Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 252

"Medical assistance is needed here!"

Chapter 413: Another old woman!

Looking at the blond beauty who was rescued, Fujimura Tachibana saw her pair of pointed ears at a glance, which was a symbol of the elves in various novels, and then she immediately thought of Medea.

Although Medea is a human being, her ears are also pointed. If you touch it lightly, Medea will be very sensitive and show a shy expression. I don’t know if you touch the pointed ears of the elf, it will make the elf face red. ?When I returned to Japan, I touched Medea's pointed ears.

"I will think about what she is doing..."

Fujimura Tachibana thought with no expression on her face, but she was already panicked. She seemed to have become a scum girl in the past few months. This is completely inconsistent with her past personality!I was obviously a cold person in the past, so why is it becoming more and more abusive now?

Thinking of this, I quietly glanced at the elf lying in the car. This is a very beautiful girl. Among so many girls Fujimura Tachibana has seen, this girl can be regarded as the top.After being checked by the medical team in the team, the girl just passed out into a coma, and she can wake up as long as she takes a break. There is no major problem.

When the elf was just rescued, Fujimura Tachibana patted the elf's face after he rescued the elf. The elf once woke up briefly, but it seemed that she had read something wrong, so she called Fujimura Tachibana a dad. Once again in a coma, Fujimura Tachibana was inexplicably happy to be a father again.

"Eh, forget it, don't look...don't look!"

Knowing his strong attraction to the girl, Fujimura Tachibana finally turned his head and thought in his heart. At this time, the convoy stopped, and the reconnaissance team had to camp and rest here. After all, it was getting late, so you need to wait after dawn. After leaving again, the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces got out of the car and started to set up tents for rest and set up guards around them. Fujimura Tachibana got out of the car.

"It's desolate."

Obviously there is a forest next to it, but it looks a little desolate here, there are not many plants and no people.


When Fujimura Tachibana looked around at random, she noticed a few breaths far away.These people are not good people from the perspective of their breath. They look like murderers and robbers... If it is normal, Fujimura Tachibana will immediately rush to arrest them, but this is not Japan. It is a technology and moral standard. In the medieval world, and there are other tasks, Fujimura Tachibana decided not to...


Just when Fujimura Tachibana was about to ignore this matter, she suddenly noticed a strange aura approaching the group of bandits at an alarming speed, and within a blink of an eye, the aura of these bandits disappeared, if there is no error in the estimation. , These people have been killed.

"this is?"

Looking at the breath of beheading the robber, Fujimura Tachibana noticed that it was not a human breath. If it were to be said, it was a bit close to Ishtar's breath, in other words, there was a breath of god, so Fujimura Tachibana stood up. .

"Miss Fujimura, where are you going?"

Seeing Fujimura Tachibana standing up, Kuribayashi Shino was the first to notice the scene of Fujimura Tachibana leaving the camp with a samurai sword, so he asked worriedly, Fujimura Tachibana just bowed his hand.

"You stay here, don't worry about me, I will save it later."

"It's too dangerous to leave alone, Miss Fujimura, let me..."

"I'm going to solve the hygiene problem! Don't come to me! I brought the walkie-talkie, just call me if something happens."

He directly objected and said, Fujimura Tachibana waved the walkie-talkie in his hand. Although Kuribayashi Shino still wanted to keep up, but thinking of Fujimura Tachibana's appearance at the portal before killing the Quartet, I am afraid that he was also protected in the past?So Kuribayashi Shino stopped, and Yoji Itami on the side said with an indifferent expression: "Kuribayashi, Ms. Fujimura doesn't need our protection. She is a Japanese national...hero!"

It seemed that he had said something wrong. Itami bit his tongue quickly and then changed it back. Kuribayashi looked at him with an expression looking at the dead house. Why can a dead house be promoted so quickly and be promoted as self Where's the guard hero?It is simply unfair!I murmured inwardly, and turned around, Fujimura Tachibana was gone.

At this time, Fujimura Tachibana was running fast, faster than Bolt’s 100-meter sprint. Fujimura Tachibana ran towards this weird breath on foot, and ordinary people could only sprint for a few seconds, but She was able to keep sprinting all the time, so although the distance of a few kilometers seemed a bit far away, for Fujimura Tachibana, it was only a distance that could be reached in 10 minutes.

"I saw it!"

With hundreds of meters away from the goal, Fujimura Tachibana saw his goal.I saw a bonfire on the ground in the distance. Beside the bonfire was a carriage that was turned over. If you look closely, there was a person lying around. No, it was a corpse after being dismembered. Beside these corpses, there were two figures. Very close.

One of them was kneeling on the ground, using his hand to dig something on the ground constantly. This was a robber, and Fujimura Tachibana was concerned about the other person.

