Me, Japanese policewoman

Me, Japanese Policewoman Chapter 296

Fujimura Tachibana said immediately, Joan is not in her castle but in Paris, and things have changed so much. What is the reason?If you want to figure it out, you must go to Paris to find Joan!

So Fujimura Tachibana’s proposal immediately received everyone’s support, and the group decided not to rest, but immediately set off in the direction of Paris. If you don’t hurry, Jeanne may leave Paris again!

At this time, sailing boats were docked at the docks in Normandy, and tall knights walked off the sailing boats. These knights looked high-spirited, with an attitude of trying to level France.On the largest sailing ship, Black Saber walked down.At this time, the black Saber was wearing a jet black armor, a cloak on her back, and a crown on her head. She arrived as the king of Britain. At this time, the latest military situation was also sent by a knight. In her hands.

"Has Jeanne regained Paris?"

Seeing the news that Joan of Arc had regained Paris, Black Saber showed a sneer, seemingly disdainful, but with a hint of pampering faintly, she immediately ordered loudly: "Go to Paris! Goal, Joan, catch. Live her!"

Chapter 493: Tell Altria that her husband is here

"There are more and more flying dragons in the sky!"

Looking up and seeing a flying dragon flying across the sky, Fujimura Tachibana realized that this was the 47th flying dragon she had seen, but these flying dragons did not show any interest in the people on the ground, but continued to fly and flew towards Paris. Direction.

"The dragon witch Joan Alter, she should also control the dragon Fafner, Fafner is not easy to deal with. Speaking of which, how many times have we killed Fafner?"

Gudazi suddenly asked Matthew who was on the side curiously. Matthew seemed to be thinking about this, and even started to count it, but after counting for a long time, he did not count an accurate number. Every time he thought it was already. The count was clear, but immediately remembered in which world Fafner had been defeated, as if this dragon was just a cannon fodder.

"Have you killed Fafner many times? How strong is Fafner?"

Curiously asked, Fujimura Tachibana was also very curious about Gudazi's experience. Although he knew that Gudazi had experienced many worlds, she had never heard her truly tell how many worlds she had experienced. It seemed that her life was very exciting.

"Is Fafner? It is very strong, not worse than a top hero, every time it takes a few people to cooperate to defeat it!"

Although Fafner seems to be very strong, Fujimura Tachibana feels that the dragon in Gudazi's mouth seems to have become a little boss. Every time he goes through an adventure, he needs to pull Fafner out and hang it. There is no such thing as a dragon. The majesty.So they expressed their own opinions, and Gudazi and Matthew suddenly felt that this was indeed the case. They were clearly the legendary magic dragon, but they were defeated and killed by themselves over and over again. There was no such thing as majesty at all.

"Hey, why don't those flying dragons come down?"

Skaha said with a sigh at this time, her original purpose with Fujimura Tachibana was to train her and make her stronger.But after coming to this world, except for the first killing of some werewolves and a flying dragon without long eyes, there are no more battles. Is it going to go to Paris to fight with the army of Joan of Arc?Don't be kidding, she knows that Fujimura Tachibana's second wife is Joan of Arc Alter, she will beat his wife?Looking at the cold-faced Fujimura Tachibana, she remembered the previous scene of Fujimura Tachibana beating Mordred. Since it is possible to beat his daughter, it seems that beating his wife is not impossible?It really is a scum girl!

Skaha's divergent thinking gave Fujimura Tachibana the label of a scumbag, and Fujimura Tachibana probably felt that Skaha was looking at herself, and she also turned her head and looked at Skaha strangely. Skaha immediately Turned her head back to avoid her direct stare.

"This guy, don't you understand how serious the charm magic is on her!"

It has long been seen that Fujimura Tachibana has a very powerful charm magic, which will unconsciously attract different women.So Scarha has been using Luen magic to resist the charm of Fujimura Tachibana's body, but Gudako and Matthew have not.

When Gudazi first appeared, she could see that the relationship between Gudazi and Fujimura Tachibana was good, but Matthew was very wary of her attitude, after all, what Matthew liked was Gudazi.However, after getting along during this period of time, Skaha keenly felt that Marsho’s attitude towards Fujimura Tachibana had changed. Although it has not yet reached the point of being irreversible, if she continues to let her charm magic affect her, I am afraid Marsho will sooner or later. To fall, and oneself is dangerous.

Luen Magic can indeed resist the influence of charm magic, but this is not a perfect solution. If you look directly at Fujimura Tachibana, you will be affected more or less, so Skaha has always been walking low-key along the way. .

"Someone is approaching."

At this moment, Fujimura Tachibana suddenly said, her sixth sense discovered that there was a breath of about a hundred people in the distance, and approached in the direction where the four people were.From the breath point of view, these people are soldiers, so no matter what the purpose of the opponent is, Fujimura Tachibana reminded him that this is an army, not a bunch of rabbits.

After Fujimura Tachibana finished speaking, others also noticed the figure of the army that appeared in the distance, which was a complete light cavalry unit.

"Is it British?"

After this cavalry unit appeared, it seemed to have discovered the existence of four people, so immediately more than a dozen cavalry soldiers broke away from the large unit and ran in this direction, looking aggressive.However, Fujimura Tachibana was not worried about these cavalry. She said that she was curious about the flags played by these cavalry. This flag was not a French flag, but a British flag, but this flag was not the flag of the British royal family at this time. The logo is a familiar logo of Fujimura Tachibana-the logo of King Arthur.

