Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 270

"10 sets, no less one set!"

Hei Saber didn't seem to worry that Fujimura Tachibana would lift the table and quit completely, and walked towards Fujimura Tachibana step by step. She looked aggressive at this time.

"3 sets! This is the bottom line!"

Two more sets of clothes were added slightly. Fujimura Tachibana watched Black Saber approaching aggressively, suddenly feeling a little guilty. Her eyes lowered slightly to look at the ground, and then she saw Black Saber's bare feet appear on her. In the field of vision, Black Saber was already standing in front of Fujimura Tachibana.

"10 sets!"

It was still in a tone that couldn't be rejected, but this time Black Saber didn't stop after speaking. Instead, he raised his head slightly, and then pinched Fujimura Tachibana’s chin with one hand and looked at it with a doting eye. Looking into Fujimura Tachibana’s eyes, he said, "I know you are bothered outside, for example..."

Black Saber stretched his head out suddenly, and then whispered in Fujimura Tachibana’s ear: "For example, at the movie theater that day, Joan of Arc did not notice this fool, but I found you with someone else."

Black Saber's voice was very small. Neither Loli nor Joan heard what Black Saber said, but Fujimura Tachibana heard it clearly.Almost instantly, she felt a little stiff in her body. She actually knew that she was dating Motoko Kusanagi!And after she discovered it, there was no point broken!Fujimura Tachibana suddenly felt sweat started behind her back, and the feeling of being caught and raped in bed immediately came to her heart.

"Even Lori, I can promise you, but 10 sets are not enough..."

The devilish voice circulated in Fujimura Tachibana's ear, she felt that the black Saber in front of her was indeed the evil fellow in her sixth sense!Seeing Black Saber's evil smile, Fujimura Tachibana nodded stiffly.


Joan and Loli on the side looked at Fujimura Tachibana agreeing in disbelief. What did Black Saber say to her?And what made them even more surprised is more than that, because Black Saber then continued: "Here, I bought you more than 50 sets of clothes. You can try them all. I will choose one set for me to sleep in at night. Orange ~Sauce!"


With a desperate look, Fujimura Tachibana still nodded stiffly, and then she was dragged by the black Saber to try on her clothes. Jeanne and Loli on the side were even more surprised.

"Is this the majesty of the main palace?"

Lori thought so.

Chapter 445: Divine Power Shield

Sometimes you can tell from a person’s expression whether he is happy today, just like at dinner, as the head of the family, Fujimura Tachibana exudes a low air pressure, and it can be seen that she is in a very bad mood. , So even the most hentai Kuroko didn't disturb Fujimura Tachibana during the meal, and Fujimura Tachibana went directly to the Kendo Hall after eating.

Because of the black Saber's intimidation before, Fujimura Tachibana experienced what she thought was the worst period of time. She put on a set of sexy uniforms, and the three took pictures one after another. These photos have become the black history of Fujimura Tachibana, and she doesn't want to see these photos of herself at all.

Although Fujimura Tachibana also thought about letting Kiko, who has super hacking capabilities, hack into Black Saber’s phone and delete all these photos, he saw that the Black Saber, who had been preparing for a long time, pulled out the memory card from the phone and shook it towards him. Black Saber has suffered this loss before.

That was the last time Fujimura Tachibana was called the national wife. Black Saber posted some daily photos of Fujimura Tachibana to show off on the Internet. As a result, Kiko hacked the phone and computer and deleted the photos. This time Black Saber learned how to resist Hacker's invasion is a physical disconnection!

Not only was he grabbed the handle by the black Saber, but he was also waiting for the black Saber in a cow outfit at night, so Fujimura Tachibana's complexion would of course not be good.So after eating, she came here directly. She wanted to use other things to cover up her unhappiness. At this time, she was facing a shield.

How do you describe this shield?This is after Fujimura Tachibana killed the Yanlong and got the EX-class item-supernatural shield.This shield is a small metal round shield. Its color is gold and silver, and it has a complicated but not gorgeous pattern. It looks like an ordinary European-style shield. It is nothing unusual, but it is an EX-class item. , How could it be so simple.

