402: The Gate to Another World in Ginza

"Today is a patrol station again! Today is a doujinshi sales!"

Itami Yoji said with a distressed expression that he had only seen Takibara fighting with the strange witch a few days ago, and he returned to Tokyo for a patrol mission before he had a rest for a few days.At this time, the martial law level in Tokyo has dropped a lot, but from time to time you can still see SDF soldiers patrolling in the streets, and Yoji Itami is patrolling with his soldiers.

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