Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 278

Mao Lilan said embarrassedly. After all, Fujimura Tachibana was here for a meeting, and she needed her to pick up her party at the airport, so she hurriedly bowed and said, that is, when she bent down, Mao Lilan felt a burst of orange fragrance. Here, the orange fragrance is exactly the same as the orange fragrance that Molilan asked about Fujimura oranges in the past. It is inevitable that she felt a rush of heart, but when she was a little fascinated, she was pulled by her arm.

"Miss Maori, right? I'm Altria, let me take you to the hotel!"

Altria immediately noticed that Mo Lilan seemed to be affected by the orange fragrance of Fujimura Tachibana, so he immediately reached out and grabbed Mo Lilan by the arm, pulling her closer to him instead of getting too close to Fujimura Tachibana.

"Don't get too close to her, this guy is very emotional!"

He whispered to Maurilan, Altria's appearance was entirely an order.And Mao Lilan was a little stunned. What happened?

"I have booked a room. There are two rooms in total. Let's go."

Although Saber made a mess on the side, Fujimura Tachibana didn’t care. After speaking, he walked to the direction of the parking lot. A group of people immediately followed. Soon everyone got into the car, and Fujimura Tachibana put all the windows of the car Open it. After all, Mo Lilan is Kudo Shinichi's girlfriend, so don't make him green.

"This is the first time Xiaolan has come to London?"

After driving, Fujimura Tachibana asked Morilan, who was in the back row seemed to be a little immersed in the orange fragrance of Fujimura Tachibana just now, so she was a little distracted, but as Fujimura Tachibana asked, she hurriedly recovered. The answer was: "This is... the first time."

"Then, in the past few days, you should have a good time. I have found someone to accompany you. Remember to be optimistic about the children, especially Conan, and don't let him run around!"

While speaking, he looked at Conan who was sitting in the back row through the rearview mirror. Conan showed a helpless expression when he heard Fujimura Tachibana's words, because he was not here to play, but to investigate the black organization.Although he had promised that Fujimura Tachibana would not run around, it was clear that Fujimura Tachibana did not believe his words, and he actually did not intend to abide by this sentence.But when Fujimura Tachibana said that he was looking for someone to accompany them, Conan was a little worried, but he didn't know who would come. What if he was seen so badly?The black organization cannot investigate!

"I will look at the kids."

Mao Lilan said with a promised expression, and then the people in the car continued to chat, but Fujimura Tachibana stopped talking and drove the car into the hotel.


Seeing that the car was parked, Mao Lilan was about to get off, but before she could open the door, the door was opened, and then a blond, energetic girl appeared at the door of the car. This person was Mordre. Germany.

"Introduce myself, my name is Mordred, and my father asked me to be your tour guide these days, so please advise!"

Mordred said to Mo Lilan, and Mo Lilan looked at Fujimura Tachibana in surprise: "Father? You..."

Mo Lilan was a little confused for a while, what is going on, why does Fujimura Tachibana have a daughter?How old is she!

"My stepdaughter is not biological."

As if seeing Fujimura Tachibana's question, Fujimura Tachibana directly replied, and then glared at Mordred on the side.

"Pay attention to their safety, especially this kid, don't let him run around!"


Conan felt that he was being targeted.

Chapter 459: It's a suicide in Loch Ness

"Sergeant Fujimura! You are targeting me!"

In Fujimura Tachibana's room, Conan looked at her with a gritted expression, because he was seen so hard that he didn't have time to go out and investigate the black organization.Now when I came to Fujimura Tachibana’s room, I ran over while Morilan was taking a bath.

"This is the current information, you can read it if you want."

Although he did not like Conan that much, Conan’s IQ was very high, and he could find many traces that ordinary people could not find. So he gave the information obtained by Cunning Care to Conan. Conan who was still inquiring about the crime immediately changed his expression. I immediately took the information and checked it, and it seemed very serious.

"The Black Organization certainly has a purpose in the UK, but what purpose is it?"

Conan looked at the information and was very puzzled. He walked the members of the organization to various cities in the UK. It was obvious that this was not a casual decision, but a secret plan.But the current intelligence is too little. Although it may be suspected that the Black Organization will create an incident in the UK, but at this time it is still not sure what will happen, so Conan fell into thinking after seeing the information.

"And there must be a key place in so many things in it, so where is this key place?" Conan said, holding his chin with his fingers and walking back and forth. From the current point of view, it seems that there is no black organization. What the purpose is, but what he vaguely feels, he is thinking.

"Since I don't understand it, just think about it slowly. Tomorrow I will go to the Loch Ness region of Scotland for a meeting. Are you going to be in London or follow me?"