The Demon Sword Village that Fujimura Tachibana has used for a long time is an A-level item, with the ability to absolutely cut off. Except for a small number of high-quality magic weapons, Demon Sword Village can easily cut any object.A-level items have such a strong ability, but what about EX-level items?At least the defense should be very strong!

So after taking the shield, she fixed the shield on a side table, and then took a few guns from her gun storehouse, and then she first took out a pistol and aimed it not far away. Shield.

"Da! Da! Da! Da! Da! Da! Da!"

Pulling the trigger without stopping, all the 9mm bullets in a magazine were emptied. Fujimura Tachibana took an HK417 automatic rifle from the side, because just now the 9mm bullets only appeared after hitting the shield. The masses of sparks would have no result. Fujimura Tachibana did not see any traces on the shield. Then Fujimura Tachibana aimed the rifle at the shield again, and then pulled the trigger.

A series of gunshots stopped in just a few seconds. The tinkling shells hit the ground for a longer time. Fujimura Tachibana’s rifle shots were all shot, and the shield not far away shook slightly. It was because after the bullet hit the shield, the simple fixed shield was shaken.But as Fujimura Tachibana looked at the shield, the shield still had no wounds, let alone being penetrated, and even a trace of scratches was not seen, so Fujimura Tachibana directly grabbed another gun on the side. An M82A1 large-caliber sniper rifle.

A tungsten core armor-piercing projectile was stuffed into the magazine. This armor-piercing projectile can easily penetrate some weaker armored vehicles or slag the bulletproof glass of a bulletproof car, but Fujimura Tachibana’s instinct told her that he This time the shooting will not have any effect.

Lifting a gun weighing nearly 30 kilograms, such a heavy weight did not put much pressure on Fujimura Tachibana.I saw Fujimura Tachibana aiming her gun at the shield. She planned to shoot the magic shield at close range. Then the trigger was pulled, and a huge gunshot immediately filled the entire Kendo hall.


In the eyes of Fujimura Tachibana Superman, Fujimura Tachibana saw that the armor-piercing projectile was shot out of the muzzle and then flew towards the shield at a high speed. The short distance is only an instant of time for the bullet, so the bullet can be seen for an instant. It hit the shield, and then the hard bullet began to deform and shatter after touching the surface of the shield. The extremely hard tungsten core armor piercing projectile seemed to be like an egg hitting a rock, and turned into fragments after a large group of sparks appeared. These broken fragments scattered to the surroundings, and the shield was lifted off due to the huge impact and fell to the ground.

Stepping forward and picking up the shield, Fujimura Tachibana still did not see any traces on the shield, as if it were brand new, and the surface of the shield was shiny.Holding the shield arm in arm and fixing it to her arm, Fujimura Tachibana assumed a shield-holding pose. Although she had never learned how to use a shield in the past, she possessed the strongest weapon fighting skills of mankind in a short time. Master the various skills of using shields.So I immediately made some skills to use the shield, and Fujimura Tachibana found that the edges of the shield were very sharp.

Seeing this, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly moved her heart, and immediately came to the side with a shield in her hand. There are a few wooden stakes standing on the ground. These wooden stakes are used to practice the samurai sword. This time they became her experiment. Object.


With a loud scream, Fujimura Tachibana slapped the front of the shield directly against a wooden stake. The surface of the shield and the wooden stake violently collided, and sawdust flew horizontally on the next side. This small wooden stake was directly broken by Fujimura Tachibana Up.It didn't stop there. Fujimura Tachibana's movements did not end, but with a shake of his hand, the shield immediately turned sideways, and then the edge of the shield was cut towards another wooden stake on the side.

Fujimura Tachibana can cut the stakes with an ordinary katana, not only because of the strength of Fujimura Tachibana, but also because the katana is sharp enough and the shape is more suitable for cutting.The divine power shield is not like this. Although the edge of the shield is sharp, it forms an arc shape, so it is not a suitable shape for cutting.I thought it would be good to be able to cut a trace, but she saw that the wooden stake was completely cut into two pieces. Although the edge of the divine power shield was not as sharp as the monster sword village, it was also more than that of ordinary weapons. Sharpness, this shield is really not easy.