In the manor of Fujimura Tachibana, the interior decoration of the manor is responsible for the black Saber, so the black Saber is naturally decorated according to her preferences, so she has placed items with the King Arthur logo in many places in the castle, so Fujimura Tachibana Very familiar with this sign.Suddenly seeing the logo on these British flags is the logo of King Arthur, Fujimura Tachibana immediately felt that things had changed dramatically, why did the logo of King Arthur appear here!

The age of Joan of Arc was in the 15th century, and the age of King Arthur was about 1,000 years earlier than that of Joan of Arc. At this time, Britain did not know how many royal families had changed. How could there be a symbol of King Arthur?At first I thought it was a mistake. Fujimura Tachibana carefully looked at the sign on the banner. She didn't read it wrong. This is the sign of Black Saber!And as the cavalry approached, Fujimura Tachibana heard the cavalry shouting: "According to His Majesty King Arthur's order, French, surrender or die!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing these words, Fujimura Tachibana chuckled coldly. This disdainful voice was heard by these cavalrymen, which caused their dissatisfaction.

"You are disrespectful to His Majesty King Arthur!"

"Heh, let Altria come over and tell her her husband is here!"

Fujimura Tachibana's voice was full of mockery and said, the next second an arrow appeared in front of Fujimura Tachibana, but the arrow was clamped by Fujimura Tachibana with his index and middle fingers, unable to move forward half a step.


The soldier who had just shot the arrow was still surprised that Fujimura Tachibana had caught his arrow. The squad on the side decisively gave the order, and the cavalry squad immediately charged the four.

"Let me warm up!"

With that, Fujimura Tachibana took off the spear and the supernatural shield behind him, and looked at the cavalry who was rushing towards him at high speed. Fujimura Tachibana didn't feel any fear.

Chapter 494: I'm going to say, old lady!

If Fujimura Tachibana is to describe the strength of these cavalry, Fujimura Tachibana's description is very strong.Although it looks like a soldier of ordinary people, it is stronger at best.But after fighting, she found that both the strength and response of these cavalrymen were stronger than ordinary people, and the strength was not one or two points, at least three or four times stronger.

If Fujimura Tachibana does not activate the enhanced magic, Fujimura Tachibana’s strength and reaction speed are all top human levels, but the physical fitness of these soldiers is not much worse than Fujimura Tachibana. Fujimura Tachibana can only defeat them by relying on enhanced magic.

"A lot stronger than those werewolves!"

After defeating the soldiers who attacked him, he said to the people around him that Matthew and Gudazi had also defeated the soldiers who attacked them, and the soldiers who fell to the ground were all wailing.

"It is indeed stronger than the soldiers we defeated in the past!"

Matthew also commented that they had also encountered ancient soldiers in the past, but those ancient soldiers were only at the level of ordinary people and did not have such powerful strength. Such strength was comparable to some fantasy species.But this is not a good time to study these things, because in addition to these more than a dozen soldiers, there is a whole centurion team not far away. After discovering that the sent squad was defeated, the centurion team immediately adjusted its direction. And put on an offensive posture.

There was no previous despise of Fujimura Tachibana and others. Although they were a hundred people, they still regarded Fujimura Tachibana as opponents of the same level. These cavalry began to line up to form a formation.

In fact, not all of these cavalry are true cavalry. Some of them are actually infantry on horseback. So some people immediately took off their longbows after dismounting. These people are all famous British longbowmen. .After dismounting, the longbowmen immediately drew their bows and shot arrows. Fujimura Tachibana saw dense arrows shooting towards the area where they were standing, but Matthew appeared in front of everyone.

I saw that Matthew erected the cross shield in his hand on the ground, a luminous cross shield appeared in front of everyone, and the arrow that fell on everyone was blocked immediately after it fell on the shield, and it made a click. the sound of.


However, in addition to the bow and arrow threat, the British cavalry's charge has also arrived. These cavalry have bypassed Matthew's shield and swung their swords at everyone, but the women present were not ordinary people.

Two heroic spirits, a master with strange power, and an open Fujimura Tachibana, the four of them did not worry about the charge of the cavalry, and even Skaha could give Fujimura Tachibana during the battle.

I saw Skaha picking down a clear cavalry while still watching Fujimura Tachibana’s fighting posture and shouting: “If you encounter an opponent with the same strength as you, you may be knocked down just now. Can attack his horse."

"This person can put his body shorter to avoid attacks better."

"The angle at which you avoid the attack is too great. If the opponent adjusts the attack range, you will be hit. You can..."

"Your shield! Use your shield!"


Every time Fujimura Tachibana defeats an enemy, Skaha will say something, as if every movement of Fujimura Tachibana is full of mistakes, but what she said is indeed right. The martial arts of Fujimura Tachibana at the peak of humanity is nothing in front of the heroic spirits. Under the guidance of Skaha, although it is still a trick to solve an enemy, Fujimura Tachibana feels that his battle seems to be smoother, as if driving a normal car or a sports car can surpass a biker, but two The feeling of the reader is completely different.

"The enemy is still too weak, the meaning of training is average."

Just after Fujimura Tachibana threw the spear as a spear and nailed the last enemy to the ground, Skaha looked at the British soldiers on the ground with a disappointed expression. No matter how many ordinary people together, it is impossible to be a hero. The opponent, so although you can give advice on Fujimura Tachibana’s combat skills, it is not very useful for enhancing Fujimura Tachibana’s strength.

"You still need to let you fight against stronger people!"

Scarha muttered to himself, and then pointed the spear in his hand to a British soldier who was knocked down instead of being killed and said: "You, go back and tell your King Arthur, tell her, let her Obediently wait for death!"

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