Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 255

Looking at the flame in Yanlong's mouth, Fujimura Tachibana understood that if he was sprayed by flames, although his strengthened body could block the flames, his clothes would not work.He didn't want to give benefits to others after a burst of flames, so Fujimura Tachibana immediately hid to one side after the flame of Yanlong sprayed out.

Perhaps the target was not Fujimura Tachibana himself, the flames of Yanlong were more sprayed against the convoy, and several off-road vehicles immediately dodged aside, and Yanlong's attack failed.At this time, I probably discovered the Yanlong’s weakness. The soldiers of the Self-Defense Force aimed at one of Yanlong’s eyes and attacked because there was an arrow stuck in one of the Yanlong’s eyes. It's not big, but it successfully pierced Yanlong's eye.So after being attacked by his weakness, Yanlong unconsciously shielded his head with wings and claws, and his body shook a little, which gave Fujimura Tachibana and the Self-Defense Force a chance.

At this time, a soldier of the Self-Defense Force took out the rocket launcher and aimed at Yanlong's body. However, because of the shaking of the vehicle, the rocket did not aim at Yanlong. Instead, it deviated. The rocket would miss, but Lori shot at this time. Up.

I saw that Lori also turned over from the window to the roof of the car, holding her huge axe gun in her hand, and then the axe gun weighing hundreds of kilograms was thrown out.It can be seen that the axe gun is spinning at high speed in mid-air, and the speed of rotation is almost impossible to see with the naked eye.Not only that, there was a magical power flowing around the axe gun. Not only did Lori throw the axe gun, but also the magic power she exerted on the axe gun.

This axe spear leaped over a distance of hundreds of meters in the air, and then landed precisely at Yanlong's feet.The huge kinetic energy and magic power carried by the axe gun broke the ground almost instantly, and even caused the ground to be broken and uplifted, so the broken ground caused Yanlong's body to bend, and the Yanlong suddenly collapsed in front of the rocket that had already fallen. In the next second, the rocket directly hit one of Yanlong's claws, and the flames and smoke from the explosion enveloped Yanlong's body.


After seeing the rocket hit Yanlong, Lori standing on the roof looked at Yanlong in surprise, because she found that one of the powerful Yanlong's paws was directly broken by the rocket, and a huge paw fell off. On the ground, Yanlong was hit hard.With a terrible cry, the Yanlong felt severe pain. This was a serious injury it had never suffered since its birth. Even if one eye was pierced, it was no better than a claw being broken. Yanlong felt dead. Threat.So he waved his wings and wanted to escape, and at this time Fujimura Tachibana had arrived.

While the rocket hit the Yanlong, Fujimura Tachibana jumped directly onto the Yanlong's body, and then climbed up the Yanlong's body.At this time, Fujimura Tachibana's teeth bit the back of Demon Sword Muramasasa's sword, and his hands grabbed the scales of Yanlong and continued to climb up. After a short time, Fujimura Tachibana successfully climbed to the back of Yanlong. At that time Yanlong seemed to have also discovered Fujimura Tachibana.

The Yanlong didn't notice the existence of Fujimura Tachibana because of pain before, but as Fujimura Tachibana climbed higher and higher, Yanlong finally noticed.Wanting to stretch out his claws to get Fujimura Tachibana down, but that claw has been broken by the rocket, and the bullets are still hitting his head. Yanlong opened his wings and wanted to fly high. Fujimura Tachibana seized this opportunity.

One hand grabbed the scales of Yanlong, and the other hand bit the Demon Sword Village. Fujimura Tachibana looked at the wide wings, and then said blankly: "Without wings, you can still fly. Huh!"

Glancing forcefully at Yanlong's body, Fujimura Tachibana leaped towards the direction of the wings. The Demon Sword Village in his hand was slashing towards its wings, and then Demon Sword Murata's sword directly hit the connection between the wings and the back. At the same time, Fujimura Tachibana was still holding the handle of the knife and continuing to descend.

Without feeling any resistance at all, Demon Blade Village is as easy as cutting the air along the connection between the wings and the back, and the connection part is the weakest, so Demon Blade Village is directly tearing the entire connection. Part, the huge wings and the back are separated.

As Fujimura Tachibana grabbed the Demon Sword Village and fell to the ground, Demon Sword Village was also easily cut off its wings. After a short while, everyone present saw Yanlong's wings just opened almost instantly. Distorted and fell to the side. As the last connecting part of the wings and back was cut off, the huge wings separated from Yanlong's body and fell to the ground. Yanlong made a huge scream and moved to the side in pain. Upside down.