So she took the shield from her hand in surprise and looked at it carefully. At this time, she noticed a line of inconspicuous text inside the shield, which seemed to be Greek. Fujimura Tachibana spelled out the content of this line: "Dai Anna Prince?"

Author's message:

The shield is the side of Wonder Woman. It seems that the shields in BVS and Wonder Woman are different in appearance. I choose the shape inside Wonder Woman.

Chapter 446: The country needs your hue

"Section Chief Fujimura, the Prime Minister has been waiting for a long time."

"Thank you."

The Prime Minister’s secretary took Fujimura Tachibana to a courtyard, which is a corner of the Prime Minister’s residence.Beside Fujimura Tachibana are Lori and the queen daughter Pingna. Today, she will take the two to meet with the Prime Minister. In other words, Pingna is actually incidental. The prime minister's real purpose is to see Lori.

The Prime Minister was fishing in the pond at this time, and beside him was the Minister of Defense Hayada who Fujimura Tachibana knew.Fujimura Tachibana is a bit weird. Didn't he say to fight monsters?How can I fish with the Prime Minister here.However, he did not speak his doubts. When Fujimura Tachibana took the two to the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister saw the person who was coming, so he stood up with Hayata Shin and then said welcomingly: "Welcome to you, Fujimura, please. Up."

"You're welcome, Prime Minister!"

Say hello to the Prime Minister, Pingna and Lori also greeted hello in a different world, because this is not a formal meeting, there is no tedious diplomatic ceremony, and there is no need to meet in a serious conference room, so the atmosphere is still relatively relaxed.

"His Royal Highness Pingna, we have already met. This is the Holy Envoy Lolita Machuly. This is the first time we have met."

The Prime Minister stood up, then said:

"Because of your appearance, Japan has been under a lot of pressure."

Although the Prime Minister’s words seemed as relaxed as possible, he could feel that he was also very distressed. Sure enough, he immediately explained what happened recently.

"Eternal life...This is something that countless people in the world want to pursue. Japan is just a second-rate country in the world. Those first-class powers have put forward a lot of demands on me. Maybe I will one day. Why did you step down because of the scandal."

Hearing what the Prime Minister said, Lori also covered her mouth and said with a smile: "This is really troublesome, but I am also very interested in the soldiers of this world. The soldiers were very strong a few days ago. I also want to meet more of these soldiers. I am also surprised to say that a country as powerful as Japan is only a second-rate country on this planet. I am curious about what those first-class countries are like."

"There may be a chance, Saint McCully, as long as you want, you can visit any country in this world, I am afraid they will welcome you very much."

The Prime Minister shook his head and said that recently, countries all over the world are testing pressure on Japan. After all, it is immortality. This is an irresistible temptation for any country. Even many organizations in the world have created a lot for the purpose of studying immortality. mess.

For example, in order to study immortal drugs, the Black Organization has kidnapped, killed, and robbed people all over the world, and has become a criminal organization.The umbrella company created the T virus to study immortality. This virus caused more people to become zombies. Although the drug was finally developed, it was just a drug to restore the mind to the zombies, and it could not let them. Become human.

Now suddenly there is a person who can live forever. Although he is a divine envoy of a god in another world, what can perhaps be studied from her?Even if it can’t live forever, it’s good to increase the life span by one hundred and eighty years.However, this time it is rare for Japan to reject the requests of various countries. Even the request of the United States as the country of Japan's father was also rejected. After all, almost all the people in the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office were bombed to death, and the United States did not have the prime minister for a while. Able to get him down.

After joking, a group of people came to the small lake on the side at this time. At this time, the prime minister said the real purpose of the meeting.

"Under Saint Machuly, are you interested in building a church in Japan? A church belonging to the god of death and war?"

Lori was a little surprised when she heard the Prime Minister's words. Not only was she surprised, Ping Na was also surprised.During this period of contact, Lori and Pinna discovered that Japan is not a country with very strong religious beliefs. Many people do not believe in the existence of gods. Even some believers are not outdated believers, not mad believers. .

So suddenly I heard that the Prime Minister said that he was going to build a church of the god of death and war in Japan. Loli was a little surprised at first, but she soon realized that this is because Japan wants to let herself stay in Japan.

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