Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 247

Without a hint of worry at all, Yakushi Tera Ryoko seemed a little happy on the contrary, and Fujimura Tachibana also came up with this explosion in her mind. In fact, the Prime Minister personally arranged personnel to deal with the idea of ​​American running dogs. She felt like she Know some amazing things.

"That's really unfortunate."

So while speaking indifferently, Fujimura Tachibana looked at Yakushiji Ryoko, and wanted to know what her purpose was. Yakushiji Ryoko also continued: "In fact, the world behind the men is not an ordinary medieval world. The Self-Defense Forces discovered Some traces of supernatural power, so they hope that we will send someone to assist them. They plan to conduct an investigation of the nearby area, so they will trouble Fujimura to travel to another world."

Yakushiji Ryoko said and took out a letter from the Self-Defense Forces and gave it to Fujimura Tachibana. After Fujimura Tachibana took it, he asked curiously.

"Don't the Self-Defense Forces have Alter armor? They should be enough to deal with most situations."

"Ultraman has gone to fight the monsters, and he can't do it right now."

"Huh? Monster?"

Author's message:

The Prime Minister of Japan killed by the Tokyo Special Search Department is not so common. As long as a pro-China Prime Minister comes to power, the Special Search Department will take action.

Ask for a day off, make up on May 1st

Headache, ask for a day off, make it up during the break on May 1~ Fight for more on May 1~~~~

Headache, ask for a day off, make it up during the break on May 1~ Fight for more on May 1~~~~

Headache, ask for a day off, make it up during the break on May 1~ Fight for more on May 1~~~~

Headache, ask for a day off, make it up during the break on May 1~ Fight for more on May 1~~~~

Chapter 406: The Essence of the Scum

I don't know what a monster is, or why the Chief Police Officer of Yakushi Tera Ryoko calls Ultraman Ultraman, or it's just an excuse.Fujimura Tachibana understands that he acts as a bodyguard for the soldiers of the Self-Defense Force and protects their safety. The real purpose is to allow the Japanese police to intervene in other world investigations and gain more say.

Speaking of it, although the police rank has reached the police level, it is 0 to 5% of the entire Japanese police circle. It should be a senior commander. But it is the most front line fighting in two days. It looks like the lowest. Like the inspection, Fujimura Tachibana always feels that his person has some problems.

"Yes, I understand."

After talking to Ryoko Yakushiji, Fujimura Tachibana reported to her the work report of the 9th Public Security Department. She was about to leave, but when she was about to leave, Ryoko Yakushiji suddenly said: "I seem to notice , Did you... did my secretary...?"

Yakushiji Ryoko said with an ambiguous expression, Fujimura Tachibana maintained his usual cold expression and did not show any strange expressions. Although this scum girl did molested her secretary just now, it does not mean that she would attack her. , After all... there are too many wings behind it and it can't fit.

So I vetoed it in a voice that I didn’t do. Yakushiji Ryoko didn’t seem to believe it. After all, Fujimura Tachibana’s criminal record was relatively serious, so he told Fujimura Tachibana not to turn the Metropolitan Police Department into her harem garden, Fujimura Tachibana. He almost didn't hold back when he heard it, and finally left with the change in his expression.

Then Fujimura Tachibana returned to the basement of the Metropolitan Police Department building. After arriving in his car, Fujimura Tachibana put on his glasses.

"After the red, please contact Kusanagi Motoko for me."

"Okay, Dad, we are in contact."

The red queen who looks like a little loli has taken over Xizi’s daily work at this time, or Xizi squeezed the labor force of the red queen, and she fished there every day, using the supercomputer of the 9th public security department to create a virtual Fujimura Tachibana every day. 3D model hehehe.

"Chairman, do you have any instructions? Are you going to take over for you again?"

There is no need for Fujimura Tachibana to speak, Kusanagi Motoko seems to have guessed what Fujimura Tachibana wants to say and speaks directly. After all, Kusanagi Motoko has helped manage the nine classes of public security when Fujimura Tachibana was out of office many times. She has become accustomed to such things. Up.

"Yes, I'm going to another world."

While talking and starting the car, Fujimura Tachibana spoke to Kusanagi Motoko.

"Understood, class leader, but you must never bring back a little girl from another world, otherwise all the girls in Class Nine will cry."

Kusanagi Motoko's somewhat untuned tone made Fujimura Tachibana feel that he did something wrong?The relationship between himself and the black Saber and Joan is not hidden, so many people know about it.But the relationship with the sisters Rin Tosaka and Sakura Ma is relatively hidden, and there should not be many people who know it.If you add one UMP45 at most, isn’t you just having five, at most one Ishtar, six girls?(Sister R is crying and fainting in the toilet, and a certain scumbag will not admit it after she goes to bed!) I have never done anything to my colleagues!Why is it that both Yakushiji Ryoko and Kusanaru Motoko have an attitude of hooking up people everywhere!