When the Yanlong fell, the keen Yanlong jumped on his body. Fujimura Tachibana avoided the fallen body of the Yanlong and also avoided the blood spray from the wound. Fujimura Tachibana hid aside.

"Oh! That's amazing!"

Lori made a sound of exclamation, and then she smiled:

"Then I will help too!"

With that, Lori jumped off the roof and ran towards Fujimura Tachibana.

Author's message:

Yanlong: I can't fly without wings

Miss Fujimura: I have many wings, I still can't fly

In other words, the sixth change on May 1st, still owes... emmmm9 more?despair.Why do I suddenly work overtime so many times, tomorrow I have to get up early in the morning to start codewords.

Chapter 419: Lolita's Dog Licking Behavior

Although the Yanlong was severely injured by Fujimura Tachibana cutting off a wing, a large amount of blood spurted from the wound and fell to the ground in pain, but the Yanlong was not dead.

The huge body gave the Yanlong strong vitality, even if it lost a paw and a wing, the Yanlong was still very terrifying, especially when Fujimura Tachibana was beside the Yanlong.

Just after landing on the ground and avoiding the fallen body of the Yanlong, Fujimura Tachibana felt that the surrounding temperature began to rise, and a fiery heat was generating next to her. As soon as she turned her head, she saw the fallen Yanlong. A fire was brewing in his big mouth, and its big mouth was facing Fujimura Tachibana's body.

Seeing that the Yanlong was about to eject flames, there was a whistling sound. Fujimura Tachibana saw Loli's axe spear spinning down at high speed in the air, and directly hit the Yanlong's mouth.

The axe gun weighing hundreds of kilograms has great power even if it is smashed from the air by its own weight, not to mention that this axe gun is still rotating at high speed, and its power is even greater.Therefore, when Yanlong opened his mouth to spray flames, his mouth was knocked fiercely. The mouth that was supposed to be opened was immediately closed, and the brewing flame suddenly exploded in Yanlong's mouth.

You can see flames emerging from various gaps in Yanlong's mouth, and vaguely you can see red blood mixed in the flames, which means that Yanlong was hit hard just now.

The Yanlong who can show great power in this world on weekdays is really a bit miserable at this time. It was blinded by one eye, broken a claw, and without a wing, only two legs are still intact, this Yanlong Reluctantly wanted to stand up, but Fujimura Tachibana didn't give him a chance!

I saw that Fujimura Tachibana had already taken advantage of the time when the flame of Yanlong was exploding in its mouth, holding the Demon Sword and the village was running past its body, and the indestructible Demon Sword Village was inserted into the body of the Yanlong, and ran along with Fujimura Tachibana. After Yanlong's leg, Yaodao Village left a deep wound on its leg.Although Yanlong's body was too large, Yaodao Village was still unable to damage its bones, but it destroyed a deep layer of skin, muscles and veins, which was also a huge injury to Yanlong.

Avoiding the tumbling body of Yanlong, he jumped directly onto Yanlong's body. No matter where it went, Demon Blade Village was inserted into Yanlong's body and swept through it, and huge wounds appeared on Yanlong's body. Let Yanlong scream again and again.And at this time, the Self-Defense Forces also followed.

All kinds of bullets were madly aimed at Yanlong’s head to restrain Yanlong’s attention. The Self-Defense Force soldier who had just fired a rocket and broke one of Yanlong’s paws took out a bazooka and aimed at the fallen Yanlong. Long, this time, he won't shoot crookedly because of the bumps of the car, because the car stopped specially.

"Confirm safety from the rear, aim and shoot!"

Talking to himself, as the trigger was pulled, the 110mm-caliber rocket flew toward the fallen Yanlong. In the blink of an eye, the rocket fell on Yanlong's body, and a big explosion occurred.

A rocket capable of penetrating 800 mm steel plate easily penetrated Yanlong's body after the explosion. In the smoke and flames produced by the explosion, a large group of blood and broken flesh flew out together, and Yanlong's body was hit by the rocket. A big hole was exploded, which made Yanlong even more injured.

"Aim at the wound. Shoot!"

Seeing the huge wound exploded by the rocket, Yoji Itami immediately ordered everyone to shoot the bullet into the wound of Yanlong.Without the protection of scales and skin, the flesh and blood under Yanlong's skin is actually very fragile.The bullet puffed into the body under the wound and splashed blood, and the Yanlong screamed.

The body rolled on the ground unconsciously, Yanlong couldn't get up at all at this time, and at this time it felt a bit cold in its neck.