This is a girl who is about the same height as Fujimura Tachibana, and may be shorter. She has long black hair and wears a red and black gothic loli outfit. This is the best clothes Fujimura Tachibana has ever seen on a foreigner .But the most surprising thing is that she has a huge axe gun on her body, which is about 2 meters high. The axe blade is so huge that it is very heavy at first glance. It is impossible for ordinary people to hold it. She is not an ordinary person. .

It seems that he also noticed that Fujimura Tachibana was approaching. The girl who was supervising the robber digging the pit turned her head and looked at Fujimura Tachibana with a slight smile.But she didn't make any movement, just watched Fujimura Tachibana running here. As the two got closer and closer, eventually the axe and gun she was holding on her shoulder stood on the ground, and Fujimura Tachibana stopped. .

The distance between the two was only more than ten meters away, and Fujimura Tachibana looked at the girl in front of him unchanged.This is a face that is not inferior to the elf that he saved before, and he also has a top-notch face. He is a great beauty, but Fujimura Tachibana has a thought in her heart for no reason.

"It's another BBA!"

Just like seeing Skaha before, the thoughts that flashed through Fujimura Tachibana's heart were completely instinctive, uncontrolled, is this girl also age fraud?Fujimura Tachibana looked at the girl in front of her, and then she spoke: "Huh? Have a fight?"

Before Fujimura Tachibana could answer, the girl picked up the axe and gun in her hand, and in an instant rushed to Fujimura Tachibana and slashed down.

Chapter 414: Lori Mcchuly


The huge axe gun made a loud noise when it hit the ground, and a deep mark was left on the ground that seemed to be hard. Fujimura Tachibana who jumped back to avoid the attack could feel the power of this blow. , I am afraid that even the steel plate will be pierced by a blow.

"Introduce yourself, Lori McCurley, the apostle of the god of death and war!"

After a miss, the girl who claimed to be a loli did not stop. Instead, after the axe blade hit the ground, her hands changed. Instead, she held the axe and jumped forward with inertia, and then the huge axe gun again Once he was swiped up, Fujimura Tachibana pulled his knife at this time.


The weight of the huge axe is very heavy, and most of the enemies can be killed by weight alone, and the axe that is pulled up by the trend may easily smash the fully armed warrior, but Fujimura Tachibana is not afraid, she pulls it out After the knife was released, he swung it upward, and then a huge metal croaking sounded.


This axe gun is not an ordinary weapon. The ordinary weapon is the same as the paper in front of the Demon Blade Village with absolute cutting ability. Fujimura Tachibana originally planned to cut the axe gun, but the moment the two weapons touched , Fujimura Tachibana felt the power from the axe gun passing along the Demon Sword Village Masaru, Fujimura Tachibana immediately changed the posture of the sword, and the katana slashed across the side of the axe sword towards Loli in midair.


Seeing that the samurai sword was about to slay Lori, Lori changed her posture in mid-air with the weight of the axe sword, kicked her feet on the sword of the demon sword, and then fell to the ground. Aside.Putting the axe sword on her shoulder, she said with a smile at this time.

"Are you from another world? Nice to meet you!"

Looking at the expression of Fujimura Tachibana, Loli also licked her lips. This appearance seemed to be like hooking up Fujimura Tachibana, but Fujimura Tachibana remained unmoved, just pointed the knife at the ground and kept it at any time. Fighting vigilance.

"It's not a welcome attitude to cut at someone as soon as we meet."

Speaking lightly, Fujimura Tachibana carefully observed Loli in front of her. She claimed to be the apostle of the god of death and war. Is she the divine envoy in the system mission?Are you going to kidnap her?Now it seems that this is not a simple task, at least Fujimura Tachibana cannot simply knock her out and take her away.


Seeing Fujimura Tachibana's indifferent attitude, Lori didn't refute, but smiled and stood axe and gun aside, and then leaned forward slightly with an apologetic attitude.

"I'm sorry, I just want to see if there are strong people in another world!"


"The head of the 9th Division of Public Security of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department, you can understand it as the captain of the Knights of the Royal Garrison."

Talking nonsense, Fujimura Tachibana completely relied on the red queen to translate Lori's words for himself.During this period of time, the Self-Defense Forces had already deciphered the language of this world. Although Fujimura Tachibana could not, but input the language and characters deciphered by the Self-Defense Forces into the Red Queen's system, Fujimura Tachibana could rely on the Red Queen to solve the dialogue problem.

"Oh? Is there anyone as strong as you on your side!"

It seems to be curious if there is someone as strong as Fujimura Tachibana. Loli's tone looks very relaxed, but Fujimura Tachibana did not answer directly.

"That person is going to run, who is he?"

Turning his head to see that the robber who had been ordered by Lori to dig a hole in the ground was fleeing frantically, seeing that he had run away hundreds of meters away, Fujimura Tachibana reminded Lori.

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