Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 290

Standing up and asking Hermione, Fujimura Tachibana felt something was wrong with her appearance. What was the accident in her mouth?

"We found Wesker's trail, but we can't catch him!"

If the first half of Hermione's sentence surprised Fujimura Tachibana, then the second half of the sentence is a bit confused. Why can't it be caught?Has Wesk already traveled to other countries?

"Where is he?"

Asked Hermione, and Hermione immediately answered Fujimura Tachibana's question.

"Located on the Isle of Skye in northern Scotland, we found Wesker's trail through satellites. Just a few dozen minutes ago, he had just arrived on the Isle of Skye, and he still has not left on the Isle of Skye."

"Isle of Skye?"

Hearing this place, Fujimura Tachibana immediately thought of someone, and that was Skaha.Once taught by Skaha, Fujimura Tachibana’s weapon fighting skills were largely taught by Skaha, and at the end of the teaching, Skaha once told Fujimura Tachibana that after Fujimura Tachibana was strong enough, She can go to the Isle of Skye to find her.But let's not talk about Skarha, why did Hermione say that they can't catch Wesk?Isle of Skye belongs to the territory of the United Kingdom, and his strength is not very strong, at least not better than the plesiosaur infected by the T virus. The Ministry of Magic only needs to dispatch a group of Aurors to capture Wesk, or Say he ran away?

"Why can't you catch him? Did he run away?"

"No, he is still on the Isle of Skye, satellites and drones have been fixing his location, but we... I should say that the only person in the Ministry of Magic can go to Isle of Skye. No one else is allowed to set foot on Skye. The land of the island, otherwise it will be attacked by the queen above."

"Queen? Skaha!"

Hearing Hermione's words, Fujimura Tachibana immediately thought of Skaha. After all, Skaha has the title of Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows. Isn't the queen in Hermione's words Skaha?So he blurted out immediately, Fujimura Tachibana said Skaha's name, and Hermione also looked at Fujimura Tachibana unexpectedly: "Miss Fujimura, do you know Queen Skaha?"

Seeing Fujimura Tachibana nodding, Hermione seemed to have a hint of surprise on her face, but she still maintained a serious attitude and said, "Miss Fujimura, you also know that Britain can be said to be the center of magic in the world. Hogwarts, the Clock Tower and other organizations, and many more magical powers. Although some magic powers are not hostile to the Ministry of Magic, the Ministry of Magic cannot restrict their behavior. For example, Jewel Weng, Merlin, etc. There is also Queen Skaha. Queen Skaha lives on the Isle of Skye!"

When introducing the British magicians, Hermione said the name Merlin, and Saber on the side immediately looked over, because Merlin was regarded as Saber's teacher and was the task of Saber's era. He was still alive?Saber immediately thought of learning about Merlin, but saw Hermione talking to Fujimura Tachibana with a serious expression, and Saber held back.So in order to ease his curiosity, Saber picked up a dessert from the side and ate it. After a few bites, Saber ate several dumplings.

"Queen Skaha would only stay in its castle and never go out, but if she considers the Isle of Skye her territory, ordinary people will not attract her attention if she is a magician. , The wizard steps into the Isle of Skye, then she will be attacked by her. Finally, our Ministry of Magic and Queen Skaha reached an agreement that only the Minister of the Ministry of Magic can come to the Isle of Skye, and everyone else will be attacked. Her attack."

Hermione explained why the Auror could not be sent to the Isle of Skye to capture Wesker. This made Fujimura Tachibana aroused curiosity. What was the purpose of Scarha?Unable to think of a reason for a while, Fujimura Tachibana looked at Hermione again and asked, "So, what do I need to do? Do I need to go to the Isle of Skye together?"

"Yes, Miss Fujimura, if all goes well, I want to go with you to the Isle of Skye to capture Wesker, because you are not a British, and you will not necessarily be attacked by Queen Skaha on the Isle of Skye. , And even if Queen Skaha appears, I will bring you back."

Hermione said her thoughts, and Fujimura Tachibana could understand Hermione's plan, so he nodded in agreement, and Saber on the side immediately said, "I want to go too!"

"Your Majesty King Arthur, as a hero, you will also be attacked by Queen Skaha!"

Hermione offered a reason for objection, but Saber was not convinced. Instead, he raised his head slightly and said proudly: "I am Altria Pendragon! Miss Hermione, even if Scarha appears in me. In front of me, I would not think that I would lose! And I was entrusted to keep an eye on this scumbag, and..."

Saber didn't know whether it was jealous or warning in her tone at this time. She said to Hermione in front of her: "Miss Hermione, I don't worry about you being alone with her. This is very dangerous, very dangerous!"

Saber’s words made Hermione feel a sense of oppression. It seemed that she was caught in a certain dangerous vortex. She had become the Minister of Magic. She suddenly felt as if she had returned to more than 20 years ago when the wizarding world of England was Surrounded by the Dark Lord Voldemort, she was still a student at that time, and Voldemort put a lot of pressure on her, and at this time she felt no less pressure than it did, Hermione was suppressed.

"Saber, then let's go over together."

Standing silently between Saber and Hermione, Fujimura Tachibana said to Saber, and Hermione finally felt pressured at this time, seeing the Fujimura Tachibana in front of her, she smelled a scent of orange.

"It smells so good..."

Chapter 483: The bear child only I can fight!

The Isle of Skye is the largest and northernmost island in the Hebris Islands in Scotland. The largest town on the island is Portree, with a total population of only 2,000, making it a very small town.On weekdays, the residents of the island live on tourism and fishing.

Recently, probably because of the low season of tourism, there are not many pedestrians in the town, and everyone did not notice that there were three more people on the road.

"Your Majesty King Arthur, why must you be in the middle?"