Demon Sword Village directly pierced Yanlong's neck, Fujimura Tachibana directly pierced the entire blade into Yanlong's neck, and with a strong stroke, a large group of blood was ejected in an instant.

Most animals have large arteries in their necks. They probably cut off the large arteries. After Fujimura Tachibana’s knife was cut, blood was sprayed out like a high-pressure water gun. Fujimura Tachibana did not evade this time, or that she did not. Time dodges.After finally stabbing Yanlong's vitals, she will not give up this opportunity.

Grasping the hilt of Demon Sword Cunzheng, and continuing to cut down on Yanlong's neck, he continued to stretch the original wound. After just a few seconds, one side of Yanlong's neck could be seen completely separated. Long said it was fatally wounded, but Fujimura Tachibana has not stopped.

As if feeling something, after falling to the ground, Fujimura Tachibana looked at the Yanlong lying on the ground. Although the Yanlong had been severely injured, it was still able to move and not die. Fujimura Tachibana pulled out the demon sword and aimed at it. The back of Yanlong's neck then pierced in forcefully!

This time Fujimura Tachibana exerted all his strength, so not only did the blade pierce the neck of the Yanlong, but even Fujimura Tachibana's arm also pierced into the Yanlong's body, and this made the Yanlong huge. The body stopped moving in an instant.

Seeing that Yanlong completely lost his movement, Fujimura Tachibana pulled out the samurai sword. She just stabbed Yanlong's cervical spine with a single knife and severed Yanlong's cervical vertebrae, which was like cutting the gap between Yanlong's brain and body. Connection, so even with strong vitality, Yanlong completely lost the ability to control the body under such a heavy injury.Along with the blood spurting from the neck wound, Yanlong's vitality was constantly losing. The eyes that had been wide open slowly closed, and the powerful Yanlong died.

With a strong swing of the katana, all the blood stained on the katana was thrown to the ground in an instant, revealing the cold light belonging to the metal.But because Fujimura Tachibana was covered with blood, the blood ran along Fujimura Tachibana's arm and onto the knife, and then dyed the blade red.

At this time, the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces had already rushed over and looked at Yanlong with guns on alert. Everyone present looked at Fujimura Tachibana with shocked expressions.She was covered in blood at this time, looking a bit like returning from the Asura Hell, which made people feel beautiful and terrifying, while Lori made a fascinating voice.

"Ah~ Really, too..."

Loli landed directly on Fujimura Tachibana’s side from the sky, and then he didn’t care about the blood on Fujimura Tachibana, and hugged her directly. Then in everyone’s surprised eyes, Loli directly licked Fujimura Tachibana’s neck and licked. The blood on her neck.

Author's message:

ps: As the apostle of the god of death and war, the dead souls around will pass through Lori's side and make her feel estrus

Chapter 420: Father, don't leave me!

Regarding Lori's performance, Fujimura Tachibana did not act at first, because just after fighting the Yanlong, Fujimura Tachibana's spirit was a little lax, and she was in a relatively relaxed state.So when Loli suddenly appeared and hugged herself to lick the blood on her neck, Fujimura Tachibana didn't even react for a while.

"Come down!"

After reacting, she immediately let Lori get off her body, but after a few scratches, she did not pull Lori off her body. Instead, she felt Lori’s soft fragrant tongue lick all the way from her neck to her. The position of the cheeks made Fujimura Tachibana a little bit happy.

At this time, the people in the Self-Defense Forces are already looking stupid. Loli’s performance is too strange, and although Fujimura Tachibana has blood stains on her body, she has a strange beauty. If there is a book painter at this time, I am afraid After a while, Japan will have a new book on Fujimura Tachibana.

Just when Fujimura Tachibana and Loli were entangled with each other, a person wrapped in a blanket suddenly appeared and knelt down and burst into tears. She was the elf who had been rescued before.The mountain village where the elf was located was completely destroyed by the Yanlong, and she was only found as a survivor during the search.For her, Yanlong was her enemy. Seeing that his enemy was killed, the elf felt a little uncontrollable and knelt on the ground with excitement and burst into tears.

The action of this elf finally made the loli on the side notice the changes next to her. Although she still stuck her tongue out and continued to lick it twice, she was not as gagged as before. Fujimura Tachibana finally got her off her body. I took out a charm-like thing from the pocket inside my suit, which was a clean charm.

The system once gave Fujimura Tachibana all kinds of charms, including flame charms, thunderstorm charms, etc., but Fujimura Tachibana has never used these charms.Because he was coming to another world this time and knew that he might have to spend some time in the wild, Fujimura Tachibana specially carried a batch of cleaning charms, but he didn't expect to actually use it.

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