"Don't worry, as long as you accompany me tonight, I won't go hooking up people randomly."

So it was rare for a while to be a little angry, or to say half-jokingly, Fujimura Tachibana had no such plans, but Motoko Kusanagi's decisive voice came from the headset.

"So, tonight...I will go to Shinjuku to book a hotel now! I will book the best five-star hotel!"

After speaking, Motoko Kusanagi hung up the phone, and Fujimura Tachibana immediately replayed it back, but it was true that the phone was busy. Did she really book a hotel?Fujimura Tachibana suddenly panicked. According to Kusanagi Motoko's personality, she really has the possibility of doing this behavior.When she first met Motoko Kusanagi, she knew that Motoko Kusanagi's private life was a bit chaotic. Regardless of men and women, Motoko Kusanagi could have a date with each other as long as she saw her right, although it is said that she hasn't dated her very much recently. Is it a sex change?

When Fujimura Tachibana was thinking and driving out of the basement of the Metropolitan Police Department, the phone received a message, and Fujimura Tachibana picked up the phone and looked at it.

"[Sheraton Tokyo Bay Hotel] Dear Ms. Kusanagi, Hello! The presidential suite of Sheraton Grand Tokyo Bay Hotel has been booked successfully. We look forward to your visit and wish you a pleasant journey!"


After seeing the text message, there was no sound. Fujimura Tachibana had a headache at this time. What should I do?Do you really go to the appointment?

So when Fujimura Tachibana was about to call Motoko Kusanagi again, another message came.

"The movie you bought..., seats: 1 in row 20, 3 seats in row 20, please pick up your tickets in time."

Have you even booked the evening activities?Kusanagi Motoko is serious!While driving the car, Fujimura Tachibana hesitated while looking at the information on the phone. At this time, the phone rang, and Fujimura Tachibana saw that it was Motoko Kusanagi's call, so he immediately answered it.

"Class leader! I have already booked it! If you don't come, I will be bankrupt!"

After saying this, Motoko Kusanagi hung up without any hesitation, and Fujimura Tachibana had no chance to speak, and the phone was hung up.


To be honest, a little speechless, Fujimura Tachibana wanted to call Kusanagi Motoko to indicate that she had misunderstood, but she did not act.She could have the Red Queen call Motoko Kusanagi, but she didn't.The phone number on the mobile phone had been called, but Fujimura Tachibana had not pressed it. Just when she was hesitating, another call came in. This was Jeanne.

"My dear, I went out on a date with a cold-blooded girl tonight, don't wait for us, love you~"

It seems that there is the voice of Black Saber next to Joan's voice. What ticket does Black Saber seem to be buying?The two of them didn't call themselves when they went out on a date. The two of them are getting tired and crooked recently!So he didn't hesitate to send a message to Kusanagi Motoko, saying that he had received it, and then Fujimura Tachibana threw the phone aside.

"But I still feel something is wrong..."

Fujimura Tachibana’s sixth sense told her that there seemed to be something she had neglected, could it be her own illusion?

Chapter 407: You are too tender in front of Old Siji!

"which movie is this?"

Perhaps it is to have a more dating atmosphere, so Fujimura Tachibana did not wear a suit that she usually wears on weekdays, but changed into a JK suit. At least from her age, dressing up as JK is not a big problem. .And put on a mask.However, even if he changed his usual outfit, because of the previous vigorous publicity, in order to avoid being recognized, Fujimura Tachibana put on a mask. This way, there should be no problems with the dress.

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana and Kusanaru Motoko had just met and asked Kusanaru Motoko. Although Fujimura Tachibana already knew the name of the movie, she didn't know the content of the movie after she hadn't seen it for a long time.

"Well, a romance movie. Of course, dating is a romance movie!"

Kusanaru Motoko said naturally. At this time, she unceremoniously took the hand of Fujimura Tachibana, and then took Fujimura Tachibana to walk like a movie theater.Probably this is a very exciting movie. Fujimura Tachibana saw that many people around have entered the cinema, but most of them are combinations of boys and girls, and there are very few combinations of girls and girls, and boys and boys.

"A couple seat?"

After the two came to the inside of the cinema, Fujimura Tachibana saw that the ticket purchased by Kusanagi Motoko turned out to be a couple seat, so he turned his head indifferently and said to her, Kusanagi Motoko became more confident.

"To watch a love movie, of course you have to sit in a couple seat!"

As she said, she pulled Fujimura Tachibana and sat down. The two sat next to each other, and Kusanagi Motoko's hands immediately began to be dishonest, because she put her hand on Fujimura Tachibana's thigh.

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