The 10th Loch Ness Monster Exchange will start the day after tomorrow, so Fujimura Tachibana will go to the meeting place tomorrow, which is Loch Ness in Scotland. So whether Conan is willing to follow or stay in London, Fujimura Tachibana is giving him a choice, not enough It is this sentence that makes Conan feel that he has figured it out.

"Yes! These people have problems with the Scottish branch!"

Conan said decisively, and then immediately took a map prepared by Fujimura Tachibana, and then filled in the list of personnel sent by Shenya Cunning into the cities on the map, and soon Fujimura Tachibana saw it. The names appeared on the map one by one, and she also saw what was wrong.

I saw on this map of the United Kingdom, the members of the black organization are distributed all over the United Kingdom. It seems that there is no regularity, but a closer look, in addition to Scotland, that is, England, Wales and Northern Ireland have several groups of black clothes. The member branch of the organization, but Scotland has only one group, that is, the combination of vodka and gin. This pair is not far from Loch Ness, while the other combinations are very far from Loch Ness.

"What kind of conference is Loch Ness? International conference?"

Conan was able to guess that Fujimura Tachibana was attending an international conference. After all, Fujimura Tachibana as a Japanese policeman came to a meeting near Loch Ness. It would not be a simple meeting, so he immediately looked at Fujimura Tachibana: "Yes. Tell me, what meeting is there?"

Conan saw that Fujimura Tachibana did not immediately answer, so he added another question. After hesitating for a while, Conan said: "There is a global meeting there. I cannot tell you the content of the meeting. This is a confidential matter, but I It can be confirmed that if the black organization wants to make trouble here, then they are asking for trouble."

The meeting here is an exchange meeting of the world's supernatural investigative agencies. Not only will there be British magicians who will protect it very strictly, but also the strong people will gather in the meeting.

Although I did not see the final list, Fujimura Tachibana can confirm that many strong representatives from various countries will participate in the meeting. By then, this may be the place where the world's supernatural powers gather most. Even if the fleet of aliens appears here, it may not be possible. To seek benefits, so thinking that the black organization might provoke the world's supernatural institutions, Fujimura Tachibana held a silent tribute to the black organization.

"But what are they going to do? And what purpose does Wesker have?"

Although there may be some speculations, Fujimura Tachibana still has no idea about the purpose of the black organization and Wesker.As a senior administrator of the umbrella company, Wesker has a large amount of information about the umbrella company. It is very likely that he has borrowed from the black organization to re-research and create a virus, but there is no trace of the T virus, so what are they going to do? ?So looking at Conan, Fujimura Tachibana needed some answers.

"I don't know, maybe there will be more clues when you get to Loch Ness!"

With that said, Conan looked at Fujimura Tachibana in his eyes full of expectation. After all, his entire schedule is in the hands of Fujimura Tachibana. If Fujimura Tachibana is unwilling, then he can only be seen by Mordred and cannot go to many places.So I hope Fujimura Tachibana can take him to Loch Ness, Fujimura Tachibana nodded slightly.

"Then that's it for today, Conan, you should go back to rest."

When he said that, he collected the clues in Conan's hand and put it aside. The door was knocked immediately, and the person who knocked on the door was naturally Mo Lilan.

After taking a bath, he found that Conan had disappeared. Morilan was immediately anxious, but found that Conan had come to the room boat of Fujimura Tachibana. Morilan was relieved, so he immediately said in a lesson tone: "Conan, I said that. , Don't run around, understand?"


Seeing Mao Lilan with a teaching attitude, Conan stretched his voice helplessly and said, "Why do you call his current body a child, and also lodged in Mao Lilan's home, Conan can only obey."

"Then, rest early, and we will leave for Scotland tomorrow."

When Mo Lilan was about to take Conan out of the room, Fujimura Tachibana shouted, Mo Lilan immediately agreed, and then dragged Conan back to his room.


Seeing that both of them had left the room, Fujimura Tachibana turned to look at Scotland on the map and said to himself, and then locked his gaze on a long and narrow lake, which was Loch Ness where the meeting was.

"I hope that nothing big will happen. Although there are many strong people here, if something happens, it will definitely be a big event."

Thinking of saying this in my heart, the door was opened again at this time:

"Nizi! Let me go, you go to another room to sleep, don't hold me!"

I saw Mordred hang on Saber and begged to sleep next to Fujimura Tachibana, but Saber sternly refused, and said that if Mordred entangled like this again, then Mordred would be driven out. Family, the relationship between mother and daughter is really good.

Chapter 460: The Nine and Three Quarters Platform

Because tomorrow is the time for the meeting to begin, today, Fujimura Tachibana and Hesheng Yangzong are going to Loch Ness to attend the meeting, but instead of going directly to Loch Ness, they first came to King's Cross Station in London, England.

"Welcome to His Majesty King Arthur, His Highness Mordred, and welcome friends from Japan."

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