Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 276


In the past in Fuyuki City, Saber hadn't felt so old-fashioned. This time I found out that her character is really annoying, or her black Saber is more likable.So he ignored Saber with a cold face, and Fujimura Tachibana took out his notebook and put it on the table. There were still a few days before the meeting. Before that, Fujimura Tachibana had to investigate the situation of the black organization by the way.

"Xiko, where is Conan's plane?"

I agreed to Conan before and agreed that he and Xiao Ai came to the UK to investigate the black organization, but because the plane was not the same plane, Fujimura Tachibana had already reached the destination, but he and Hui Yuanai had not yet arrived.

"Master Orange, their plane is still in the air at this time and will arrive at the airport at 10pm GMT."

Kiko quickly told Fujimura Tachibana of the result of the query. After checking the time, there was still a lot of time before the plane landed. She was not in a hurry to pick up people at the airport, so Fujimura Tachibana turned on the computer and started a secret communication The software sends a message to a person, who is the cunning Shenya lurking inside the black organization in the Supernatural Investigation Headquarters.At this time, Motoko Kusanagi had handed the contact information of Shinya Cunning to Fujimura Tachibana. After she came to England, she needed to contact him to obtain more information about the black organization.And this communication software can block the intrusion of hackers, and it is very hidden and will not be discovered by anyone.

And not long after sending the message, Cunningly replied. At this time, he was also in London, England, and gave an address to Fujimura Tachibana. They agreed to meet in 30 minutes, so Fujimura Tachibana immediately checked it. time.

"I will arrive on time!"

After replying to Shinya Cunning, Fujimura Tachibana immediately turned around and began to check his suitcase.Putting the suitcase directly on the side table, after Fujimura Tachibana opened the suitcase, a shield appeared in front of him. This was the only weapon that Fujimura Tachibana could legally bring to the UK, or a self-defense item.Because British officials did not agree to bring guns or knives into the UK, but the shield was not restricted, so Fujimura Tachibana brought such a shield to the UK.

"This shield is very good."

When Fujimura Tachibana took out the shield and put it on the bed aside, Saber interrupted and said that he could see how extraordinary the shield was. Although Saber had no clear perception, he could still feel that the shield was no better than his own Excalibur. It's bad, that's why I said so.

"It's really good."

Speaking casually, then Fujimura Tachibana continued to choose a relatively low-key suit among the spare clothes. Fujimura Tachibana took off the suit directly and began to unbutton his shirt. Saber seemed a little worried.

"What are you going to do!"

He didn't notice the scene where Fujimura Tachibana selected a set of clothes, so he thought that Fujimura Tachibana was doing something to undress. Saber immediately became nervous, but Fujimura Tachibana did not answer. He just unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. After showing off her proud figure, Saber immediately saw the exciting picture. Why is her figure so good?

However, Fujimura Tachibana changed clothes very quickly. Saber didn’t even have time to turn around. Fujimura Tachibana changed into a school uniform and then a short skirt. At this time, Fujimura Tachibana was dressed in a British style. .

"Are you going out?"

Seeing Fujimura Tachibana's dress, she immediately understood her plan, so he said immediately, Fujimura Tachibana nodded.

"Yes, I am going to carry out the work, will you follow me?"

"I...Of course I want to follow!"

For one year's meal, she promised the black Saber to follow Fujimura Tachibana, so she immediately shouted, and Fujimura Tachibana took out a set of clothes directly from the suitcase and threw it over.

"Put it on!"

It was the same student uniform as Fujimura Tachibana. Fujimura Tachibana asked Saber to change it.The appearance of black hair is still too conspicuous in the UK. If you let the blond Saber follow him, you can better cover your identity, because after the two put on student uniforms, they are the same as female students in British universities. They are not easy to be suspected. .


Looking at the uniform in his hand, Saber hesitated, but when he thought of the money for the meal, Saber gritted his teeth, and then took the clothes into the bathroom. It seemed that Saber was still a little shy and did not dare to change clothes in front of Fujimura Tachibana.

Looking at Saber's appearance, Fujimura Tachibana's mouth was slightly raised, but her preparations were not over yet. She sat in front of the dressing table with an extra set of cosmetic contact lenses and cosmetics on her hand. Fujimura Tachibana still needs to continue to pretend to be herself .

"Is this all right?"

About a few minutes later, Saber came out of the bathroom and said that at this time she had put on the same student uniform as Fujimura Tachibana, but the skirt seemed a bit short to her, so Saber blushed a little, after all, it was a staid Girls rarely wear such short skirts.

"about there."

Already wearing a blue cosmetic contact lens, Fujimura Tachibana also put on a makeup that is full of student temperament. At this time, she has changed a lot compared to usual. Although she is still so beautiful, her temperament has changed.