Just using the spell to bring Saber and Fujimura Tachibana to the Isle of Skye, Hermione asked Saber strangely. When she was going to take the two to the Isle of Skye, she initially wanted to hold her The hand of Fujimura Tachibana, but Saber forcefully penetrated between the two. In the end, Hermione grabbed Saber's hand, and Saber grabbed Fujimura Tachibana's hand, and the three came to the Isle of Skye.

"Of course it is to prevent someone from doing something bothersome again!"

Saber said everything he was referring to, and when he spoke, he looked at Fujimura Tachibana, and it was obvious that she was referring to her.At this time Saber finally realized the pain of black Saber, this guy Fujimura Tachibana... is so sweet, it makes people want to stop!She mustn't let her bother anymore, otherwise she can only be imprisoned in the basement according to what Black Saber said, but does it violate the spirit of chivalry to keep people in the basement?Saber is thinking about this issue.

It seems to lock up a guy who is going to estrus and harm the girl. This is in line with the spirit of chivalry!Saber suddenly looked at Fujimura Tachibana on the side. She suddenly figured out something. It seemed that she wanted to discuss with the black Saber, should she cooperate?

"It's not in the spirit of chivalry to talk ill of others casually, Knight King!"

Maybe it felt Saber’s inner thoughts, or in response to what Saber said just now, Fujimura Tachibana spoke with a cold voice on the side of Saber’s body, but when he was speaking, Saber felt a burst of heat exhale to him Next to her ears, this was definitely Fujimura Tachibana deliberately, so she immediately turned her head seriously and looked at Fujimura Tachibana.

Hermione on the side watched the conversation between the two and showed performance. She was smart enough to see that the relationship between the two was not simple, and she also saw that Saber was probably jealous, and the object of jealousy turned out to be herself?This is incredible. After all, one is an 18-year-old girl, the other is the legendary King Arthur, and she is already 41 years old, a mother with two children, what is this and what!

"Your Majesty King Arthur, Miss Fujimura, let's go to Queen Skaha's castle!"

Probably not wanting to continue the entanglement in this bloody love triangle drama, Hermione took the initiative to speak, pointing to a mountain while speaking, "Queen Skaha’s castle is here, and the magic performed here is normal. People are inaccessible, but I have a token that Queen Skahar gave to our Ministry of Magic, so I can take you to her castle."

With that said, Hermione took the initiative to lead the way and walked ahead. This time Hermione moved a little away from Fujimura Tachibana. Although there was no clear answer, Hermione also felt that there seemed to be something in Fujimura Tachibana that was attracting her, otherwise she would not. May be unconsciously attracted to Fujimura Tachibana again and again.Along the way, Hermione could feel that Saber and Fujimura Tachibana were whispering behind her. Sometimes she could feel some slapstick aura, but she didn’t turn her head because she didn’t want to watch dog blood dramas, so she endured it. With the various voices of the two behind, Hermione had already reached the destination without knowing it. Skaha's castle was right in front of her, but because of the magic cover, everyone could not see it.

"Can feel some traces of magic."

Standing on the mountain road, although it looked like an ordinary forest in front of him, Fujimura Tachibana still felt the traces of magic. Then she saw Hermione take out something, which seemed to be a spell made of stone, and the spell There are some strange words on it. This kind of words are Rune words, which were seen by Fujimura Tachibana and Scarha when they were studying, otherwise she would not know these words.

After Hermione took out the spell, and as Hermione uttered a spell, the spell radiated a burst of light. The three immediately felt a magical power flowing around them. The magic enchantment that originally resisted the three's entry was immediately Changed, it seems to be welcoming the three.

"Your Majesty King Arthur, Miss Fujimura, we can enter Queen Skaha's castle."

Following Hermione's words, the three continued to follow the mountain road, and as the three passed through the barrier, the scene in front of the three immediately changed.Originally, there was a forest in front of the three of them, but the moment they passed through the enchantment, the forest disappeared, and a castle appeared in front of the three of them. This is Skaha's castle.

"Father, help!"

Just when Fujimura Tachibana noticed the castle, a familiar voice came over and immediately turned his head and looked over. Fujimura Tachibana noticed that Mordred was hung from a tree not far from him. on.

At this time, Mordred's hands and feet were tied back, and the rope was hung on the tree, while her armor and sword were thrown on the ground. It looked like she was hung on it after being disarmed.And at this time, Fujimura Tachibana noticed that the rope was not hung on a branch, but hung on a red spear. The spear pierced the trunk, and the rope was tied to the body of the spear. Skaha's usual spear, it is obvious that Mordred was hung on a tree by Skaha, but then the problem came.

"Saber, isn't Xiaomo on the aircraft carrier?"

"Huh? Xiao Mo didn't come back to Hogwarts with us!"

Saber and Fujimura Tachibana realized that they had ignored Mordred. If they hadn't come here, both of them might have forgotten Mordred.So how did she get here, and why was she caught by Skaha?Both of them have a lot of questions, but Saber is a little angry compared to these questions. Although she doesn't like Mordred that much, Mordred is still her own daughter. How could her daughter be so hung up? Too!Even if it is hanging, only oneself can hang it!

"Who lifted you up!"

Saber immediately asked Mordred loudly, and immediately took out her Excalibur, she was angry!

"It's me, I will teach you the bear kid!"

At this time a voice came from a distance.

Chapter 484: Fighting for the anger and the treasures

The master of the voice is Skaha. At this time Skaha walked out of the castle and walked in the direction of the four. Skaha's tone was not very good.

"Passing into someone else's territory without permission, I will teach this bear kid for you. It is already on your face without killing her, Altria Pendragon!"

Skaha recognized Saber's identity and spoke directly, taking out a red spear while speaking.

"If you want to avenge your daughter, then come!"

"This is what you said!"

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