"What are you? What are you doing?"

Saber immediately saw the changes in Fujimura Tachibana, and asked suspiciously.

"Although the probability is not high, it is better to be careful so as not to be recognized!"

Speaking to Saber, Fujimura Tachibana picked up his mobile phone.

"Guardian, I will leave temporarily and come back in 1 hour."

Reported her actions to the police inspector, He Sheng Yangzong immediately agreed, so Fujimura Tachibana put the phone in a small bag, and she took Saber's hand: "Then, let's go, classmate Altria , The two of us will be classmates, be careful not to get caught!"

As she said, she took Saber's hand and walked out the door, and Saber was stunned. When the reaction came back, she had been handed out.

Chapter 456: I will protect Britain!

On the streets of London, a blonde and a black-haired girl walked on the street holding hands, probably because they were too beautiful, so many people looked at them unconsciously, which also caused them There were many incidents of heads hitting telephone poles, falling into the sewers, or car hitting fire hydrants.

"I think it shouldn't be my fault."

Said to Saber next to him, Fujimura Tachibana was quite sure about this.Although Fujimura Tachibana is very beautiful and is called a national wife in Japan, she has never caused such confusion when she appeared in public in the past, because she is more attractive to beautiful girls than men.So the culprit is not himself, but Saber on the side, Fujimura Tachibana has already very confirmed.

"Is this my fault! This is impossible!"

Said very confidently, Saber also admitted that it was not her own behavior, but in fact she was a little frustrated, because she had noticed that although the eyes of the people around were looking at the two of them, in fact, if they were carefully distinguished, the men around His eyes are more focused on his body, what is going on?

"Don't worry, my king, the magic I put on you can help you not be affected by the charm magic, but it has such a small side effect."

Thinking of finding Merlin at that time, Merlin applied a magic trick to avoid being affected by Fujimura Tachibana's charm magic theory.But now it seems that this small side effect in Merlin's mouth is not that small.So he muttered to himself in a low voice, which made the Fujimura Tachibana hear something.

"what are you saying?"

"No, nothing! I just want to watch you!"

Saber immediately denied it with a stern face, and then stared at Fujimura Tachibana, and grasped Fujimura Tachibana's hand with a slight force, but Fujimura Tachibana felt that Saber's hand seemed to become a little wet, and she seemed to be nervous.After discovering this change, Fujimura Tachibana did not speak either, but continued to walk towards the destination with Saber.

"That's it."

As they reached their destination, Fujimura Tachibana and Saber came to an alleyway and entered the inside of the alley. Then she saw a black car parked aside. The person sitting in the car was Shinya, Fujimura. Tachibana walked directly to the black car, then knocked on the window, the car's door was unlocked, and Fujimura Tachibana and Saber got in the car immediately.

"You didn't say that there was one more person before. Is Chang Shouzhu okay recently?"

Kiyashin also saw Fujimura Tachibana and Saber sitting in the back row through the rearview mirror. Although it felt a little weird, the Fujimura Tachibana, who was dressed indistinguishable from a high school student, was the one who was connected to him, and he was also a Japanese policeman. The people who are the most prosperous in the world are hard to look directly at.

"Xiao Zhu has been very well recently, she already understands your situation."

At this time, the car had started, and Fujimura Tachibana looked at the changing scenery outside the window and said to Shinya Cunning. She was also looking at Shinya.At this time, the cunning Shen also did not differ from the clothes Fujimura Tachibana saw him for the first time. A black suit made him look handsome, but Fujimura Tachibana didn't like men.

"Why did the black organization come to the UK!"

Previously, Fujimura Tachibana obtained information that the Black Organization invested part of its funds in Europe, to be precise, in the United Kingdom, but at that time there was no large-scale arrival of members in Japan. However, as Fujimura Tachibana went to the United Kingdom for a meeting, she also I got news from Shinya Cunning that he also came to Japan.

"I don't know. At present, most of the members of the black organization are in the UK, and they are scattered all over the UK, but there are no instructions for the next step. They are currently on standby. This is the distribution that I know so far."

Cunning Shen also said that he brought a list from the side. It said that Gin and Vodka were in Scotland, Cunning Shenya and Belmod were in London, and the others were also all over the UK.I took a look at this list and didn't find any characteristics of these people's areas. If you want to say, they are all big cities. Does the black organization want to carry out terrorist attacks on Britain?And see that gin and vodka are in Scotland, and Scotland is the area where the 10th International Loch Ness Monster Exchange is located. Does this have anything to do with this meeting?

"Any news from Wesker?"

"No, after entering the organization, Wesker was very mysterious. There was very little news. The last photo I took was accidentally taken."

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